Update invitation system to keep track of the number that have been invited and not allow the school to invite more than they are allowed
Update the schools editor, to allow specifying the max number of projects and whether the max is total for the school, or per age category
Add required fields to the schools table
Update the config variable for special awards registration to allow turning special awards registration off
Open - Anyone can register.
Single password - Same password for all schools, they tell the
students that will register what the password is.
School password - One password per school, they tell the students
that will register what the password is. School is
pre-selected based on their school password. This will allow
eventually the ability to restrict participation numbers on
a per school basis
Invite - The teachers at the schools must 'invite' the students
to register by logging in as the school and creating
accounts for each student. The student then logs in and
finishes entering all of their information. This will allow
eventually the ability to restrict participation numbers on
a per school basis
Bump version number (0.9.3-svn)
also updated DB version 7 to include the language entries
also update common.inc.php to make sure install3 is installed (make sure there's entries in the config table!)
The config and dates pages now need to be updated to read defaults, and insert new config parameters as FAIRYEAR if they dont exist already
Bumped version to 7
1) add (preliminary) special awards nominations for students
2) add css right-margin to summarytable class
3) add new table for projets-specialawards-link
4) move projects.inc.php from admin/ to / (so particpant registration can use it)
judging for. Can now auto-create judging teams based on awards list (one team per award).
db bumped to v6
moved judges_teams to judges_teams_members
judges_teams is now the new interface