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Experience the Science Sensation

Science-ation is the new development initiative that seeks to bring back to life the venerable Science Fair in a Box (SFIAB) project. AlgoLibre is grateful to James Grant and Lightbox Technologies for their foundational work and look forward to the next chapter of the project!

This work is initiated by AlgoLibre Inc. with the foundational support of Sudbury Regional Science Fair (SRSF).

Please send inquiries and communications to contact@science-ation.ca or science-ation@algolibre.io.

AlgoLibre Inc. wishes to thank the entire committee of the SRSF and Leo Racette, Muad Sakah, and Armanveer Gill who are contributing to make this project a reality. Join us as we make this a reality!

Here is the original description of SFIAB:

The "Science Fair in a Box" (SFIAB) project provides regions hosting a science fair with a complete and comprehensive package that can be used to assist in the implementation and running of the fair. The SFIAB provides a web based application to facilitate all areas of running a science fair such as online registration for the participants, judges, sponsor management, judge scheduling and awards management.

The SFIAB is implemented using open-source tools wherever possible, creating a truly open and customizable product that fairs can modify to suit their needs. However, SFIAB contain enough configuration options to allow fairs to use the system without any modifications to the underlying codebase. SFIAB is developed using PHP, with MySQL as the backend database. Other database backends could be supported in the future. All reports are created in print-ready PDF format to ensure cross-platform compatibility where applicable and also available to export as a CSV to external applications.

All text in SFIAB is internationalized to allow the use of the system in any language. 'Language Packs' will be available in other language once translations are complete. (If you'd like to assist in translation, contact us!)

SFIAB is the most advanced, most comprehensive Science Fair Software in the world, and is used by many science fairs spread across many different countries!

Thank you to our founding members

AlgoLibre Inc.