forked from science-ation/science-ation

- A working bare-bones letter generator. Not done (no variable substitutions yet), but it does work.
1142 lines
46 KiB
Executable File
1142 lines
46 KiB
Executable File
4.8.009 (2009-09-30)
- Compatibility with PHP 5.3 was improved.
- All examples were updated.
- Index file for examples was added.
4.8.008 (2009-09-29)
- Example 49 was updated.
- Underline and linethrough now works with cell stretching mode.
4.8.007 (2009-09-23)
- Infinite loop problem caused by nobr attribute was fixed.
4.8.006 (2009-09-23)
- Bug item #2864522 "No images if DOCUMENT_ROOT=='/'" was fixed.
- Support for text-indent CSS attribute was added.
- Method rollbackTransaction() was changed to support self-reassigment of previous object (check source code documentation).
- Support for the HTML "nobr" attribute was added to avoid splitting a table or a table row on two pages (i.e.: <tr nobr="true">...</tr>).
4.8.005 (2009-09-17)
- A bug relative to multiple transformations and annotations was fixed.
4.8.004 (2009-09-16)
- A bug on _putannotsrefs() method was fixed.
4.8.003 (2009-09-15)
- Bug item #2858754 "Division by zero" was fixed.
- A bug relative to HTML list items was fixed.
- A bug relative to form fields on multiple pages was fixed.
- PolyLine() method was added (see example n. 12).
- Signature of Polygon() method was changed.
4.8.002 (2009-09-12)
- A problem related to CID-0 fonts offset was fixed: if the $cw[1] entry on the CID-0 font file is not defined, then a CID keys offset is introduced.
4.8.001 (2009-09-09)
- The appearance streams (AP) for anotations form fields was fixed (see examples n. 14 and 54).
- Radiobuttons were fixed.
4.8.000 (2009-09-07)
- This version includes some support for Forms fields (see example n. 14) and XHTML forms (see example n. 54).
- The following methods were changed to work without JavaScript: TextField(), RadioButton(), ListBox(), ComboBox(), CheckBox(), Button().
- Support for Widget annotations was improved.
- Alignment of annotation objects was fixed (examples 36 and 41 were updated).
- addJavascriptObject() method was added.
- Signature of Image() method was changed.
- htmlcolors.php file was updated.
4.7.003 (2009-09-03)
- Support for TCPDF methods on HTML was improved (see example n. 49).
4.7.002 (2009-09-02)
- Bug item #2848892 "writeHTML + table: Gaps between rows" was fixed.
- JavaScript support was fixed (see example n. 53).
4.7.001 (2009-08-30)
- The Polygon() and Arrow() methods were fixed and improved (see example n. 12).
4.7.000 (2009-08-29)
- This is a major release.
- Some procedures were internally optimized.
- The problem of mixed signature and annotations was fixed (example n. 52).
4.6.030 (2009-08-29)
- IMPORTANT: percentages on table cell widths are now relative to the full table width (as in standard HTML).
- Various minor bugs were fixed.
- Example n. 52 (digital signature) was updated.
4.6.029 (2009-08-26)
- PHP4 version was fixed.
4.6.028 (2009-08-25)
- Signature algorithm was finally fixed (see example n. 52).
4.6.027 (2009-08-24)
- TCPDF now supports unembedded TrueTypeUnicode Fonts (just comment the $file entry on the fonts' php file.
4.6.026 (2009-08-21)
- Bug #2841693 "Problem with MultiCell and ishtml and justification" was fixed.
- Signature functions were improved but not yet fixed (tcpdf.crt and example n. 52 were updated).
4.6.025 (2009-08-17)
- Carriage returns (\r) were removed from source code.
- Problem related to set_magic_quotes_runtime() depracated was fixed.
4.6.024 (2009-08-07)
- Bug item #2833556 "justification using other units than mm" was fixed.
- Documentation was fixed/updated.
4.6.023 (2009-08-02)
- Bug item #2830537 "MirrorH can show mask for transparent PNGs" was fixed.
4.6.022 (2009-07-24)
- A bug relative to single line printing when using WriteHTMLCell() was fixed.
- Signature support were improved but is still experimental.
- Fonts Free and Dejavu were updated to latest versions.
4.6.021 (2009-07-20)
- Bug item #2824015 "XHTML Ampersand & in hyperlink bug" was fixed.
- Bug item #2824036 "Image as hyperlink in table, text displaced at page break" was fixed.
- Links alignment on justified text was fixed.
- Unicode "\u" modifier was added to re_spaces variable by default.
4.6.020 (2009-07-16)
- Bug item #2821921 "issue in example 18" was fixed.
- Signature of SetRTL() method was changed.
4.6.019 (2009-07-13)
- Bug item #2820703 "xref table broken" was fixed.
4.6.018 (2009-07-10)
- Bug item #2819319 "Text over text" was fixed.
- Method Arrow() was added to print graphic arrows (example 12 was updated).
4.6.017 (2009-07-05)
- Bug item #2816079 "Example 48 not working" was fixed.
- The signature of the checkPageBreak() was changed. The parameter $addpage was added to turn off the automatic page creation.
4.6.016 (2009-06-16)
- Method setSpacesRE() was added to set the regular expression used for detecting withespaces or word separators. If you are using chinese, try: setSpacesRE('/[\s\p{Z}\p{Lo}]/');, otherwise you can use setSpacesRE('/[\s\p{Z}]/');
- The method _putinfo() now automatically fills the metadata with '?' in case of empty string.
4.6.015 (2009-06-11)
- Bug #2804667 "word wrap bug" was fixed.
4.6.014 (2009-06-04)
- Bug #2800931 "Table thead tag bug" was fixed.
- A bug related to <pre> tag was fixed.
4.6.013 (2009-05-28)
- List bullets position was fixed for RTL languages.
4.6.012 (2009-05-23)
- setUserRights() method doesn't work anymore unless you call the setSignature() method with the Adobe private key!
4.6.011 (2009-05-18)
- Signature of the Image() method was changed to include the new $fitbox parameter (see source code documentation).
4.6.010 (2009-05-17)
- Image() method was improved: now is possible to specify the maximum dimensions for a constraint box defined by $w and $h parameters, and setting the $resize parameter to null.
- <tcpdf> tag indent problem was fixed.
- $y parameter was added to checkPageBreak() method.
- Bug n. 2791773 "writeHTML" was fixed.
4.6.009 (2009-05-13)
- xref table for embedded files was fixed.
4.6.008 (2009-05-07)
- setSignature() method was improved (but is still experimental).
- Example n. 52 was added.
4.6.007 (2009-05-05)
- Bug #2786685 "writeHtmlCell and <br /> in custom footer" was fixed.
- Table header repeating bug was fixed.
- Some newlines and tabs are now automatically removed from HTML strings.
4.6.006 (2009-04-28)
- Support for "<a name="...">...</a>" was added.
- By default TCPDF requires PCRE Unicode support turned on but now works also without it (with limited ability to detect some Unicode blank spaces).
4.6.005 (2009-04-25)
- Points (pt) conversion in getHTMLUnitToUnits() was fixed.
- Default tcpdf.pem certificate file was added.
- Experimental support for signing document was added but it is not yet completed (some help is needed - I think that the calculation of the ByteRange is OK and the problem is on the signature calculation).
4.6.004 (2009-04-23)
- Method deletePage() was added to delete pages (see example n. 44).
4.6.003 (2009-04-21)
- The caching mechanism of the UTF8StringToArray() method was fixed.
4.6.002 (2009-04-20)
- Documentation of rollbackTransaction() method was fixed.
- The setImageScale() and getImageScale() methods now set and get the adjusting parameter used by pixelsToUnits() method.
- HTML images now support other units of measure than pixels (getHTMLUnitToUnits() is now used instead of pixelsToUnits()).
- WARNING: PDF_IMAGE_SCALE_RATIO has been changed by default to 1.
4.6.001 (2009-04-17)
- Spaces between HTML block tags are now automatically removed.
- The bug related to cMargin changes between tables was fixed.
4.6.000 (2009-04-16)
- WARNING: THIS VERSION CHANGES THE BEHAVIOUR OF $x and $y parameters for several TCPDF methods:
zero coordinates for $x and $y are now valid coordinates;
set $x and $y as empty strings to get the current value.
- Some error caused by 'empty' funtion were fixed.
- Default color for convertHTMLColorToDec() method was changed to white and the return value for invalid color is false.
- HTML on footer bug was fixed.
- The following examples were fixed: 5,7,10,17,19,20,21,33,42,43.
4.5.043 (2009-04-15)
- Barcode class (barcode.php) was extended to include new linear barcode types (see example n. 27):
C39 : CODE 39 - ANSI MH10.8M-1983 - USD-3 - 3 of 9
C39+ : CODE 39 with checksum
C93 : CODE 93 - USS-93
S25 : Standard 2 of 5
S25+ : Standard 2 of 5 + CHECKSUM
I25 : Interleaved 2 of 5
I25+ : Interleaved 2 of 5 + CHECKSUM
C128A : CODE 128 A
C128B : CODE 128 B
C128C : CODE 128 C
EAN2 : 2-Digits UPC-Based Extention
EAN5 : 5-Digits UPC-Based Extention
EAN8 : EAN 8
EAN13 : EAN 13
MSI : MSI (Variation of Plessey code)
MSI+ : MSI + CHECKSUM (modulo 11)
RMS4CC : RMS4CC (Royal Mail 4-state Customer Code) - CBC (Customer Bar Code)
KIX : KIX (Klant index - Customer index)
IMB: Intelligent Mail Barcode - Onecode - USPS-B-3200 (NOTE: requires BCMath PHP extension)
CODE11 : CODE 11
4.5.042 (2009-04-15)
- Method Write() was fixed for the strings containing only zero value.
4.5.041 (2009-04-14)
- Barcode methods were fixed.
4.5.040 (2009-04-14)
- Method Write() was fixed to handle empty strings.
4.5.039 (2009-04-11)
- Support for linear barcodes was extended (see example n. 27 and barcodes.php documentation).
4.5.038 (2009-04-10)
- Write() method was improved to support separators for Japanese, Korean, Chinese Traditional and Chinese Simplified.
4.5.037 (2009-04-09)
- General performances were improved.
- The signature of the method utf8Bidi() was changed.
- The method UniArrSubString() was added.
- Experimental support for 2D barcodes were added (see example n. 50 and 2dbarcodes.php class).
4.5.036 (2009-04-03)
- TCPDF methods can be called inside the HTML code (see example n. 49).
- All tag attributes, such as <p align="center"> must be enclosed within double quotes.
4.5.035 (2009-03-28)
- Bug #2717436 "writeHTML rowspan problem (continued)" was fixed.
- Bug #2719090 "writeHTML fix follow up" was fixed.
- The method _putuserrights() was changed to avoid Adobe Reader 9.1 crash. This broken the 'trick' that was used to display forms in Acrobat Reader.
4.5.034 (2009-03-27)
- Bug #2716914 "Bug writeHTML of a table in body and footer related with pb" was fixed.
- Bug #2717056 ] "writeHTML problem when setting tr style" was fixed.
- The signature of the Cell() method was changed.
4.5.033 (2009-03-27)
- The support for rowspan/colspan on HTML tables was improved (see example n. 48).
4.5.032 (2009-03-23)
- setPrintFooter(false) bug was fixed.
4.5.031 (2009-03-20)
- Table header support was extended to multiple pages.
4.5.030 (2009-03-20)
- thead tag is now supported on HTML tables (header rows are repeated after page breaks).
- The startTransaction() was improved to autocommit.
- List bullets now uses the foreground color (putHtmlListBullet()).
4.5.029 (2009-03-19)
- The following methods were added to UNDO commands (see example 47): startTransaction(), commitTransaction(), rollbackTransaction().
- All examples were updated.
4.5.028 (2009-03-18)
- Bug #2690945 "List Bugs" was fixed.
- HTML text alignment on lists was fixed.
- The constant PDF_FONT_MONOSPACED was added to the configuration file to define the default monospaced font.
- The following methods were fixed: getPageWidth(), getPageHeight(), getBreakMargin().
- All examples were updated.
4.5.027 (2009-03-16)
- Method getPageDimensions() was added to get page dimensions.
- The signature of the following methos were changed: getPageWidth(), getPageHeight(), getBreakMargin().
- _parsepng() method was fixed for PNG URL images (fread bug).
4.5.026 (2009-03-11)
- Bug #2681793 affecting URL images with spaces was fixed.
4.5.025 (2009-03-10)
- A small bug affecting hyphenation support was fixed.
- The method SetDefaultMonospacedFont() was added to define the default monospaced font.
4.5.024 (2009-03-07)
- The bug #2666493 was fixed "Footer corrupts document".
4.5.023 (2009-03-06)
- The bug #2666688 was fixed "Rowspan in tables".
4.5.022 (2009-03-05)
- The bug #2659676 was fixed "refer to #2157099 test 4 < BR > problem still not fixed".
- addTOC() function bug was fixed.
4.5.020 (2009-03-03)
- The following bug was fixed: "function removeSHY corrupts unicode".
4.5.019 (2009-02-28)
- The problem of decimal separator using different locale was fixed.
- The text hyphenation is now supported (see example n. 46).
4.5.018 (2009-02-26)
- The _destroy() method was added to unset all class variables and frees memory.
- Now it's possible to call Output() method multiple times.
4.5.017 (2009-02-24)
- A minor bug that raises a PHP warning was fixed.
4.5.016 (2009-02-24)
- Bug item #2631200 "getNumLines() counts wrong" was fixed.
- Multiple attachments bug was fixed.
- All class variables are now cleared on Output() for memory otpimization.
4.5.015 (2009-02-18)
- Bug item #2612553 "function Write() must not break a line on character" was fixed.
4.5.014 (2009-02-13)
- Bug item #2595015 "POSTNET Barcode Checksum Error" was fixed (on barcode.php).
- Pagebreak bug for barcode was fixed.
4.5.013 (2009-02-12)
- border attribute is now supported on HTML images (only accepts the same values accepted by Cell()).
4.5.012 (2009-02-12)
- An error on image border feature was fixed.
4.5.011 (2009-02-12)
- HTML links for images are now supported.
- height attribute is now supported on HTML cells.
- $border parameter was added to Image() and ImageEps() methods.
- The method getNumLines() was added to estimate the number of lines required for the specified text.
4.5.010 (2009-01-29)
- Bug n. 2546108 "BarCode Y position" was fixed.
4.5.009 (2009-01-26)
- Bug n. 2538094 "Empty pdf file created" was fixed.
4.5.008 (2009-01-26)
- setPage() method was fixed to correctly restore graphic states.
- Source code was cleaned up for performances.
4.5.007 (2009-01-24)
- checkPageBreak() and write1DBarcode() methods were fixed.
- Source code was cleaned up for performances.
- barcodes.php was updated.
4.5.006 (2009-01-23)
- getHTMLUnitToPoints() method was replaced by getHTMLUnitToUnits() to fix HTML units bugs.
4.5.005 (2009-01-23)
- Page closing bug was fixed.
4.5.004 (2009-01-21)
- The access of convertHTMLColorToDec() method was changed to public
- Fixed bug on UL tag.
4.5.003 (2009-01-19)
- Fonts on different folders are now supported.
4.5.002 (2009-01-07)
- addTOC() function was improved (see example n. 45).
4.5.001 (2009-01-04)
- The signature of startPageGroup() function was changed.
- Method Footer() was improved to automatically print page or page-group number (see example n. 23).
- Protected method formatTOCPageNumber() was added to customize the format of page numbers on the Table Of Content.
- The signature of addTOC() was changed to include the font used for page numbers.
4.5.000 (2009-01-03)
- A new $diskcache parameter was added to class constructor to enable disk caching and reduce RAM memory usage (see example n. 43).
- The method movePageTo() was added to move pages to previous positions (see example n. 44).
- The methods getAliasNumPage() and getPageNumGroupAlias() were added to get the alias for page number (needed when using movepageTo()).
- The methods addTOC() was added to print a Table Of Content (see example n. 45).
- Imagick class constant was removed for better compatibility with PHP4.
- All existing examples were updated and new examples were added.
4.4.009 (2008-12-29)
- Examples 1 and 35 were fixed.
4.4.008 (2008-12-28)
- Bug #2472169 "Unordered bullet size not adjusted for unit type" was fixed.
4.4.007 (2008-12-23)
- Bug #2459935 "no unit conversion for header line" was fixed.
- Example n. 42 for image alpha channel was added.
- All examples were updated.
4.4.006 (2008-12-11)
- Method setLIsymbol() was changed to reflect latest changes in HTML list handling.
4.4.005 (2008-12-10)
- Bug item #2413870 "ordered list override value" was fixed.
4.4.004 (2008-12-10)
- The protected method getHTMLUnitToPoints() was added to accept various HTML units of measure (em, ex, px, in, cm, mm, pt, pc, %).
- The method intToRoman() was added to convert integer number to Roman representation.
- Support fot HTML lists was improved: the CSS property list-style-type is now supported.
4.4.003 (2008-12-09)
- Bug item #2412147 "Warning on line 3367" was fixed.
- Method setHtmlLinksStyle() was added to set default HTML link colors and font style.
- Method addHtmlLink() was changed to use color and style defined on the inline CSS.
4.4.002 (2008-12-09)
- Borders on Multicell() were fixed.
- Problem of Multicell() on Header function (Bug item #2407579) was fixed.
- Problem on graphics tranformations applied to Multicell() was fixed.
- Support for ImageMagick was added.
- Width calculation for nested tables was fixed.
4.4.001 (2008-12-08)
- Some missing core fonts were added on fonts directory.
- CID0 fonts rendering was fixed.
- HTML support was improved (<pre> and <tt> tags are now supported).
- Bug item #2406022 "Left padding bug in MultiCell with maxh" was fixed.
4.4.000 (2008-12-07)
- File attachments are now supported (see example n. 41).
- Font functions were optimized to reduce document size.
- makefont.php was updated.
- Linux binaries were added on /fonts/utils
- All fonts were updated.
- $autopadding parameter was added to Multicell() to disable automatic padding features.
- $maxh parameter was added to Multicell() and Write() to set a maximum height.
4.3.009 (2008-12-05)
- Bug item #2392989 (Custom header + setlinewidth + cell border bug) was fixed.
4.3.008 (2008-12-05)
- Bug item #2390566 "rect bug" was fixed.
- File path was fixed for font embedded files.
- SetFont() method signature was changed to include the font filename.
- Some font-related methods were improved.
- Methods getFontFamily() and getFontStyle() were added.
4.3.007 (2008-12-03)
- PNG alpha channel is now supported (GD library is required).
- AddFont() function now support custom font file path on $file parameter.
- The default width variable ($dw) is now always defined for any font.
- The 'Style' attribute on CID-0 fonts was removed because of protection bug.
4.3.006 (2008-12-01)
- A regular expression on getHtmlDomArray() to find HTML tags was fixed.
4.3.005 (2008-11-25)
- makefont.php was fixed.
- Bug item #2339877 was fixed (false loop condition detected on WriteHTML()).
- Bug item #2336733 was fixed (lasth value update on Multicell() when border and fill are disabled).
- Bug item #2342303 was fixed (automatic page-break on Image() and ImageEPS()).
4.3.004 (2008-11-19)
- Function _textstring() was fixed (bug 2309051).
- All examples were updated.
4.3.003 (2008-11-18)
- CID-0 font bug was fixed.
- Some functions were optimized.
- Function getGroupPageNoFormatted() was added.
- Example n. 23 was updated.
4.3.002 (2008-11-17)
- Bug item #2305518 "CID-0 font don't work with encryption" was fixed.
4.3.001 (2008-11-17)
- Bug item #2300007 "download mimetype pdf" was fixed.
- Double quotes were replaced by single quotes to improve PHP performances.
- A bug relative to HTML cell borders was fixed.
4.3.000 (2008-11-14)
- The function setOpenCell() was added to set the top/bottom cell sides to be open or closed when the cell cross the page.
- A bug relative to list items indentation was fixed.
- A bug relative to borders on HTML tables and Multicell was fixed.
- A bug relative to rowspanned cells was fixed.
- A bug relative to html images across pages was fixed.
4.2.009 (2008-11-13)
- Spaces between li tags are now automatically removed.
4.2.008 (2008-11-12)
- A bug relative to fill color on next page was fixed.
4.2.007 (2008-11-12)
- The function setListIndentWidth() was added to set custom indentation widht for HTML lists.
4.2.006 (2008-11-06)
- A bug relative to HTML justification was fixed.
4.2.005 (2008-11-06)
- A bug relative to HTML justification was fixed.
- The methods formatPageNumber() and PageNoFormatted() were added to format page numbers.
- Default Footer() method was changed to use PageNoFormatted() instead of PageNo().
- Example 6 was updated.
4.2.004 (2008-11-04)
- Bug item n. 2217039 "filename handling improvement" was fixed.
4.2.003 (2008-10-31)
- Font style bug was fixed.
4.2.002 (2008-10-31)
- Bug item #2210922 (htm element br not work) was fixed.
- Write() function was improved to support margin changes.
4.2.001 (2008-10-30)
- setHtmlVSpace($tagvs) function was added to set custom vertical spaces for HTML tags.
- writeHTML() function now support margin changes during execution.
- Signature of addHTMLVertSpace() function is changed.
4.2.000 (2008-10-29)
- htmlcolors.php was changed to support class-loaders.
- ImageEps() function was improved in performances.
- Signature of Link() And Annotation() functions were changed.
- (Bug item #2198926) Links and Annotations alignment were fixed (support for geometric tranformations was added).
- rowspan mode for HTML table cells was improved and fixed.
- Booklet mode for double-sided pages was added; see SetBooklet() function and example n. 40.
- lastPage() signature is changed.
- Signature of Write() function is changed.
- Some HTML justification problems were fixed.
- Some functions were fixed to better support RTL mode.
- Example n. 10 was changed to support RTL mode.
- All examples were updated.
4.1.004 (2008-10-23)
- unicode_data.php was changed to support class-loaders.
- Bug item #2186040/2 (writeHTML margin problem) was fixed.
4.1.003 (2008-10-22)
- Bug item #2185399 was fixed (rowspan and page break).
- Bugs item #2186040 was fixed (writeHTML margin problem).
- Newline after table was removed.
4.1.002 (2008-10-21)
- Bug item #2184525 was fixed (rowspan on HTML cell).
4.1.001 (2008-10-21)
- Support for "start" attribute was added to HTML ordered list.
- unicode_data.php file was changed to include UTF-8 to ASCII table.
- Some functions were modified to better support UTF-8 extensions to core fonts.
- Support for images on HTML lists was improved.
- Examples n. 1 and 6 were updated.
4.1.000 (2008-10-18)
- Page-break bug using HTML content was fixed.
- The "false" parameter was reintroduced to class_exists function on PHP5 version to avoid autoload.
- addHtmlLink() function was improved to support internal links (i.e.: <a href="#23">link to page 23</a>).
- Justification alignment is now supported on HTML (see example n. 39).
- example_006.php was updated.
4.0.033 (2008-10-13)
- Bug n. 2157099 was fixed.
- SetX() and SetY() functions were improved.
- SetY() includes a new parameter to avoid the X reset.
4.0.032 (2008-10-10)
- Bug n. 2156926 was fixed (bold, italic, underlined, linethrough).
- setStyle() method was removed.
- Configuration file was changed to use helvetica (non-unicode) font by default.
- The use of mixed font types was improved.
- All examples were updated.
4.0.031 (2008-10-09)
- _putannots() and _putbookmarks() links alignments were fixed.
4.0.030 (2008-10-07)
- _putbookmarks() function was fixed.
- _putannots() was fixed to include internal links.
4.0.029 (2008-09-27)
- Infinite loop bug was fixed [Bug item #130309].
- Multicell() problem on Header() was fixed.
4.0.028 (2008-09-26)
- setLIsymbol() was added to set the LI symbol used on UL lists.
- Missing $padding and $encryption_key variables declarations were added [Bug item #2129058].
4.0.027 (2008-09-19)
- Bug #2118588 "Undefined offset in tcpdf.php on line 9581" was fixed.
- arailunicid0.php font was updated.
- The problem of javascript form fields duplication after saving was fixed.
4.0.026 (2008-09-17)
- convertHTMLColorToDec() function was improved to support rgb(RR,GG,BB) notation.
- The following inline CSS attributes are now supported: text-decoration, color, background-color and font-size names: xx-small, x-small, small, medium, large, x-large, xx-large
- Example n. 6 was updated.
4.0.025 (2008-09-15)
- _putcidfont0 function was improved to include CJK fonts (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, CJK, Asian fonts) without embedding.
- arialunicid0 font was added (see the new example n. 38).
- The following Unicode to CID-0 tables were added on fonts folder: uni2cid_ak12.php, uni2cid_aj16.php, uni2cid_ag15.php, uni2cid_ac15.php.
4.0.024 (2008-09-12)
- "stripos" function was replaced with "strpos + strtolower" for backward compatibility with PHP4.
- support for Spot Colors were added. Check the new example n. 37 and the following new functions:
- Bookmark() function was improved to fix wrong levels.
- $lasth changes after header/footer calls were fixed.
4.0.023 (2008-09-05)
- Some HTML related problems were fixed.
- Image alignment on HTML was changed, now it always defaults to the normal mode (see example_006.php).
4.0.022 (2008-08-28)
- Line height on HTML was fixed.
- Image inside an HTML cell problem was fixed.
- A new "zarbold" persian font was added.
4.0.021 (2008-08-24)
- HTTP headers were fixed on Output function().
- getAliasNbPages() and getPageGroupAlias() functions were changed to support non-unicode fonts on unicode documents.
- Function Write() was fixed.
- The problem of additional vertical spaces on HTML was fixed.
- The problem of frame around HTML links was fixed.
4.0.020 (2008-08-15)
- "[2052259] WriteHTML <u> & <b>" bug was fixed.
4.0.019 (2008-08-13)
- "Rowspan on first cell" bug was fixed.
4.0.018 (2008-08-08)
- Default cellpadding for HTML tables was fixed.
- Annotation() function was added to support some PDF annotations (see example_036.php and section 8.4 of PDF reference 1.7).
- HTML links are now correclty shifted during line alignments.
- function getAliasNbPages() was added and Footer() was updated.
- RowSpan mode for HTML tables was fixed.
- Bugs item #2043610 "Multiple sizes vertical align wrong" was fixed.
- ImageEPS() function was improved and RTL alignment was fixed (see example_032.php).
4.0.017 (2008-08-05)
- Missing CNZ and CEO style modes were added to Rect() function.
- Fonts utils were updated to include support for OpenType fonts.
- getLastH() function was added.
4.0.016 (2008-07-30)
- setPageMark() function was added. This function must be called after calling Image() function for a background image.
4.0.015 (2008-07-29)
- Some functions were changed to support different page formats (see example_028.php).
- The signature of setPage() function is changed.
4.0.014 (2008-07-29)
- K_PATH_MAIN calculation on tcpdf_config.php was fixed.
- HTML support for EPS/AI images was added (see example_006.php).
- Bugs item #2030807 "Truncated text on multipage html fields" was fixed.
- PDF header bug was fixed.
- helvetica was added as default font family.
- Stroke mode was fixed on Text function.
- several minor bugs were fixed.
4.0.013 (2008-07-27)
- Bugs item #2027799 " Big spaces between lines after page break" was fixed.
- K_PATH_MAIN calculation on tcpdf_config.php was changed.
- Function setVisibility() was fixed to avoid the "Incorrect PDEObject type" error message.
4.0.012 (2008-07-24)
- Addpage(), Header() and Footer() functions were changed to simplify the implementation of external header/footer functions.
- The following functions were added:
4.0.011 (2008-07-23)
- Font support was improved.
- The folder /fonts/utils contains new utilities and instructions for embedd font files.
- Documentation was updated.
4.0.010 (2008-07-22)
- HTML tables were fixed to work across pages.
- Header() and Footer() functions were updated to preserve previous settings.
- example_035.php was added.
4.0.009 (2008-07-21)
- UTF8StringToArray() function was fixed for non-unicode mode.
4.0.008 (2008-07-21)
- Barcodes alignment was fixed (see example_027.php).
- unicode_data.php was updated.
- Arabic shaping for "Zero-Width Non-Joiner" character (U+200C) was fixed.
4.0.007 (2008-07-18)
- str_split was replaced by preg_split for compatibility with PHP4 version.
- Clipping mode was added to all graphic functions by using parameter $style = "CNZ" or "CEO" (see example_034.php).
4.0.006 (2008-07-16)
- HTML rowspan bug was fixed.
- Line style for MultiCell() was fixed.
- WriteHTML() function was improved.
- CODE128C barcode was fixed (barcodes.php).
4.0.005 (2008-07-11)
- Bug [2015715] "PHP Error/Warning" was fixed.
4.0.004 (2008-07-09)
- HTML cell internal padding was fixed.
4.0.003 (2008-07-08)
- Removed URL encoding when F option is selected on Output() function.
- fixed some minor bugs in html tables.
4.0.002 (2008-07-07)
- Bug [2000861] was still unfixed and has been fixed.
4.0.001 (2008-07-05)
- Bug [2000861] was fixed.
4.0.000 (2008-07-03)
- Signature fo SetTextColor() and SetFillColor() functions was changed (parameter $storeprev was removed).
- HTML support was completely rewritten and improved (see example 6).
- Alignments parameters were fixed.
- Functions GetArrStringWidth() and GetStringWidth() now include font parameters.
- Fonts support was improved.
- All core fonts were replaced and moved to fonts/ directory.
- The following functions were added: getMargins(), getFontSize(), getFontSizePt().
- File config/tcpdf_config_old.php was renamed tcpdf_config_alt.php and updated.
- Multicell and WriteHTMLCell fill function was fixed.
- Several minor bugs were fixed.
- barcodes.php was updated.
- All examples were updated.
3.1.001 (2008-06-13)
- Bug [1992515] "K_PATH_FONTS default value wrong" was fixed.
- Vera font was removed, DejaVu font and Free fonts were updated.
- Image handling was improved.
- All examples were updated.
3.1.000 (2008-06-11)
- setPDFVersion() was added to change the default PDF version (currently 1.7).
- setViewerPreferences() was added to control the way the document is to be presented on the screen or printed (see example 29).
- SetDisplayMode() signature was changed (new options were added).
- LinearGradient(), RadialGradient(), CoonsPatchMesh() functions were added to print various color gradients (see example 30).
- PieSector() function was added to render render pie charts (see example 31).
- ImageEps() was added to display EPS and AI images with limited support (see example 32).
- writeBarcode() function is now depracated, a new write1DBarcode() function was added. The barcode directory was removed and a new barcodes.php file was added.
- The new write1DBarcode() function support more barcodes and do not need the GD library (see example 027). All barcodes are directly written to PDF using graphic functions.
- HTML lists were improved and could be nested (you may now represent trees).
- AddFont() bug was fixed.
- _putfonts() bug was fixed.
- graphics functions were fixed.
- unicode_data.php file was updated (fixed).
- almohanad font was updated.
- example 18 was updated (Farsi and Arabic languages).
- source code cleanup.
- All examples were updated and new examples were added.
3.0.015 (2008-06-06)
- AddPage() function signature is changed to include page format.
- example 28 was added to show page format changes.
- setPageUnit() function was added to change the page units of measure.
- setPageFormat() function was added to change the page format and orientation between pages.
- setPageOrientation() function was added to change the page orientation.
- Arabic font shaping was fixed for laa letter and square boxes (see the example 18).
3.0.014 (2008-06-04)
- Arabic font shaping was fixed.
- setDefaultTableColumns() function was added.
- $cell_height_ratio variable was added.
- setCellHeightRatio() function was added to define the default height of cell repect font height.
3.0.013 (2008-06-03)
- Multicell height parameter was fixed.
- Arabic font shaping was improved.
- unicode_data.php was updated.
3.0.012 (2008-05-30)
- K_PATH_MAIN and K_PATH_URL constants are now automatically set on config file.
- DOCUMENT_ROOT constant was fixed for IIS Webserver (config file was updated).
- Arabic font shaping was improved.
- TranslateY() function was fixed (bug [1977962]).
- setVisibility() function was fixed.
- writeBarcode() function was fixed to scale using $xref parameter.
- All examples were updated.
3.0.011 (2008-05-23)
- CMYK color support was added to all graphic functions.
- HTML table support was improved:
-- now it's possible to include additional html tags inside a cell;
-- colspan attribute was added.
- example 006 was updated.
3.0.010 (2008-05-21)
- fixed $laa_array inclusion on utf8Bidi() function.
3.0.009 (2008-05-20)
- unicode_data.php was updated.
- Arabic laa letter problem was fixed.
3.0.008 (2008-05-12)
- Arabic support was fixed and improved (unicode_data.php was updated).
- Polycurve() function was added to draw a poly-Bezier curve.
- list items alignment was fixed.
- example 6 was updated.
3.0.007 (2008-05-06)
- Arabic support was fixed and improved.
- AlMohanad (arabic) font was added.
- C128 barcode bugs were fixed.
3.0.006 (2008-04-21)
- Condition to check negative width values was added.
3.0.005 (2008-04-18)
- back-Slash character escape was fixed on writeHTML() function.
- Exampe 6 was updated.
3.0.004 (2008-04-11)
- Bug [1939304] (Right to Left Issue) was fixed.
3.0.003 (2008-04-07)
- Bug [1934523](Words between HTML tags in cell not kept on one line) was fixed.
- "face" attribute of "font" tag is now fully supported.
3.0.002 (2008-04-01)
- Write() functions now return the number of cells and not the number of lines.
- TCPDF is released under LGPL 2.1, or any later version.
3.0.001 (2008-05-28)
- _legacyparsejpeg() and _legacyparsepng() were renamed _parsejpeg() and _parsepng().
- function writeBarcode() was fixed.
- all examples were updated.
- example 27 was added to show various barcodes.
3.0.000 (2008-03-27)
- private function pixelsToMillimeters() was changed to public function pixelsToUnits() to fix html image size bug.
- Image-related functions were rewritten.
- resize parameter was added to Image() signature to reduce the image size and fit width and height (see example 9).
- TCPDF now supports all images supported by GD library: GD, GD2, GD2PART, GIF, JPEG, PNG, BMP, XBM, XPM.
- CMYK support was added to SetDrawColor(), SetFillColor(), SetTextColor() (see example 22).
- Page Groups were added (see example 23).
- setVisibility() function was added to restrict the rendering of some elements to screen or printout (see example 24).
- All private variables and functions were changed to protected.
- setAlpha() function was added to give transparency support for all objects (see example 25).
- Clipping and stroke modes were added to Text() function (see example 26).
- All examples were moved to "examples" directory.
- function setJPEGQuality() was added to set the JPEG image comrpession (see example 9).
2.9.000 (2008-03-26)
- htmlcolors.php file was added to include html colors.
- Support for HTML color names and three-digit hexadecimal color codes was added.
- private function convertColorHexToDec() was renamed convertHTMLColorToDec().
- color and bgcolor attributes are now supported on all HTML tags (color nesting is also supported).
- Write() function were fixed.
- example_006.php was updated.
- private function setUserRights() was added to release user rights on Acrobat Reader (this allows to display forms, see example 14)
2.8.000 (2008-03-20)
- Private variables were changed to protected.
- Function Write() was fixed and improved.
- Support for dl, dt, dd, del HTML tags was introduced.
- Line-trought mode was added for HTML and text.
- Text vertical alignment on cells were fixed.
- Examples were updated to reflect changes.
2.7.002 (2008-03-13)
- Bug "[1912142] Encrypted PDF created/modified date" was fixed.
2.7.001 (2008-03-10)
- Cell justification was fixed for non-unicode mode.
2.7.000 (2008-03-09)
- Cell() stretching mode 4 (forced character spacing) was fixed.
- writeHTMLCell() now uses Multicell() to write.
- Multicell() has a new parameter $ishtml to act as writeHTMLCell().
- Write() speed was improved for non-arabic strings.
- Example n. 20 was changed.
2.6.000 (2008-03-07)
- various alignments bugs were fixed.
2.5.000 (2008-03-07)
- Several bugs were fixed.
- example_019.php was added to test non-unicode mode using old fonts.
2.4.000 (2008-03-06)
- RTL support was deeply improved.
- GetStringWidth() was fixed to support RTL languages.
- Text() RTL alignment was fixed.
- Some functions were added: GetArrStringWidth(), GetCharWidth(), uniord(), utf8Bidi().
- example_018.php was added and test_unicode.php was removed.
2.3.000 (2008-03-05)
- MultiCell() signature is changed. Now support multiple columns across pages (see example_017).
- Write() signature is changed. Now support the cell mode to be used with MultiCell.
- Header() and Footer() were changed.
- The following functions were added: UTF8ArrSubString() and unichr().
- Examples were updated to reflect last changes.
2.2.004 (2008-03-04)
- Several examples were added.
- AddPage() Header() and Footer() were fixed.
- Documentation is now available on
2.2.003 (2008-03-03)
- [1894853] Performance of MultiCell() was improved.
- RadioButton and ListBox functions were added.
- javascript form functions were rewritten and properties names are changed. The properties function supported by form fields are listed on Possible values are listed on
2.2.002 (2008-02-28)
- [1900495] html images path was fixed.
- Legacy image functions were reintroduced to allow PNG and JPEG support without GD library.
2.2.001 (2008-02-16)
- The bug "[1894700] bug with replace relative path" was fixed
- Justification was fixed
2.2.000 (2008-02-12)
- fixed javascript bug introduced with latest release
2.1.002 (2008-02-12)
- Justify function was fixed on PHP4 version.
- Bookmank function was added ([1578250] Table of contents).
- Javascript and Form fields support was added ([1796359] Form fields).
2.1.001 (2008-02-10)
- The bug "[1885776] Race Condition in function justitfy" was fixed.
- The bug "[1890217] xpdf complains that pdf is incorrect" was fixed.
2.1.000 (2008-01-07)
- FPDF_FONTPATH constant was changed to K_PATH_FONTS on config file
- Bidirectional Algorithm to correctly reverse bidirectional languages was added.
- SetLeftMargin, SetTopMargin, SetRightMargin functions were fixed.
- SetCellPadding function was added.
- writeHTML was updated with new parameters.
- Text function was fixed.
- MultiCell function was fixed, now works also across multiple pages.
- Line width was fixed on Header and Footer functions and <hr> tag.
- "GetImageSize" was renamed "getimagesize".
- Document version was changed from 1.3 to 1.5.
- _begindoc() function was fixed.
- ChangeDate was fixed and ModDate was added.
- The following functions were added:
setPage() : Move pointer to the specified document page.
getPage() : Get current document page number.
lastpage() : Reset pointer to the last document page.
getNumPages() : Get the total number of inserted pages.
GetNumChars() : count the number of (UTF-8) characters in a string.
- $stretch parameter was added to Cell() function to fit text on cell:
0 = disabled
1 = horizontal scaling only if necessary
2 = forced horizontal scaling
3 = character spacing only if necessary
4 = forced character spacing
- Line function was fixed for RTL.
- Graphic transformation functions were added [1811158]:
- Graphic function were added/updated [1688549]:
2.0.000 (2008-01-04)
- RTL (Right-To-Left) languages support was added. Language direction is set using the $l['a_meta_dir'] setting on /configure/language/xxx.php language files.
- setRTL($enable) method was added to manually enable/disable the RTL text direction.
- The attribute "dir" was added to support custom text direction on HTML tags. Possible values are: ltr - for Left-To-Right and RTL for Right-To-Left.
- RC4 40bit encryption was added. Check the SetProtection method.
- [1815213] Improved image support for GIF, JPEG, PNG formats.
- [1800094] Attribute "value" was added to ordered list items <li>.
- Image function now has a new "align" parameter that indicates the alignment of the pointer next to image insertion and relative to image height. The value can be:
T: top-right for LTR or top-left for RTL
M: middle-right for LTR or middle-left for RTL
B: bottom-right for LTR or bottom-left for RTL
N: next line
- Attribute "align" was added to <img> html tag to set the above image "align" parameter. Possible values are:
top: top-right for LTR or top-left for RTL
middle: middle-right for LTR or middle-left for RTL
bottom: bottom-right for LTR or bottom-left for RTL
- [1798103] newline was added after </ul>, </ol> and </p> tages.
- [1816393] Documentation was updated.
- 'ln' parameter was fixed on writeHTMLCell. Now it's possible to print two or more columns across several pages;
- The method lastPage() was added to move the pointer on the last page;
1.53.0.TC034 (2007-07-30)
- fixed htmlentities conversion.
- MultiCell() function returns the number of cells.
1.53.0.TC033 (2007-07-30)
- fixed bug 1762550: case sensitive for font files
- NOTE: all fonts files names must be in lowercase!
1.53.0.TC032 (2007-07-27)
- setLastH method was added to resolve bug 1689071.
- all fonts names were converted in lowercase (bug 1713005).
- bug 1740954 was fixed.
- justification was added as Cell option.
1.53.0.TC031 (2007-03-20)
- ToUnicode CMap were added on _puttruetypeunicode function. Now you may search and copy unicode text.
1.53.0.TC030 (2007-03-06)
- fixed bug on PHP4 version.
1.53.0.TC029 (2007-03-06)
- DejaVu Fonts were added.
1.53.0.TC028 (2007-03-03)
- MultiCell function signature were changed: the $ln parameter were added. Check documentation for further information.
- Greek language were added on example sentences.
- setPrintHeader() and setPrintFooter() functions were added to enable or disable page header and footer.
1.53.0.TC027 (2006-12-14)
- $attr['face'] bug were fixed.
- K_TCPDF_EXTERNAL_CONFIG control where introduced on /config/tcpdf_config.php to use external configuration files.
1.53.0.TC026 (2006-10-28)
- writeHTML function call were fixed on examples.
1.53.0.TC025 (2006-10-27)
- Bugs item #1421290 were fixed (0D - 0A substitution in some characters)
- Bugs item #1573174 were fixed (MultiCell documentation)
1.53.0.TC024 (2006-09-26)
- getPageHeight() function were fixed (bug 1543476).
- fixed missing breaks on closedHTMLTagHandler function (bug 1535263).
- fixed extra spaces on Write function (bug 1535262).
1.53.0.TC023 (2006-08-04)
- paths to barcode directory were fixed.
- documentation were updated.
1.53.0.TC022 (2006-07-16)
- fixed bug: [ 1516858 ] Probs with PHP autoloader and class_exists()
1.53.0.TC021 (2006-07-01)
- HTML attributes with whitespaces are now supported (thanks to Nelson Benitez for his support)
1.53.0.TC020 (2006-06-23)
- code cleanup
1.53.0.TC019 (2006-05-21)
- fixed <strong> and <em> closing tags
1.53.0.TC018 (2006-05-18)
- fixed font names bug
1.53.0.TC017 (2006-05-18)
- the TTF2UFM utility to convert True Type fonts for TCPDF were included on fonts folder.
- new free unicode fonts were included on /fonts/freefont.
- test_unicode.php example were exended.
- parameter $fill were added on Write, writeHTML and writeHTMLCell functions.
- documentation were updated.
1.53.0.TC016 (2006-03-09)
- fixed closing <strong> tag on html parser.
1.53.0.TC016 (2005-08-28)
- fpdf.php and tcpdf.php files were joined in one single class (you can still extend TCPDF with your own class).
- fixed problem when mb_internal_encoding is set.
1.53.0.TC014 (2005-05-29)
- fixed WriteHTMLCell new page issue.
1.53.0.TC013 (2005-05-29)
- fixed WriteHTMLCell across pages.
1.53.0.TC012 (2005-05-29)
- font color attribute bug were fixed.
1.53.0.TC011 (2005-03-31)
- SetFont function were fixed (thank Sjaak Lauwers for bug notice).
1.53.0.TC010 (2005-03-22)
- the html functions were improved (thanks to Manfred Vervuert for bug reporting).
1.53.0.TC009 (2005-03-19)
- a wrong reference to convertColorHexToDec were fixed.
1.53.0.TC008 (2005-02-07)
- removed some extra bytes from PHP files.
1.53.0.TC007 (2005-01-08)
- fill attribute were removed from writeHTMLCell method.
1.53.0.TC006 (2005-01-08)
- the documentation were updated.
1.53.0.TC005 (2005-01-05)
- Steven Wittens's unicode methods were removed.
- All unicode methods were rewritten from scratch.
- TCPDF is now licensed as LGPL.
1.53.0.TC004 (2005-01-04)
- this changelog were added.
- removed commercial fonts for licensing issue.
- Bitstream Vera Fonts were added (
- Now the AddFont and SetFont functions returns the basic font if the styled version do not exist.
EOF ----------------------------------------------------------------------------