forked from science-ation/science-ation
605 lines
19 KiB
605 lines
19 KiB
This file is part of the 'Science Fair In A Box' project
SFIAB Website:
Copyright (C) 2005 Sci-Tech Ontario Inc <>
Copyright (C) 2005 James Grant <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
send_header("Judging teams automatic scheduler");
echo i18n("The scheduler is running. Depending on the effort it may take
several minutes to complete. It will generate a lot of output on this page,
most of it is just information about what the scheduler is doing. You can copy
this page and save it as a text file to have a record of what the scheduler
did. (And this output helps us to debug problems with it if you encounter
something that clearly isn't correct, just send us this output)");
echo "<br />";
echo "<br />";
echo i18n("When complete, a green bar will appear at the BOTTOM of this page
saying that everything has completed successfully. When complete, you can use
the following links to manage the Judging Teams and the Judges assigned to them
(clicking on these links now will stop the scheduler).");
echo "<br />";
echo "<br />";
echo "<a href=\"judges_teams.php\">".i18n("Manage Judge Teams")."</a>";
echo "<br />";
echo "<a href=\"judges_teams_members.php\">".i18n("Manage Judge Members")."</a>";
echo "<br />";
echo "<br />";
echo i18n("If you get an error like: \"Fatal error: Maximum execution time of
30 seconds exceeded...\" you will need to talk to your system admin and have
them adjust the \"max_execution_time\" variable in the \"php.ini\" file from
30(seconds) to something larger, like 600 (10 minutes). And then have them
restart the webserver for the change to take effect");
echo "<br />";
echo "<br />";
//function TRACE() { }
//function TRACE_R() { }
function TRACE($str) { print($str); }
function TRACE_R($array) { print_r($array); }
/* The cost function is:
+ 50 * each judge below the min for each team
+ 10 * each judge above the max for each team
+ 2 * each level of preference away from the
max level for each judge
+ 40 if the team doesn't have a chair.
+ 25 for each memember on the team that can't speak the language
of the judging team
( ex: if a judge has selected LS->2, PS->0, CS->-1
then matching that judge with a:
LS = -4,
PS = 0,
CS = -2,
else = 0
/* Compute the cost of adding a judge to a team */
function judges_cost_function($annealer, $bucket_id, $ids)
global $jteam;
global $judges;
/* Bucket ID is the team number */
/* ids are the judge ids currently in the bucket */
// TRACE("Bucket id=$bucket_id, ids=");
// TRACE_R($ids);
$cost = 0;
$have_chair = 0;
if($bucket_id == 0) {
/* This is the placeholder */
$cost = count($ids) * 5;
// TRACE("Extra judge team cost=$cost\n");
return $cost;
$t =& $jteam[$bucket_id];
/* Compute the over max / under min costs */
$c = count($ids);
$min = ($c < $t['min_judges']) ? $t['min_judges'] - $c : 0;
$max = ($c > $t['max_judges']) ? $c - $t['max_judges'] : 0;
$cost += $min * 50;
$cost += $max * 10;
// TRACE("Under min=$min, over max=$max\n");
/* For each judge on the team, score their preferences */
for($x=0; $x<count($ids); $x++) {
$j =& $judges[$ids[$x]];
/* Get the division, and see where it fits with this
* judges preferences */
$cpref = 0;
for($y=0; $y < count($t['cats']); $y++) {
$l = $t['cats'][$y];
/* Lookup the judge cat pref for this category */
$pref = -$j['catprefs'][$l] + 2;
/* $pref = 0 (best match) --- 4 (worst match) */
$cpref += $pref;
$dpref = 0;
for($y=0; $y < count($t['divs']); $y++) {
$l = $t['divs'][$y];
/* Lookup the judge cat pref for this category */
$pref = -$j['divprefs'][$l] + 2;
/* $pref = 0 (best match) --- 4 (worst match) */
$dpref += $pref;
// TRACE("Judge {$ids[$x]}({$j['name']}) cp=$cpref, dp=$dpref\n");
$cost += 2 * $cpref;
$cost += 2 * $dpref;
/* See if the judge is willing to chair a team */
if($j['willing_chair'] == 'yes') $have_chair = 1;
/* For each lang the team needs that the judge doesn't have,
* increase the cost */
for($y=0; $y < count($t['langs']); $y++) {
$l = $t['langs'][$y];
if(!in_array($l, $j['languages'])) $cost += 25;
/* Huge penalty for a team without a willing chair */
if(!$have_chair) $cost += 40;
// TRACE("Team $bucket_id, cost is $cost\n");
return $cost;
$current_jdiv = array();
function jdiv_compute_cost($annealer, $bucket_id, $ids)
/* IDS is a list of project ids for a judging team */
global $current_jdiv;
$cost = 0;
$t_div = array();
$t_cat = array();
$t_lang = array();
/* Foreach project this jteam is judging, record the
* div/cat/lang */
for($x=0; $x<count($ids); $x++) {
$proj =& $current_jdiv['projects'][$ids[$x]];
if(!in_array($proj['div'],$t_div)) $t_div[] = $proj['div'];
if(!in_array($proj['cat'],$t_cat)) $t_cat[] = $proj['cat'];
if(!in_array($proj['lang'],$t_lang)) $t_lang[] = $proj['lang'];
/* Square the project count for highter penalties for more projects */
$cost += floor (abs(count($ids) - $annealer->items_per_bucket)) * 100;
/* Score 100 pts for multiple languages */
$cost += (count($t_lang) - 1) * 75;
/* Score 25pts for multiple divs/cats */
$cost += (count($t_div) - 1) * 25;
$cost += (count($t_cat) - 1) * 25;
return $cost;
$div = array();
TRACE("Loading Project Divisions...\n");
$q=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM projectdivisions WHERE year='".$config['FAIRYEAR']."' ORDER BY id");
TRACE(" {$r->id} - {$div[$r->id]}\n");
TRACE("Loading Project Age Categories...\n");
$cat = array();
$q=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM projectcategories WHERE year='".$config['FAIRYEAR']."' ORDER BY id");
while($r=mysql_fetch_object($q)) {
TRACE(" {$r->id} - {$r->category}\n");
TRACE("Loading Languages...\n");
$langr = array();
$q=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM languages WHERE active='Y'");
while($r=mysql_fetch_object($q)) {
$langr[$r->lang] = $r->langname;
TRACE(" {$r->lang} - {$r->langname}\n");
$jdiv = array();
TRACE("Loading Judging Division Configuration and Projects...\n");
$q=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM judges_jdiv");
while($r=mysql_fetch_object($q)) {
$jdiv[$r->jdiv_id]['config'][] = array('div' => $r->projectdivisions_id,
'cat' => $r->projectcategories_id,
'lang' => $r->lang);
$keys = array_keys($jdiv);
for($k=0; $k<count($keys); $k++) {
$jdiv_id = $keys[$k];
TRACE(" $jdiv_id\t- ");
for($x=0;$x<count($jdiv[$jdiv_id]['config']); $x++) {
$d = $jdiv[$jdiv_id]['config'][$x];
if($x > 0) TRACE("\t- ");
TRACE($cat[$d['cat']]." ".$div[$d['div']]." - ".$langr[$d['lang']]);
$qp = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM projects WHERE ".
" year='".$config['FAIRYEAR']."' AND ".
" projectdivisions_id='{$d['div']}' AND ".
" projectcategories_id='{$d['cat']}' AND ".
" language='{$d['lang']}' "
$count = 0;
while($rp = mysql_fetch_object($qp)) {
$jdiv[$jdiv_id]['projects'][$rp->id] = array(
'div' => $d['div'],
'cat' => $d['cat'],
'lang' => $d['lang']);
TRACE(" ($count projects)\n");
TRACE("Loading Scheduler Configuration Data...\n");
$data = judges_scheduler_load_config();
TRACE("Computing required judging teams...\n");
TRACE(" Each judging team may judge {$data['max_projects_per_team']} projects\n");
TRACE(" Each project must be judged {$data['times_judged']} times\n");
$keys = array_keys($jdiv);
for($k=0; $k<count($keys); $k++) {
$jdiv_id = $keys[$k];
$c = count($jdiv[$jdiv_id]['projects']);
TRACE(" $jdiv_id has $c projects, requires $t judging teams\n");
$jdiv[$jdiv_id]['num_jteams'] = $t;
$jteam = array();
$jteam_id = 0;
/* Create one more jteam, for anyone the annealer doesn't want to place */
$jteam[$jteam_id]['id'] = $jteam_id;
$jteam[$jteam_id]['projects'] = array();
$jteam[$jteam_id]['divs'] = array();
$jteam[$jteam_id]['cats'] = array();
$jteam[$jteam_id]['langs'] = array();
$jteam[$jteam_id]['min_judges'] = 0;
$jteam[$jteam_id]['max_judges'] = 0;
TRACE("Assigning projects to judging teams...\n");
$keys = array_keys($jdiv);
for($k=0; $k<count($keys); $k++) {
$jdiv_id = $keys[$k];
TRACE("Judging Division $jdiv_id ({$jdiv[$jdiv_id]['num_jteams']} teams): \n");
$project_ids = array_keys($jdiv[$jdiv_id]['projects']);
$current_jdiv = $jdiv[$jdiv_id];
$e = 100 + 10 * ($data['effort'] / 1000);
$a = new annealer($jdiv[$jdiv_id]['num_jteams'], 125, $e, 0.9,
jdiv_compute_cost, $project_ids);
for($x=0;$x<$a->num_buckets; $x++) {
$bkt = $a->bucket[$x];
TRACE(" SubTeam $x:\n");
$jteam[$jteam_id]['id'] = $jteam_id;
$jteam[$jteam_id]['projects'] = $a->bucket[$x];
$jteam[$jteam_id]['sub'] = $x;
$jteam[$jteam_id]['jdiv_id'] = $jdiv_id;
$jteam[$jteam_id]['divs'] = array();
$jteam[$jteam_id]['cats'] = array();
$jteam[$jteam_id]['langs'] = array();
$jteam[$jteam_id]['min_judges'] = $data['min_judges_per_team'];
$jteam[$jteam_id]['max_judges'] = $data['max_judges_per_team'];
for($y=0;$y<count($bkt); $y++) {
$projid = $bkt[$y];
$p = $jdiv[$jdiv_id]['projects'][$projid];
TRACE(" $projid - ".$cat[$p['cat']]." ".$div[$p['div']]." - ".$langr[$p['lang']]."\n");
if(!in_array($p['cat'], $jteam[$jteam_id]['cats'])) {
$jteam[$jteam_id]['cats'][] = $p['cat'];
if(!in_array($p['div'], $jteam[$jteam_id]['divs'])) {
$jteam[$jteam_id]['divs'][] = $p['div'];
if(!in_array($p['lang'], $jteam[$jteam_id]['langs'])) {
$jteam[$jteam_id]['langs'][] = $p['lang'];
TRACE("There are ".(count($jteam) - 1)." judging teams\n");
$willing_chair_question_id = questions_find_question_id("judgereg", $config['FAIRYEAR'], "Willing Chair");
printf("Judge Willing Chair = Question ID $willing_chair_question_id\n");
/* Clean out the judging teams that were autocreated */
TRACE("Deleting existing judging teams:");
$q = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM judges_teams WHERE autocreate_type_id=1 AND year={$config['FAIRYEAR']}");
while($r = mysql_fetch_object($q)) {
$jteam_id = $r->id;
print(" $jteam_id");
/* Clean out the judges_teams_link */
mysql_query("DELETE FROM judges_teams_link WHERE judges_teams_id='$jteam_id' AND year={$config['FAIRYEAR']}");
print mysql_error();
/* Awards */
mysql_query("DELETE FROM judges_teams_awards_link WHERE judges_teams_id='$jteam_id' AND year={$config['FAIRYEAR']}");
print mysql_error();
/* Timeslots */
mysql_query("DELETE FROM judges_teams_timeslots_link WHERE judges_teams_id='$jteam_id' AND year={$config['FAIRYEAR']}");
print mysql_error();
/* Timeslots projects */
mysql_query("DELETE FROM judges_teams_timeslots_projects_link WHERE judges_teams_id='$jteam_id' AND year={$config['FAIRYEAR']}");
print mysql_error();
/* Findally, delete all the autocreated judges teams */
mysql_query("DELETE FROM judges_teams WHERE autocreate_type_id=1 AND year={$config['FAIRYEAR']}");
print mysql_error();
TRACE(" Done.\n");
TRACE("Loading Judges...\n");
$q=mysql_query("SELECT judges.* FROM judges,judges_years WHERE ".
"complete='yes' ".
" AND judges_years.year='{$config['FAIRYEAR']}' ".
" AND"
/* Try to fetch a team link ID for this judge, if we can, we don't want to use this judge
* in the divisional awards, they are already assigned to soemthing */
$q2 = mysql_query("SELECT judges_id FROM judges_teams_link WHERE ".
"judges_id='$r->id' ".
" AND year='".$config['FAIRYEAR']."'");
if(mysql_num_rows($q2) != 0) {
TRACE(" {$r->firstname} {$r->lastname} is already on a judging team, skipping.\n");
//get category preferences
$q2=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM judges_catpref WHERE judges_id='$r->id' AND year='".$config['FAIRYEAR']."' ORDER BY projectcategories_id");
//get division preferences
$q2=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM judges_expertise WHERE judges_id='$r->id' AND year='".$config['FAIRYEAR']."' AND projectsubdivisions_id IS NULL ORDER BY projectdivisions_id");
//the areas of expertise are ranked from 1 to 5, and we need them as -2,-1,0,1,2 so we simply subtract 3
$langperfs = array();
$q3=mysql_query("SELECT * from judges_languages WHERE judges_id='$r->id'");
$q2 = mysql_query("SELECT answer FROM question_answers WHERE ".
" registrations_id='{$r->id}' AND ".
" questions_id='$willing_chair_question_id' AND ".
" year='{$config['FAIRYEAR']}' ");
$willing_chair = 'no';
if(mysql_num_rows($q2) == 1) {
$r2 = mysql_fetch_object($q2);
if($r2->answer == 'yes') $willing_chair = 'yes';
"name"=>"$r->firstname $r->lastname",
TRACE("Loaded ".count($judges)." judges.\n");
$jteam[0]['max_judges'] = count($judges);
$judge_ids = array_keys($judges);
$e = $data['effort'];
$a = new annealer(count($jteam), 25, $e, 0.98, judges_cost_function, $judge_ids);
function pr_judge(&$jt, $jid)
global $judges;
$j =& $judges[$jid];
print(" - {$j['name']} (");
for($x=0; $x<count($j['languages']); $x++) {
print($j['languages'][$x]. " ");
for($x=0; $x<count($jt['cats']); $x++) {
print("c{$jt['cats'][$x]}=$pref ");
for($x=0; $x<count($jt['divs']); $x++) {
print("d{$jt['divs'][$x]}=$pref ");
if($j['willing_chair'] == 'yes') {
print(" (chair) ");
/* Find the maximum judging team number */
$q = mysql_query("SELECT MAX(num) as max FROM judges_teams");
$r = mysql_fetch_object($q);
$max_jteam_num = $r->max;
TRACE("Max Judging Team Number is currently $max_jteam_num\n");
for($x=1;$x<count($jteam); $x++) {
$t =& $jteam[$x];
$num = $x + $max_jteam_num;
print("Judging Team $num: cost={$a->bucket_cost[$x]} ");
for($y=0; $y<count($t['langs']); $y++) {
if($y != 0) $langstr .= " ";
$langstr .= $t['langs'][$y];
for($y=0; $y<count($t['cats']); $y++) {
print("c".$t['cats'][$y]. " ");
if($y!=0) $catstr .= "+";
$catstr .= $cat[$t['cats'][$y]];
for($y=0; $y<count($t['divs']); $y++) {
print("d".$t['divs'][$y]. " ");
if($y!=0) $divstr.="/";
$divstr .= $div[$t['divs'][$y]];
/* Add this judging team to the database */
$tn = $catstr." ".$divstr." (".$langstr.") ".($t['sub']+1);
mysql_query("INSERT INTO judges_teams (num,name,autocreate_type_id,year) ".
" VALUES ('$num','$tn','1','{$config['FAIRYEAR']}')");
$t['team_id'] = $team_id;
$ids = $a->bucket[$x];
for($y=0; $y<count($ids); $y++) {
pr_judge($t, $ids[$y]);
$j =& $judges[$ids[$y]];
/* Link Judges to the judging team we just inserted */
mysql_query("INSERT INTO judges_teams_link ".
" (judges_id,judges_teams_id,captain,year) ".
" VALUES ('{$ids[$y]}','$team_id','{$j['willing_chair']}',".
/* Get the original jdiv that this team was created from. The exact
* breakdown of each and every div/cat/lang that this team is judging
* is in the jdiv['config'] array */
$jd = $jdiv[$t['jdiv_id']];
for($y=0; $y<count($jd['config']); $y++) {
$cfg = $jd['config'][$y];
$q=mysql_query("SELECT FROM
AND award_awards_projectcategories.projectcategories_id='{$cfg['cat']}'
AND award_awards_projectdivisions.projectdivisions_id='{$cfg['div']}'
AND award_awards.award_types_id='1'
if(mysql_num_rows($q)!=1) {
echo error(i18n("Cannot find award for %1 - %2",array($cat[$cfg['cat']],$div[$cfg['div']])));
} else {
mysql_query("INSERT INTO judges_teams_awards_link (award_awards_id,judges_teams_id,year) VALUES ('$r->id','$team_id','{$config['FAIRYEAR']}')");
print("Unused Judges:\n");
$ids = $a->bucket[0];
for($y=0; $y<count($ids); $y++) pr_judge($jteam[0], $ids[$y]);
TRACE("Loading Timeslot Data\n");
$q=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM judges_timeslots WHERE ".
" year='{$config['FAIRYEAR']}' AND ".
" allowdivisional='yes' ORDER BY date,starttime");
while($r=mysql_fetch_object($q)) {
print(" -".$available_timeslots[$x]['starttime']." -> ".
TRACE("Assigning Judging Teams and Projects to Timeslots...\n");
for($x=1;$x<count($jteam); $x++) {
$pids = $jteam[$x]['projects'];
TRACE(" Judging Team $x: ");
for($y=0;$y<count($pids); $y++) {
$pid = $pids[$y];
TRACE(($y+1).":$pid ");
mysql_query("INSERT INTO judges_teams_timeslots_link ".
" (judges_teams_id,judges_timeslots_id,year)".
" VALUES ('{$jteam[$x]['team_id']}', ".
" '{$available_timeslots[$y]['id']}', ".
" '{$config['FAIRYEAR']}')");
mysql_query("INSERT INTO judges_teams_timeslots_projects_link ".
" (judges_teams_id,judges_timeslots_id,projects_id,year) ".
" VALUES ('{$jteam[$x]['team_id']}', ".
" '{$available_timeslots[$y]['id']}', ".
" '$pid', '{$config['FAIRYEAR']}')");
TRACE("All Done.\n");
echo "</pre>";
echo happy("Scheduler complete successfully");