forked from science-ation/science-ation

Default='yes', meaning the behaviour is the same as the default. 'no' means that students can self-nominate for awards before the committee receives their signature form.
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INSERT INTO `config` ( `var` , `val` , `category` , `type` , `type_values` , `ord` , `description` , `year` ) VALUES ( 'specialawardnomination_aftersignatures', 'yes', 'Participant Registration', 'yesno', '', '1390', 'Does the signature page need to be received BEFORE students are allowed to self nominate for special awards?', '-1');
UPDATE `config` SET `type_values` = 'none=None|date=By Date|registration=With Registration', `description` = 'Select when students may self nominate for special awards.<br> <ul><li><b>None</b> - Students may not self-nominate for special awards. <li><b>By Date</b> - Between specific dates, specified in the "Important Dates" section. <li><b>With Registration</b> - During the same time as registration is open. </ul> ' WHERE `var` = 'specialawardnomination';