
272 lines
14 KiB

This file is a plug-in to the 'Science Fair In A Box' project
SFIAB Website:
Copyright (C) 2011 At Work Software (>
Copyright (C) 2011 Dennis Spanogle <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
include ""; // check SFIAB install and get config etc.
include ""; // get evaluations setup
// debug test
$CSVoption = $_GET['option'];
$Teamworknote = $_GET['teamnote'];
$filename = "EMPTY FILE Do Not Download Not Implemented.csv";
// this section for non-csv files
if ($CSVoption == 3 || $CSVoption == 4){
if ($CSVoption == 3){
// download the ms word preslug doc
$file = "docs/SFIAB_EvaluationsPreSlug.doc";
if ($CSVoption == 4){
// download the Apperson font
$file = "docs/apperson.ttf";
if (file_exists($file)) {
header('Content-Description: File Transfer');
header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename='.basename($file));
header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary');
header('Expires: 0');
header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0');
header('Pragma: public');
header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($file));
// 5 Eval_schemes Table - csv file. Has scheme_id, scheme_name and selection statement - csv file.
if ($CSVoption == 5){
$q = mysql_query("SELECT * from eval_schemes ORDER BY scheme_id");
if (!$q OR mysql_num_rows($q) == 0){
echo "Error reading tables or no records. (You must setup Schemes, Criteria and Levels prior to exporting)<br />";
$filename = "SFIAB_Evaluations_Schemes.csv";
// here is what I want in the data. may take several queries to get it. Need one record for each record in eval_projects_entries
$header = "\"scheme_id\",\"scheme_name\",\"selection\"";
// **********************************************write the header out to the buffer ************************************
$download = $header."\r\n";
$num_records = mysql_num_rows($q);
// do the work for the records
while($r=mysql_fetch_object($q)) {
$recordout = "\"".$r->scheme_id."\",\"".$r->scheme_name."\",\"".$r->assignto_project_when."\"";
$download = $download.$recordout."\r\n";
// proceed to end of code for the actual export
//6. Eval_criteria Table with scheme_id, scheme_name and selection statement - csv file.
if ($CSVoption == 6){
$q = mysql_query("SELECT * from eval_criteria ORDER BY scheme_id, criteria_id");
if (!$q OR mysql_num_rows($q) == 0){
echo "Error reading tables or no records. (You must setup Schemes, Criteria and Levels prior to exporting)<br />";
$filename = "SFIAB_Evaluations_Criteria.csv";
// here is what I want in the data. may take several queries to get it. Need one record for each record in eval_projects_entries
$header = "\"scheme_id\",\"criteria_id\",\"criteria_weight\",\"criteria_name\"";
// **********************************************write the header out to the buffer ************************************
$download = $header."\r\n";
$num_records = mysql_num_rows($q);
// do the work for the records
while($r=mysql_fetch_object($q)) {
$recordout = "\"".$r->scheme_id."\",\"".$r->criteria_id."\",\"".$r->criteria_weight."\",\"".$r->criteria_name."\"";
$download = $download.$recordout."\r\n";
// proceed to end of code for the actual export
//7. Eval_levels Table with scheme_id - csv file.
if ($CSVoption == 7){
$q = mysql_query("SELECT * from eval_levels ORDER BY scheme_id, level_id");
if (!$q OR mysql_num_rows($q) == 0){
echo "Error reading tables or no records. (You must setup Schemes, Criteria and Levels prior to exporting)<br />";
$filename = "SFIAB_Evaluations_Levels.csv";
// here is what I want in the data. may take several queries to get it. Need one record for each record in eval_projects_entries
$header = "\"scheme_id\",\"level_id\",\"level_value\",\"level_name\",\"spec_use\",\"spec_use_code\"";
// **********************************************write the header out to the buffer ************************************
$download = $header."\r\n";
$num_records = mysql_num_rows($q);
// do the work for the records
while($r=mysql_fetch_object($q)) {
$recordout = "\"".$r->scheme_id."\",\"".$r->level_id."\",\"".$r->level_value."\",\"".$r->level_name."\",\"".$r->spec_use."\",\"".$r->spec_use_code."\"";
$download = $download.$recordout."\r\n";
// proceed to end of code for the actual export
//8. Eval_levels Table with scheme_id - csv file.
if ($CSVoption ==8){
$q = mysql_query("SELECT * from eval_projects ORDER BY project_id");
if (!$q OR mysql_num_rows($q) == 0){
echo "Error reading tables or no records. (You must Link Evalueations to SFIAB data prior to exporting)<br />";
$filename = "SFIAB_Projects.csv";
// here is what I want in the data. may take several queries to get it. Need one record for each record in eval_projects_entries
$header = "\"project_id\",\"team\",\"scheme_id\",\"eval_score\",\"final_score\",\"eval_score_status\",\"overall_status\",\"last_change\"";
// **********************************************write the header out to the buffer ************************************
$download = $header."\r\n";
$num_records = mysql_num_rows($q);
// do the work for the records
while($r=mysql_fetch_object($q)) {
$recordout = "\"".$r->project_id."\",\"".$r->team."\",\"".$r->scheme_id."\",\"".$r->eval_score."\",\"".$r->final_score."\",\"".$r->eval_score_status."\",\"".$r->overall_status."\",\"".$r->last_change."\"";
$download = $download.$recordout."\r\n";
// proceed to end of code for the actual export
//9. Eval_projects_entries Table - csv file: One record per judgeteam - project - criteria with current level_id (entry)
if ($CSVoption == 9){
$q = mysql_query("SELECT * from eval_projects_entries");
if (!$q OR mysql_num_rows($q) == 0){
echo "Error reading tables or no records. (You must Link Evalueations to SFIAB data prior to exporting)<br />";
$filename = "SFIAB_Evaluations_ProjectsEntries.csv";
// here is what I want in the data. may take several queries to get it. Need one record for each record in eval_projects_entries
$header = "\"event_id\",\"project_id\",\"judges_teams_id\",\"judges_timeslots_id\",\"criteria_id\",\"level_id\",\"judge_user_id\"";
// **********************************************write the header out to the buffer ************************************
$download = $header."\r\n";
$num_records = mysql_num_rows($q);
// do the work for the records
while($r=mysql_fetch_object($q)) {
$recordout = "\"".$r->event_id."\",\"".$r->project_id."\",\"".$r->judges_teams_id."\",\"".$r->judges_timeslots_id."\",\"".$r->criteria_id."\",\"".$r->level_id."\",\"".$r->judge_user_id."\"";
$download = $download.$recordout."\r\n";
// proceed to end of code for the actual export
if ($CSVoption == 1 || $CSVoption == 2){
// This selects from judges_teams_timeslots_projects_link as top table - gets ONLY projects with assigned teams (I.E. Status = complete when schedule assignements are made
// It gets One record for each project - judges team assignment. I.E. one record for each required evaluation (Apperson Score Form)
$qstr = "SELECT AS IsTeam, eval_projects.scheme_id, projects.projectnumber, projects.`language`, projects.floornumber, projects.title, ".
"projects.shorttitle, judges_teams.num AS team_num, AS team_name, projectcategories.category, ".
"projectcategories.category_shortform, projectcategories.mingrade, projectcategories.maxgrade, projectdivisions.division, ".
"projectdivisions.division_shortform, projectdivisions.cwsfdivisionid, eval_projects.eval_score, eval_projects.final_score, ".
"eval_projects.eval_score_status, eval_projects.overall_status, eval_projects.last_change, projects.`year`, judges_timeslots.`date` AS tsdate, ".
"judges_timeslots.starttime AS tsstarttime, judges_timeslots.endtime AS tsendtime, AS tsname, ".
"judges_timeslots.type AS tstype, judges_teams_timeslots_projects_link.judges_timeslots_id, judges_teams_timeslots_projects_link.projects_id, ".
", registrations.num, registrations.status, judges_teams_timeslots_projects_link.score ".
"FROM judges_teams, judges_teams_timeslots_projects_link, judges_timeslots, projects, eval_projects, projectcategories, projectdivisions, registrations ".
"WHERE = judges_teams_timeslots_projects_link.judges_teams_id AND ".
"judges_teams_timeslots_projects_link.judges_timeslots_id = AND ".
"judges_teams_timeslots_projects_link.projects_id = eval_projects.project_id AND = eval_projects.project_id AND ".
"projects.projectcategories_id = AND projects.projectdivisions_id = AND ".
"projects.registrations_id = ".
" ORDER BY projects.projectnumber, team_num";
$q = mysql_query($qstr);
if (!$q OR mysql_num_rows($q) == 0){
echo "Error reading tables or no records. (Did you Link SFIAB to Evaluations? Did 'score' get added to the judges_teams_timeslots_projects_link table?)<br />";
if ($CSVoption == 1)
// here is what I want in the data. may take several queries to get it. Need one record for each record in eval_projects_entries
$header = "\"ProjectNum\",\"AppersonNum\",\"ShortTitle\",\"Title\",\"IsTeamProject\",\"FloorNum\",\"Language\",\"TeamProjectNote\",\"JudgeTeamNum\",\"JudgeTeamName\",\"JudgeTeamTime\",\"JudgeTeamLeader\",\"Category\",\"CatShort\",\"Division\",\"DivShort\",\"Year\",\"AppersonBarCode\",\"scheme_Id\",\"score\"";
$filename = "SFIAB_Evauations_ScoreFormPreSlug.csv";
if ($CSVoption == 2 ){
// Apperson Scanner Student data.// "Student ID","FirstName","LastName"
$header = "\"Student ID\",\"FirstName\",\"LastName\"";
$filename = "SFIAB_Evaluations_ScannerStudentData.csv";
// **********************************************write the header out to the file ************************************
$download = $header."\r\n";
$num_records = mysql_num_rows($q);
while($r=mysql_fetch_object($q)) {
// get some sepecial items from the raw data.
// this is for test only at this time. will be used in the Apperson Scanner export and import.
// to create the file necessary to preslug the score forms.
// Barcode = 1 or 2 for team, 4 digits exn, 4 digits team number, 2 digits checksum?
$AppPrjNum = substr($r->projectnumber , 1);
if ( strlen($AppPrjNum) < 4 )
$AppPrjNum = sprintf( "%04d",$AppPrjNum); // "0".$AppPrjNum;
$teamtime = $r->tsdate." ".$r->tsstarttime."-".$r->tsendtime;
$tcode = "1";
$Teamnote = "";
if ($r->IsTeam == "yes"){
$tcode = "2";
// passed $Teamworknote when page opened
$Teamnote = $Teamworknote;
$fmtTeamNum = sprintf("%04d", $r->team_num);
$StudentID = $tcode.$AppPrjNum.$fmtTeamNum;
// calculate the checksum
$checksum = (int)substr($StudentID,0,1);
$checksum += (int)substr($StudentID,1,1);
$checksum +=(int) substr($StudentID,2,1);
$checksum += (int)substr($StudentID,3,1);
$checksum += (int)substr($StudentID,4,1);
$checksum += (int)substr($StudentID,5,1);
$checksum += (int)substr($StudentID,6,1);
$checksum += (int)substr($StudentID,7,1);
$checksum += (int)substr($StudentID,8,1);
$checksum = sprintf("%02d",$checksum);
$AppBarCode = "<".$tcode.$AppPrjNum.$fmtTeamNum."/".$checksum.">";
// Get the Team leader name (to be done)
$TeamLeader = "n/a";
// ready to create the files
if($CSVoption == 1){
// $header = "\"ProjectNum\",\"AppersonNum\",\"ShortTitle\",\"Title\",\"IsTeam\",\"FloorNum\",\"Language\",\"TeamNote\",\"TeamNum \",\"TeamName\",\"TeamTime\",\"TeamLeader\",\"Category\",\"CatShort\",\"Division\",\"DivShort\",\"Year\",\"AppersonBarCode\",\"scheme_Id\",\"criteria_id\",\"Level_id\",\"score\"";
$title = str_replace("\"","'",$r->title);
$recordout = "\"".$r->projectnumber."\",\"".$AppPrjNum."\",\"".$r->shorttitle."\",\"".$title."\",\"".$r->IsTeam."\",\"".$r->floornumber."\",\"".$r->language."\",\"".$Teamnote."\",\"".
// ********************************************write the record out to the file************************************************
$download = $download.$recordout."\r\n";
if ($CSVoption == 2){ // Apperson Scanner Student data
$Teamnote = "";
if ($r->IsTeam == "yes"){
$Teamnote = "(Team Project)";
$Firstname = "Proj ".$r->projectnumber." ".$Teamnote." ".$r->title;
if(strlen($Firstname) > 100){
$Firstname = substr($Firstname,100); // limit to 100 max in Apperson Datalink
// replace and double quotes in $Firstname with single quotes so CSV import will work.
$Firstname = str_replace("\"","'",$Firstname);
$recordout = "\"".$StudentID."\",\"".$Firstname."\",\"JudgeTeamNum ".$r->team_num."\"";
// ********************************************write the record out to the file************************************************
$download = $download.$recordout."\r\n";
} // while $r=mysql_fetch_object($q)
} // end of if option = 1 or 2
// code below works for all csv files.
header("Content-type: text/x-csv");
header("Content-disposition: inline; filename=".$filename);
header("Content-length: ".strlen($download));
header("Pragma: public");
echo $download;
//header("Location: index.php");