2008-08-18 16:20:55 +00:00

271 lines
8.1 KiB

* FCKeditor - The text editor for Internet -
* Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Frederico Caldeira Knabben
* Licensed under the terms of any of the following licenses at your
* choice:
* - GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL")
* - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL")
* - Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 or later (the "MPL")
* Advanced document processors.
var FCKDocumentProcessor = new Object() ;
FCKDocumentProcessor._Items = new Array() ;
FCKDocumentProcessor.AppendNew = function()
var oNewItem = new Object() ;
this._Items.AddItem( oNewItem ) ;
return oNewItem ;
FCKDocumentProcessor.Process = function( document )
var bIsDirty = FCK.IsDirty() ;
var oProcessor, i = 0 ;
while( ( oProcessor = this._Items[i++] ) )
oProcessor.ProcessDocument( document ) ;
if ( !bIsDirty )
FCK.ResetIsDirty() ;
var FCKDocumentProcessor_CreateFakeImage = function( fakeClass, realElement )
var oImg = FCKTools.GetElementDocument( realElement ).createElement( 'IMG' ) ;
oImg.className = fakeClass ;
oImg.src = FCKConfig.BasePath + 'images/spacer.gif' ;
oImg.setAttribute( '_fckfakelement', 'true', 0 ) ;
oImg.setAttribute( '_fckrealelement', FCKTempBin.AddElement( realElement ), 0 ) ;
return oImg ;
// Link Anchors
if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE || FCKBrowserInfo.IsOpera )
var FCKAnchorsProcessor = FCKDocumentProcessor.AppendNew() ;
FCKAnchorsProcessor.ProcessDocument = function( document )
var aLinks = document.getElementsByTagName( 'A' ) ;
var oLink ;
var i = aLinks.length - 1 ;
while ( i >= 0 && ( oLink = aLinks[i--] ) )
// If it is anchor. Doesn't matter if it's also a link (even better: we show that it's both a link and an anchor)
if ( > 0 )
//if the anchor has some content then we just add a temporary class
if ( oLink.innerHTML !== '' )
if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE )
oLink.className += ' FCK__AnchorC' ;
var oImg = FCKDocumentProcessor_CreateFakeImage( 'FCK__Anchor', oLink.cloneNode(true) ) ;
oImg.setAttribute( '_fckanchor', 'true', 0 ) ;
oLink.parentNode.insertBefore( oImg, oLink ) ;
oLink.parentNode.removeChild( oLink ) ;
// Page Breaks
var FCKPageBreaksProcessor = FCKDocumentProcessor.AppendNew() ;
FCKPageBreaksProcessor.ProcessDocument = function( document )
var aDIVs = document.getElementsByTagName( 'DIV' ) ;
var eDIV ;
var i = aDIVs.length - 1 ;
while ( i >= 0 && ( eDIV = aDIVs[i--] ) )
if ( == 'always' && eDIV.childNodes.length == 1 && eDIV.childNodes[0].style && eDIV.childNodes[0].style.display == 'none' )
var oFakeImage = FCKDocumentProcessor_CreateFakeImage( 'FCK__PageBreak', eDIV.cloneNode(true) ) ;
eDIV.parentNode.insertBefore( oFakeImage, eDIV ) ;
eDIV.parentNode.removeChild( eDIV ) ;
var aCenters = document.getElementsByTagName( 'CENTER' ) ;
var oCenter ;
var i = aCenters.length - 1 ;
while ( i >= 0 && ( oCenter = aCenters[i--] ) )
if ( == 'always' && oCenter.innerHTML.Trim().length == 0 )
var oFakeImage = FCKDocumentProcessor_CreateFakeImage( 'FCK__PageBreak', oCenter.cloneNode(true) ) ;
oCenter.parentNode.insertBefore( oFakeImage, oCenter ) ;
oCenter.parentNode.removeChild( oCenter ) ;
// EMBED and OBJECT tags.
FCKEmbedAndObjectProcessor = (function()
var customProcessors = [] ;
var processElement = function( el )
var clone = el.cloneNode( true ) ;
var replaceElement ;
var fakeImg = replaceElement = FCKDocumentProcessor_CreateFakeImage( 'FCK__UnknownObject', clone ) ;
FCKEmbedAndObjectProcessor.RefreshView( fakeImg, el ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < customProcessors.length ; i++ )
replaceElement = customProcessors[i]( el, replaceElement ) || replaceElement ;
if ( replaceElement != fakeImg )
FCKTempBin.RemoveElement( fakeImg.getAttribute( '_fckrealelement' ) ) ;
el.parentNode.replaceChild( replaceElement, el ) ;
var processElementsByName = function( elementName, doc )
var aObjects = doc.getElementsByTagName( elementName );
for ( var i = aObjects.length - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i-- )
processElement( aObjects[i] ) ;
var processObjectAndEmbed = function( doc )
processElementsByName( 'object', doc );
processElementsByName( 'embed', doc );
return FCKTools.Merge( FCKDocumentProcessor.AppendNew(),
ProcessDocument : function( doc )
// Firefox 3 would sometimes throw an unknown exception while accessing EMBEDs and OBJECTs
// without the setTimeout().
if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsGecko )
FCKTools.RunFunction( processObjectAndEmbed, this, [ doc ] ) ;
processObjectAndEmbed( doc ) ;
RefreshView : function( placeHolder, original )
if ( original.getAttribute( 'width' ) > 0 ) = FCKTools.ConvertHtmlSizeToStyle( original.getAttribute( 'width' ) ) ;
if ( original.getAttribute( 'height' ) > 0 ) = FCKTools.ConvertHtmlSizeToStyle( original.getAttribute( 'height' ) ) ;
AddCustomHandler : function( func )
customProcessors.push( func ) ;
} ) ;
} )() ;
FCK.GetRealElement = function( fakeElement )
var e = FCKTempBin.Elements[ fakeElement.getAttribute('_fckrealelement') ] ;
if ( fakeElement.getAttribute('_fckflash') )
if ( > 0 )
e.width = FCKTools.ConvertStyleSizeToHtml( ) ;
if ( > 0 )
e.height = FCKTools.ConvertStyleSizeToHtml( ) ;
return e ;
// HR Processor.
// This is a IE only (tricky) thing. We protect all HR tags before loading them
// (see FCK.ProtectTags). Here we put the HRs back.
if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE )
FCKDocumentProcessor.AppendNew().ProcessDocument = function( document )
var aHRs = document.getElementsByTagName( 'HR' ) ;
var eHR ;
var i = aHRs.length - 1 ;
while ( i >= 0 && ( eHR = aHRs[i--] ) )
// Create the replacement HR.
var newHR = document.createElement( 'hr' ) ;
newHR.mergeAttributes( eHR, true ) ;
// We must insert the new one after it. insertBefore will not work in all cases.
FCKDomTools.InsertAfterNode( eHR, newHR ) ;
eHR.parentNode.removeChild( eHR ) ;
// INPUT:hidden Processor.
FCKDocumentProcessor.AppendNew().ProcessDocument = function( document )
var aInputs = document.getElementsByTagName( 'INPUT' ) ;
var oInput ;
var i = aInputs.length - 1 ;
while ( i >= 0 && ( oInput = aInputs[i--] ) )
if ( oInput.type == 'hidden' )
var oImg = FCKDocumentProcessor_CreateFakeImage( 'FCK__InputHidden', oInput.cloneNode(true) ) ;
oImg.setAttribute( '_fckinputhidden', 'true', 0 ) ;
oInput.parentNode.insertBefore( oImg, oInput ) ;
oInput.parentNode.removeChild( oInput ) ;
// Flash handler.
FCKEmbedAndObjectProcessor.AddCustomHandler( function( el, fakeImg )
if ( ! ( el.nodeName.IEquals( 'embed' ) && ( el.type == 'application/x-shockwave-flash' || /\.swf($|#|\?)/i.test( el.src ) ) ) )
return ;
fakeImg.className = 'FCK__Flash' ;
fakeImg.setAttribute( '_fckflash', 'true', 0 );
} ) ;
// Buggy <span class="Apple-style-span"> tags added by Safari.
if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsSafari )
FCKDocumentProcessor.AppendNew().ProcessDocument = function( doc )
var spans = doc.getElementsByClassName ?
doc.getElementsByClassName( 'Apple-style-span' ) :
doc.getElementsByTagName( 'span' ),
function( item ){ return item.className == 'Apple-style-span' ; }
) ;
for ( var i = spans.length - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i-- )
FCKDomTools.RemoveNode( spans[i], true ) ;