/* * FCKeditor - The text editor for Internet - http://www.fckeditor.net * Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Frederico Caldeira Knabben * * == BEGIN LICENSE == * * Licensed under the terms of any of the following licenses at your * choice: * * - GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL") * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL") * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html * * - Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 or later (the "MPL") * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html * * == END LICENSE == * * Definition of other commands that are not available internaly in the * browser (see FCKNamedCommand). */ // ### General Dialog Box Commands. var FCKDialogCommand = function( name, title, url, width, height, getStateFunction, getStateParam, customValue ) { this.Name = name ; this.Title = title ; this.Url = url ; this.Width = width ; this.Height = height ; this.CustomValue = customValue ; this.GetStateFunction = getStateFunction ; this.GetStateParam = getStateParam ; this.Resizable = false ; } FCKDialogCommand.prototype.Execute = function() { FCKDialog.OpenDialog( 'FCKDialog_' + this.Name , this.Title, this.Url, this.Width, this.Height, this.CustomValue, null, this.Resizable ) ; } FCKDialogCommand.prototype.GetState = function() { if ( this.GetStateFunction ) return this.GetStateFunction( this.GetStateParam ) ; else return FCK.EditMode == FCK_EDITMODE_WYSIWYG ? FCK_TRISTATE_OFF : FCK_TRISTATE_DISABLED ; } // Generic Undefined command (usually used when a command is under development). var FCKUndefinedCommand = function() { this.Name = 'Undefined' ; } FCKUndefinedCommand.prototype.Execute = function() { alert( FCKLang.NotImplemented ) ; } FCKUndefinedCommand.prototype.GetState = function() { return FCK_TRISTATE_OFF ; } // ### FormatBlock var FCKFormatBlockCommand = function() {} FCKFormatBlockCommand.prototype = { Name : 'FormatBlock', Execute : FCKStyleCommand.prototype.Execute, GetState : function() { return FCK.EditorDocument ? FCK_TRISTATE_OFF : FCK_TRISTATE_DISABLED ; } }; // ### FontName var FCKFontNameCommand = function() {} FCKFontNameCommand.prototype = { Name : 'FontName', Execute : FCKStyleCommand.prototype.Execute, GetState : FCKFormatBlockCommand.prototype.GetState }; // ### FontSize var FCKFontSizeCommand = function() {} FCKFontSizeCommand.prototype = { Name : 'FontSize', Execute : FCKStyleCommand.prototype.Execute, GetState : FCKFormatBlockCommand.prototype.GetState }; // ### Preview var FCKPreviewCommand = function() { this.Name = 'Preview' ; } FCKPreviewCommand.prototype.Execute = function() { FCK.Preview() ; } FCKPreviewCommand.prototype.GetState = function() { return FCK_TRISTATE_OFF ; } // ### Save var FCKSaveCommand = function() { this.Name = 'Save' ; } FCKSaveCommand.prototype.Execute = function() { // Get the linked field form. var oForm = FCK.GetParentForm() ; if ( typeof( oForm.onsubmit ) == 'function' ) { var bRet = oForm.onsubmit() ; if ( bRet != null && bRet === false ) return ; } // Submit the form. // If there's a button named "submit" then the form.submit() function is masked and // can't be called in Mozilla, so we call the click() method of that button. if ( typeof( oForm.submit ) == 'function' ) oForm.submit() ; else oForm.submit.click() ; } FCKSaveCommand.prototype.GetState = function() { return FCK_TRISTATE_OFF ; } // ### NewPage var FCKNewPageCommand = function() { this.Name = 'NewPage' ; } FCKNewPageCommand.prototype.Execute = function() { FCKUndo.SaveUndoStep() ; FCK.SetData( '' ) ; FCKUndo.Typing = true ; FCK.Focus() ; } FCKNewPageCommand.prototype.GetState = function() { return FCK_TRISTATE_OFF ; } // ### Source button var FCKSourceCommand = function() { this.Name = 'Source' ; } FCKSourceCommand.prototype.Execute = function() { if ( FCKConfig.SourcePopup ) // Until v2.2, it was mandatory for FCKBrowserInfo.IsGecko. { var iWidth = FCKConfig.ScreenWidth * 0.65 ; var iHeight = FCKConfig.ScreenHeight * 0.65 ; FCKDialog.OpenDialog( 'FCKDialog_Source', FCKLang.Source, 'dialog/fck_source.html', iWidth, iHeight, null, null, true ) ; } else FCK.SwitchEditMode() ; } FCKSourceCommand.prototype.GetState = function() { return ( FCK.EditMode == FCK_EDITMODE_WYSIWYG ? FCK_TRISTATE_OFF : FCK_TRISTATE_ON ) ; } // ### Undo var FCKUndoCommand = function() { this.Name = 'Undo' ; } FCKUndoCommand.prototype.Execute = function() { FCKUndo.Undo() ; } FCKUndoCommand.prototype.GetState = function() { if ( FCK.EditMode != FCK_EDITMODE_WYSIWYG ) return FCK_TRISTATE_DISABLED ; return ( FCKUndo.CheckUndoState() ? FCK_TRISTATE_OFF : FCK_TRISTATE_DISABLED ) ; } // ### Redo var FCKRedoCommand = function() { this.Name = 'Redo' ; } FCKRedoCommand.prototype.Execute = function() { FCKUndo.Redo() ; } FCKRedoCommand.prototype.GetState = function() { if ( FCK.EditMode != FCK_EDITMODE_WYSIWYG ) return FCK_TRISTATE_DISABLED ; return ( FCKUndo.CheckRedoState() ? FCK_TRISTATE_OFF : FCK_TRISTATE_DISABLED ) ; } // ### Page Break var FCKPageBreakCommand = function() { this.Name = 'PageBreak' ; } FCKPageBreakCommand.prototype.Execute = function() { // Take an undo snapshot before changing the document FCKUndo.SaveUndoStep() ; // var e = FCK.EditorDocument.createElement( 'CENTER' ) ; // e.style.pageBreakAfter = 'always' ; // Tidy was removing the empty CENTER tags, so the following solution has // been found. It also validates correctly as XHTML 1.0 Strict. var e = FCK.EditorDocument.createElement( 'DIV' ) ; e.style.pageBreakAfter = 'always' ; e.innerHTML = '<span style="DISPLAY:none"> </span>' ; var oFakeImage = FCKDocumentProcessor_CreateFakeImage( 'FCK__PageBreak', e ) ; var oRange = new FCKDomRange( FCK.EditorWindow ) ; oRange.MoveToSelection() ; var oSplitInfo = oRange.SplitBlock() ; oRange.InsertNode( oFakeImage ) ; FCK.Events.FireEvent( 'OnSelectionChange' ) ; } FCKPageBreakCommand.prototype.GetState = function() { if ( FCK.EditMode != FCK_EDITMODE_WYSIWYG ) return FCK_TRISTATE_DISABLED ; return 0 ; // FCK_TRISTATE_OFF } // FCKUnlinkCommand - by Johnny Egeland (johnny@coretrek.com) var FCKUnlinkCommand = function() { this.Name = 'Unlink' ; } FCKUnlinkCommand.prototype.Execute = function() { // Take an undo snapshot before changing the document FCKUndo.SaveUndoStep() ; if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsGeckoLike ) { var oLink = FCK.Selection.MoveToAncestorNode( 'A' ) ; // The unlink command can generate a span in Firefox, so let's do it our way. See #430 if ( oLink ) FCKTools.RemoveOuterTags( oLink ) ; return ; } FCK.ExecuteNamedCommand( this.Name ) ; } FCKUnlinkCommand.prototype.GetState = function() { if ( FCK.EditMode != FCK_EDITMODE_WYSIWYG ) return FCK_TRISTATE_DISABLED ; var state = FCK.GetNamedCommandState( this.Name ) ; // Check that it isn't an anchor if ( state == FCK_TRISTATE_OFF && FCK.EditMode == FCK_EDITMODE_WYSIWYG ) { var oLink = FCKSelection.MoveToAncestorNode( 'A' ) ; var bIsAnchor = ( oLink && oLink.name.length > 0 && oLink.href.length == 0 ) ; if ( bIsAnchor ) state = FCK_TRISTATE_DISABLED ; } return state ; } FCKVisitLinkCommand = function() { this.Name = 'VisitLink'; } FCKVisitLinkCommand.prototype = { GetState : function() { if ( FCK.EditMode != FCK_EDITMODE_WYSIWYG ) return FCK_TRISTATE_DISABLED ; var state = FCK.GetNamedCommandState( 'Unlink' ) ; if ( state == FCK_TRISTATE_OFF ) { var el = FCKSelection.MoveToAncestorNode( 'A' ) ; if ( !el.href ) state = FCK_TRISTATE_DISABLED ; } return state ; }, Execute : function() { var el = FCKSelection.MoveToAncestorNode( 'A' ) ; var url = el.getAttribute( '_fcksavedurl' ) || el.getAttribute( 'href', 2 ) ; // Check if it's a full URL. // If not full URL, we'll need to apply the BaseHref setting. if ( ! /:\/\//.test( url ) ) { var baseHref = FCKConfig.BaseHref ; var parentWindow = FCK.GetInstanceObject( 'parent' ) ; if ( !baseHref ) { baseHref = parentWindow.document.location.href ; baseHref = baseHref.substring( 0, baseHref.lastIndexOf( '/' ) + 1 ) ; } if ( /^\//.test( url ) ) { try { baseHref = baseHref.match( /^.*:\/\/+[^\/]+/ )[0] ; } catch ( e ) { baseHref = parentWindow.document.location.protocol + '://' + parentWindow.parent.document.location.host ; } } url = baseHref + url ; } if ( !window.open( url, '_blank' ) ) alert( FCKLang.VisitLinkBlocked ) ; } } ; // FCKSelectAllCommand var FCKSelectAllCommand = function() { this.Name = 'SelectAll' ; } FCKSelectAllCommand.prototype.Execute = function() { if ( FCK.EditMode == FCK_EDITMODE_WYSIWYG ) { FCK.ExecuteNamedCommand( 'SelectAll' ) ; } else { // Select the contents of the textarea var textarea = FCK.EditingArea.Textarea ; if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE ) { textarea.createTextRange().execCommand( 'SelectAll' ) ; } else { textarea.selectionStart = 0 ; textarea.selectionEnd = textarea.value.length ; } textarea.focus() ; } } FCKSelectAllCommand.prototype.GetState = function() { if ( FCK.EditMode != FCK_EDITMODE_WYSIWYG ) return FCK_TRISTATE_DISABLED ; return FCK_TRISTATE_OFF ; } // FCKPasteCommand var FCKPasteCommand = function() { this.Name = 'Paste' ; } FCKPasteCommand.prototype = { Execute : function() { if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE ) FCK.Paste() ; else FCK.ExecuteNamedCommand( 'Paste' ) ; }, GetState : function() { if ( FCK.EditMode != FCK_EDITMODE_WYSIWYG ) return FCK_TRISTATE_DISABLED ; return FCK.GetNamedCommandState( 'Paste' ) ; } } ; // FCKRuleCommand var FCKRuleCommand = function() { this.Name = 'Rule' ; } FCKRuleCommand.prototype = { Execute : function() { FCKUndo.SaveUndoStep() ; FCK.InsertElement( 'hr' ) ; }, GetState : function() { if ( FCK.EditMode != FCK_EDITMODE_WYSIWYG ) return FCK_TRISTATE_DISABLED ; return FCK.GetNamedCommandState( 'InsertHorizontalRule' ) ; } } ; // FCKCutCopyCommand var FCKCutCopyCommand = function( isCut ) { this.Name = isCut ? 'Cut' : 'Copy' ; } FCKCutCopyCommand.prototype = { Execute : function() { var enabled = false ; if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE ) { // The following seems to be the only reliable way to detect that // cut/copy is enabled in IE. It will fire the oncut/oncopy event // only if the security settings enabled the command to execute. var onEvent = function() { enabled = true ; } ; var eventName = 'on' + this.Name.toLowerCase() ; FCK.EditorDocument.body.attachEvent( eventName, onEvent ) ; FCK.ExecuteNamedCommand( this.Name ) ; FCK.EditorDocument.body.detachEvent( eventName, onEvent ) ; } else { try { // Other browsers throw an error if the command is disabled. FCK.ExecuteNamedCommand( this.Name ) ; enabled = true ; } catch(e){} } if ( !enabled ) alert( FCKLang[ 'PasteError' + this.Name ] ) ; }, GetState : function() { // Strangely, the Cut command happens to have the correct states for // both Copy and Cut in all browsers. return FCK.EditMode != FCK_EDITMODE_WYSIWYG ? FCK_TRISTATE_DISABLED : FCK.GetNamedCommandState( 'Cut' ) ; } }; var FCKAnchorDeleteCommand = function() { this.Name = 'AnchorDelete' ; } FCKAnchorDeleteCommand.prototype = { Execute : function() { if (FCK.Selection.GetType() == 'Control') { FCK.Selection.Delete(); } else { var oFakeImage = FCK.Selection.GetSelectedElement() ; if ( oFakeImage ) { if ( oFakeImage.tagName == 'IMG' && oFakeImage.getAttribute('_fckanchor') ) oAnchor = FCK.GetRealElement( oFakeImage ) ; else oFakeImage = null ; } //Search for a real anchor if ( !oFakeImage ) { oAnchor = FCK.Selection.MoveToAncestorNode( 'A' ) ; if ( oAnchor ) FCK.Selection.SelectNode( oAnchor ) ; } // If it's also a link, then just remove the name and exit if ( oAnchor.href.length != 0 ) { oAnchor.removeAttribute( 'name' ) ; // Remove temporary class for IE if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE ) oAnchor.className = oAnchor.className.replace( FCKRegexLib.FCK_Class, '' ) ; return ; } // We need to remove the anchor // If we got a fake image, then just remove it and we're done if ( oFakeImage ) { oFakeImage.parentNode.removeChild( oFakeImage ) ; return ; } // Empty anchor, so just remove it if ( oAnchor.innerHTML.length == 0 ) { oAnchor.parentNode.removeChild( oAnchor ) ; return ; } // Anchor with content, leave the content FCKTools.RemoveOuterTags( oAnchor ) ; } if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsGecko ) FCK.Selection.Collapse( true ) ; }, GetState : function() { if ( FCK.EditMode != FCK_EDITMODE_WYSIWYG ) return FCK_TRISTATE_DISABLED ; return FCK.GetNamedCommandState( 'Unlink') ; } }; var FCKDeleteDivCommand = function() { } FCKDeleteDivCommand.prototype = { GetState : function() { if ( FCK.EditMode != FCK_EDITMODE_WYSIWYG ) return FCK_TRISTATE_DISABLED ; var node = FCKSelection.GetParentElement() ; var path = new FCKElementPath( node ) ; return path.BlockLimit && path.BlockLimit.nodeName.IEquals( 'div' ) ? FCK_TRISTATE_OFF : FCK_TRISTATE_DISABLED ; }, Execute : function() { // Create an undo snapshot before doing anything. FCKUndo.SaveUndoStep() ; // Find out the nodes to delete. var nodes = FCKDomTools.GetSelectedDivContainers() ; // Remember the current selection position. var range = new FCKDomRange( FCK.EditorWindow ) ; range.MoveToSelection() ; var bookmark = range.CreateBookmark() ; // Delete the container DIV node. for ( var i = 0 ; i < nodes.length ; i++) FCKDomTools.RemoveNode( nodes[i], true ) ; // Restore selection. range.MoveToBookmark( bookmark ) ; range.Select() ; } } ; // FCKRuleCommand var FCKNbsp = function() { this.Name = 'Non Breaking Space' ; } FCKNbsp.prototype = { Execute : function() { FCK.InsertHtml( ' ' ) ; }, GetState : function() { return ( FCK.EditMode != FCK_EDITMODE_WYSIWYG ? FCK_TRISTATE_DISABLED : FCK_TRISTATE_OFF ) ; } } ;