<?php function db_update_195_pre(){ } function db_update_195_post(){ // build a list of fields that we'll be migrating for the various user_<role> tables $fields['committee'] = array('emailprivate','ord','displayemail','access_admin', 'access_config','access_super'); $fields['judge'] = array('years_school','years_regional','years_national', 'willing_chair','special_award_only', 'cat_prefs','div_prefs','divsub_prefs', 'expertise_other','languages', 'highest_psd'); $fields['student'] = array('schools_id'); $fields['fair'] = array('fairs_id'); $fields['sponsor'] = array('sponsors_id','primary','position','notes'); $max_id = 0; // let's do some data massaging mysql_query("BEGIN"); try{ mysql_query("ALTER TABLE accounts ADD COLUMN `year` INT COMMENT 'Temporary field, delete when finished migration'"); $uidQuery = mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT(uid) FROM users"); while($uidDat = mysql_fetch_assoc($uidQuery)){ $uid = $uidDat['uid']; $userQuery = "SELECT users.*, users_committee.access_super AS super FROM users" . " LEFT JOIN users_committee ON users_committee.users_id = users.id" . " WHERE uid=$uid ORDER BY year DESC"; $userResults = mysql_query($userQuery); $userRecord = mysql_fetch_assoc($userResults); // get the data that we need from this record // start with determining what username we'll be using $username = $userRecord['username']; if(trim($username) == '') $username = $userRecord['email']; if(trim($username) == '') $username = $userRecord['firstname'] . ' ' . $userRecord['lastname']; if(trim($username) == ''){ echo "Can't find a username for user id $uid\n"; continue; } $username = mysql_real_escape_string($username); $password = mysql_real_escape_string($userRecord['password']); $email = mysql_real_escape_string($userRecord['email']); $pendingemail = ""; // find out if they're a superuser if($userRecord['super'] == 'yes'){ $superuser = 'yes'; }else{ $superuser = 'no'; } // get the year $year = $userRecord['year']; // check to see if we already have a record with this username in place $checkCount = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT count(*) as tally FROM accounts WHERE username='$username'")); if($checkCount['tally'] > 0){ // there is already an account with this username let's find out if it's a newer // or older copy $data = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE username='$username'")); $accounts_id = $data['id']; if($data['year'] < $year){ echo "switching to newer data for username \"$username\".\n"; // this is a later record, so let's replace the old one $updateQuery = "UPDATE accounts SET " . "`password` = '$password', " . "`email` = '$email', " . "`superuser` = '$superuser', " . "`year` = $year " . "WHERE username = '$username'"; //echo $query . "\n"; if(!mysql_query($updateQuery)){ throw new Exception("Error on query \"$updateQuery\":\n\n" . mysql_error()); } } }else{ echo "Creating a new record for uid $uid ($username)\n"; $accounts_id = $uid; $newAccountQuery = "INSERT INTO accounts (`id`, `username`, `password`, `email`, `pendingemail`, `superuser`, `year`) "; $newAccountQuery .= "VALUES ('$accounts_id', '$username', '$password', '$email', '$pendingemail', '$superuser', $year)"; //echo $newAccountQuery . "\n"; if(!mysql_query($newAccountQuery)){ // $accounts_id = mysql_insert_id(); // }else{ throw new Exception("Error on query \"$newAccountQuery\":\n\n" . mysql_error()); } } if($accounts_id > $max_id) $max_id = $accounts_id; /************************************************** Now that we have an account created, let's deal with the other tables. **************************************************/ do{ // let's set the uid in this record to be the new ID in our accounts table $query = "UPDATE users SET uid = $accounts_id WHERE id=" . $userRecord['id']; //echo $query . "\n"; if(!mysql_query($query)){ throw new Exception("Failed on updating users table for userid {$userRecord['id']}"); } if($userRecord['year'] != 0){ $confQuery = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM conferences WHERE year = " . $userRecord['year']); if($confQuery != false){ $confDat = mysql_fetch_assoc($confQuery); $confId = $confDat['id']; // update the user_roles table $roles = explode(',', $userRecord['types']); $q = "SELECT * FROM roles WHERE roletype IN ('" . implode("','", $roles) . "')"; $roleQuery = mysql_query($q); while($roleData = mysql_fetch_assoc($roleQuery)){ $roleId = $roleData['id']; $tally = 0; $roletype = $roleData['roletype']; $roleInfoQuery = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users_" . $roletype . " WHERE users_id = " . $userRecord['id']); $roleInfo = mysql_fetch_assoc($roleInfoQuery); // we now have their role info $active = $roleInfo[$roletype . '_active']; $complete = $roleInfo[$roletype . '_complete']; // build our insert on the user_roles table $params = array( 'conferences_id' => $confId, 'active' => $active, 'complete' => $complete, 'roles_id' => $roleId, 'users_id' => $userRecord['id'], 'accounts_id' => $accounts_id ); $query = "INSERT INTO user_roles"; $query .= ' (' . implode(', ', array_keys($params)) . ')'; $query .= ' VALUES ("' . implode('", "', array_values($params)) . '")'; //echo $query . "\n"; mysql_query($query); // now we need to take all of their role data and insert it into users: if(array_key_exists($roletype, $fields)){ $query = "UPDATE users SET"; $doneOne = false; foreach($fields[$roletype] as $fieldName){ if($doneOne) $query .= ", "; else $doneOne = true; $query .= " `$fieldName` = '"; $query .= mysql_real_escape_string($roleInfo[$fieldName]); $query .= "'"; } $query .= " WHERE id = " . $userRecord['id']; //echo $query . "\n"; if(!mysql_query($query)){ throw new exception("ERROR with query:\n$query\n"); } } } }else{ echo "No conference found with the year \"" . $userRecord['year'] . "\"\n"; } }else{ echo "No conference year specified for user '$username'\n"; } }while($userRecord = mysql_fetch_assoc($userResults)); } // now that the account records have all been created, we can delete any user records that have a year of zero mysql_query("DELETE FROM users WHERE year = 0"); mysql_query("ALTER TABLE accounts AUTO_INCREMENT = " . ($max_id + 1)); mysql_query("COMMIT"); }catch(Exception $e){ mysql_query("ROLLBACK"); echo $e->getMessage(); } }