Copyright (C) 2005 James Grant Copyright (C) 2008 Daivd Grant This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ ?> "); function set_status($txt) { TRACE("Status: $txt\n"); return; mysql_query("UPDATE config SET val='$txt' WHERE var='tours_scheduler_activity' AND year=0"); } $set_percent_last_percent = -1; function set_percent($n) { global $set_percent_last_percent; $p = floor($n); if($p == $set_percent_last_percent) return; TRACE("Progress: $p\%\n"); $set_percent_last_percent = $p; return; mysql_query("UPDATE config SET val='$p' WHERE var='tours_scheduler_percent' AND year=0"); } set_status("Initializing..."); set_percent(0); /* The cost function is: - Foreach student in a tour +15 - Above the grade level +25 - Below the grade level */ /* Compute the cost of adding a judge to a team */ function tour_cost_function($annealer, $bucket_id, $ids) { global $config; global $tid; global $tours; global $students; /* Bucket ID is the tour number */ /* ids are the judge ids currently in the bucket */ // TRACE("Bucket id=$bucket_id, ids="); // TRACE_R($ids); $cost = 0; $t =& $tours[$bucket_id]; $tid = $t['id']; /* Compute the over max / under min costs */ $c = count($ids); $over = ($c > $t['capacity']) ? $c - $t['capacity'] : 0; $under = ($c < ($t['capacity']/4)) ? ($t['capacity']/4) - $c : 0; $cost += $over * 100; $cost += $under * 200; // TRACE("Under min=$min, over max=$max\n"); $schools = array(); /* For each student on the tour */ foreach($ids as $x=>$sid) { $s =& $students[$sid]; /* Score the rank */ $rank_cost = -1; foreach($s['rank'] as $rank=>$rank_tid) { if($rank_tid != $tid) continue; $rank_cost = ($rank * $rank * 5) - 5; } if($rank_cost == -1) { $rank_cost = $config['tours_choices_max'] * $config['tours_choices_max'] * 5; } $cost += $rank_cost; /* Check for student below/above grade range */ if($s['grade'] < $t['grade_min']) $cost += 15; if($s['grade'] > $t['grade_min']) $cost += 25; /* Record the school */ $schools[$s['schools_id']]++; } /* Search the schools array for insteances of '1' */ foreach($schools as $sid=>$cnt) { if($cnt == 1) $cost += 5; } // TRACE("Team $bucket_id, cost is $cost\n"); return $cost; } set_status("Cleaning existing tour assignments..."); TRACE("\n\n"); $q=mysql_query("DELETE FROM tours_choice WHERE year='{$config['FAIRYEAR']}' AND rank='0'"); set_status("Loading Data From Database..."); TRACE("\n\n"); TRACE("Tours...\n"); $tours = array(); $q=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tours WHERE year='{$config['FAIRYEAR']}'"); $x=0; while($r=mysql_fetch_object($q)) { $tours[$x]['capacity'] = $r->capacity; $tours[$x]['grade_min'] = $r->grade_min; $tours[$x]['grade_max'] = $r->grade_max; $tours[$x]['id'] = $r->id; $tours[$x]['name'] = $r->name; TRACE(" $x: #{$r->id} {$r->name} (c:{$r->capacity} g:{$r->grade_min}-{$r->grade_max})\n"); $x++; } $students = array(); TRACE("Loading Students...\n"); $q=mysql_query("SELECT,students.grade, students.registrations_id, students.schools_id, students.firstname, students.lastname, tours_choice.rank,tours_choice.tour_id FROM students LEFT JOIN tours_choice ON ( LEFT JOIN registrations ON ( WHERE students.year='{$config['FAIRYEAR']}' AND tours_choice.year='{$config['FAIRYEAR']}' AND registrations.status='complete' ORDER BY, tours_choice.rank "); $last_sid = -1; TRACE(mysql_error()); while($r=mysql_fetch_object($q)) { $sid = $r->id; if($last_sid != $sid) { $students[$sid]['name'] = $r->firstname.' '.$r->lastname; $students[$sid]['grade'] = $r->grade; $students[$sid]['registrations_id'] = $r->registrations_id; $students[$sid]['rank'] = array(); $students[$sid]['schools_id'] = $r->schools_id; $last_sid = $sid; } $students[$sid]['rank'][$r->rank] = $r->tour_id; } $student_ids = array_keys($students); TRACE(" ".(count($student_ids))." students loaded\n"); function tours_assignment_update($progress, $total) { set_percent(($progress * 50) / $total); } TRACE("Effort: {$config['effort']}\n"); set_status("Assigning students to tours"); $e = 100 + 10 * ($config['effort'] / 100); $a = new annealer(count($tours), 50, $e, 0.98, tour_cost_function, $student_ids); $a->set_update_callback(tours_assignment_update); $a->anneal(); /* Record the assignments */ foreach($tours as $x=>$t) { TRACE("#{$t['id']} {$t['name']} (c:{$t['capacity']} g:{$t['grade_min']}-{$t['grade_max']})\n"); $sids = $a->bucket[$x]; TRACE(" - Cost:{$a->bucket_cost[$x]} Students: ".(count($sids))."\n"); foreach($sids as $sid) { $s = $students[$sid]; $tids = implode(' ', $s['rank']); TRACE(" - {$s['name']} ($tids) (g:{$s['grade']} s:{$s['schools_id']})\n"); mysql_query("INSERT INTO tours_choice (`students_id`,`registrations_id`, `tour_id`,`year`,`rank`) VALUES ( '$sid', '{$s['registrations_id']}', '{$t['id']}', '{$config['FAIRYEAR']}', '0')"); } } TRACE("All Done.\n"); echo ""; set_percent(-1); set_status("Done"); //echo happy("Scheduler completed successfully"); //send_footer(); ?>