UPDATE `pagetext` SET `text`='Welcome to the online registration and management system for the fair.  Using the links on the left the public can register as a participant or register as a judge. \r\n\r\nThe committee can use the Fair Administration link to manage the fair, see who''s registered, generate reports, etc.  \r\n\r\nThe SFIAB configuration link is for the committee webmaster to manage the configuration of the Science Fair In A Box for the fair.\r\n' WHERE `textname`='index' AND `year`='-1';
UPDATE `emails` SET `body`='A new registration account has been created for you.  To access your registration account, please enter the following registration number into the registration website:\r\n\r\nRegistration Number: [REGNUM]\r\n' WHERE `val`='new_participant';
UPDATE `emails` SET `body`='We have received a request for the retrieval of your registration number from this email address.  Please find your existing registration number below\r\n\r\nRegistration Number: [REGNUM]\r\n' WHERE `val`='register_participants_resend_regnum';
UPDATE `config` SET `description`='The single password to use for participant registration if participant_registration_type is singlepassword.  Leave blank if not using singlepassword participant registration' WHERE `var`='participant_registration_singlepassword' AND `year`='-1';