id'"); echo mysql_error(); if(mysql_error()) echo error(i18n("An Error occured trying to save the school information")); else echo happy(i18n("School information successfully updated")); } // load the school info $q=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM schools WHERE id='$schoolid'"); $school=mysql_fetch_object($q); draw_page(); send_footer(); function draw_page(){ global $config, $school, $sh_email, $sh_email, $sh; echo i18n("Please make sure your school contact information is correct, make any necessary changes:"); echo "
"; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; // echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo "\n"; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; /* echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; */ echo "
".i18n("School Name")."school\" type=\"text\" name=\"school\" size=\"40\">
Registration Passwordregistration_password\" type=text name=\"registration_password\" size=\"20\">
".i18n("Address")."address\" type=text name=address size=40>
".i18n("City")."city\" type=text name=city size=30>
".i18n($config['provincestate']).""; emit_province_selector("province_code",$school->province_code); echo "
".i18n($config['postalzip'])."postalcode\" type=text name=postalcode size=10>
".i18n("Phone Number")."phone\" type=text name=phone size=30>
".i18n("Fax Number")."fax\" type=text name=fax size=30>
".i18n("Science Teacher")."
".i18n("Science Teacher Email")."
".i18n("Science Teacher Phone")."
(".i18n("If different than above").")
"; echo ""; echo "
"; echo "
"; } ?>