INSERT INTO `emails` (`val`, `name`, `description`, `from`, `subject`, `body`, `type`) VALUES ('register_participants_received', 'Participant Registration - Form Received', 'Sent to the participant when the admin flags their signature form as received', '', 'Registration for [FAIRNAME] Complete', 'Dear [FIRSTNAME],\r\nYour registration for the [FAIRNAME] is now complete.\r\nYour project number is [PROJECTNUMBER].  Please write down your project number and bring it with you to the fair in order to expedite the check-in process.\r\n\r\nSincerely,\r\n [FAIRNAME]', 'system');
INSERT INTO `emails` (`val`, `name`, `description`, `from`, `subject`, `body`, `type`) VALUES ('register_participants_paymentpending', 'Participant Registration - Payment Pending', 'Sent to the participant when the admin flags their signature form as received but payment pending', '', 'Registration for [FAIRNAME] Not Complete - Payment Pending', 'Dear [FIRSTNAME],\r\nYour registration for the [FAIRNAME] is not yet complete.  We received your registration form however it was missing the required registration fee.  Please send the required registration fee in aso soon as possible in order to complete your registration.\r\n\r\nYour project number is [PROJECTNUMBER].  Please write down your project number and bring it with you to the fair in order to expedite the check-in process.\r\n\r\nSincerely,\r\n [FAIRNAME]', 'system');
UPDATE `emails` SET `from`='' WHERE `from`='';