INSERT INTO `config` (`var`, `val`, `description`, `year`) VALUES ('fairname', '', 'Name of the fair', -1); INSERT INTO `config` (`var`, `val`, `description`, `year`) VALUES ('default_language', 'en', 'The default language if no language has yet been specified', -1); INSERT INTO `config` (`var`, `val`, `description`, `year`) VALUES ('minstudentsperproject', '1', 'The minimum number of students that can work on a project (usually 1)', -1); INSERT INTO `config` (`var`, `val`, `description`, `year`) VALUES ('maxstudentsperproject', '2', 'The maximum number of students that can work on a project (Usually 2)', -1); INSERT INTO `config` (`var`, `val`, `description`, `year`) VALUES ('mingrade', '7', 'The minimum school grade that can enter a project', -1); INSERT INTO `config` (`var`, `val`, `description`, `year`) VALUES ('maxgrade', '12', 'The maximum school grade that can enter a project', -1); INSERT INTO `config` (`var`, `val`, `description`, `year`) VALUES ('minage', '10', 'The minimum age of the students', -1); INSERT INTO `config` (`var`, `val`, `description`, `year`) VALUES ('maxage', '21', 'The maximum age of the students', -1); INSERT INTO `config` (`var`, `val`, `description`, `year`) VALUES ('maxmentorsperproject', '5', 'The maximum number of mentors that can help with a project', -1); INSERT INTO `config` (`var`, `val`, `description`, `year`) VALUES ('minmentorsperproject', '0', 'The minimum number of mentors that can help with a project (usually 0)', -1); INSERT INTO `config` (`var`, `val`, `description`, `year`) VALUES ('usedivisionselector', 'yes', 'Specify whether to use the division selector flowchart questions to help decide on the division (yes/no)', -1); INSERT INTO `config` (`var`, `val`, `description`, `year`) VALUES ('minjudgeage', '21', 'The minimum age that a person must be in order to be a judge.', -1); INSERT INTO `config` (`var`, `val`, `description`, `year`) VALUES ('maxjudgeage', '100', 'The maximum age that a person can be in order to be a judge', -1); INSERT INTO `config` (`var`, `val`, `description`, `year`) VALUES ('participant_student_foodreq', 'yes', 'Ask for students special food requirements (yes/no). Should be yes if you plan on providing lunch', -1); INSERT INTO `config` (`var`, `val`, `description`, `year`) VALUES ('regfee', '', 'Registration Fee', -1); INSERT INTO `config` (`var`, `val`, `description`, `year`) VALUES ('regfee_per', 'student', 'Registration fee is per student, or per project? (student/project)', -1); INSERT INTO `config` (`var`, `val`, `description`, `year`) VALUES ('project_num_format', 'CDN', 'C=Category, D=Divison, N=2 digit Number', -1); INSERT INTO `config` (`var`, `val`, `description`, `year`) VALUES ('committee_publiclayout', '