Copyright (C) 2005 James Grant This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ ?> status=="complete" || $r->status=="paymentpending") return true; else return false; } function registrationDeadlinePassed() { global $config; $q=mysql_query("SELECT (NOW()<'".$config['dates']['regclose']."') AS datecheck"); $datecheck=mysql_fetch_object($q); if($datecheck->datecheck==1) return false; else return true; } function studentStatus($reg_id="") { global $config, $conference; if($config['participant_student_personal']=="yes") $required_fields=array("firstname","lastname","address","city","postalcode","phonehome","grade","dateofbirth","schools_id","sex"); else $required_fields=array("firstname","lastname","grade","schools_id"); if($config['participant_student_tshirt']=="yes") $required_fields[]="tshirt"; if($reg_id) $rid=$reg_id; else $rid=$_SESSION['registration_id']; $q=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE registrations_id='$rid' AND conferences_id='".$conference['id']."'"); //if we dont have the minimum, return incomplete if(mysql_num_rows($q)<$config['minstudentsperproject']) return "incomplete"; while($r=mysql_fetch_object($q)) { foreach ($required_fields AS $req) { if($req=="dateofbirth") { if($r->$req=="0000-00-00" || !$r->$req) return "incomplete"; } else { if(!$r->$req) return "incomplete"; } } } //if it made it through without returning incomplete, then we must be complete return "complete"; } function emergencycontactStatus($reg_id="") { global $conference; $required_fields=array("firstname","lastname","relation","phone1"); if($reg_id) $rid=$reg_id; else $rid=$_SESSION['registration_id']; $sq=mysql_query("SELECT id FROM students WHERE registrations_id='$rid' AND conferences_id='".$conference['id']."'"); $returnval = 'complete'; while($sr=mysql_fetch_object($sq)) { $u = user_load($sr->id); if(!array_key_exists('emergencycontacts', $u)){ $returnval = 'incomplete'; break; } $oneValid = false; foreach($u['emergencycontacts'] as $contact){ $valid = true; foreach($rquired_fields AS $req){ if(!$contact[$req]) $valid = false; break; } $oneValid |= $valid; } if(!$oneValid){ $returval = 'incomplete'; break; } } return $returnval; } function projectStatus($reg_id="") { global $config, $conference; $required_fields=array("title","projectcategories_id","projectdivisions_id","language","summarycountok"); if($config['participant_short_title_enable'] == 'yes') $required_fields[] = 'shorttitle'; if($config['participant_project_summary_wordmin'] > 0) $required_fields[] = 'summary'; if($config['participant_project_table'] == 'yes') $requiredFields[] = 'req_table'; if($config['participant_project_electricity'] == 'yes') $requiredFields[] = 'req_electricity'; if($reg_id) $rid=$reg_id; else $rid=$_SESSION['registration_id']; $q=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM projects WHERE registrations_id='$rid' AND conferences_id='".$conference['id']."'"); //if we dont have a project entry yet, return empty if(!mysql_num_rows($q)) return "empty"; while($r=mysql_fetch_object($q)) { foreach ($required_fields AS $req) { if(!$r->$req) { return "incomplete"; } } } //if it made it through without returning incomplete, then we must be complete return "complete"; } function mentorStatus($reg_id="") { global $config, $conference; $required_fields=array("firstname","lastname","phone","email","organization","description"); if($reg_id) $rid=$reg_id; else $rid=$_SESSION['registration_id']; //first check the registrations table to see if 'nummentors' is set, or if its null $q=mysql_query("SELECT nummentors FROM registrations WHERE id='$rid' AND conferences_id='".$conference['id']."'"); $r=mysql_fetch_object($q); if($r->nummentors==null) return "incomplete"; $q=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM mentors WHERE registrations_id='$rid' AND conferences_id='".$conference['id']."'"); //if we dont have the minimum, return incomplete if(mysql_num_rows($q)<$config['minmentorserproject']) return "incomplete"; while($r=mysql_fetch_object($q)) { foreach ($required_fields AS $req) { if(!$r->$req) { return "incomplete"; } } } //if it made it through without returning incomplete, then we must be complete return "complete"; } function safetyStatus($reg_id="") { global $conference; if($reg_id) $rid=$reg_id; else $rid=$_SESSION['registration_id']; //grab all of their answers $q=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM safety WHERE registrations_id='$rid'"); while($r=mysql_fetch_object($q)) { $safetyanswers[$r->safetyquestions_id]=$r->answer; } //now grab all the questions $q=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM safetyquestions WHERE conferences_id='".$conference['id']."' ORDER BY ord"); while($r=mysql_fetch_object($q)) { if($r->required=="yes" && !$safetyanswers[$r->id]) { return "incomplete"; } } return "complete"; } function spawardStatus($reg_id="") { global $conference; if($reg_id) $rid=$reg_id; else $rid=$_SESSION['registration_id']; $q=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM projects WHERE registrations_id='$rid'"); $project=mysql_fetch_object($q); /* We want this query to get any awards with a NULL award_awards_id */ $awardsq=mysql_query("SELECT AS projects_id FROM project_specialawards_link, projects WHERE project_specialawards_link.projects_id='".$project->id."' AND projects.conferences_id='".$conference['id']."' "); if(mysql_num_rows($awardsq)) return "complete"; else return "incomplete"; } function tourStatus($reg_id="") { /************************************************************************ FIXME This function depends on the tours_choice table, which currently links to the students table. tours_choice needs to be updated to link to instead (and the conferences_id column can be dropped after all). It's not getting used this year anyway, so meh. The next line here should then be removed, and the code modified accordingly. ************************************************************************/ return 'complete'; // delete me global $config, $conference; if($reg_id) $rid=$reg_id; else $rid=$_SESSION['registration_id']; /* Get the students for this project */ $q=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM students WHERE registrations_id='$rid' AND conferences_id='".$conference['id']."'"); $num_found = mysql_num_rows($q); $ret = "complete"; while($s=mysql_fetch_object($q)) { //grab all of their tour prefs $sid = $s->id; $qq=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tours_choice WHERE students_id='$sid' and conferences_id='{$conference['id']}' ORDER BY rank"); $n_tours = mysql_num_rows($qq); if($n_tours > 0) { /* See if there's a rank 0 tour (rank 0 == their tour assignment) */ $i = mysql_fetch_object($qq); if($i->rank == 0) { /* Yes, there is, no matter what, this student's tour * selection is complete. */ continue; } } /* Else, they haven't been assigned a tour, see if they've made * the appropraite selection(s) */ if( ($n_tours >= $config['tours_choices_min']) && ($n_tours <= $config['tours_choices_max']) ){ continue; } $ret = "incomplete"; break; } return $ret; } function namecheckStatus($reg_id="") { global $conference; if($reg_id) $rid=$reg_id; else $rid=$_SESSION['registration_id']; $q = mysql_query("SELECT namecheck_complete FROM users WHERE registrations_id = $rid AND conferences_id = '{$conference['id']}'"); while($s=mysql_fetch_object($q)) { if($s->namecheck_complete == 'no') { return 'incomplete'; } } return 'complete'; } function participant_status_completion_details($u){ return array( 'namecheck' => namecheckStatus($regId), 'tour' => tourStatus($regId), 'spaward' => spawardStatus($regId), 'safety' => safetyStatus($regId), 'mentor' => mentorStatus($regId), 'project' => projectStatus($regId), 'emergencycontact' => emergencycontactStatus($regId), 'student' => studentStatus($regId) ); } function participant_status_update(&$u){ $regId = $u['registrations_id']; $status = participant_status_completion_details($u); $overall = 'complete'; $u['roles']['participant']['completesections'] = array(); foreach($status as $key => $val){ $u['roles']['participant']['completesections'][$key] = ($val == 'complete') ? 'yes':'no'; if($val != 'complete'){ $overall = 'incomplete'; } } $u['roles']['participant']['complete'] = ($overall == 'complete') ? 'yes':'no'; return $overall; }