Copyright (C) 2005 James Grant This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ ?> *'); //figure out the directory to prepend to directoroy names, depending on if we are in a subdirectory or not if(substr(getcwd(),-6)=="/admin") $prependdir="../"; else if(substr(getcwd(),-7)=="/config") $prependdir="../"; else if(substr(getcwd(),-3)=="/db") $prependdir="../"; else if(substr(getcwd(),-8)=="/scripts") $prependdir="../"; else $prependdir=""; $sfiabversion=@file($prependdir."version.txt"); $config['version']=trim($sfiabversion[0]); //make sure the data subdirectory is writable, if its not, then we're screwed, so make sure it is! if(!is_writable($prependdir."data")) { echo "SFIAB ERROR"; echo "

Science Fair In A Box - ERROR

"; echo "data/ subdirectory is not writable by the web server"; echo "
"; echo "


"; echo "The data/ subdirectory is used to store files uploaded through the SFIAB software. The web server must have write access to this directory in order to function properly. Please contact your system administrator (if you are the system administrator, chown/chmod the data directory appropriately)."; echo "
"; echo ""; exit; } if(file_exists($prependdir."data/")) { require_once($prependdir."data/"); } else { echo "SFIAB"; echo "

Science Fair In A Box - Installation

"; echo "It looks like this is a new installation of SFIAB, and the database has not yet been configured. Please choose from the following options:
"; echo "
"; echo "Proceed with Fresh SFIAB Installation"; echo "
"; echo ""; exit; } if(!mysql_connect($DBHOST,$DBUSER,$DBPASS)) { echo "SFIAB ERROR"; echo "

Science Fair In A Box - ERROR

"; echo "Cannot connect to database!"; echo ""; exit; } if(!mysql_select_db($DBNAME)) { echo "SFIAB ERROR"; echo "

Science Fair In A Box - ERROR

"; echo "Cannot select database!"; echo ""; exit; } //this will silently fail on mysql 4.x, but is needed on mysql5.x to ensure we're only using iso-8859-1 (/latin1) encodings @mysql_query("SET NAMES latin1"); //find out the fair year and any other 'year=0' configuration parameters (things that dont change as the years go on) $q=@mysql_query("SELECT * FROM config WHERE year='0'"); //we might get an error if installation step 2 is not done (ie, the config table doesnt even exist) if(mysql_error()) { echo "SFIAB ERROR"; echo "

Science Fair In A Box - ERROR

"; echo "SFIAB installation is not complete. Please go to Installer Step 2 to complete the installation process"; echo "
"; echo ""; exit; } //if we have 0 (<1) then install2 is not done, which would get caught above, //if we have 1 (<2) then insatll3 is not done (no entries for FAIRYEAR and SFIABDIRECTORY) if(mysql_num_rows($q)<2) { echo "SFIAB ERROR"; echo "

Science Fair In A Box - ERROR

"; echo "SFIAB installation is not complete. Please go to Installer Step 3 to complete the installation process"; echo "
"; echo ""; exit; } else { while($r=mysql_fetch_object($q)) { $config[$r->var]=$r->val; } } $dbdbversion=$config['DBVERSION']; $dbcodeversion=@file($prependdir."db/db.code.version.txt"); $dbcodeversion=trim($dbcodeversion[0]); if(!$dbdbversion) { echo "SFIAB ERROR"; echo "

Science Fair In A Box - ERROR

"; echo "SFIAB installation is not complete. Please go to Installer Step 2 to complete the installation process"; echo "
"; echo ""; exit; } if($dbcodeversion!=$dbdbversion) { echo "SFIAB ERROR"; echo "

Science Fair In A Box - ERROR

"; echo "SFIAB database and code are mismatched"; echo "
"; echo "Please run the db_update.php script in order to update"; echo "
"; echo "your database to the same version as the code"; echo "
"; echo "
"; echo "
"; echo "


"; echo "Current SFIAB codebase requires DB version: ".$dbcodeversion; echo "
"; echo "Current SFIAB database is detected as version: ".$dbdbversion; echo "
"; echo ""; exit; } //now pull the rest of the configuration $q=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM config WHERE year='".$config['FAIRYEAR']."'"); while($r=mysql_fetch_object($q)) { $config[$r->var]=$r->val; } //now pull the dates $q=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM dates WHERE year='".$config['FAIRYEAR']."'"); while($r=mysql_fetch_object($q)) { $config['dates'][$r->name]=$r->date; } //and now pull the theme require_once("theme/".$config['theme']."/theme.php"); require_once(""); if($config['SFIABDIRECTORY'] == '') { session_name("SFIABSESSID"); session_set_cookie_params(0,'/'); } else { session_name("SFIABSESSID".ereg_replace("[^A-Za-z]","_",$config['SFIABDIRECTORY'])); session_set_cookie_params(0,$config['SFIABDIRECTORY']); } session_start(); //detect the browser first, so we know what icons to use - we store this in the config array as well //even though its not configurable by the fair if(stristr($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],"MSIE")) $config['icon_extension']="gif"; else $config['icon_extension']="png"; //now get the languages, and make sure we have at least one active language $q=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM languages WHERE active='Y' ORDER BY langname"); if(mysql_num_rows($q)==0) { echo "No active languages defined, defaulting to English"; $config['languages']['en']="English"; } else { while($r=mysql_fetch_object($q)) { $config['languages'][$r->lang]=$r->langname; } } //now if no language has been set yet, lets set it to the default language if(!$_SESSION['lang']) { //first try the default language, if that doesnt work, use "en" if($config['default_language']) $_SESSION['lang']=$config['default_language']; else $_SESSION['lang']="en"; } //only allow debug to get set if we're using a development version (odd numbered ending) if(substr($config['version'], -1) % 2 != 0) if($_GET['debug']) $_SESSION['debug']=$_GET['debug']; //if the user has switched languages, go ahead and switch the session variable if($_GET['switchlanguage']) { //first, make sure its a valid language: if($config['languages'][$_GET['switchlanguage']]) { $_SESSION['lang']=$_GET['switchlanguage']; } else { //invalid language, dont do anything } } if(!is_array($_SESSION['messages'])) { $_SESSION['messages'] = array(); } function i18n($str,$args=array(),$argsdesc=array(),$forcelang="") { if(!$str) return ""; if($forcelang) { $savelang=$_SESSION['lang']; $_SESSION['lang']=$forcelang; } if($_SESSION['lang']) { if($_SESSION['lang']=="en") { for($x=1;$x<=count($args);$x++) { $str=str_replace("%$x",$args[$x-1],$str); } if($forcelang) $_SESSION['lang']=$savelang; return $str; } else { $q=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM translations WHERE lang='".$_SESSION['lang']."' AND strmd5='".md5($str)."'"); if($r=@mysql_fetch_object($q)) { if($r->val) { $ret=$r->val; for($x=1;$x<=count($args);$x++) { $ret=str_replace("%$x",$args[$x-1],$ret); } if($forcelang) $_SESSION['lang']=$savelang; return $ret; } else { for($x=1;$x<=count($args);$x++) { $str=str_replace("%$x",$args[$x-1],$str); } if($forcelang) $_SESSION['lang']=$savelang; return "{{".$str."}}"; } } else { if(count($argsdesc)) { $argsdescstring=""; $n=1; foreach($argsdesc AS $ad) { $argsdescstring.="%$n=$ad, "; $n++; } $argsdescstring=substr($argsdescstring,0,-2); $argsdescstring="'".mysql_escape_string($argsdescstring)."'"; } else $argsdescstring="null"; mysql_query("INSERT INTO translations (lang,strmd5,str,argsdesc) VALUES ('".$_SESSION['lang']."','".md5($str)."','".mysql_escape_string($str)."',$argsdescstring)"); for($x=1;$x<=count($args);$x++) { $str=str_replace("%$x",$args[$x-1],$str); } if($forcelang) $_SESSION['lang']=$savelang; return "{{".$str."}}"; } } } else { //no language set, assume english if($forcelang) $_SESSION['lang']=$savelang; return $str; } } function error($str,$type="normal") { if($type=="normal") return "

"; else if($type=="inline") return "$str
"; } function notice($str,$type="normal") { if($type=="normal") return "

"; else if($type=="inline") return "$str
"; } function happy($str,$type="normal") { if($type=="normal") return "

"; else if($type=="inline") return "$str
"; } $HEADER_SENT=false; function send_header($title="", $nav=null, $icon=null) { global $HEADER_SENT; global $config; global $prependdir; //do this so we can use send_header() a little more loosly and not worry about it being sent more than once. if($HEADER_SENT) return; else $HEADER_SENT=true; header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"); echo "\n"; ?> <? if($title) echo i18n($title); else echo i18n($config['fairname']); ?> "; if($icon) { echo ""; echo "
'".$config['dates']['regclose']."') AS test"); $r=mysql_fetch_object($q); if($r->test==1) { $registrationconfirmationlink="
  • ".i18n("Confirmed Participants")."
  • "; } } ?>
    '; ?>

    1) { echo "
    "; echo "
    "; echo ""; echo "
    "; } ?>
    "; ?>
    ".i18n('You are here:').' '; foreach($nav as $t=>$l) { echo "".i18n($t).' » '; } echo i18n($title); echo ''; } ?>
    "; echo theme_icon($icon); echo ""; } else echo ""; if($title) echo "


    "; //if we're under /admin or /config then we want to show the ? help icon if(substr(getcwd(),-6)=="/admin" || substr(getcwd(),-7)=="/config") { $fname=substr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'],strlen($config['SFIABDIRECTORY'])+1); echo "
    "; } "
    "; } function send_footer() { global $config; ?> \n"; ?> <?=i18n($title)?> ".i18n($title).""; } function send_popup_footer() { ?>

    \n"; $months=array("","Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"); echo "\n"; for($x=1;$x<=12;$x++) { if($x==$selected) $s="selected=\"selected\""; else $s=""; echo "\n"; } echo "\n"; } function emit_day_selector($name,$selected="") { echo "\n"; } function emit_year_selector($name,$selected="",$min=0,$max=0) { $curyear=date("Y"); echo "\n"; } function emit_date_selector($name,$selected="") { if($selected) { list($year,$month,$day)=split("-",$selected); } echo ""; echo ""; echo "
    "; emit_year_selector($name."_year",$year); echo ""; emit_month_selector($name."_month",$month); echo ""; emit_day_selector($name."_day",$day); echo "
    "; } function emit_hour_selector($name,$selected="") { if($selected!="") $selected=(int)$selected; echo "\n"; } function emit_minute_selector($name,$selected="") { $mins=array("00","05","10","15","20","25","30","35","40","45","50","55"); echo "\n"; } function emit_time_selector($name,$selected="") { if($selected) { list($hour,$minute,$second)=split(":",$selected); } echo ""; echo ""; echo "
    "; emit_hour_selector($name."_hour",$hour); echo ""; emit_minute_selector($name."_minute",$minute); echo "
    "; } function emit_province_selector($name,$selected="",$extra="") { global $config; $q=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM provinces WHERE countries_code='".mysql_escape_string($config['country'])."' ORDER BY province"); if(mysql_num_rows($q)==1) { $r=mysql_fetch_object($q); echo ""; echo i18n($r->province); } else { echo "\n"; } } function outputStatus($status) { $ret=""; switch($status) { case 'incomplete': $ret.="
    "; $ret.= i18n("Incomplete"); $ret.= "
    "; break; case 'complete': $ret.= "
    "; $ret.= i18n("Complete"); $ret.= "
    "; break; case 'empty': $ret.="
    "; $ret.= i18n("Empty"); $ret.= "
    "; break; default: $ret.=i18n("Unknown"); break; } return $ret; } //returns true if its a valid email address, false if its not function isEmailAddress($str) { if(eregi('[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+\.([a-zA-Z]{2,4})', $str)) return true; else return false; } function email_send($val,$to,$sub_subject=array(),$sub_body=array()) { global $config; //if our "to" doesnt look like a valid email, then forget about sending it. if(!isEmailAddress($to)) return false; $q=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM emails WHERE val='$val'"); if($r=mysql_fetch_object($q)) { $subject=i18n($r->subject); $body=i18n($r->body); if(count($sub_subject)) { foreach($sub_subject AS $sub_k=>$sub_v) { $subject=ereg_replace("\[$sub_k\]","$sub_v",$subject); } } if(count($sub_body)) { foreach($sub_body AS $sub_k=>$sub_v) { $body=ereg_replace("\[$sub_k\]","$sub_v",$body); } } //now word-wrap the body to 79 chars //hmm forget the wordwrap for now, its not really needed, but could be done later if need be. //i'll leave in the start of the function, but its not nearly complete /* $MAXCHARS=79; $c=0; $lastspace=0; for($x=0;$x$MAXCHARS) { } } */ if($r->from) $fr=$r->from; else if ($config['fairmanageremail']) $fr=$config['fairmanageremail']; else $fr=""; //only send the email if we have a from if($fr) { $extraheaders="From: $fr\r\nReply-To: $fr\r\nReturn-Path: $fr"; mail($to,$subject,$body,$extraheaders); } else echo error(i18n("CRITICAL ERROR: email '%1' does not have a 'From' and the Fair Manager Email is not configured",array($val),array("email key name"))); } else { echo error(i18n("CRITICAL ERROR: email '%1' not found",array($val),array("email key name"))); } } /* returns an array of arrays [ 0 ] = array ( to, firstname, lastname, email ) [ 1 ] = array ( to, firstname, lastname, email ) ...etc */ function getEmailRecipientsForRegistration($reg_id) { global $config; //okay first grab the registration record, to see if we should email the kids, the teacher, and/or the parents $q=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM registrations WHERE id='$reg_id' AND year='{$config['FAIRYEAR']}'"); $registration=mysql_fetch_object($q); if($registration->emailcontact && isEmailAddress($registration->emailcontact)) { $ret[]=array("to"=>$registration->emailcontact, "firstname"=>"", "lastname"=>"", "email"=>$registration->emailcontact, ); } $sq=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM students WHERE registrations_id='$reg_id' AND year='{$config['FAIRYEAR']}'"); $ret=array(); while($sr=mysql_fetch_object($sq)) { if($sr->email && isEmailAddress($sr->email)) { if($sr->firstname && $sr->lastname) $to=$sr->firstname." ".$sr->lastname." <".$sr->email.">"; else if($sr->firstname) $to=$sr->firstname." <".$sr->email.">"; else if($sr->lastname) $to=$sr->lastname." <".$sr->email.">"; else $to=$sr->email; $ret[]=array("to"=>$to, "firstname"=>$sr->firstname, "lastname"=>$sr->lastname, "email"=>$sr->email, ); } } return $ret; } function output_page_text($textname) { global $config; $q=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM pagetext WHERE textname='$textname' AND year='".$config['FAIRYEAR']."' AND lang='".$_SESSION['lang']."'"); if(mysql_num_rows($q)) $r=mysql_fetch_object($q); else { //not defined, lets grab the default text $q=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM pagetext WHERE textname='$textname' AND year='-1' AND lang='".$config['default_language']."'"); $r=mysql_fetch_object($q); } //if it looks like we have HTML content, dont do a nl2br, if there's no html, then do the nl2br if(strlen($r->text)==strlen(strip_tags($r->text))) echo nl2br($r->text); else echo $r->text; } function output_page_cms($filename) { global $config; $q=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM cms WHERE filename='".mysql_escape_string($filename)."' AND lang='".$_SESSION['lang']."' ORDER BY dt DESC LIMIT 1"); if(mysql_num_rows($q)) { $r=mysql_fetch_object($q); send_header($r->title); if(file_exists("data/logo-200.gif") && $r->showlogo==1) echo ""; //if it looks like we have HTML content, dont do a nl2br, if there's no html, then do the nl2br if(strlen($r->text)==strlen(strip_tags($r->text))) echo nl2br($r->text); else echo $r->text; } else { send_header(i18n("Error: File not found")); echo error(i18n("The file you have requested (%1), does not exist on the server.",array($filename))); return; //not defined, lets grab the default text } send_footer(); } function generatePassword($pwlen=8) { //these are good characters that are not easily confused with other characters :) $available="ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghjkmnpqrstuvwxyz23456789"; $len=strlen($available) - 1; $key=""; for($x=0;$x<$pwlen;$x++) $key.=$available{rand(0,$len)}; return $key; } //config specific warning function config_warnings() { } //admin specific warnings function admin_warnings() { } //warnings to show to both config and/or admin people function committee_warnings() { global $config; //it is vital that each year the system be rolled over before we start it again //we should do this, say, 4 months after the FAIRDATE, so its soon enough that they should see //the message as soon as they login to start preparing for hte new year, but not too late to do it //properly :) $q=mysql_query("SELECT DATE_ADD('".$config['dates']['fairdate']."', INTERVAL 4 MONTH) < NOW() AS rollovercheck"); $r=mysql_fetch_object($q); if($r->rollovercheck) { echo error(i18n("It has been more than 4 months since your fair. In order to prepare the system for the next year's fair, you should go to the SFIAB Configuration page, and click on 'Rollover Fair Year'. Do not start updating the system with new information until the year has been properly rolled over.")); } } $CWSFDivisions=array( 1=>"Biotechnology & Pharmaceutical Sciences", 2=>"Computing & Information Technology", 3=>"Earth & Environmental Sciences", 4=>"Engineering", 5=>"Health Sciences", 6=>"Life Sciences", 7=>"Physical & Mathematical Sciences" ); function theme_icon($icon) { global $theme; global $config; if($theme['icons'][$icon]) return "\"".htmlspecialchars($icon)."\""; else return ""; } ?>