<?php /**** This script takes all Latin1 character encoding in the database and converts it to UTF-8 ****/ define("_DO_UPDATE", true); function db_update_173_post(){ mysql_query("SET NAMES latin1"); // loop through every table in the database $data = mysql_query("SHOW TABLES"); $fields = array(); $keys = array(); $allTables = array(); while($tableInfo = mysql_fetch_array($data)){ $tableName = $tableInfo[0]; $allTables[] = $tableName; $fieldTypes[$tableName] = array(); // loop through every field in the table $query = mysql_query("DESCRIBE " . $tableName); $keys[$tableName] = array(); while($rowInfo = mysql_fetch_array($query)){ // find out if this field is a varchar, char, text, or tinytext field if(preg_match('/.*char.*|.*text.*|.*enum.*|set.*/i', $rowInfo['Type'])){ // it does, so this field needs to be converted if(!array_key_exists($tableName, $fields)){ $fields[$tableName] = array(); } $fields[$tableName][] = $rowInfo['Field']; $fieldTypes[$tableName][$rowInfo['Field']] = $rowInfo['Type']; } if($rowInfo['Key'] == 'PRI'){ $keys[$tableName][] = $rowInfo['Field']; } } } /* The array "fields" now contains the names of all fields in the database that need to be converted (and only those that need to be converted), stored in this format: [table1] => Array ( [0] => fieldname1 [1] => fieldname2 ... ) [table2] => Array ( [0] => fieldname3 [1] => fieldname4 [2] => fieldname5 ... ) ... Keys uses the same arrangement for tracking the key fields in the tables Now we need to run through those tables one at a time and convert them */ $totalFailCount = 0; foreach($fields as $tableName => $fieldSet){ // if this table does not have a primary key to reference by, we'll add one $tempKey = false; if(count($keys[$tableName]) == 0){ echo "table `$tableName` has no primary key. We'll create one for this update and drop it afterwards.\n"; mysql_query("ALTER TABLE `$tableName` ADD `__TEMP__id__` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY"); $keys[$tableName][] = '__TEMP__id__'; $tempKey = true; } // build the query that gives us the field values we need to update in this table, as well as the primary keys $query = "SELECT `" . implode('`, `', $fieldSet) . '`'; for($n = 0; $n < count($keys[$tableName]); $n++){ $query .= ", `" . $keys[$tableName][$n] . "` AS __KEYFIELD_" . ($n + 1) . "__"; } $query .= " FROM $tableName"; // fetch all of those values mysql_query("SET NAMES latin1"); $updates = array(); $data = mysql_query($query); while($record = mysql_fetch_array($data)){ $updates[] = $record; } mysql_query("SET NAMES utf8"); echo "Changing default character set on table \"$tableName\": "; // now we have the data - let's convert the table if(_DO_UPDATE){ $query = "ALTER TABLE `$tableName` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET 'utf8'"; $success = mysql_query($query); if($success){ echo " success\n"; }else{ echo " Failed using query: $query\n"; $totalFailCount ++; } }else{ echo " success\n"; } echo "\n" . 'Modifying fields: "' . implode('", "', $fieldSet) . '" in table: "' . $tableName . '"'; // now re-insert those values into the table $failCount = 0; foreach($updates as $update){ $query = "UPDATE $tableName SET"; $useComma = false; foreach($fieldSet as $fieldName){ $fieldValue = $update[$fieldName]; if($useComma){ $query .= ","; }else{ $useComma = true; } $newValue = iconv("windows-1252", "iso-8859-1//TRANSLIT", $fieldValue); $newValue = iconv("iso-8859-1", 'UTF-8//TRANSLIT', $newValue); $query .= " `" . $fieldName . "` = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($newValue) . "'"; } $query .= " WHERE "; for($n = 0; $n < count($keys[$tableName]); $n++){ if($n > 0) $query .= " AND "; $query .= "`" . $keys[$tableName][$n] . "` = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($update["__KEYFIELD_" . ($n + 1) . "__"]) . "'"; } if(_DO_UPDATE){ $success = mysql_query($query); if($success){ echo '.'; }else{ echo "\nFailed to execute query: $query\n"; $failCount++; } }else{ echo "."; } } echo "\n"; if($failCount > 0){ echo "Updating records in table $tableName failed on $failcount records.\n"; } $totalFailCount += $failCount; unset($updates); // if we've created a temporary key for this table we'll remove it now if($tempKey == true){ echo "Removing the temporary key that we used for this table\n"; $query = "ALTER TABLE `$tableName` DROP `__TEMP__id__`"; mysql_query($query); } // we also need to change the character encoding for the individual fields echo "Changing character encoding for individual fields in table \"$tableName\""; foreach($fieldTypes[$tableName] as $fieldName => $fieldType){ $query = "ALTER TABLE `$tableName` CHANGE `$fieldName` `$fieldName` "; $query .= $fieldType; $query .= " CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci"; if(_DO_UPDATE){ $success = mysql_query($query); if($success){ echo "."; }else{ echo "\nFailed using query: $query\n"; $totalFailCount ++; } }else{ echo "."; } } } // with all of the affected tables updated, let's go ahead and update the unaffected ones foreach($allTables as $tableName){ if(!array_key_exists($tableName, $fields)){ echo "Changing default character set on table \"$tableName\": "; if(_DO_UPDATE){ $query = "ALTER TABLE `$tableName` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET 'utf8'"; $success = mysql_query($query); if($success){ echo " success\n"; }else{ echo " Failed using query: $query\n"; $totalFailCount++; } }else{ echo " success\n"; } } } // finally, we'll update the character encoding on the database itself global $DBNAME; $query = "ALTER DATABASE `$DBNAME` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci"; echo "$query\n"; $success = mysql_query($query); if($success){ echo "Successfully switched database character set to utf8\n"; }else{ echo "Unable to switch database character set to utf8\n"; $totalFailCount++; } echo "\nFinished updating values with $totalFailCount failed queries.\n"; } function db_update_173_pre(){ }