ALTER TABLE `config` ADD UNIQUE (`var`,`year`);
INSERT INTO `config` ( `var` , `val` , `description` , `year` ) VALUES ( 'participant_registration_type', 'open', 'The type of Participant Registration to use: open | singlepassword | schoolpassword | invite', '-1');
INSERT INTO `config` ( `var` , `val` , `description` , `year` ) VALUES ( 'judge_registration_type', 'open', 'The type of Judge Registration to use: open | singlepassword | invite', '-1');
INSERT INTO `config` ( `var` , `val` , `description` , `year` ) VALUES ( 'participant_registration_singlepassword', '', 'The single password to use for participant registraiton if participant_registration_type is singlepassword.  Leave blank if not using singlepassword participant registration','-1');
INSERT INTO `config` ( `var` , `val` , `description` , `year` ) VALUES ( 'judge_registration_singlepassword', '', 'The single password to use for judge registration if judge_registration_type is singlepassword.  Leave blank if not using singlepassword judge registraiton', '-1');
ALTER TABLE `schools` ADD `registration_password` VARCHAR( 32 ) NOT NULL;
INSERT INTO `emails` VALUES ('', 'register_participants_resend_regnum', 'Participant Registration - Resend Registration Number', 'Resend the password to the participant if they submit a ''forgot regnum'' request', '', 'Registration for [FAIRNAME]', 'We have received a request for the retrieval if your registration number from this email address.  Please find your existing registration number below\r\n\r\nRegistration Number: [REGNUM]\r\n', 'system');
INSERT INTO `emails` VALUES ('', 'new_participant', 'New Participant', 'Email that new participants receive when they are added to the system', '', 'Registration for [FAIRNAME]', 'A new registration account has been created for you.  To access your registration account, please enter enter the following registration number into the registration website:\r\n\r\nRegistration Number: [REGNUM]\r\n', 'system');
INSERT INTO `emails` VALUES ('', 'new_judge_invite', 'New Judge Invitation', 'This is sent to a new judge when they are invited using the invite judges administration section, only available when judge_registraiton_type=invite', '', 'Judge Registration for [FAIRNAME]', 'You have been invited to be a judge for the [FAIRNAME].  An account has been created for you to login with and complete your information.  You can login to the judge registration site with:\r\n\r\nEmail Address: [EMAIL]\r\nPassword: [PASSWORD]\r\n\r\nYou can change your password once you login.', 'system');