SetCreator('SFIAB'); $this->SetAuthor('SFIAB'); $this->SetTitle(i18n($config['fairname'])); $this->SetSubject($report_name); $this->SetKeywords(''); /* Set default header data (K_PATH_IMAGES/logo-500.jpg, 16mm wide, header, name) * PDFs use JPG internally, so we should feed it a jpeg, if we dont', tcpdf will * convert it to a jpg anyway, and that takes FOREVER if there's lots of * pages/labels.*/ $this->SetHeaderData('logo-500.jpg', 16 /* mm */, i18n($config['fairname']), i18n($report_name)); // set header and footer fonts $this->setHeaderFont(Array('helvetica', '', 14)); $this->setFooterFont(Array('helvetica', '', 8)); // set default monospaced font $this->SetDefaultMonospacedFont(PDF_FONT_MONOSPACED); //set margins $this->SetMargins(PDF_MARGIN_LEFT, PDF_MARGIN_TOP, PDF_MARGIN_RIGHT); $this->SetHeaderMargin(PDF_MARGIN_HEADER); $this->SetFooterMargin(PDF_MARGIN_FOOTER); //set auto page breaks $this->SetAutoPageBreak(TRUE, PDF_MARGIN_BOTTOM); $this->setPrintFooter(TRUE); //set image scale factor $this->setImageScale(PDF_IMAGE_SCALE_RATIO); $this->current_label_index = 1; $this->current_label_row = 0; $this->current_label_col = 0; $this->footer_string = date("Y-m-d h:ia").' - '.$report_name; //set some language-dependent strings //$this->setLanguageArray($l); //print_r($this->fontlist); } /* Given a cell of width $w, format $txt so it fits into that * width, using as many lines as necessary, with * font ($fontname, $fontstyle, $fontsize). * - fontsize is in points * Returns an array of lines that fit in the width. * Compute the final height with: * count($lines) * ($this->cMargin * 2 + $fontsize_not_in_pts) */ function _cell_lines($w,$txt,$fontname, $fontstyle, $fontsize) { $index = 0; $lines = array(); /* Get an array of widths */ $width = $this->getStringWidth($txt,$fontname, $fontstyle,$fontsize,true); $chars = $this->UTF8StringToArray($txt); $count = count($width); // strlen(utf8_decode($txt)); $curr_width = $this->cMargin * 2; $last_space_index = -1; $start_index = 0; for($index=0; $index<$count;$index++) { $newline = false; $skip = false; /* Special chars */ switch($this->unichr($chars[$index])) { case ' ': case "\r": case "\t": $last_space_index = $index; break; case "\n": $newline = true; $skip = true; break; } /* Check for width overflow */ if($skip == true) { /* Do nothing with it */ } else if ($curr_width + $width[$index] > $w) { /* Backup index, leave it pointing to * the last char we print, so when we * increment in the next iteration we * get the next char (the one that just * caused this overflow */ $index--; $newline = true; } else { $curr_width += $width[$index]; } if($newline) { if($last_space_index != -1) { /* Backup to the last space index, if there is one */ $end_index = $last_space_index; $index = $last_space_index; } else { /* No, use the whole line then */ $end_index = $index; } $lines[] = $this->UTF8ArrSubString($chars,$start_index,$end_index); /* Reset width, set start index */ $curr_width = $this->cMargin * 2; $last_space_index = -1; $start_index = $index+1; } } $lines[] = $this->UTF8ArrSubString($chars,$start_index,$index); return $lines; } /* Cell( float $w, [float $h = 0], [string $txt = ''], [mixed $border = 0], [int $ln = 0], [string $align = ''], [int $fill = 0], [mixed $link = ''], [int $stretch = 0], [boolean $ignore_min_height = false]) */ function FitCell($w,$h=0,$txt='',$border=0,$ln=0,$align='',$valign='',$on_overflow='scale') { $x = $this->getX(); $y = $this->getY(); $orig_fs = $this->getFontSizePt(); $add_ellipses = false; $fontsize = $orig_fs; while(1) { $lines = $this->_cell_lines($w, $txt, '', '', $fontsize); /* this->FontSize is always correct, we change $fontisze * below, but then use that to set the internal fontsize */ $cell_height = $this->cMargin * 2 + $this->FontSize; $total_height = $cell_height * count($lines); if($total_height <= $h) { /* It fits! */ break; } /* else, it doesn't fit */ if($on_overflow == 'scale') { /* reduce the font size and try again */ $fontsize -= 0.5; $this->setFontSize($fontsize); continue; } /* If it doesn't fit, and we're not scaling, it must * be a truncate. Compute the number of lines that * can be displayed */ $display_lines = floor($h / $cell_height); /* Adjust height */ $label_h -= (count($lines) - $display_lines) * $cell_height; /* truncate */ $lines = array_slice($lines, 0, $display_lines); if($on_overflow == '...') $add_ellipses = true; break; } /* SetX, find Y based on alignment */ switch($valign) { case 'M': /* Middle */ $this->SetXY($x, $y + ($h - $total_height) / 2); break; case 'B': /* Bottom */ $this->SetXY($x, $y + ($h - $total_height)); break; case 'T': default: /* Top */ $this->SetXY($x, $y); break; } /* Fontsize will be correctly set here */ /* Cell( float $w, [float $h = 0], [string $txt = ''], [mixed $border = 0], [int $ln = 0], [string $align = ''], [int $fill = 0], [mixed $link = ''], [int $stretch = 0], [boolean $ignore_min_height = false]) */ foreach($lines as $l) { $this->Cell($w, 0, $l, 0, 2, $align, 0, 0, 0, false); } if($add_ellipses) { /* Only use fontsize so the '...' is really close to the lower right. */ $this->SetXY($x, $y + $h - $cell_height); $this->Cell($w, 0, '...', 0, 0, 'R'); } /* Restore original location */ $this->SetXY($x,$y); /* Restore original fontsize */ $this->setFontSize($orig_fs); /* Print a Cell to print the border (if we're supposed to), and * to leave x,y wherever $ln tells us to */ $this->Cell($w, $h, '', $border, $ln, 'R'); return $total_height; } function GetFontList() { if(!is_object($this)) { $pdf = new pdf(); return $pdf->GetFontList(); } $this->getFontsList(); return $this->fontlist; } function Footer() { $ormargins = $this->getOriginalMargins(); $pagenumtxt = i18n('Page').' '.$this->getAliasNumPage().' / '.$this->getAliasNbPages(); $this->SetX($ormargins['left']); $this->Cell(0, 0, $pagenumtxt, 'T', 0, 'R'); $this->SetX($ormargins['left']); $this->Cell(0, 0, $this->footer_string, 0, 0, 'C'); } function setup_for_labels($show_box, $show_fair, $show_logo, $width, $height, $xspacer, $yspacer, $rows, $cols) { /* No headers and footers */ $this->setPrintHeader(false); $this->setPrintFooter(false); /* No auto-pagebreaks */ $this->SetAutoPageBreak(false); /* the page size/orientation is already set */ $pw = $this->getPageWidth(); $ph = $this->getPageHeight(); $this->label_show_box = $show_box; $this->label_show_fair = $show_fair; $this->label_show_logo = $show_logo; $this->label_width=$width; $this->label_height=$height; $this->label_xspacer=$xspacer; $this->label_yspacer=$yspacer; $this->label_rows=$rows; $this->label_cols=$cols; $this->labels_per_page=$rows * $cols; /* labels are always centered in the page */ $this->label_page_lmargin=( $pw - ($cols*$width) - ($xspacer*($cols-1)) )/2; $this->label_page_tmargin=( $ph - ($rows*$height) - ($yspacer*($rows-1)) )/2; /* Setup so that the first call to label_new also creates * a new page */ $this->current_label_index = $this->labels_per_page - 1; } function label_new() { global $config; /* Advance to new label */ // echo "cindex=$this->current_label_index, perpage=$this->labels_per_page\n"; if($this->current_label_index + 1 == $this->labels_per_page) { // echo "addpage\n"; $this->AddPage(); $this->current_label_index = 0; } else { $this->current_label_index++; } /* Get row/col, and position of label */ $r = floor($this->current_label_index / $this->label_cols); $c = floor($this->current_label_index % $this->label_cols); $lmargin = $this->label_page_lmargin + ($c * ($this->label_width + $this->label_xspacer) ); $tmargin = $this->label_page_tmargin + ($r * ($this->label_height + $this->label_yspacer) ); /* Move margins for this label */ // echo "r=$r, c=$c, cols=$this->label_cols\n"; // echo "Margins -> ($lmargin, $tmargin)\n"; $this->SetMargins($lmargin, $tmargin, $lmargin + $this->label_width); if($this->label_show_box) $this->label_rect(0,0,$this->label_width, $this->label_height); } /* align = left, center, right valign = top, middle, bottom, fontname, fontstyle, fontsize, border = true/false on_overflow = truncate, ..., scale */ function label_text($x,$y,$w,$h,$text,$border,$align,$valign,$fontname,$fontstyle,$fontsize, $on_overflow) { $orig_name = $this->getFontFamily(); $orig_style = $this->getFontStyle(); $orig_size = $this->getFontSizePt(); $orig_x = $this->GetX(); $orig_y = $this->GetY(); /* Do horiz/vert align */ $align_data = array('left' => 'L', 'center' => 'C', 'right' => 'R'); $valign_data = array('top' => 'T', 'middle' => 'M', 'bottom' => 'B'); $align = $align_data[$align]; $valign = $valign_data[$valign]; /* Set position and font */ $st = array('bold' => 'B', 'italic' => 'I', 'underline' => 'U', 'strikethrough' => 'D'); $fs = ''; if(is_array($fontstyle)) { foreach($fontstyle as $s) $fs .= $st[$s]; } if($fontsize == 0) $fontsize = 10; /* FIXME: getdefaultfontsize? */ $this->SetXY($this->lMargin + $x,$this->tMargin + $y); // echo "position (x,y)=($x,$y)\n"; // echo "margin (l,t)=({$this->lMargin},{$this->tMargin})\n"; // echo "(x,y)=(".($this->lMargin + $x).",".($this->tMargin + $y).")\n"; $this->SetFont($fontname, $fs, $fontsize); /* Print text */ $this->FitCell($w,$h, $text, $border ? 1 : 0, 2, $align, $valign, $on_overflow); /* Restore position and font */ $this->SetFont($orig_name, $orig_style, $orig_size); $this->SetXY($orig_x, $orig_y); } function label_rect($x,$y,$w,$h) { $this->Rect($this->lMargin + $x, $this->tMargin + $y, $w, $h); } function label_fair_logo($x, $y, $w, $h, $show_box) { global $config; $img_dir = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].$config['SFIABDIRECTORY'].'/data'; /* Scale image to proportinally fit in w x h */ $this->Image("$img_dir/logo.jpg", $this->lMargin + $x, $this->tMargin + $y, $w, $h, '', '', '', true, 300, '', false, false, $show_box ? 1 : 0, true); } /**************************************************************************** * Table handling */ function hr() { $this->Cell(0, 1, '', 'B', 1, ''); $this->Cell(0, 1, '', '', 1, ''); } function vspace($space) { $this->SetY($this->GetY() + $space); } function setup_for_tables($show_box, $show_fair, $show_logo, $width, $height, $xspacer, $yspacer, $rows, $cols) { $this->SetFont('times', '', 10); /* Need to start with a page if autopagebreak is on */ $this->addPage(); } function heading($text) { /* TCPDF will spill this cell over to the next page if the height * doesn't fit, so we don't have to do any height calculations, just * create an oversized cell with nothing in it to force a spillover if * at least the first table row won't fit with the header */ /* header font size + 5mm + curr font size (2st table rows)*/ $h = ($this->FontSize * 1.5) + 5 + ($this->FontSize * 2); $this->Cell(0, $h, '', 0, 2, '', 0, 0, 0, false); $this->SetY($this->GetY() - $h); /* Now print it in a normal sized cell with a bit of bottom padding * before the table starts */ $h = ($this->FontSize * 1.5) + 5; $orig = $this->getFontSizePt(); $this->setFont('', 'B', $orig * 1.5); $this->Cell(0, $h, $text, 0, 2, '', 0, 0, 0, false); $this->setFont('', '', $orig); } /* Generates the HTML for a table */ function get_table_html($table) { // echo "Add Table\n
//		print_r($table);
		/* Compute the lines in height of each row for pagination */

		$html = '';
		foreach($table['col'] as $c=>$col) {
			$html .= "";
		$html .= '';

//		echo "

		/* Width of "..." */
		$e_width = $this->getStringWidth('...', '', '', '', false);

		foreach($table['data'] as $row) {
			$html .= '
'; foreach($row as $c => $d) { /* unfortunately, HTML doesn't do overflow the * way we want, so compute the width of each cell * and truncate the text if needed */ if($table['col'][$c]['on_overflow'] == '...') { // echo "check for overflow... $d"; /* See if $d fits in the allowed width */ $width = $this->getStringWidth($d, '', '', '', true); $target_w = $table['col'][$c]['width']; /* FIXME, this doesn't work all the time * there must be some cellpadding that HTML is doing */ $target_w -= 1.4111111111; /* 2 points * 2*/ $target_w -= 0.7055555556; /* 2 points */ $cw = 0; // echo "target=$target_w, w="; // print_r($width); for($x=0; $x $target_w) { /* Overflow */ while($x >= 0) { $x--; $cw -= $width[$x]; if($cw + $e_width < $target_w) break; } $d = substr($d, 0, $x).'...'; break; } $cw += $w; } } $html .= ""; } $html .= ''; } $html .= '
'; return $html; } function add_table($table) { $orig_lmargin = $this->lMargin; $orig_tmargin = $this->tMargin; $html = $this->get_table_html($table); $total_width = 0; foreach($table['col'] as $c=>$col) $total_width += $col['width']; $lpad = (($this->getPageWidth() - $this->lMargin - $this->rMargin) - $total_width)/2; $this->SetLeftMargin($orig_lmargin + $lpad); $this->writeHTML($html, false, false, false, false, ''); $this->SetLeftMargin($orig_lmargin); if($table['total'] != 0) { $this->Cell($total_width, 0, "(Total: {$table['total']})", 0, 1, 'R'); } else { $t = count($table['data']); $this->Cell($total_width, 0, "(Rows: $t)", 0, 1, 'R'); } } function output($filename='', $dest='I') { if($filename == '') { $filename=strtolower($this->subject); $filename=ereg_replace("[^a-z0-9]","_",$filename).'.pdf'; } parent::Output($filename, $dest); } }