Copyright (C) 2010 James Grant This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ ?> description(list dates for specified conference) return(dates array) */ if($request[1]) { $cid=intval($request[1]); } else $cid=$_SESSION['conferences_id']; $ret['status']="ok"; $ret['dates']=array(); $q=mysql_query("SELECT date,name,description FROM dates WHERE conferences_id='$cid' ORDER BY date"); $dates=array(); while($r=mysql_fetch_assoc($q)) { $dates[]=$r; } $ret['conferences_id']=$cid; $ret['dates']=$dates; break; case "account": switch($request[1]) { /* APIDOC: account/create description(creates an account) post(username varchar(64), password varchar(64) optional, email varchar(64) optional) return(account array) */ case 'create': $user = trim($_POST['username']); $pass = trim($_POST['password']); $email = trim($_POST['email']); if($user) { if($pass) $p=$pass; else $p=NULL; $a=account_create($user,$p); if(is_array($a)) { if($email) account_set_email($a['id'],$email); else if(isEmailAddress($user)) account_set_email($a['id'],$user); $account=account_load($a['id']); $ret['status']="ok"; $ret['account']=$account; }else{ $ret['status'] = "error"; $ret['error'] = $a; } } else { $ret['status']="error"; $ret['error']="username (varchar 64) and password (varchar 64) are required "; } break; /* APIDOC: account/view description(view account information for currently logged in account) return(account array) */ case 'view': if(isset($_SESSION['accounts_id'])) { $a = account_load($_SESSION['accounts_id']); $ret['status']='ok'; $ret['account']=$a; } else { $ret['status']="error"; $ret['error']="You are not logged in"; } break; /* APIDOC: account/edit description(edits an account) post(account array) return(account array) */ case 'edit': if(isset($_SESSION['accounts_id'])) { // grab the relevant keys from $_POST $params = array(); foreach($_POST as $key => $value){ if(in_array($key, array('username', 'password', 'email', 'link_username_to_email'))){ $params[$key] = $_POST[$key]; } } if(count($params) > 0){ $result = account_update_info($params); if($result == 'ok'){ $a = account_load($_SESSION['accounts_id']); $ret['status'] = 'ok'; $ret['account'] = $a; }else{ $ret['status'] = "error"; $ret['error'] = $result; } }else{ $ret['status'] = "error"; $ret['error'] = "No field values passed"; } }else{ $ret['status']="error"; $ret['error']="You are not logged in"; } break; default: $ret['status']="error"; $ret['error']="invalid account command"; } break; case "auth": /* APIDOC: auth/login description(login to an account) post(username varchar(64), password varchar(64), conferences_id integer optional) return(account array, roles array, conferences_id integer) */ if($request[1]=="login") { $user = $_POST['username']; $pass = $_POST['password']; $cid = $_POST['conferences_id']; $accounts_id = try_login($user, $pass); if($accounts_id == false) { $ret['status']="error"; $ret['error']="Invalid Username/Password"; } else { $a = account_load($accounts_id); $_SESSION['username']=$a['username']; $_SESSION['email']=$a['email']; $_SESSION['accounts_id']=$accounts_id; $_SESSION['superuser'] = ($a['superuser'] == 'yes') ? 'yes' : 'no'; if(!$cid) $cid=$_SESSION['conferences_id']; $u = user_load(null, $accounts_id); if(is_array($u)){ $_SESSION['users_id'] = $u['id']; $_SESSION['roles'] = $u['roles']; $p = getProject($u['id']); if(is_array($p)) { $_SESSION['registration_id'] = $p['registrations_id']; $_SESSION['registration_number'] = $p['num']; }else $_SESSION['error'] = "project not found"; } else{ $_SESSION['roles']=array(); $_SESSION['error'] = "user not found"; } $ret['conferences_id']=$cid; $ret['status']="ok"; $ret['account']=$a; //$ret['user']=user_load($_SESSION['users_id']); $ret['roles']=$_SESSION['roles']; } } /* APIDOC: auth/logout description(logs out of an account) return(account array) */ else if($request[1]=="logout") { unset($_SESSION['username']); unset($_SESSION['email']); unset($_SESSION['accounts_id']); unset($_SESSION['superuser']); unset($_SESSION['roles']); unset($_SESSION['users_id']); unset($_SESSION['name']); unset($_SESSION['registration_id']); unset($_SESSION['registration_number']); $ret['status']="ok"; } else { $ret['status']="error"; $ret['error']="invalid auth command"; } break; case "testauth": if($request[1]) { $ok=api_user_auth_required($request[1]); } else { $ok=api_user_auth_required(); } if($ok['status']=="ok") { $ret['status']='ok'; } else { $ret['status']="error"; $ret['error']=$ok['error']; } break; case "scienceolympics": $chk=api_user_auth_required('teacher'); if($chk['status']!="ok") { $ret['status']="error"; $ret['error']=$chk['error']; break; } $u=user_load($_SESSION['users_id']); if(!$u['schools_id']) { $ret['status']="error"; $ret['error']='Your teacher account is not attached to any school'; break; } $school_id=$u['schools_id']; require_once(""); switch($request[1]) { case "teams": switch($request[2]) { /* APIDOC: scienceolympics/teams/list description(lists the schools science olympics teams) return(teams array) */ case "list": $q=mysql_query("SELECT id,name FROM so_teams WHERE schools_id='{$u['schools_id']}' AND conferences_id='{$conference['id']}'"); $ret['status']='ok'; $teams=array(); while($r=mysql_fetch_assoc($q)) { $teams[]=$r; } $ret['teams']=$teams; break; /* APIDOC: scienceolympics/teams/add description(add a science olympics team to the logged in teacher's school) post(teamname varchar(64)) return(team array); */ case "add": if($_POST['teamname']) { if($team=so_team_add($school_id,$conference['id'],$_POST['teamname'])) { $ret['team']=$team; $ret['status']="ok"; } else { $ret['status']='error'; $ret['error']='could not add team'; } } else { $ret['status']='error'; $ret['error']='teamname (varchar 64) is required'; } break; /* APIDOC: scienceolympics/teams/edit description(edit a science olympics team) post(id integer, teamname varchar(64)) return(team array); */ case "edit": if($_POST['id'] && $_POST['teamname']) { if($team=so_team_edit($school_id,$_POST['id'],$_POST['teamname'])) { $ret['status']="ok"; $ret['team']=$team; } else { $ret['status']='error'; $ret['error']='could not edit team'; } } else { $ret['status']='error'; $ret['error']='id (integer), teamname (varchar 64) are required'; } break; /* APIDOC: scienceolympics/teams/delete description(delete a science olympics team) post(id integer) */ case "delete"; if($_POST['id']) { if(so_team_delete($school_id,$_POST['id'])) { $ret['status']="ok"; } else { $ret['status']='error'; $ret['error']='could not delete team'; } } else { $ret['status']='error'; $ret['error']='id (integer) is required'; } break; default: $ret['status']="error"; $ret['error']="invalid scienceolympics/teams command ({$request[2]})"; break; } break; default: $ret['status']="error"; $ret['error']="invalid scienceolympics command ({$request[1]})"; break; } break; case 'user': $chk=api_user_auth_required(); if($chk['status']!="ok") { $ret['status']="error"; $ret['error']=$chk['error']; break; } switch($request[1]) { /* APIDOC: user/view description(view user information for current conference) return(user array) */ case "view": if($u=user_load($_SESSION['users_id'])) { //we dont need to send the 'orig' part of it unset($u['orig']); $ret['status']="ok"; $ret['user']=$u; } else { $ret['status']="error"; $ret['error']="Error loading user"; } break; /* APIDOC: user/edit description(edit user information for current conference) post(user array) return(user array) */ case "edit": if($origu=user_load($_SESSION['users_id'])) { $u=json_decode($_POST['user'],true); if(!is_array($u)) { $ret['status']="error"; $ret['error']="user (array) is required."; break; } if($origu['id']!=$u['id']) { $ret['status']="error"; $ret['error']="User ID mismatch"; break; } $u['orig']=$origu['orig']; $result = user_save($u); if($result == 'ok') { $ret['status']="ok"; $ret['user']=$u; } else { $ret['status']="error"; $ret['error']=$result; } } else { $ret['status']="error"; $ret['error']="Error loading user in order to edit"; } break; /* APIDOC: user/connect_to_school description(connects the current user to the specified school using the school's access code) post(schools_id integer, accesscode varchar(16)) return(school array) */ case 'connect_to_school': if($u = user_load($_SESSION['users_id'])) { $schoolId = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['schools_id']); $accesscode = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['accesscode']); if(user_set_school($u, $schoolId, $accesscode)){ $ret['status'] = "ok"; $ret['school'] = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT school, phone, fax, address, city, province_code AS province, postalcode FROM schools WHERE id = $schoolId")); }else{ $ret['status'] = "error"; $ret['error'] = "Error matching schools_id and accesscode"; } }else{ $ret['status'] = "error"; $ret['error'] = "Error loading user"; } break; /* APIDOC: user/invite description(invites a user to play a particular role in the conference, creating an account for them, and giving them the specifed role) post(username varchar(64), password varchar(64), email varchar(64), roles_id integer) return(user array) */ case 'invite': // let's make sure we have all of the data posted $ok = true; foreach(array('username' => 'varchar(64)', 'password' => 'varchar(64)', 'email' => 'varchar(64)', 'roles_id' => 'integer') as $field => $format){ if(!array_key_exists($field, $_POST)){ $ret['status'] == 'error'; $ret['error'] = "$field ($format) is required"; $ok = false; break; } } if($ok){ $newUser = user_invite($_POST['username'], $_POST['password'], $_POST['email'], $_POST['roles_id']); if(is_array($newUser)){ $ret['status'] = 'ok'; $ret['user'] = $newUser; }else{ $ret['status'] = 'error'; $ret['error'] = $newUser; } } break; /* APIDOC: user/uninvite description(uninvite a user from a particular role in the conference, removing only the role, not the user) post(users_id integer, roles_id integer) return(user array) */ case 'uninvite': if(!array_key_exists('users_id', $_POST)){ $ret['status'] = 'error'; $ret['error'] = 'parameter users_id required'; break; } if(!array_key_exists('roles_id', $_POST)){ $ret['status'] = 'error'; $ret['error'] = 'parameter roles_id required'; break; } $result = user_uninvite($_POST['users_id'], $_POST['roles_id']); if(is_array($result)){ $ret['status'] = 'ok'; $ret['user'] = $result; }else{ $ret['status'] = 'error'; $ret['error'] = $result; } break; /* APIDOC: user/list description(list users of the specified role in this conference that the current user has permission to view/modify) post(roles_id integer) return(list array) */ case 'list': if(!array_key_exists('roles_id', $_POST)){ $ret['status'] = 'error'; $ret['error'] = 'parameter roles_id required'; }else{ $result = user_list_modifiable($_POST['roles_id']); if(is_array($result)){ $ret['status'] = 'ok'; $ret['list'] = $result; }else{ $ret['status'] = 'error'; $ret['error'] = $result; } } break; case 'displayname': $chk=api_user_auth_required('participant'); if($chk['status']!="ok") { $ret['status']="error"; $ret['error']=$chk['error']; break; } switch($request[2]){ /* APIDOC: user/displayname/get description(Get the current display name for this user, and whether or not it's been confirmed) return(displayname array) */ case 'get': $ret['status'] = 'ok'; $ret['displayname'] = array( 'name' => user_get_displayname($_SESSION['users_id']), 'confirmed' => user_displayname_confirmed($_SESSION['users_id']) ); break; /* APIDOC: user/displayname/confirm description(mark the display name as being correct) */ case 'confirm': user_confirm_displayname($_SESSION['users_id']); $ret['status'] = 'ok'; break; } break; } break; case "role": //these ones dont need to be authenticated switch($request[1]) { /* APIDOC: role/list description(list roles and their corresponding registration types) return(roles array) */ case "list": $q=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM roles ORDER BY name"); $reqroles=array(); while($r=mysql_fetch_assoc($q)) { if($config[$r['type']."_registration_type"]) { $r['registration']=$config[$r['type']."_registration_type"]; } else $r['registration']="not available"; $reqroles[]=$r; } $ret['status']="ok"; $ret['roles']=$reqroles; break; /* APIDOC: role/add post(role_id integer, password varchar(64) optional) description(add a role for the user to the current conference. Depending on the registraiton type, an optional password (singlepassword, schoolpassword, etc) can be specified) return(role array) */ case "add": $chk=api_user_auth_required(); if($chk['status']!="ok") { $ret['status']="error"; $ret['error']=$chk['error']; break; } $role_id=intval($_POST['role_id']); $password=trim($_POST['password']); if($password) $addstatus=account_add_role($_SESSION['accounts_id'],$role_id,$conference['id'],$password); else $addstatus=account_add_role($_SESSION['accounts_id'],$role_id,$conference['id']); switch($addstatus) { case "ok": $ret['status']="ok"; updateSessionRoles(); break; case "invalidrole": $ret['status']="error"; $ret['error']="Invalid role"; break; case "invalidaccount": $ret['status']="error"; $ret['error']="Invalid account"; break; case "invalidconference": $ret['status']="error"; $ret['error']="Invalid conference"; break; case "invalidpassword": $ret['status']="error"; $ret['error']="Invalid password for role"; break; default: $ret['status']="error"; $ret['error']="unknown role add error"; } break; /* APIDOC: role/remove post(role_id integer) description(remove a role from the user for the current conference) return(role array) */ case "remove": $chk=api_user_auth_required(); if($chk['status']!="ok") { $ret['status']="error"; $ret['error']=$chk['error']; break; } $role_id=intval($_POST['role_id']); $removestatus=account_remove_role($_SESSION['accounts_id'],$role_id,$conference['id']); switch($removestatus) { case "ok": $ret['status']="ok"; updateSessionRoles(); break; case "invalidrole": $ret['status']="error"; $ret['error']="Invalid role"; break; case "invalidaccount": $ret['status']="error"; $ret['error']="Invalid account"; break; case "invalidconference": $ret['status']="error"; $ret['error']="Invalid conference"; break; default: $ret['status']="error"; $ret['error']="unknown role remove error"; } break; default: $ret['status']="error"; $ret['error']="invalid role command ({$request[1]})"; } break; case 'registration': switch($request[1]){ /* APIDOC: registration/fields description(retreives the list of fields to be asked for in order to complete registration for a specific set of roles. If an array of roles is passed in it retrieves the fields for those roles, if no roles are passed in, then it uses the roles from the currently logged in user) post(roles[] array) optional return(fields array) */ case 'fields': $reqroles=json_decode($_POST['roles'],true); if(is_array($reqroles)) { for($x=0;$x0)) { $ret['status']="ok"; $ret['roles']=array_keys($u['roles']); $ret['fields']=user_get_fields(array_keys($u['roles'])); } else { $ret['status']="error"; $ret['error']="Currently logged in user has no roles"; } } else { $ret['status']="error"; $ret['error']="No roles submitted and not logged in"; } } break; /* APIDOC: registration/dictionary description(retrieves a list of all user fields with their label and category information) return(dictionary array) */ case 'dictionary': $ret['status'] = 'ok'; if(is_array($conference) && array_key_exists('id', $conference)){ $ret['dictionary'] = user_get_field_info(); }else{ $ret['dictionary'] = user_get_field_info(true); } break; default: $ret['status']="error"; $ret['error']="invalid registration API command ({$request[1]})"; } break; case 'school': switch($request[1]){ /* APIDOC: school/list description(list schools) return(schools array) */ case 'list': $ret['schools'] = get_schools($conference['id']); $ret['status'] = 'ok'; break; default: $ret['status']="error"; $ret['error']="invalid school API command ({$request[1]})"; } break; case 'registration': $chk=api_user_auth_required('participant'); if($chk['status']!="ok") { $ret['status']="error"; $ret['error']=$chk['error']; break; } if(!$_SESSION['registrations_id']) { $ret['status']="error"; $ret['error']="No registration has been created or joined yet"; break; } switch($request[1]){ /* APIDOC: registration/view description(registration information about the currently logged in users registration) object(registration: {id,num,status,end,nummentors,students array of student) object(student: {id,accounts_id,username,firstname,lastname,complete) return(registration array) */ case 'view': // be logged in as a student in order to create a project $r=getRegistration($_SESSION['registrations_id']); if($r) { $ret['status']="ok"; $ret['registration']=$r; } else { $ret['status'] = 'error'; $ret['error']="Invalid registration id"; } break; default: /* APIDOC: registration/edit description(update registration information. Updatable data: nummentors) post(registration array) return(registration array) */ case 'edit': // be logged in as a student in order to create a project $r=json_decode($_POST['registration'],true); if(is_array($r)) { $ret['status']='ok'; $newreg=saveRegistrationData($r); $ret['registration']=$newreg; } else { $ret['status']='error'; $ret['error']="registration array required"; } break; } break; case 'project': $chk=api_user_auth_required('participant'); if($chk['status']!="ok") { $ret['status']="error"; $ret['error']=$chk['error']; break; } /* Originally, the student status was supposed to be complete before they could manage projects. Should this still be true? If so, this code needs to be unremarked, and the subsets within /project checked to see if it applies to all of them. If not, the remove this currently remarked block. */ /* $sStatus = studentStatus(); if($sStatus != 'complete'){ $ret['status'] = "error"; $ret['error'] = "student information must be completed before managing projects - " . $sStatus; break; } */ switch($request[1]){ /* APIDOC: project/add post(project array optional) description(add a project. Will create a blank project if there's no input, otherwise, creates a project based on the project array passed in) return(project array) */ case 'add': // be logged in as a student in order to create a project $user = user_load($_SESSION['users_id']); if(!$user || !in_array('participant', $_SESSION['roles'])){ $ret['status'] = 'error'; $ret['error'] = "You must be logged in as a participant to create a project"; break; } // we start by creating a registration $regdat = addRegistration($_SESSION['users_id']); if(!is_array($regdat)){ $ret['status'] = 'error'; $ret['error'] = $regdat; break; } // now we add a project to that registration $newproject = addProject($regdat['registrations_id']); if(!is_array($newproject)){ $ret['status'] = 'error'; $ret['error'] = $newproject; break; } // if we got this far, then all's good and we can return the project data $_SESSION['registration_id'] = $regdat['registrations_id']; $_SESSION['registration_number'] = $regdat['registration_number']; if($_POST['project']) { $project=json_decode($_POST['project'],true); if(!is_array($project)) { $ret['status']="error"; $ret['error']="project needs to be a project array"; break; } $project['id']=$newproject['id']; $message = saveProjectData($project); if($message == 'success'){ $ret['status'] = 'ok'; $ret['project'] = getProject($_SESSION['users_id']); }else{ $ret['status'] = 'error'; $ret['error'] = $message; } } else { $ret['status'] = 'ok'; $ret['project'] = getProject($_SESSION['users_id']); } break; /* APIDOC: project/view description(Displays the current project information) return(project array) object(project: {project_id integer, projectdivisions_id integer, title varchar(255), language char(2), req_electricity enum('no', 'yes'), req_table enum('no', 'yes'), req_special varchar(128), summary text}) */ case 'view': if($u=user_load($_SESSION['users_id'])) { $p=getProject($_SESSION['users_id']); if(is_array($p)) { $ret['status'] = 'ok'; $ret['project'] = $p; } else { $ret['status'] = 'error'; $ret['error'] = 'no project'; } }else{ $ret['status'] = 'error'; $ret['error'] = 'unabe to load current user'; } break; /* APIDOC: project/edit post(project array) description(Edit an existing project. "language" notes the language a participant wishes to be judged in. "req_electricity" notes whethor or not the project requires an electrical outlet. "req_table" states whether or not the project needs a table. "req_special" is a field for special requirements.) return(project array) */ case 'edit': $project=json_decode($_POST['project'],true); if(!is_array($project)) { $ret['status']="error"; $ret['error']="project (array) is required."; break; } $message = saveProjectData($project); if($message == 'success'){ $ret['status'] = 'ok'; //FIXME: this should getProject or something to reload whats actually in the database instead of just returning what they gave us $ret['project'] = getProject($_SESSION['users_id']); }else{ $ret['status'] = 'error'; $ret['error'] = $message; } break; /* APIDOC: project/join post(registration_number integer, email varchar(64)) description(join an existing project, identified and confirmed by the registration number and e-mail address stored in the registrations table) */ case 'join': if(!(array_key_exists('registration_number', $_POST) && array_key_exists('email', $_POST))){ $ret['status'] = "error"; $ret['error'] = "Missing required parameters"; break; } $result = joinProject($_POST['registration_number'], $_POST['email']); if($result == "ok"){ $_SESSION['registration_id'] = getRegistrationsId($_SESSION['users_id']); $_SESSION['registration_number'] = $_POST['registration_number']; $ret['status'] = "ok"; }else{ $ret['status'] = "error"; $ret['error'] = $result; } break; /* APIDOC: project/remove description(remove the current user from an existing project. If no other users are in the project, then it is deleted.) */ case 'remove': $regId = getRegistrationsId($_SESSION['users_id']); if(!$regId){ $ret['status'] = 'error'; $ret['error'] = 'current user not associated with a project'; break; } $result = removeProject($regId); if($result != 'ok'){ $ret['status'] = "error"; $ret['error'] = $result; break; } unset($_SESSION['registration_id']); unset($_SESSION['registration_number']); $ret['status'] = 'ok'; break; case 'mentor': switch($request[2]){ /* APIDOC: project/mentor/edit post(mentors array of mentor arrays) object(mentor: {id,firstname,lastname,email,phone,organization,position,description}) object(mentors: {mentor,...}) description(edit a list of project mentors or add new ones if a mentor array has no id) return(mentors array of mentor arrays) */ case 'edit': if(!array_key_exists('mentors', $_POST)){ $ret['status'] = "error"; $ret['error'] = "mentors array parameter required"; break; } $errors = array(); $mentorList = json_decode($_POST['mentors'],true); if(!is_array($mentorList)) { $ret['status'] = "error"; $ret['error'] = "mentors array parameter must be an array of mentors (or an empty array if no mentors)"; break; } foreach($mentorList as $mentor){ if(!is_array($mentor)){ $errors[] = "Invalid mentor data: $mentor"; continue; } if($mentor['id']) { $result = saveMentorData($mentor); } else { $result = addMentor($_SESSION['registration_id']); $mentor['id']=$result['id']; $result = saveMentorData($mentor); } if($result != 'ok') $errors[] = $result; } if(!count($errors)){ $ret['status'] = 'ok'; $ret['mentors']= getMentors($_SESSION['registration_id']); }else{ $ret['status'] = 'error'; $ret['error'] = '(' . implode('), (', $errors) . ')'; } break; /* APIDOC: project/mentor/remove post(id integer) description(remove a project mentor with the specified id) */ case 'remove': if(!array_key_exists('id', $_POST)){ $ret['status'] = "error"; $ret['error'] = "mentor id parameter required"; break; } $result = removeMentor($_POST['id']); if($result == 'ok'){ $ret['status'] = 'ok'; }else{ $ret['status'] = 'error'; $ret['error'] = $result; } break; /* APIDOC: project/mentor/view description(list project mentors) return(mentors array of mentor arrays) */ case 'view': if(!array_key_exists('registration_id', $_SESSION)){ $ret['status'] = "error"; $ret['error'] = 'current user not associated with a project'; break; } $result = getMentors($_SESSION['registration_id']); if(is_array($result)){ $ret['status'] = 'ok'; $ret['mentors'] = $result; }else{ $ret['status'] = "error"; $ret['error'] = $result; } break; default: $ret['status']="error"; $ret['error']="invalid project API command ({$request[2]})"; } break; /* APIDOC: project/signatureform description(generate and download the signature page PDF for the currently logged in user/project, as a BASE64 ENCODED string) return(pdf base64 encoded string) */ case 'signatureform': ob_start(); //this tells it to simply return the [S]tring instead of outputting headers to force pdf display in a browser $PDFDEST="S"; include "register_participants_signature.php"; $c=ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $b64=base64_encode($c); $fptmp=fopen("tmp.pdf","w"); fwrite($fptmp,$c); fclose($fptmp); /* $fptmp=fopen("tmp.b64","w"); fwrite($fptmp,$b64); fclose($fptmp); */ $ret['status']="ok"; $ret['pdf']=$b64; break; default: $ret['status']="error"; $ret['error']="invalid project API command ({$request[1]})"; } break; default: $ret['status']="error"; $ret['error']="invalid API command ({$request[0]})"; } fwrite($fout, "result = \n" . print_r($ret, true) . "\n"); fclose($fout); echo json_encode($ret); ?>