/* This file was modified Feb of 2015 by Sebastian Ruan */ /* below is the updated table users_judge*/ INSERT INTO `config` ( `var` , `val` , `category` , `type` , `type_values` , `ord` , `description` , `year`) VALUES ( 'signaturepage_or_permissionform', 'signaturepage', 'Participant Registration', 'enum', 'signaturepage = Signature Page|permissionform = Permission Form', '2775', 'Change the name of the form that must be signed in order to participate in this fair to:
', '-1'); UPDATE `config` SET `description`='Does the signature page/permission form need to be received BEFORE students are allowed to self nominate for special awards?' WHERE `var`='specialawardnomination_aftersignatures'; ALTER TABLE `users_judge` ADD (private_info text COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci, flagged_judge tinyint(1)); INSERT INTO `translations` (lang, strmd5, str, val, argsdesc) VALUES ('fr','0a05f902716d6694a01443967d100221','Private Information','',''), ('fr','370695d562057f1a0cf254e513d115e5','Flagged Judge','','');