//useful function that we'll be using throughout function confirmClick(msg) { var okay=confirm(msg); if(okay) return true; else return false; } function el(str,domain,name) { document.write('<a href="ma'+'il'+'to:' + str + '@' + domain + '">' + name + '</a>'); } function em(str,domain) { document.write('<a href="ma'+'il'+'to:' + str + '@' + domain + '">' + str + '@' + domain + '</a>'); } var anyFieldHasBeenChanged=false; function fieldChanged() { anyFieldHasBeenChanged=true; } function confirmChanges() { if(anyFieldHasBeenChanged) { var okay=confirm('<?=i18n("You have unsaved changes. Click \"Cancel\" to return so you can save your changes, or press \"OK\" to discard your changes and continue")?>'); if(okay) return true; else return false; } else return true; } var _notice_id = 0; function notice_delete(id) { $("#notice_"+id).slideUp('slow', function() { $("#notice_"+id).remove(); }); } function notice_create(type,str,timeout) { if(timeout == -1) timeout = 5000; _notice_id++; $("#notice_area").append("<div id=\"notice_"+_notice_id+"\" class=\""+type+"\" >"+str+"</div>"); $("#notice_"+_notice_id).show('puff'); $("#notice_"+_notice_id).fadeTo('fast', 0.95); setTimeout("notice_delete("+_notice_id+")", timeout); } function notice_(str) { notice_create('notice',str,-1); } function report_gen(id) { var args="id="+id+"&action=dialog_gen"; $("#debug").load("reports_gen.php?"+args); return false; } /* Stuff to do after the document loads */ $(document).ready(function() { /* Do label/input styles on all edit tables */ $(".editor tr td:first-child").addClass('label'); $(".editor tr td:nth-child(2)").addClass('input'); /* Stripe tableviews */ $(".tableview tr:even").addClass('even'); $(".tableview tr:odd").addClass('odd'); }); //key is 'val' from emails table, or id is id, fcid simply gets passed in and saved if needed //only id or key are used to lookup which to open function opencommunicationeditor(key,id,fcid) { var fcstr=""; if(fcid) fcstr="&fundraising_campaigns_id="+fcid; if(id) { $("#debug").load("communication.php?action=dialog_edit&id="+id+fcstr,null,function() { }); } else { $("#debug").load("communication.php?action=dialog_edit&key="+key+fcstr,null,function() { }); } return false; }