Copyright (C) 2005 James Grant This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ ?> 0) break; } $t2 = rand(0, $tms - 2); if($t2 >= $t1) $t2++; /* Pick a judge on team1 */ $j1 = rand(0, count($team[$t1]['judges']) - 1); /* Pick a judge or the empty slot on team2 */ $j2 = rand(0, count($team[$t2]['judges'])); if($j2 == count($team[$t2]['judges'])) { $j2 = -1; } TRACE("Random move: ($t1,$j1) ($t2,$j2)
"); TRACE_R($team[$t1]['judges']); TRACE("
T2:"); TRACE_R($team[$t2]['judges']); TRACE("
"); /* The move is team1,judge1 <==> team2,judge2 */ return array($t1, $j1, $t2, $j2); } /* The cost function is: + 200 * each judge below the min for each team + 100 * each judge above the max for each team + -20 * each level of preference away from the max level for each judge ( ex: if a judge has selected LS->2, PS->0, CS->-1 then matching that judge with a: LS = -40, PS = 0, CS = -20, else = 0 ) */ /* Compute the cost of adding a judge to a team */ function compute_team_cost(&$teams, &$judges, $team_id) { $cost = 0; $t =& $teams[$team_id]; /* Compute the over max / under min costs */ $c = count($t['judges']); $min = ($c < $t['min']) ? $t['min'] - $c : 0; $max = ($c > $t['max']) ? $c - $t['max'] : 0; $cost += $min * 20; $cost += $max * 10; // TRACE("Under min=$min, over max=$max
"); /* For each judge on the team, score their preferences */ reset($t['judges']); while( list($key, $judge_id) = each($t['judges']) ) { $j = $judges[$judge_id]; /* Get the division, and see where it fits with this * judges preferences */ $dpref = $j['divprefs'][$t['division']]; $cpref = $j['catprefs'][$t['category']]; // TRACE("Judge $judge_id cp=$cpref, dp=$dpref
"); $cost += 2 * (-$dpref + 2); $cost += 2 * (-$cpref + 2); } TRACE("Team $team_id, cost is $cost
"); return $cost; } function compute_delta_cost(&$teams, &$judges, $move) { list($tid1, $jidx1, $tid2, $jidx2) = $move; $t1 =& $teams[$tid1]; $t2 =& $teams[$tid2]; $ja1 = $t1['judges']; $ja2 = $t2['judges']; /* Turn the indexes into judge IDs */ $jid1 = $t1['judges'][$jidx1]; if($jidx2 == -1) $jid2 = -1; else $jid2 = $t2['judges'][$jidx2]; $cost = 0; /* Make new arrays for each judge list */ $nj1 = array(); for($x=0; $x $c1
"); TRACE("Team $tid2 cost {$t2['cost']} -> $c2
"); TRACE("Delta = $cost
"); $t1['judges'] = $ja1; $t2['judges'] = $ja2; return array($cost, array($nj1, $c1, $nj2, $c2)) ; } function record_move(&$teams, $move, $movedata) { list($tid1, $jidx1, $tid2, $jidx2) = $move; list($judges1, $c1, $judges2, $c2) = $movedata; $t1 =& $teams[$tid1]; $t2 =& $teams[$tid2]; // TRACE_R($t1); $t1['judges'] = $judges1; $t1['cost'] = $c1; $t2['judges'] = $judges2; $t2['cost'] = $c2; TRACE("T1:"); TRACE_R($t1['judges']); TRACE("
T2:"); TRACE_R($t2['judges']); TRACE("
"); // TRACE_R($t1); // TRACE_R($t2); } /* Inputs to annealer: * - data['min_per_team'] * - 'max_per_team' * - 'teams' [division][category] = number of teams * * - judges */ function judges_assign_anneal($divisions, $categories, $judges, $data) { /* Create an array to hold the team data */ $team = array(); $t=0; reset($data['teams']); while( list($div, $c) = each($data['teams']) ){ reset($c); while( list($cat, $num) = each($c) ) { for($x=0; $x<$num; $x++) { $team[$t]['division'] = $div; $team[$t]['category'] = $cat; $team[$t]['min'] = $data['min_judges_per_team']; $team[$t]['max'] = $data['max_judges_per_team']; $team[$t]['judges'] = array(); $t++; } } } $num_teams = $t; $x=0; /* Inital assignment of judges to teams */ reset($judges); while( list($j, $ji) = each($judges)) { $team[$x % $num_teams]['judges'][] = $j; $x++; } /* Compute inital costs */ $current_cost = 0; // reset($team); for($x=0; $x"); if($r < exp(-$delta_c / $temperature)) { /* Yes, we do, record the move */ record_move($team, $move, $movedata); $current_cost += $delta_c; $n_accepted++; if($current_cost < $best_cost) $best_cost = $current_cost; TRACE("Move accepted, cost=$current_cost
"); } else { TRACE("Move rejected
"); } } TRACE("Cost is $current_cost
"); $temperature *= 0.9; if($temperature <= 0.05) break; } return $team; } $q=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM projectdivisions WHERE year='".$config['FAIRYEAR']."' ORDER BY id"); while($r=mysql_fetch_object($q)) $div[$r->id]=$r->division; $q=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM projectcategories WHERE year='".$config['FAIRYEAR']."' ORDER BY id"); while($r=mysql_fetch_object($q)) $cat[$r->id]=$r->category; $configq=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM judges_schedulerconfig WHERE year='".$config['FAIRYEAR']."'"); $data=array(); while($configr=mysql_fetch_object($configq)) $data[$configr->var]=$configr->val; $data['teams'] = array(); foreach($div AS $d_id=>$d_val) { foreach($cat AS $c_id=>$c_val) { $numq=mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(id) AS num FROM projects WHERE projectcategories_id='$c_id' AND projectdivisions_id='$d_id'"); $numr=mysql_fetch_object($numq); $numteams=ceil($numr->num/$data['max_projects_per_team']*$data['num_times_judged']); $data['teams'][$d_id][$c_id]=$numteams; } } /* $data = array( 'min_per_team' => 2, 'max_per_team' => 4, 'teams' => array() ); $data['teams']['S']['LS'] = 4; $data['teams']['S']['PS'] = 4; $data['teams']['S']['Case'] = 3; $data['teams']['S']['CS'] = 2; $data['teams']['I']['LS'] = 3; $data['teams']['I']['PS'] = 3; $data['teams']['I']['Case'] = 2; $data['teams']['I']['CS'] = 1; $data['teams']['J']['LS'] = 2; $data['teams']['J']['PS'] = 2; $data['teams']['J']['Case'] = 1; $data['teams']['J']['CS'] = 4; */ $q=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM judges "); $judges=array(); while($r=mysql_fetch_object($q)) { unset($divprefs); unset($catprefs); //get category preferences $q2=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM judges_catpref WHERE judges_id='$r->id' AND year='".$config['FAIRYEAR']."' ORDER BY projectcategories_id"); $catprefs=array(); while($r2=mysql_fetch_object($q2)) $catprefs[$r2->projectcategories_id]=$r2->rank; //get division preferences $q2=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM judges_expertise WHERE judges_id='$r->id' AND year='".$config['FAIRYEAR']."' AND projectsubdivisions_id IS NULL ORDER BY projectdivisions_id"); //the areas of expertise are ranked from 1 to 5, and we need them as -2,-1,0,1,2 so we simply subtract 3 $divprefs=array(); while($r2=mysql_fetch_object($q2)) $divprefs[$r2->projectdivisions_id]=$r2->val-3; $judges[]=array( "judges_id"=>"$r->id", "name"=>"$r->firstname $r->lastname", "years_school"=>$r->years_school, "years_regional"=>$r->years_regional, "years_national"=>$r->years_national, "willing_chair"=>$r->willing_chair, "divprefs"=>$divprefs, "catprefs"=>$catprefs ); } //echo nl2br(TRACE_R($judges, true)); $teams = judges_assign_anneal($div,$cat, $judges, $data); //TRACE_R( $teams); $teamnums=array(); send_header("Judging teams automatic scheduler"); echo i18n("Judging teams successfully created. You can review the teams and modify as desired using the following links"); echo "
"; echo "
"; echo "".i18n("Manage Judge Teams").""; echo "
"; echo "".i18n("Manage Judge Members").""; echo "
"; echo "
"; $totalcost=0; while(list($tn, $t) = each($teams)) { //team numbers start with 0 in the annealer, but we want them to start at 1, so just tn++ here. $tn++; print("Team $tn: ({$div[$t['division']]}({$t['division']}),{$cat[$t['category']]}({$t['category']})) ". "(cost:{$t['cost']} )
"); $totalcost+=$t['cost']; if(!$teamnums[$t['division']][$t['category']]) $teamnums[$t['division']][$t['category']]=1; else $teamnums[$t['division']][$t['category']]++; mysql_query("INSERT INTO judges_teams (num,name,autocreate_type_id,year) VALUES ('$tn','(Divisional) {$div[$t['division']]} - {$cat[$t['category']]} #{$teamnums[$t['division']][$t['category']]}','1','{$config['FAIRYEAR']}')"); $team_id=mysql_insert_id(); while(list($key, $j) = each($t['judges']) ) { $judge = $judges[$j]; print("   {$judge['name']}
"); mysql_query("INSERT INTO judges_teams_link (judges_id,judges_teams_id,captain,year) VALUES ('{$judge['judges_id']}','$team_id','{$judge['willing_chair']}','{$config['FAIRYEAR']}')"); } //and finally, link the team to the award $q=mysql_query("SELECT FROM award_awards, award_awards_projectcategories, award_awards_projectdivisions WHERE award_awards.year='{$config['FAIRYEAR']}' AND AND AND award_awards_projectcategories.projectcategories_id='{$t['category']}' AND award_awards_projectdivisions.projectdivisions_id='{$t['division']}' AND award_awards.award_types_id='1' "); if(mysql_num_rows($q)!=1) { echo error(i18n("Cannot find award for %1 - %2",array($cat[$t['category']],$div[$t['division']]))); } else { $r=mysql_fetch_object($q); mysql_query("INSERT INTO judges_teams_awards_link (award_awards_id,judges_teams_id,year) VALUES ('$r->id','$team_id','{$config['FAIRYEAR']}')"); } } echo "
"; echo "
"; echo "Total 'cost' for all teams: $totalcost"; send_footer(); ?>