<< ".i18n("Back to Administration").""; echo "   "; echo "<< ".i18n("Back to Registration").""; echo "
"; echo "
"; $showformatbottom=true; if($_POST['action']=="received" && $_POST['registration_number']) { $q=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM registrations WHERE num='".$_POST['registration_number']."' AND year='".$config['FAIRYEAR']."'"); if(mysql_num_rows($q)==1) { $r=mysql_fetch_object($q); $reg_id=$r->id; $reg_num=$r->num; if($r->status=='new') { echo error(i18n("Invalid Registration Status (%1 is New). Cannot receive an empty form.",array($_POST['registration_number']))); } else if($r->status=='closed') { echo notice(i18n("Registration number (%1) has already been received.",array($_POST['registration_number'],$r->status))); } else { //make sure all of the statuses are correct $statusstudent=studentStatus($reg_id); $statusemergencycontact=emergencycontactStatus($reg_id); $statusproject=projectStatus($reg_id); $statusmentor=mentorStatus($reg_id); $statussafety=safetyStatus($reg_id); if( $statusstudent == "complete" && $statusemergencycontact == "complete" && $statusproject == "complete" && $statusmentor == "complete" && $statussafety == "complete" ) { $q=mysql_query("SELECT projects.title, projectcategories.category, projectdivisions.division FROM projects,projectcategories,projectdivisions WHERE projects.registrations_id='$reg_id' AND projects.projectcategories_id=projectcategories.id AND projects.projectdivisions_id=projectdivisions.id "); echo mysql_Error(); $projectinfo=mysql_fetch_object($q); echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; $q=mysql_query("SELECT students.firstname, students.lastname, schools.school FROM students,schools WHERE students.registrations_id='$reg_id' AND students.schools_id=schools.id "); $studnum=1; while($studentinfo=mysql_fetch_object($q)) { if($studnum==1) echo ""; echo ""; } echo "
".i18n("Registration Summary for %1",array($reg_num))."
".i18n("Registration Number").":$reg_num
".i18n("Project Title").":$projectinfo->title
".i18n("Category / Division").":$projectinfo->category / $projectinfo->division
".i18n("Student %1",array($studnum)).":$studentinfo->firstname $studentinfo->lastname
\n"; echo "
"; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo "\n"; echo ""; echo "\n"; echo ""; echo "
"; echo i18n("Is this the correct form to register?"); echo "
"; echo "
"; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo "
"; echo "
 "; echo "
"; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo "
"; echo "
"; $showformatbottom=false; } else { echo error(i18n("All Registration sections are not complete. Cannot register")); } } } else { echo error(i18n("Invalid Registration Number (%1)",array($_POST['registration_number']))); } } else if($_POST['action']=="receivedyes" && $_POST['registration_number']) { //actually set it to 'closed' mysql_query("UPDATE registrations SET status='closed' WHERE num='".$_POST['registration_number']."'"); //FIXME: assign the project number here as well! echo happy(i18n("Registration of form %1 successfully completed",array($registration_number))); } else if($_POST['action']=="receivedno" && $_POST['registration_number']) { echo notice(i18n("Registration of form %1 cancelled",array($registration_number))); } if($showformatbottom) { echo "

".i18n("Input New Received Form")."

"; echo "
"; echo ""; echo i18n("Enter the registration number from the form: ")."
"; echo ""; echo ""; echo "
"; } send_footer(); ?>