/* * FCKeditor - The text editor for Internet - http://www.fckeditor.net * Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Frederico Caldeira Knabben * * == BEGIN LICENSE == * * Licensed under the terms of any of the following licenses at your * choice: * * - GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL") * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL") * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html * * - Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 or later (the "MPL") * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html * * == END LICENSE == * * Class for working with a selection range, much like the W3C DOM Range, but * it is not intended to be an implementation of the W3C interface. */ var FCKDomRange = function( sourceWindow ) { this.Window = sourceWindow ; this._Cache = {} ; } FCKDomRange.prototype = { _UpdateElementInfo : function() { var innerRange = this._Range ; if ( !innerRange ) this.Release( true ) ; else { // For text nodes, the node itself is the StartNode. var eStart = innerRange.startContainer ; var oElementPath = new FCKElementPath( eStart ) ; this.StartNode = eStart.nodeType == 3 ? eStart : eStart.childNodes[ innerRange.startOffset ] ; this.StartContainer = eStart ; this.StartBlock = oElementPath.Block ; this.StartBlockLimit = oElementPath.BlockLimit ; if ( innerRange.collapsed ) { this.EndNode = this.StartNode ; this.EndContainer = this.StartContainer ; this.EndBlock = this.StartBlock ; this.EndBlockLimit = this.StartBlockLimit ; } else { var eEnd = innerRange.endContainer ; if ( eStart != eEnd ) oElementPath = new FCKElementPath( eEnd ) ; // The innerRange.endContainer[ innerRange.endOffset ] is not // usually part of the range, but the marker for the range end. So, // let's get the previous available node as the real end. var eEndNode = eEnd ; if ( innerRange.endOffset == 0 ) { while ( eEndNode && !eEndNode.previousSibling ) eEndNode = eEndNode.parentNode ; if ( eEndNode ) eEndNode = eEndNode.previousSibling ; } else if ( eEndNode.nodeType == 1 ) eEndNode = eEndNode.childNodes[ innerRange.endOffset - 1 ] ; this.EndNode = eEndNode ; this.EndContainer = eEnd ; this.EndBlock = oElementPath.Block ; this.EndBlockLimit = oElementPath.BlockLimit ; } } this._Cache = {} ; }, CreateRange : function() { return new FCKW3CRange( this.Window.document ) ; }, DeleteContents : function() { if ( this._Range ) { this._Range.deleteContents() ; this._UpdateElementInfo() ; } }, ExtractContents : function() { if ( this._Range ) { var docFrag = this._Range.extractContents() ; this._UpdateElementInfo() ; return docFrag ; } return null ; }, CheckIsCollapsed : function() { if ( this._Range ) return this._Range.collapsed ; return false ; }, Collapse : function( toStart ) { if ( this._Range ) this._Range.collapse( toStart ) ; this._UpdateElementInfo() ; }, Clone : function() { var oClone = FCKTools.CloneObject( this ) ; if ( this._Range ) oClone._Range = this._Range.cloneRange() ; return oClone ; }, MoveToNodeContents : function( targetNode ) { if ( !this._Range ) this._Range = this.CreateRange() ; this._Range.selectNodeContents( targetNode ) ; this._UpdateElementInfo() ; }, MoveToElementStart : function( targetElement ) { this.SetStart(targetElement,1) ; this.SetEnd(targetElement,1) ; }, // Moves to the first editing point inside a element. For example, in a // element tree like "<p><b><i></i></b> Text</p>", the start editing point // is "<p><b><i>^</i></b> Text</p>" (inside <i>). MoveToElementEditStart : function( targetElement ) { var editableElement ; while ( targetElement && targetElement.nodeType == 1 ) { if ( FCKDomTools.CheckIsEditable( targetElement ) ) editableElement = targetElement ; else if ( editableElement ) break ; // If we already found an editable element, stop the loop. targetElement = targetElement.firstChild ; } if ( editableElement ) this.MoveToElementStart( editableElement ) ; }, InsertNode : function( node ) { if ( this._Range ) this._Range.insertNode( node ) ; }, CheckIsEmpty : function() { if ( this.CheckIsCollapsed() ) return true ; // Inserts the contents of the range in a div tag. var eToolDiv = this.Window.document.createElement( 'div' ) ; this._Range.cloneContents().AppendTo( eToolDiv ) ; FCKDomTools.TrimNode( eToolDiv ) ; return ( eToolDiv.innerHTML.length == 0 ) ; }, /** * Checks if the start boundary of the current range is "visually" (like a * selection caret) at the beginning of the block. It means that some * things could be brefore the range, like spaces or empty inline elements, * but it would still be considered at the beginning of the block. */ CheckStartOfBlock : function() { var cache = this._Cache ; var bIsStartOfBlock = cache.IsStartOfBlock ; if ( bIsStartOfBlock != undefined ) return bIsStartOfBlock ; // Take the block reference. var block = this.StartBlock || this.StartBlockLimit ; var container = this._Range.startContainer ; var offset = this._Range.startOffset ; var currentNode ; if ( offset > 0 ) { // First, check the start container. If it is a text node, get the // substring of the node value before the range offset. if ( container.nodeType == 3 ) { var textValue = container.nodeValue.substr( 0, offset ).Trim() ; // If we have some text left in the container, we are not at // the end for the block. if ( textValue.length != 0 ) return cache.IsStartOfBlock = false ; } else currentNode = container.childNodes[ offset - 1 ] ; } // We'll not have a currentNode if the container was a text node, or // the offset is zero. if ( !currentNode ) currentNode = FCKDomTools.GetPreviousSourceNode( container, true, null, block ) ; while ( currentNode ) { switch ( currentNode.nodeType ) { case 1 : // It's not an inline element. if ( !FCKListsLib.InlineChildReqElements[ currentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() ] ) return cache.IsStartOfBlock = false ; break ; case 3 : // It's a text node with real text. if ( currentNode.nodeValue.Trim().length > 0 ) return cache.IsStartOfBlock = false ; } currentNode = FCKDomTools.GetPreviousSourceNode( currentNode, false, null, block ) ; } return cache.IsStartOfBlock = true ; }, /** * Checks if the end boundary of the current range is "visually" (like a * selection caret) at the end of the block. It means that some things * could be after the range, like spaces, empty inline elements, or a * single <br>, but it would still be considered at the end of the block. */ CheckEndOfBlock : function( refreshSelection ) { var isEndOfBlock = this._Cache.IsEndOfBlock ; if ( isEndOfBlock != undefined ) return isEndOfBlock ; // Take the block reference. var block = this.EndBlock || this.EndBlockLimit ; var container = this._Range.endContainer ; var offset = this._Range.endOffset ; var currentNode ; // First, check the end container. If it is a text node, get the // substring of the node value after the range offset. if ( container.nodeType == 3 ) { var textValue = container.nodeValue ; if ( offset < textValue.length ) { textValue = textValue.substr( offset ) ; // If we have some text left in the container, we are not at // the end for the block. if ( textValue.Trim().length != 0 ) return this._Cache.IsEndOfBlock = false ; } } else currentNode = container.childNodes[ offset ] ; // We'll not have a currentNode if the container was a text node, of // the offset is out the container children limits (after it probably). if ( !currentNode ) currentNode = FCKDomTools.GetNextSourceNode( container, true, null, block ) ; var hadBr = false ; while ( currentNode ) { switch ( currentNode.nodeType ) { case 1 : var nodeName = currentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() ; // It's an inline element. if ( FCKListsLib.InlineChildReqElements[ nodeName ] ) break ; // It is the first <br> found. if ( nodeName == 'br' && !hadBr ) { hadBr = true ; break ; } return this._Cache.IsEndOfBlock = false ; case 3 : // It's a text node with real text. if ( currentNode.nodeValue.Trim().length > 0 ) return this._Cache.IsEndOfBlock = false ; } currentNode = FCKDomTools.GetNextSourceNode( currentNode, false, null, block ) ; } if ( refreshSelection ) this.Select() ; return this._Cache.IsEndOfBlock = true ; }, // This is an "intrusive" way to create a bookmark. It includes <span> tags // in the range boundaries. The advantage of it is that it is possible to // handle DOM mutations when moving back to the bookmark. // Attention: the inclusion of nodes in the DOM is a design choice and // should not be changed as there are other points in the code that may be // using those nodes to perform operations. See GetBookmarkNode. // For performance, includeNodes=true if intended to SelectBookmark. CreateBookmark : function( includeNodes ) { // Create the bookmark info (random IDs). var oBookmark = { StartId : (new Date()).valueOf() + Math.floor(Math.random()*1000) + 'S', EndId : (new Date()).valueOf() + Math.floor(Math.random()*1000) + 'E' } ; var oDoc = this.Window.document ; var eStartSpan ; var eEndSpan ; var oClone ; // For collapsed ranges, add just the start marker. if ( !this.CheckIsCollapsed() ) { eEndSpan = oDoc.createElement( 'span' ) ; eEndSpan.style.display = 'none' ; eEndSpan.id = oBookmark.EndId ; eEndSpan.setAttribute( '_fck_bookmark', true ) ; // For IE, it must have something inside, otherwise it may be // removed during DOM operations. // if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE ) eEndSpan.innerHTML = ' ' ; oClone = this.Clone() ; oClone.Collapse( false ) ; oClone.InsertNode( eEndSpan ) ; } eStartSpan = oDoc.createElement( 'span' ) ; eStartSpan.style.display = 'none' ; eStartSpan.id = oBookmark.StartId ; eStartSpan.setAttribute( '_fck_bookmark', true ) ; // For IE, it must have something inside, otherwise it may be removed // during DOM operations. // if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE ) eStartSpan.innerHTML = ' ' ; oClone = this.Clone() ; oClone.Collapse( true ) ; oClone.InsertNode( eStartSpan ) ; if ( includeNodes ) { oBookmark.StartNode = eStartSpan ; oBookmark.EndNode = eEndSpan ; } // Update the range position. if ( eEndSpan ) { this.SetStart( eStartSpan, 4 ) ; this.SetEnd( eEndSpan, 3 ) ; } else this.MoveToPosition( eStartSpan, 4 ) ; return oBookmark ; }, // This one should be a part of a hypothetic "bookmark" object. GetBookmarkNode : function( bookmark, start ) { var doc = this.Window.document ; if ( start ) return bookmark.StartNode || doc.getElementById( bookmark.StartId ) ; else return bookmark.EndNode || doc.getElementById( bookmark.EndId ) ; }, MoveToBookmark : function( bookmark, preserveBookmark ) { var eStartSpan = this.GetBookmarkNode( bookmark, true ) ; var eEndSpan = this.GetBookmarkNode( bookmark, false ) ; this.SetStart( eStartSpan, 3 ) ; if ( !preserveBookmark ) FCKDomTools.RemoveNode( eStartSpan ) ; // If collapsed, the end span will not be available. if ( eEndSpan ) { this.SetEnd( eEndSpan, 3 ) ; if ( !preserveBookmark ) FCKDomTools.RemoveNode( eEndSpan ) ; } else this.Collapse( true ) ; this._UpdateElementInfo() ; }, // Non-intrusive bookmark algorithm CreateBookmark2 : function() { // If there is no range then get out of here. // It happens on initial load in Safari #962 and if the editor it's hidden also in Firefox if ( ! this._Range ) return { "Start" : 0, "End" : 0 } ; // First, we record down the offset values var bookmark = { "Start" : [ this._Range.startOffset ], "End" : [ this._Range.endOffset ] } ; // Since we're treating the document tree as normalized, we need to backtrack the text lengths // of previous text nodes into the offset value. var curStart = this._Range.startContainer.previousSibling ; var curEnd = this._Range.endContainer.previousSibling ; // Also note that the node that we use for "address base" would change during backtracking. var addrStart = this._Range.startContainer ; var addrEnd = this._Range.endContainer ; while ( curStart && addrStart.nodeType == 3 ) { bookmark.Start[0] += curStart.length ; addrStart = curStart ; curStart = curStart.previousSibling ; } while ( curEnd && addrEnd.nodeType == 3 ) { bookmark.End[0] += curEnd.length ; addrEnd = curEnd ; curEnd = curEnd.previousSibling ; } // If the object pointed to by the startOffset and endOffset are text nodes, we need // to backtrack and add in the text offset to the bookmark addresses. if ( addrStart.nodeType == 1 && addrStart.childNodes[bookmark.Start[0]] && addrStart.childNodes[bookmark.Start[0]].nodeType == 3 ) { var curNode = addrStart.childNodes[bookmark.Start[0]] ; var offset = 0 ; while ( curNode.previousSibling && curNode.previousSibling.nodeType == 3 ) { curNode = curNode.previousSibling ; offset += curNode.length ; } addrStart = curNode ; bookmark.Start[0] = offset ; } if ( addrEnd.nodeType == 1 && addrEnd.childNodes[bookmark.End[0]] && addrEnd.childNodes[bookmark.End[0]].nodeType == 3 ) { var curNode = addrEnd.childNodes[bookmark.End[0]] ; var offset = 0 ; while ( curNode.previousSibling && curNode.previousSibling.nodeType == 3 ) { curNode = curNode.previousSibling ; offset += curNode.length ; } addrEnd = curNode ; bookmark.End[0] = offset ; } // Then, we record down the precise position of the container nodes // by walking up the DOM tree and counting their childNode index bookmark.Start = FCKDomTools.GetNodeAddress( addrStart, true ).concat( bookmark.Start ) ; bookmark.End = FCKDomTools.GetNodeAddress( addrEnd, true ).concat( bookmark.End ) ; return bookmark; }, MoveToBookmark2 : function( bookmark ) { // Reverse the childNode counting algorithm in CreateBookmark2() var curStart = FCKDomTools.GetNodeFromAddress( this.Window.document, bookmark.Start.slice( 0, -1 ), true ) ; var curEnd = FCKDomTools.GetNodeFromAddress( this.Window.document, bookmark.End.slice( 0, -1 ), true ) ; // Generate the W3C Range object and update relevant data this.Release( true ) ; this._Range = new FCKW3CRange( this.Window.document ) ; var startOffset = bookmark.Start[ bookmark.Start.length - 1 ] ; var endOffset = bookmark.End[ bookmark.End.length - 1 ] ; while ( curStart.nodeType == 3 && startOffset > curStart.length ) { if ( ! curStart.nextSibling || curStart.nextSibling.nodeType != 3 ) break ; startOffset -= curStart.length ; curStart = curStart.nextSibling ; } while ( curEnd.nodeType == 3 && endOffset > curEnd.length ) { if ( ! curEnd.nextSibling || curEnd.nextSibling.nodeType != 3 ) break ; endOffset -= curEnd.length ; curEnd = curEnd.nextSibling ; } this._Range.setStart( curStart, startOffset ) ; this._Range.setEnd( curEnd, endOffset ) ; this._UpdateElementInfo() ; }, MoveToPosition : function( targetElement, position ) { this.SetStart( targetElement, position ) ; this.Collapse( true ) ; }, /* * Moves the position of the start boundary of the range to a specific position * relatively to a element. * @position: * 1 = After Start <target>^contents</target> * 2 = Before End <target>contents^</target> * 3 = Before Start ^<target>contents</target> * 4 = After End <target>contents</target>^ */ SetStart : function( targetElement, position, noInfoUpdate ) { var oRange = this._Range ; if ( !oRange ) oRange = this._Range = this.CreateRange() ; switch( position ) { case 1 : // After Start <target>^contents</target> oRange.setStart( targetElement, 0 ) ; break ; case 2 : // Before End <target>contents^</target> oRange.setStart( targetElement, targetElement.childNodes.length ) ; break ; case 3 : // Before Start ^<target>contents</target> oRange.setStartBefore( targetElement ) ; break ; case 4 : // After End <target>contents</target>^ oRange.setStartAfter( targetElement ) ; } if ( !noInfoUpdate ) this._UpdateElementInfo() ; }, /* * Moves the position of the start boundary of the range to a specific position * relatively to a element. * @position: * 1 = After Start <target>^contents</target> * 2 = Before End <target>contents^</target> * 3 = Before Start ^<target>contents</target> * 4 = After End <target>contents</target>^ */ SetEnd : function( targetElement, position, noInfoUpdate ) { var oRange = this._Range ; if ( !oRange ) oRange = this._Range = this.CreateRange() ; switch( position ) { case 1 : // After Start <target>^contents</target> oRange.setEnd( targetElement, 0 ) ; break ; case 2 : // Before End <target>contents^</target> oRange.setEnd( targetElement, targetElement.childNodes.length ) ; break ; case 3 : // Before Start ^<target>contents</target> oRange.setEndBefore( targetElement ) ; break ; case 4 : // After End <target>contents</target>^ oRange.setEndAfter( targetElement ) ; } if ( !noInfoUpdate ) this._UpdateElementInfo() ; }, Expand : function( unit ) { var oNode, oSibling ; switch ( unit ) { // Expand the range to include all inline parent elements if we are // are in their boundary limits. // For example (where [ ] are the range limits): // Before => Some <b>[<i>Some sample text]</i></b>. // After => Some [<b><i>Some sample text</i></b>]. case 'inline_elements' : // Expand the start boundary. if ( this._Range.startOffset == 0 ) { oNode = this._Range.startContainer ; if ( oNode.nodeType != 1 ) oNode = oNode.previousSibling ? null : oNode.parentNode ; if ( oNode ) { while ( FCKListsLib.InlineNonEmptyElements[ oNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() ] ) { this._Range.setStartBefore( oNode ) ; if ( oNode != oNode.parentNode.firstChild ) break ; oNode = oNode.parentNode ; } } } // Expand the end boundary. oNode = this._Range.endContainer ; var offset = this._Range.endOffset ; if ( ( oNode.nodeType == 3 && offset >= oNode.nodeValue.length ) || ( oNode.nodeType == 1 && offset >= oNode.childNodes.length ) || ( oNode.nodeType != 1 && oNode.nodeType != 3 ) ) { if ( oNode.nodeType != 1 ) oNode = oNode.nextSibling ? null : oNode.parentNode ; if ( oNode ) { while ( FCKListsLib.InlineNonEmptyElements[ oNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() ] ) { this._Range.setEndAfter( oNode ) ; if ( oNode != oNode.parentNode.lastChild ) break ; oNode = oNode.parentNode ; } } } break ; case 'block_contents' : case 'list_contents' : var boundarySet = FCKListsLib.BlockBoundaries ; if ( unit == 'list_contents' || FCKConfig.EnterMode == 'br' ) boundarySet = FCKListsLib.ListBoundaries ; if ( this.StartBlock && FCKConfig.EnterMode != 'br' && unit == 'block_contents' ) this.SetStart( this.StartBlock, 1 ) ; else { // Get the start node for the current range. oNode = this._Range.startContainer ; // If it is an element, get the node right before of it (in source order). if ( oNode.nodeType == 1 ) { var lastNode = oNode.childNodes[ this._Range.startOffset ] ; if ( lastNode ) oNode = FCKDomTools.GetPreviousSourceNode( lastNode, true ) ; else oNode = oNode.lastChild || oNode ; } // We must look for the left boundary, relative to the range // start, which is limited by a block element. while ( oNode && ( oNode.nodeType != 1 || ( oNode != this.StartBlockLimit && !boundarySet[ oNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() ] ) ) ) { this._Range.setStartBefore( oNode ) ; oNode = oNode.previousSibling || oNode.parentNode ; } } if ( this.EndBlock && FCKConfig.EnterMode != 'br' && unit == 'block_contents' && this.EndBlock.nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'li' ) this.SetEnd( this.EndBlock, 2 ) ; else { oNode = this._Range.endContainer ; if ( oNode.nodeType == 1 ) oNode = oNode.childNodes[ this._Range.endOffset ] || oNode.lastChild ; // We must look for the right boundary, relative to the range // end, which is limited by a block element. while ( oNode && ( oNode.nodeType != 1 || ( oNode != this.StartBlockLimit && !boundarySet[ oNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() ] ) ) ) { this._Range.setEndAfter( oNode ) ; oNode = oNode.nextSibling || oNode.parentNode ; } // In EnterMode='br', the end <br> boundary element must // be included in the expanded range. if ( oNode && oNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'br' ) this._Range.setEndAfter( oNode ) ; } this._UpdateElementInfo() ; } }, /** * Split the block element for the current range. It deletes the contents * of the range and splits the block in the collapsed position, resulting * in two sucessive blocks. The range is then positioned in the middle of * them. * * It returns and object with the following properties: * - PreviousBlock : a reference to the block element that preceeds * the range after the split. * - NextBlock : a reference to the block element that follows the * range after the split. * - WasStartOfBlock : a boolean indicating that the range was * originaly at the start of the block. * - WasEndOfBlock : a boolean indicating that the range was originaly * at the end of the block. * * If the range was originaly at the start of the block, no split will happen * and the PreviousBlock value will be null. The same is valid for the * NextBlock value if the range was at the end of the block. */ SplitBlock : function( forceBlockTag ) { var blockTag = forceBlockTag || FCKConfig.EnterMode ; if ( !this._Range ) this.MoveToSelection() ; // The range boundaries must be in the same "block limit" element. if ( this.StartBlockLimit == this.EndBlockLimit ) { // Get the current blocks. var eStartBlock = this.StartBlock ; var eEndBlock = this.EndBlock ; var oElementPath = null ; if ( blockTag != 'br' ) { if ( !eStartBlock ) { eStartBlock = this.FixBlock( true, blockTag ) ; eEndBlock = this.EndBlock ; // FixBlock may have fixed the EndBlock too. } if ( !eEndBlock ) eEndBlock = this.FixBlock( false, blockTag ) ; } // Get the range position. var bIsStartOfBlock = ( eStartBlock != null && this.CheckStartOfBlock() ) ; var bIsEndOfBlock = ( eEndBlock != null && this.CheckEndOfBlock() ) ; // Delete the current contents. if ( !this.CheckIsEmpty() ) this.DeleteContents() ; if ( eStartBlock && eEndBlock && eStartBlock == eEndBlock ) { if ( bIsEndOfBlock ) { oElementPath = new FCKElementPath( this.StartContainer ) ; this.MoveToPosition( eEndBlock, 4 ) ; eEndBlock = null ; } else if ( bIsStartOfBlock ) { oElementPath = new FCKElementPath( this.StartContainer ) ; this.MoveToPosition( eStartBlock, 3 ) ; eStartBlock = null ; } else { // Extract the contents of the block from the selection point to the end of its contents. this.SetEnd( eStartBlock, 2 ) ; var eDocFrag = this.ExtractContents() ; // Duplicate the block element after it. eEndBlock = eStartBlock.cloneNode( false ) ; eEndBlock.removeAttribute( 'id', false ) ; // Place the extracted contents in the duplicated block. eDocFrag.AppendTo( eEndBlock ) ; FCKDomTools.InsertAfterNode( eStartBlock, eEndBlock ) ; this.MoveToPosition( eStartBlock, 4 ) ; // In Gecko, the last child node must be a bogus <br>. // Note: bogus <br> added under <ul> or <ol> would cause lists to be incorrectly rendered. if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsGecko && ! eStartBlock.nodeName.IEquals( ['ul', 'ol'] ) ) FCKTools.AppendBogusBr( eStartBlock ) ; } } return { PreviousBlock : eStartBlock, NextBlock : eEndBlock, WasStartOfBlock : bIsStartOfBlock, WasEndOfBlock : bIsEndOfBlock, ElementPath : oElementPath } ; } return null ; }, // Transform a block without a block tag in a valid block (orphan text in the body or td, usually). FixBlock : function( isStart, blockTag ) { // Bookmark the range so we can restore it later. var oBookmark = this.CreateBookmark() ; // Collapse the range to the requested ending boundary. this.Collapse( isStart ) ; // Expands it to the block contents. this.Expand( 'block_contents' ) ; // Create the fixed block. var oFixedBlock = this.Window.document.createElement( blockTag ) ; // Move the contents of the temporary range to the fixed block. this.ExtractContents().AppendTo( oFixedBlock ) ; FCKDomTools.TrimNode( oFixedBlock ) ; // If the fixed block is empty (not counting bookmark nodes) // Add a <br /> inside to expand it. if ( FCKDomTools.CheckIsEmptyElement(oFixedBlock, function( element ) { return element.getAttribute('_fck_bookmark') != 'true' ; } ) && FCKBrowserInfo.IsGeckoLike ) FCKTools.AppendBogusBr( oFixedBlock ) ; // Insert the fixed block into the DOM. this.InsertNode( oFixedBlock ) ; // Move the range back to the bookmarked place. this.MoveToBookmark( oBookmark ) ; return oFixedBlock ; }, Release : function( preserveWindow ) { if ( !preserveWindow ) this.Window = null ; this.StartNode = null ; this.StartContainer = null ; this.StartBlock = null ; this.StartBlockLimit = null ; this.EndNode = null ; this.EndContainer = null ; this.EndBlock = null ; this.EndBlockLimit = null ; this._Range = null ; this._Cache = null ; }, CheckHasRange : function() { return !!this._Range ; }, GetTouchedStartNode : function() { var range = this._Range ; var container = range.startContainer ; if ( range.collapsed || container.nodeType != 1 ) return container ; return container.childNodes[ range.startOffset ] || container ; }, GetTouchedEndNode : function() { var range = this._Range ; var container = range.endContainer ; if ( range.collapsed || container.nodeType != 1 ) return container ; return container.childNodes[ range.endOffset - 1 ] || container ; } } ;