<? /* This file is part of the 'Science Fair In A Box' project SFIAB Website: http://www.sfiab.ca Copyright (C) 2009 James Grant <james@lightbox.org> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ ?> <? require("../common.inc.php"); require_once("../user.inc.php"); user_auth_required('committee', 'admin'); require("fundraising_common.inc.php"); $userslist=array(); $otherlist=array(); if($_POST['donortype']=="organization") { $q=mysql_query("SELECT id, organization AS name, address, address2, city, province_code, postalcode FROM sponsors ORDER BY name"); echo mysql_error(); if(!$_POST['contacttype']) $contacttype=array("primary","secondary"); else $contacttype=$_POST['contacttype']; $primary=""; while($r=mysql_fetch_object($q)) { foreach($contacttype AS $ct) { switch($ct) { case "primary": $primary="yes"; break; case "secondary": $primary="no"; break; } $cq = mysql_query("SELECT *,MAX(year) FROM users LEFT JOIN users_sponsor ON users_sponsor.users_id=users.id WHERE sponsors_id='" . $r->id . "' AND `primary`='$primary' AND types LIKE '%sponsor%' GROUP BY uid HAVING deleted='no' ORDER BY users_sponsor.primary DESC,lastname,firstname "); echo mysql_error(); while($cr=mysql_fetch_object($cq)) { if(!$userslist[$cr->uid]) $userslist[$cr->uid]=user_load($cr->users_id); } } } } else if($_POST['donortype']=="individual") { if(!$_POST['individual_type']) $individual_type=array("judge","teacher","sciencehead","principal","parent","mentor","committee","volunteer","students"); else $individual_type=$_POST['individual_type']; foreach($individual_type AS $t) { $query="SELECT *,MAX(year) FROM users WHERE types LIKE '%$t%' GROUP BY uid HAVING deleted='no' ORDER BY lastname,firstname"; $q=mysql_query($query); echo mysql_error(); while($r=mysql_fetch_object($q)) { if(!$userslist[$r->uid]) $userslist[$r->uid]=user_load_by_uid($r->uid); } } } //okie dokie, now we need to filter ou the list on the other criteria if($_POST['emailaddress']) { $emailaddress=$_POST['emailaddress']; } else { $emailaddress=array("available","not available"); } if(count($emailaddress)==1) { $emailavailablelist=array(); $emailnotavailablelist=array(); foreach($userslist AS $uid=>$u) { if($u['email']) $emailavailablelist[$uid]=$u; else $emailnotavailablelist[$uid]=$u; } if($emailaddress[0]=="available") { $userslist=$emailavailablelist; } else { $userslist=$emailnotavailablelist; } } if($_POST['donationhistory']) { $donationhistory=$_POST['donationhistory']; } else { $donationhistory=array("never","past","lastyear","thisyear"); } /* FIXME: put this back in as it would eliminate a lot of processing if(in_array('never',$donationhistory) && in_array('past',$donationhistory)) { //these cancel eachother out basically, so include everyone unset($donationhistory[array_search("never",$donationhistory)]); unset($donationhistory[array_search("past",$donationhistory)]); } */ $neverlist=$userslist; $pastlist=$userslist; $lastyearlist=$userslist; $thisyearlist=$userslist; //if they dont have a sponsors id, then they,ve never donated for sure, so keep them //if they DO have a sponsors id, we need to check if tere is a donation record for them //and if so, remove them if there is because tey have donated in the past foreach($neverlist AS $uid=>$u) { if($u['sponsors_id']) { $q=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM fundraising_donations WHERE status='received' AND sponsors_id='{$u['sponsors_id']}'"); if(mysql_num_rows($q)) { // echo "removing $uid because they have donated in the past <br />"; unset($neverlist[$uid]); } } } //if they dont have a sponsors id, then they,ve never donated for sure, get rid of them //if they DO have a sponsors id, we need to check if tere is a donation record for them //and if not remove them if there is because tey have not donated in the past foreach($pastlist AS $uid=>$u) { if($u['sponsors_id']) { $q=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM fundraising_donations WHERE status='received' AND sponsors_id='{$u['sponsors_id']}'"); if(!mysql_num_rows($q)) { // echo "removing $uid because they have NOT donated in the past <br />"; unset($pastlist[$uid]); } } else { // echo "removing $uid because they have NOT donated in the past <br />"; unset($pastlist[$uid]); } } $lastyear=$config['FISCALYEAR']-1; foreach($lastyearlist AS $uid=>$u) { if($u['sponsors_id']) { $q=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM fundraising_donations WHERE status='received' AND sponsors_id='{$u['sponsors_id']}' AND fiscalyear='$lastyear'"); if(!mysql_num_rows($q)) { // echo "removing $uid because they have NOT donated last year <br />"; unset($lastyearlist[$uid]); } } else { // echo "removing $uid because they have NOT donated last year <br />"; unset($lastyearlist[$uid]); } } foreach($thisyearlist AS $uid=>$u) { if($u['sponsors_id']) { $q=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM fundraising_donations WHERE status='received' AND sponsors_id='{$u['sponsors_id']}' AND fiscalyear='{$config['FISCALYEAR']}'"); if(!mysql_num_rows($q)) { // echo "removing $uid because they have NOT donated this year <br />"; unset($thisyearlist[$uid]); } } else { // echo "removing $uid because they have NOT donated this year <br />"; unset($thisyearlist[$uid]); } } /* echo "neverlist:".count($neverlist)."<br />"; echo "pastlist:".count($pastlist)."<br />"; echo "lastyearlist:".count($lastyearlist)."<br />"; echo "thisyearlist:".count($thisyearlist)."<br />"; */ $userslist=array(); foreach($donationhistory AS $dh) { $arr=$dh."list"; foreach($$arr AS $uid=>$u) { $userslist[$uid]=$u; } } if($_GET['generatelist']) { $campaignid=$_POST['fundraising_campaigns_id']; $params=serialize($_POST); echo "params=$params"; mysql_query("UPDATE fundraising_campaigns SET filterparameters='{$params}' WHERE id='$campaignid'"); $uids=array_keys($userslist); foreach($uids AS $u) { mysql_query("INSERT INTO fundraising_campaigns_users_link (fundraising_campaigns_id, users_uid) VALUES ('$campaignid','$u')"); } echo "List created"; } else { //just show the results $usersnum=count($userslist); echo i18n("%1 users match the given criteria",array($usersnum))." <br />"; echo "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"".i18n("Generate List")."\">\n"; //print_r($userslist); //print_r($otherlist); } echo "<br /><br />"; echo nl2br(print_r($_POST,true)); ?>