id'"); if(mysql_error()) echo error(i18n("An Error occured trying to save the school information")); else echo happy(i18n("School information successfully updated")); //and reselect it $q=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM schools WHERE id='".$_SESSION['schoolid']."' AND accesscode='".$_SESSION['schoolaccesscode']."' AND year='".$config['FAIRYEAR']."'"); echo mysql_error(); $school=mysql_fetch_object($q); } /* if($_POST['action']=="numbers") { mysql_query("UPDATE schools SET junior='".$_POST['junior']."', intermediate='".$_POST['intermediate']."', senior='".$_POST['senior']."' WHERE id='$school->id'"); echo mysql_error(); $q=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM schools WHERE id='".$_SESSION['schoolid']."' AND accesscode='".$_SESSION['schoolaccesscode']."'"); echo "Participation Information Successfully Updated
\n"; $school=mysql_fetch_object($q); } */ if($_POST['action']=="feedback") { $body=""; $body.=$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']." (".$_SERVER['REMOTE_HOST'].")\n"; $body.=date("r")."\n"; $body.="School ID: $school->id\n"; $body.="School Name: $school->school\n"; $body.="Feedback:\n".$_POST['feedbacktext']."\n"; echo "mailing ".$config['fairmanageremail']; mail($config['fairmanageremail'],"School Feedback",$body,"From: webpage@".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']); echo happy(i18n("Thanks for your feedback!")); } echo "


"; echo "

School Information

"; echo "Please make sure your school contact information is correct, make any necessary changes:"; echo "
"; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo "\n"; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo "
School Nameschool\" type=text name=school size=40>
Addressaddress\" type=text name=address size=40>
Citycity\" type=text name=city size=30>
".i18n("Province").""; emit_province_selector("province_code",$school->province_code); echo "
Postalcodepostalcode\" type=text name=postalcode size=10>
Phone Numberphone\" type=text name=phone size=30>
Fax Numberfax\" type=text name=fax size=30>
Science Teachersciencehead\" type=text name=sciencehead size=40>
Science Teacher Emailscienceheademail\" type=text name=scienceheademail size=40>
Science Teacher Phone
(If different than above)
scienceheadphone\" type=text name=scienceheadphone size=30>
"; echo ""; echo "
"; echo "
"; /* //the participation section needs to be updated to handle the age categories as specified //in the categories table and the numbers from configuration, for now, lets just not do it. //this code is copied from the ORSF schoolaccess page, thats why its here, but just commented out. echo "

Participation Information

"; echo "Please select the number of projects you anticipate on sending to the fair in each of the age categories"; echo "
"; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo "
Junior (Grades 7-8)"; echo ""; echo "
Intermediate (Grades 9-10)"; echo ""; echo "
Senior (Grades 11-12)"; echo ""; echo "
"; echo ""; echo "
Please note, these numbers are only an estimate to help us plan the fair. Choosing small numbers here in no way limits your actual participation.
\n"; echo "
"; */ echo "
"; echo "

School Feedback / Questions

"; echo "
"; echo ""; echo "We are always welcome to any feedback (both positive and constructive crisicism!), or any questions you may have. Please use the following box to communicate with us!"; echo "

"; echo ""; echo "
"; } else { echo "Invalid School ID or Access Code (2)"; } } else { if($errormsg) echo "$errormsg"; ?>
Welcome to the School Access Page. This page allows your school to provide several key pieces of information for the fair, as well as feedback about the schools experience with/at the fair.

Please login below using the School ID and Access Code that you received in your package.

School ID
Access Code