This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ ?> 'committee_main.php', 'Administration' => 'admin/index.php', 'Awards Main' => 'admin/awards.php' )); if($_GET['action']=="check") { if(count($_GET['check'])) { require_once(""); foreach($_GET['check'] AS $ch) { $q=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM award_sources WHERE id='".intval($ch)."'"); $r=mysql_fetch_object($q); echo i18n("Checking %1 for awards...",array($r->name)); echo "
"; $req=array("awardrequest"=>array( "username"=>$r->username, "password"=>$r->password, "year"=>$config['FAIRYEAR'], ) ); $output=""; xmlCreateRecurse($req); $xmldata=$output; if(function_exists('curl_init')) { $ch = curl_init(); /// initialize a cURL session curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_URL,"$r->url"); curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); /// Header control curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); /// tell it to make a POST, not a GET curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, "xml=".$xmldata); /// put the query string here starting with "?" curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); /// This allows the output to be set into a variable $datastream curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDSIZE, 0); curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 360); curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_SSLVERSION, 3); $datastream = curl_exec ($ch); /// execute the curl session and return the output to a variable $datastream $datastream = str_replace(" standalone=\"yes\"","",$datastream); // echo "curl close
"; curl_close ($ch); /// close the curl session echo i18n("The Remote Server said:")."
"; //echo notice($datastream); $response=xml_parsexml($datastream); $keys=array_keys($response); if($keys[0]=="awardresponse") { echo ""; $ar=$response['awardresponse'][0]; $postback=$ar['postback'][0]; echo i18n("Postback URL: %1",array($postback))."
"; $numawards=count($ar['awards'][0]['award']); echo i18n("Number of Awards: %1",array($numawards))."
"; foreach($ar['awards'][0]['award'] AS $award) { $identifier=$award['identifier'][0]; $year=$award['year'][0]; echo i18n("Award Identifier: %1",array($identifier))."   "; echo i18n("Award Year: %1",array($year))."
"; if($year==$config['FAIRYEAR']) { $tq=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM award_awards WHERE external_identifier='$identifier' AND year='$year'"); if($awardrecord=mysql_fetch_object($tq)) { echo i18n("Award already exists, updating info")."
"; mysql_query("UPDATE award_awards SET name='".mysql_escape_string($award['name_en'][0])."', criteria='".mysql_escape_string($award['criteria_en'][0])."', postback='".mysql_escape_string($postback)."' WHERE id='$awardrecord->id' AND external_identifier='".mysql_escape_string($identifier)."' AND year='$year' "); //FIXME: update the prizes if(is_array($award['prizes'][0]) && count($award['prizes'][0]['prize']>0)) { $prizes=$award['prizes'][0]['prize']; $numprizes=count($prizes); echo i18n("Number of prizes: %1",array($numprizes))."
"; $pq=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM award_prizes WHERE award_awards_id='$awardrecord->id'"); $existingprizes=array(); while($pr=mysql_fetch_object($pq)) { $existingprizes[$pr->external_identifier]=$pr; } foreach($prizes AS $prize) { //if it exists -> update it if(array_key_exists($prize['identifier'][0],$existingprizes)) { $ep=$existingprizes[$prize['identifier'][0]]; echo " ".i18n("Updating prize %1",array($ep->external_identifier))."
"; mysql_query("UPDATE award_prizes SET cash='".intval($prize['cash'][0])."', scholarship='".intval($prize['scholarship'][0])."', value='".intval($prize['value'][0])."', prize='".mysql_escape_string($prize['prize_en'][0])."', number='".intval($prize['number'][0])."', `order`='".intval($prize['ord'][0])."' WHERE id='$ep->id'"); //remove it from the list unset($existingprizes[$ep->external_identifier]); } else { //if it doesnt exist -> add it echo " ".i18n("Adding prize %1",array($prize['identifier'][0]))."
"; mysql_query("INSERT INTO award_prizes ( award_awards_id, cash, scholarship, value, prize, number, `order`, `year`, external_identifier ) VALUES ( '$awardrecord->id', '".intval($prize['cash'][0])."', '".intval($prize['scholarship'][0])."', '".intval($prize['value'][0])."', '".mysql_escape_string($prize['prize_en'][0])."', '".intval($prize['number'][0])."', '".intval($prize['ord'][0])."', '$year', '".mysql_escape_string($prize['identifier'][0])."' )"); } } //if an entry exists thats not in the xml -> delete it foreach($existingprizes AS $ep) { echo " ".i18n("Removing prize %1",array($ep->external_identifier))."
"; mysql_query("DELETE FROM award_prizes WHERE id='$ep->id'"); } } //FIXME: update the translations } else { //check if the sponsor exists, if not, add them $sponsorq=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM award_sponsors WHERE organization='".mysql_escape_string($award['sponsor'][0])."' AND year='$year'"); if($sponsorr=mysql_fetch_object($sponsorq)) { $sponsor_id=$sponsorr->id; } else { mysql_query("INSERT INTO award_sponsors (organization,year,notes,confirmed) VALUES ('".mysql_escape_string($award['sponsor'][0])."','$year','".mysql_escape_string("Imported from external source: $r->name")."','yes')"); $sponsor_id=mysql_insert_id(); } echo i18n("Award does not exists, adding...")."
"; mysql_query("INSERT INTO award_awards ( award_types_id, award_sponsors_id, name, criteria, year, external_identifier, external_postback ) VALUES ( 2, $sponsor_id, '".mysql_escape_string($award['name_en'][0])."', '".mysql_escape_string($award['criteria_en'][0])."', '".$year."', '".mysql_escape_string($identifier)."', '".mysql_escape_string($postback)."' )"); $award_id=mysql_insert_id(); //import the prizes if(is_array($award['prizes'][0]) && count($award['prizes'][0]['prize']>0)) { $prizes=$award['prizes'][0]['prize']; $numprizes=count($prizes); echo i18n("Number of prizes: %1",array($numprizes))."
"; foreach($prizes AS $prize) { mysql_query("INSERT INTO award_prizes ( award_awards_id, cash, scholarship, value, prize, number, `order`, `year`, external_identifier ) VALUES ( '$award_id', '".intval($prize['cash'][0])."', '".intval($prize['scholarship'][0])."', '".intval($prize['value'][0])."', '".mysql_escape_string($prize['prize_en'][0])."', '".intval($prize['number'][0])."', '".intval($prize['ord'][0])."', '$year', '".mysql_escape_string($prize['identifier'][0])."' )"); } } else echo error(i18n("No prizes associated with this award")); //FIXME: import the translations & prize translations } } else { echo error(i18n("Award is not for the current fair year... skipping")); } } echo "
"; } else echo error(i18n("Invalid XML response. Expecting '%1', received '%2'",array("awardresponse",$keys[0]))); } else { echo error("CURL Support Missing"); echo i18n("Your PHP installation does not support CURL. You will need to login to the YSF system as the regional coodinator and upload the XML data manually"); } echo "
"; } } else echo error(i18n("No sources available to check")); } else { $q=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM award_sources ORDER BY name"); echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; while($r=mysql_fetch_object($q)) { echo ""; echo "\n"; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; $checkurl.="&check[]=$r->id"; } echo "
".i18n("Source Name")."".i18n("Source Location URL")."".i18n("Check")."
\n"; echo "
"; echo "".i18n("Check all sources").""; } send_footer(); ?>