Copyright (C) 2005 James Grant This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ ?> $id) { if($id == '') continue; $order++; mysql_query("UPDATE `award_prizes` SET `order`='$order' WHERE `id`='$id'"); } echo happy(i18n("Order Updated.")); exit; case 'prizeinfo_load': $id = intval($_GET['id']); $q = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM award_prizes WHERE award_awards_id='$id' ORDER BY `order`"); while($r=mysql_fetch_assoc($q)) { $ret[] = $r; } echo json_encode($ret); exit; case 'prize_load': $id = intval($_GET['id']); $q = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM award_prizes WHERE id='$id'"); $ret=mysql_fetch_assoc($q); echo json_encode($ret); exit; case 'prize_save': print_R($_GET); $id = intval($_GET['id']); if($id == -1) { $aaid = intval($_GET['award_awards_id']); mysql_query("INSERT INTO award_prizes(award_awards_id,year) VALUES ('$aaid','{$config['FAIRYEAR']}');"); $id = mysql_insert_id(); echo happy(i18n("Created new prize")); } $q="UPDATE award_prizes SET prize='".mysql_escape_string(stripslashes($_GET['prize']))."', cash='".intval($_GET['cash'])."', scholarship='".intval($_GET['scholarship'])."', value='".intval($_GET['value'])."', number='".intval($_GET['number'])."', excludefromac='".(($_GET['excludefromac']==1)? 1 : 0)."', trophystudentkeeper='".(($_GET['trophystudentkeeper']==1) ? 1 : 0)."', trophystudentreturn='".(($_GET['trophystudentreturn']==1) ? 1 : 0)."', trophyschoolkeeper='".(($_GET['trophyschoolkeeper']==1) ? 1 : 0)."', trophyschoolreturn='".(($_GET['trophyschoolreturn']==1) ? 1 : 0)."' WHERE id='$id'"; mysql_query($q); // echo $q; // echo mysql_error(); echo happy(i18n("Prize saved")); exit; case 'prize_delete': $id = intval($_GET['id']); mysql_query("DELETE FROM award_prizes WHERE id='$id'"); // echo "DELETE FROM award_prizes WHERE id='$id'"; echo happy(i18n("Prize deleted")); exit; } if($_GET['action']=="edit" || $_GET['action']=="add") { send_header(($_GET['action']=="edit") ? "Edit Award" : "Add Award", array('Committee Main' => 'committee_main.php', 'Administration' => 'admin/index.php', 'Awards Main' => 'admin/awards.php', 'Awards Management' => 'admin/award_awards.php') ); } else { send_header("Awards Management", array('Committee Main' => 'committee_main.php', 'Administration' => 'admin/index.php', 'Awards Main' => 'admin/awards.php') ); } if($_GET['sponsors_id'] && $_GET['sponsors_id']!="all") $_SESSION['sponsors_id']=$_GET['sponsors_id']; else if($_GET['sponsors_id']=="all") unset($_SESSION['sponsors_id']); if($_GET['award_types_id'] && $_GET['award_types_id']!="all") $_SESSION['award_types_id']=$_GET['award_types_id']; else if($_GET['award_types_id']=="all") unset($_SESSION['award_types_id']); /* if($_GET['award_sponsors_confirmed'] && $_GET['award_sponsors_confirmed']!="all") $_SESSION['award_sponsors_confirmed']=$_GET['award_sponsors_confirmed']; if($_GET['sponsors_id']=="all") unset($_SESSION['sponsors_id']); if($_GET['award_types_id']=="all") unset($_SESSION['award_types_id']); if($_GET['award_sponsors_confirmed']=="all") unset($_SESSION['award_sponsors_confirmed']); */ $award_types_id=$_SESSION['award_types_id']; $sponsors_id=$_SESSION['sponsors_id']; //$award_sponsors_confirmed=$_SESSION['award_sponsors_confirmed']; function popup_begin($name, $title, $width=0, $height=0) { echo "
"; } function popup_end() { echo "
"; } require_once('../'); ?> "; htabs_begin('editortabs', array('awardinfo' => array('label' =>'Award', 'title' => 'Award Info', 'callback' => 'update_awardinfo'), 'eligibility' => array('label' =>'Eligibility', 'title' => 'Eligibility', 'callback' => 'update_eligibility'), 'prizes'=> array('label' => 'Prizes', 'title' => 'Prizes', 'callback' => 'update_prizeinfo'), ),'awardinfo'); htabs_tab_begin('awardinfo'); ?>
"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "
: ()
: "; //only show the "choose a sponsor" option if we are adding,if we are editing, then they must have already chosen one. echo $firstsponsor; while($sr=mysql_fetch_object($sq)) { echo ""; } ?>
: "; //only show the "choose a type" option if we are adding,if we are editing, then they must have already chosen one. echo $firsttype; while($tr=mysql_fetch_object($tq)) { echo ""; } echo ""; echo "
"; echo "


"; echo ''; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo "
"; echo "".i18n("Exclude this award from the award ceremony script")."
"; echo "".i18n("This award identifies the students that will be attending the Canada-Wide Science Fair")."
"; echo "".i18n("Students can self-nominate for this award (this is usually checked for special awards)")."
"; echo "".i18n("Allow the Automatic Judge Scheduler to assign judges to this award (usually checked)")."
"; echo "
"; echo "\n"; htabs_tab_end(); htabs_tab_begin('eligibility'); echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; // if(count($currentcategories)==0 || count($currentdivisions)==0) // echo ""; echo "
".i18n("Age Categories").":"; // if(count($currentcategories)==0) $class="class=\"error\""; else $class=""; //now select all the categories so we can list them all $cq=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM projectcategories WHERE year='{$config['FAIRYEAR']}' ORDER BY mingrade"); echo mysql_error(); while($cr=mysql_fetch_object($cq)) { echo "id}\" name=\"eligiblecategories\" value=\"$cr->id\" />".i18n($cr->category)."
"; } echo "
".i18n("Divisions").":"; $dq=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM projectdivisions WHERE year='{$config['FAIRYEAR']}' ORDER BY division"); echo mysql_error(); while($dr=mysql_fetch_object($dq)) { echo "id}\" name=\"eligibledivisions\" value=\"$dr->id\" />".i18n($dr->division)."
"; } echo "
".i18n("At least one age category and one division must be selected")."
"; htabs_tab_end(); htabs_tab_begin('prizes'); ?>


Click on a prize to edit


" /> " disabled="disabled" /> '; if($_POST['save']=="edit" || $_POST['save']=="add") { if(!$_POST['award_types_id']) { echo error(i18n("Award Type is required")); $_GET['action']=$_POST['save']; } else if(!$_POST['sponsors_id']) { echo error(i18n("Award Sponsor is required")); $_GET['action']=$_POST['save']; } else { if($_POST['save']=="add") { $q=mysql_query("INSERT INTO award_awards (sponsors_id,award_types_id,year) VALUES ('".$_POST['sponsors_id']."','".$_POST['award_types_id']."','".$config['FAIRYEAR']."')"); $id=mysql_insert_id(); } else $id=$_POST['id']; $self_nominate = ($_POST['self_nominate'] == 'yes') ? 'yes' : 'no'; $schedule_judges = ($_POST['schedule_judges'] == 'yes') ? 'yes' : 'no'; $exec="UPDATE award_awards SET ". "name='".mysql_escape_string(stripslashes($_POST['name']))."', ". "`order`='".mysql_escape_string(stripslashes($_POST['order']))."', ". "sponsors_id='".mysql_escape_string(stripslashes($_POST['sponsors_id']))."', ". "award_types_id='".mysql_escape_string(stripslashes($_POST['award_types_id']))."', ". "presenter='".mysql_escape_string(stripslashes($_POST['presenter']))."', ". "excludefromac='".mysql_escape_string(stripslashes($_POST['excludefromac']))."', ". "cwsfaward='".mysql_escape_string(stripslashes($_POST['cwsfaward']))."', ". "self_nominate='$self_nominate', ". "schedule_judges='$schedule_judges', ". "criteria='".mysql_escape_string(stripslashes($_POST['criteria']))."', ". "description='".mysql_escape_string(stripslashes($_POST['description']))."' ". "WHERE id='$id'"; mysql_query($exec); echo mysql_error(); //whipe out any old award-category links mysql_query("DELETE FROM award_awards_projectcategories WHERE award_awards_id='$id'"); //now add the new ones if(is_array($_POST['eligiblecategories'])) { foreach($_POST['eligiblecategories'] AS $cat) { mysql_query("INSERT INTO award_awards_projectcategories (award_awards_id,projectcategories_id,year) VALUES ('$id','$cat','".$config['FAIRYEAR']."')"); } } //whipe out any old award-divisions links mysql_query("DELETE FROM award_awards_projectdivisions WHERE award_awards_id='$id'"); //now add the new ones if(is_array($_POST['eligibledivisions'])) { foreach($_POST['eligibledivisions'] AS $div) { mysql_query("INSERT INTO award_awards_projectdivisions (award_awards_id,projectdivisions_id,year) VALUES ('$id','$div','".$config['FAIRYEAR']."')"); } } if($_POST['save']=="add") echo happy("Award successfully added"); else echo happy("Successfully saved changes to award"); } } if($_POST['action']=="reorder") { if(is_array($_POST['reorder'])) { foreach($_POST['reorder'] AS $key=>$val) { mysql_query("UPDATE award_awards SET `order`='$val' WHERE id='$key'"); } echo happy("Awards successfully reordered"); } } if($_GET['action']=="delete" && $_GET['delete']) { mysql_query("DELETE FROM award_awards WHERE id='".$_GET['delete']."'"); echo happy("Award successfully deleted"); } if($_GET['action']=="edit" || $_GET['action']=="add") { //define these here so we dont forget :) $currentcategories=array(); $currentdivisions=array(); if($_GET['action']=="edit") { $buttontext="Save Award"; $q=mysql_query("SELECT,, award_awards.criteria, award_awards.description, award_awards.order, award_awards.presenter, award_awards.excludefromac, award_awards.cwsfaward, award_awards.self_nominate, award_awards.schedule_judges, AS award_types_id, award_types.type, AS sponsors_id, sponsors.organization FROM award_awards, award_types, sponsors WHERE award_awards.year='".$config['FAIRYEAR']."' AND'".$_GET['edit']."' AND AND "); echo mysql_error(); $r=mysql_fetch_object($q); $award_awards_id=$r->id; $award_awards_name=$r->name; $award_awards_order=$r->order; $award_awards_criteria=$r->criteria; $award_awards_description=$r->description; $award_types_id=$r->award_types_id; $award_type=$r->type; $sponsors_id=$r->sponsors_id; $award_sponsor=$r->organization; $award_awards_presenter=$r->presenter; $award_awards_excludefromac=$r->excludefromac; $award_awards_cwsfaward=$r->cwsfaward; $award_awards_self_nominate=$r->self_nominate; $award_awards_schedule_judges=$r->schedule_judges; //select the current categories that this award is linked to $ccq=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM award_awards_projectcategories WHERE award_awards_id='$r->id'"); while($ccr=mysql_fetch_object($ccq)) $currentcategories[]=$ccr->projectcategories_id; //select the current categories that this award is linked to $cdq=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM award_awards_projectdivisions WHERE award_awards_id='$r->id'"); while($cdr=mysql_fetch_object($cdq)) $currentdivisions[]=$cdr->projectdivisions_id; } else if($_GET['action']=="add") { $buttontext="Add Award"; $firstsponsor="\n"; $firsttype="\n"; /* We want these two on by default for new * awards */ $award_awards_self_nominate = 'yes'; $award_awards_schedule_judges = 'yes'; } $buttontext=i18n($buttontext); //if we have POST values, then they should be used instead of the db values //esp for adding, if there is an error then the POST values will be redisplayed if($_POST['name']) $award_awards_name=$_POST['name']; if($_POST['order']) $award_awards_order=$_POST['order']; if($_POST['criteria']) $award_awards_criteria=$_POST['criteria']; if($_POST['description']) $award_awards_criteria=$_POST['description']; if($_POST['award_types_id']) $award_types_id=$_POST['award_types_id']; if($_POST['sponsors_id']) $sponsors_id=$_POST['sponsors_id']; if($_POST['eligiblecategories']) $currentcategories=$_POST['eligiblecategories']; if($_POST['eligibledivisions']) $currentdivisions=$_POST['eligibledivisions']; if($_POST['presenter']) $award_awards_presenter=$_POST['presenter']; if($_POST['excludefromac']) $award_awards_excludefromac=$_POST['excludefromac']; if($_POST['cwsfaward']) $award_awards_cwsfaward=$_POST['cwsfaward']; if($_POST['self_nominate']) $award_awards_self_nominate=$_POST['self_nominate']; if($_POST['schedule_judges']) $award_awards_schedule_judges=$_POST['schedule_judges']; echo "
\n"; echo "\n"; if($_GET['action']=="edit") echo "\n"; echo "\n"; // echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo ""; echo "\n"; echo ""; // echo "\n"; // echo "\n"; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo "\n"; echo "
".i18n("Order")."(".i18n("presentation order").")
".i18n("Sponsor").""; $sq=mysql_query("SELECT id,organization FROM sponsors ORDER BY organization"); echo ""; echo "
".i18n("Type").""; $tq=mysql_query("SELECT id,type FROM award_types WHERE year='{$config['FAIRYEAR']}' ORDER BY type"); echo ""; echo "
".i18n("Eligibility").""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; if(count($currentcategories)==0) $class="class=\"error\""; else $class=""; echo ""; if(count($currentdivisions)==0) $class="class=\"error\""; else $class=""; echo ""; echo ""; if(count($currentcategories)==0 || count($currentdivisions)==0) echo ""; echo "
".i18n("Age Categories")."".i18n("Divisions")."
"; //now select all the categories so we can list them all $cq=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM projectcategories WHERE year='".$config['FAIRYEAR']."' ORDER BY mingrade"); echo mysql_error(); while($cr=mysql_fetch_object($cq)) { if(in_array($cr->id,$currentcategories)) $ch="checked=\"checked\""; else $ch=""; echo "id\" />".i18n($cr->category)."
"; } echo "
"; $dq=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM projectdivisions WHERE year='".$config['FAIRYEAR']."' ORDER BY division"); echo mysql_error(); while($dr=mysql_fetch_object($dq)) { if(in_array($dr->id,$currentdivisions)) $ch="checked=\"checked\""; else $ch=""; echo "id\" />".i18n($dr->division)."
"; } echo "
".i18n("At least one age category and one division must be selected")."
"; echo "
"; if($award_awards_excludefromac==1) $ch="checked=\"checked\""; else $ch=""; echo "".i18n("Exclude this award from the award ceremony script")."
"; if($award_awards_cwsfaward==1) $ch="checked=\"checked\""; else $ch=""; echo "".i18n("This award identifies the students that will be attending the Canada-Wide Science Fair")."
"; $ch = ($award_awards_self_nominate=='yes') ? "checked=\"checked\"" : ''; echo "".i18n("Students can self-nominate for this award (this is usually checked for special awards)")."
"; $ch = ($award_awards_schedule_judges=='yes') ? "checked=\"checked\"" : ''; echo "".i18n("Allow the Automatic Judge Scheduler to assign judges to this award (usually checked)")."
\n"; echo "
\n"; } else { echo "
"; echo i18n("Filter By:"); echo "
"; echo ""; echo ""; echo "
"; $q=mysql_query("SELECT id,organization FROM sponsors ORDER BY organization"); echo ""; echo "
"; $q=mysql_query("SELECT id,type FROM award_types WHERE year='{$config['FAIRYEAR']}' ORDER BY type"); echo ""; echo ""; /* //FIXME: 'confirmed' no longer exists, we need to lookup their sponsorship record and check the status there, either pending, confirmed or received, dunno if it makes sense to put that here or not.. echo ""; */ echo ""; echo "
"; echo "
"; echo "".i18n("Add New Award")."\n"; echo "
"; if($sponsors_id) $where_asi="AND sponsors_id='$sponsors_id'"; if($award_types_id) $where_ati="AND award_types_id='$award_types_id'"; // if($award_sponsors_confirmed) $where_asc="AND award_sponsors.confirmed='$award_sponsors_confirmed'"; if(!$orderby) $orderby="order"; $q=mysql_query("SELECT,, award_awards.order, award_awards.award_source_fairs_id, award_types.type, sponsors.organization FROM award_awards, award_types, sponsors WHERE award_awards.year='".$config['FAIRYEAR']."' $where_asi $where_ati $where_asc AND AND AND award_types.year='".$config['FAIRYEAR']."' ORDER BY `$orderby`"); echo mysql_error(); if(mysql_num_rows($q)) { echo "
"; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo " "; echo " "; echo " "; echo " "; echo " "; echo " "; echo "\n"; $hasexternal=false; while($r=mysql_fetch_object($q)) { if($r->award_source_fairs_id){ $cl="class=\"externalaward\""; $hasexternal=true; } else $cl=""; echo "\n"; echo " \n"; echo " \n"; echo " \n"; echo " \n"; $numq=mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(id) AS num FROM award_prizes WHERE award_awards_id='$r->id'"); $numr=mysql_fetch_object($numq); $numprizes=$numr->num; echo " "; echo " \n"; echo "\n"; } if($hasexternal) echo ""; echo "
id]\" value=\"$r->order\" size=\"3\" />$r->organization$r->typeid});\">$r->name"; echo "$numprizes  "; echo "id\">\"view\""; echo ""; echo "id\">"; echo " "; echo "id\">"; echo "
".i18n("Indicates award imported from an external source")."
\n"; echo ""; echo "
"; } echo "
"; echo "Edit prizes for the generic prize template"; } send_footer(); ?>