ALTER TABLE `users` CHANGE `types` `types` SET( 'student', 'judge', 'committee', 'volunteer', 'fair', 'sponsor', 'principal', 'teacher', 'parent', 'mentor', 'alumni' ) NOT NULL; CREATE TABLE `users_principal` ( `users_id` INT NOT NULL , `principal_active` ENUM( 'no', 'yes' ) NOT NULL , `principal_complete` ENUM( 'no', 'yes' ) NOT NULL ) ENGINE = MYISAM ; CREATE TABLE `users_teacher` ( `users_id` INT NOT NULL , `teacher_active` ENUM( 'no', 'yes' ) NOT NULL , `teacher_complete` ENUM( 'no', 'yes' ) NOT NULL ) ENGINE = MYISAM ; CREATE TABLE `users_parent` ( `users_id` INT NOT NULL , `parent_active` ENUM( 'no', 'yes' ) NOT NULL , `parent_complete` ENUM( 'no', 'yes' ) NOT NULL ) ENGINE = MYISAM ; CREATE TABLE `users_mentor` ( `users_id` INT NOT NULL , `mentor_active` ENUM( 'no', 'yes' ) NOT NULL , `mentor_complete` ENUM( 'no', 'yes' ) NOT NULL ) ENGINE = MYISAM ; CREATE TABLE `users_alumni` ( `users_id` INT NOT NULL , `alumni_active` ENUM( 'no', 'yes' ) NOT NULL , `alumni_complete` ENUM( 'no', 'yes' ) NOT NULL ) ENGINE = MYISAM ; ALTER TABLE `sponsors` DROP `taxreceiptrequired`; ALTER TABLE `sponsors` ADD `proposalsubmissiondate` DATE NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE `schools` ADD `principal_uid` INT NULL AFTER `principal` , ADD `sciencehead_uid` INT NULL AFTER `principal_uid` ; UPDATE `schools` SET `principal_uid`=NULL WHERE 1; UPDATE `schools` SET `sciencehead_uid`=NULL WHERE 1; DROP TABLE `fundraising_campaigns_segments`; CREATE TABLE `fundraising_campaigns_users_link` ( `id` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY , `fundraising_campaigns_id` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL , `users_uid` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL ) ENGINE = MYISAM ; ALTER TABLE `fundraising_campaigns` ADD `filterparameters` VARCHAR(255) NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER `fundraising_goal`; UPDATE `reports_items` SET field = 'school_principal' WHERE field = 'school_contact'; UPDATE `reports_items` SET field = 'school_phone' WHERE field = 'school_contactphone'; UPDATE `reports_items` SET field = 'school_email' WHERE field = 'school_contactemail'; UPDATE `reports` SET `desc` = 'List of all schools in the database. Name, address, principal and phone.' WHERE `reports`.`system_report_id` =35; ALTER TABLE `fundraising_donations` ADD `supporttype` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE `emails` CHANGE `type` `type` ENUM( 'system', 'user', 'fundraising' ) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT 'system'; ALTER TABLE `emails` ADD `fundraising_campaigns_id` INT UNSIGNED NULL DEFAULT NULL , ADD `lastsent` DATETIME NULL DEFAULT NULL; ALTER TABLE `emails` ADD `bodyhtml` TEXT NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER `body`; ALTER TABLE `emails` DROP INDEX `val`;