Rename award sponsors to just sponsors, as it now does all types of sponsors
Remove the sponsor contacts, they will shortly be accessible via a tab of the sponsors editor
Change the width of the translations dialog, so when used from within another dialog (at 0.8) it looks more distinctly a different dialog (at 0.6)
First go at converting the sponsor editor to a tabbed interface, so far the sponsor info tab works and saves but thats it.
- Redirect all ajax load output to a debug div (which can be turned on with
debug=true). The output has to go somewhere, and it can't go to the
notification div, because it will overwrite what's already there. The ajax
methods emit javascript now to add notifications.
- Load/Save feeder fair awards in the award editor
- Fix all the POSTs in the award editor. .load automatically does a POST if
the data is an array, so we need to call .serializeArray() when we want a
post to happen.
- Implement new/delete award (still needs some eyecandy)
- Update the order tables to recalc the order without fetching it from the server
- Only thing left to do is make sure saving eligiblity works.
- Theme the whole thing
- Remvoe the translation dropdown support for now, it's causing a spurious reload replacing the endire page with a clickable "translations" link
- Add code for the prize editor, not done yet.
Fall back to projectnumber sorting after projectsort (incase people manually set the project numbers in the project number field, and leave the projectsort empty
- Add more verbose output for the terminal
- Split the student load / tour preference load to capture student who
didn't select any tours
- Allow students with no tour selection to be placed anywhere with no
- Add a missing break; in cost computation (doesn't change the result)
- Fix a bug with the ordering of the sql statement. Something I noticed fixing
this bug: Tour info and award info will generate an error if used together.
the students entered it)
- Add an option to the award ceremony script to filter the awards by age
category (the GVRSF needs one script for juniors, and another for
intermediate/senior :)
say the count is wrong. It's not wrong, it's just not printing the number
they expect. This fixes that.
- Make it more obvious what status the stats are being displayed for.
- New report option to fit the width of the report to the page
- Columns in each reports_*.inc.php can be specified with
'scalable' => true
to indicate that they may be scaled if the report is too wide for the page
- Obviously, do no scaling if the option is off (off by default)
'self_nominate', and 'schedule_judges'.
- self_nominate defaults to 'yes' for all new and existing awards. If turned
off, the award will not appear in the student self-nomination pages.
- schedule_judges specifies whether an award should have judges or not, we have
some special awards that students can nominate for but do not require judges
to find the winner. Similarly we have some awards students cannot nominate
for but do require judges to determine a winner. This allows both cases to
be handled.
- Add the ability to draw a static label box (without text)
- Add "self nominated award" 1 through 5 to the student reports
- Add a new report demonstrating how to use the above (this is of the format
Sudbury sent us).
titles (defaults to off)
- Renumber the order of the config variables in Participant Registration, it's
getting a bit crowded
- Fill in some missing types for config variables
- school principals (via schools.schoolemail)
- school science heads (via schools.scienceheademail)
- teachers (via students.teacheremail) - this year, last year, or all years
- Add a 'total' option to the report generator, to signal that this column
should be added up.
- If total is != zero, it shows the total at the bottom of each table, else, it
shows the number of rows (changed the text to Total: for a total, and Rows:
to show rows, if the total is 0)
the project number field if blank).
- Add a new number option 'X', which counts among ALL projects, not just the
ones in the same division/cat.
- Add a padding argument to N or X (N0...N9) defaults to 2 for N, and 3 for X.
- Adds 3 columns to the project table:
- projectsort: for storing the expanded text
- projectnumber_seq: for storing the N or X number for projects
- projectsort_seq: for storing the N or X number for the sort order
- Add a new config option for sorting, and expand the text for the
- Change the default sorting for reports and project lists to use the
projectsort category.
- Remove the gvrsf_tn option from the database, it's not needed now.
- Fix a bug in the award query tha twas incorrectly linking judges teams with judges
- Add 'Judge Name' to the query so non mysql5 users can create an award report
that lists the judge names for each award.
large penalty (5*20=100) which exceeds the cost of a 1st vs. 2nd choice tour.
This could cause a student to be bumped to a 2nd choice tour for no reason
other than to fix the schools. The idea for duplicate schools is to only
prefer to have 2 students from the same school on a tour if there's
a choice that oculd go either way, this will break that tie.
- Add an option to NOT filter a judge report by year if the report already
includes a year filter. This allows one to FITLER by judges.year!='0', and
get every judge that has ever judged at the fair (should probably add a
distinct( or something, because a judge that has judged in two
past years would appear twice in that list.
- The docs say pdf_place_image is deprecated (and so is
pdf_open_image_file.. apparently)
- By using pdf_fit_image we can define a box where we would like the
image to fit, then use the highest quality image (logo.gif) and tell
pdflib to scale and center the image within that box.
When creating divisional awards using the generic prize template, obey config option to filter divisions by category
When managing jdivs, obey config option to filter divisions by category
Add an option to the jdivs (at the bottom) to completely whipe out all jdivs so they can be recreated (eg if age categories / divisions are deleted or changed, or if ones were created that shouldnt have been due to the filter divisions by category not being obeyed
that the old functionality remains)
- Run the action handler separately in the tour annealer and judge annealer
config so that the page can be refreshed immediately after an update, so
the config variables (that may have changed) are reloaded.
- Skip updating config variables that haven't changed.
number, and an option to create numbers automatically
- Completely remove all references (hopefully) to the Tour ID
- Add a Tour type report
- Rework the student report query so it actually makes sense. It really should
be a whole bunch of left joins based on the students. Using comma (cross)
joins creates situations where if the right side of the join doesn't have
information, it wipes out the left side. (Happened before with emergency
contact info).
- Remove the (two) old custom tour reports
- Add 4 new tour reports to the database:
- ALL tours for the committee, tour list for students,
student emergency contact info for tour coordinators, and
a list of tour assignments for students
activity and percent.
- Add the status update and links to automatically start the "tour assigner".
(Didn't want to call it a scheduler, because someone might thing it's for
assigning tours to timeslots or something)
- Prevent the user from setting zero, or more than one, primary contact.
- Add a primary column to the contacts table, so they can see the automatic
set/unset operations on the primary contact.
- Add a designate field to the schools, to indicate an independent, standard,
private, etc. school. It's not editable yet, but.. eventually.
- Fix generatePassword to use proper string indexing, and remove the
possibility of indexing beyond the end of the string.
- Add "Invite" and "SinglePassword" modes for volunteer registration.
- Update the admin section, add a new volunteers page to contain links to all
volunteer options
reports require admin access) can define a list of reports out of all the
reports, and tag each one with a category and comments.
- Add all except the ceremony scripts as "Custom" reports. The My Reports
system can handle links to custom reports now, but not the ceremony scripts.
They're too special. I think they should be moved out of the Reports Area.
- Clean up some report variables to avoid collisions with local names
($options, and $stock)
- Implment a new screen for report generation that lets the user set the
format, stock, and year of the report.
- Change the report generator to accept an 'sid' (system report id)
- Use the sid, not the report id, for the custom reports that aren't custom
reports anymore.
- Use the generator's school access report, not the custom one.
function in the config editor to one that checks where ALL variables marked
with year=-1 exist for FAIRYEAR. If it doesn't, it creates them. This
function gets called in three places:
- On installation
- On rollover
- Whenever the database is updated
We should, now, be able to just insert new variables with year=-1, and they
will be automatically updated for the current year with the default value.
(no more going into the variable editor to make sure the copy is done).
- Fix the superuser account creation in the install script
saying that the report can only be saved as a new report.
- Add checks to the report_save and report_delete fucntions to ensure system
reports cannot be saved/deleted.
- Allow user_personal.php to handle committee members
- Add password field if the editer in user_personal has access_super
- Allow a committee member to edit anyone in user_personal.php
- Convert auth_required to user_auth_required, and check for both a user type
and an access level (if committee)
- Convert the committee to the new user system (BIG change :)
- Remove the ^M from admin/committees.php
Add ability to specify an award type to only generate a script for that type
Add ability to specify a year to get the awards ceremony script for that year
Add links to the new options on the main reports page
Add a function to get the email recipients for a given registration id, for now, it just gets the students, but downt eh road it should check if teachers, parents, emergency contacts, mentors, etc should receive fair updates as well.
Implement the code/replacement tags for the two new emails, one for 'forms received, with payment' and the other for 'forms received, without payment'
Whipe out all 'from' of (the old default, we dont want others using it!)
When sending emails, if 'from' is empty, use the $config['fairmanageremail']
Add a warning on the communication page if the fair manager email has not been set
Set the default 'from' for new emails to be the fair manager email
NOTE/FIXME: i added the hooks for the two new emails to be sent, but still
need to fill in the substitution values as well as the "to" - no time now,
will do that tomorrow
Judge manager - delete now deletes the judge completely
Judge list only shows judges active for current fairyear
Clarify a few issues on the judge registration page
Factor XML functiosn out of cwsfregister into separate
Add xml functionality to ysfstats, and fudge the male/female stats to include "not specificed" genders
Add submit functionality to ysfstats to actually send data to YSF
- Add prize names to the report generator
- Change award name to sort by name, if you want to sort by order, use the
Award--Order column. (Specifying a sort by prize name, and it actually
sorting by order doesn't make sense)
- Only report complete students
- Use tour names instead of numbers
- Not use $email as a temp varaible because that actually overwrites the
$_SESSION['email'], and logs us out, wtf?
- Sort by first tour selection
Add award criteria to getJudgingTeams() result
Modify CUSTOM report judges teams proejcts, to show each award and the criteria/eligibility for each award that the team is assigned to judge.
More ease of use cleanups to awards interface
Add new field award order to student report generator
- Creates a judging team for each special award
- Assigns judges to special awards based on the number of students self
- Obeys the judges special award preferences (if enabled), and also
judges that specify if they are a judge for a specific special award
(if enabled).
- Add 2 new config variables.
- Enable the special award scheduler
- Specify the max. number of projects each special award judge can
handle (default: 20)
- Delete an extra blank line in register_participants_students.php
- Overhauled the report generator.. It's more versatile now
- Added 'filter' option to the generator, so you can filter any column by (=,
<=, >=, <, >, IS, IS NOT, LIKE, NOT LIKE). It doesn't support AND or OR
combinations, but that should cover what we need for now. Example: We can
filter "Award Name" LIKE "%Gold%" to generate a report of just the Gold medal
- Wipe out the report database, and create it again from scratch.
update.48.sql contains an example of how to add additional reports to the
system without knowing the report_ids, because after regions start adding
their own reports, we won't be able to just wipe out the whole report system
to add one.
- We handle more reports now, specifically nametags and table labels, so remove
those files, and update the reports.php file to link the old links to the new
report generator (so people don't get too confused in this transition).
- Beginnings of moving the report generator to proper LEFT JOIN style
constructs instead of just one big massive EQUALS JOIN.
- Add committee member generator
- It is now possible to generate ALL nametags the old system could generate
(needs a DB update before that happens... actually, the report generator
isn't as stable as I hoped.. I'll probably just nuke the report tables the
next upgrade and recreate them all.. I'm probably the only one who has tried
generating a custom report. :)
enough.. Currently we can't produce both a list of judges and a list of awards for each
team with the generator (how the heck would we express that with an SQL statement)
- Add an editor for that generator.. it's not flawless, but it's not hard to
use either.
- Add 19 default reports
- Replace several reports on the report page with the new generator versions
(they pretty much look the same, same info, same sort order, same pagination)
- Add a pulldown menu to the report pages so any report can be generated
- Hardcode add a special award to the top of the list "I do not wish to
nominate for any special awards". Allow the
project_specialawards_link.award_awards_id field to become NULL, and set it
to NULL if the student selects this award.
- Fix the display of the award status based on whether the student has or has
not specified that they do not wish to nominate for special awards.
- Add an option to the project editor to regenerate the project number
- Fix a bug in the project number generation. Include YEAR in the project
number check (and in the number generation) so we don't find a project from
last year (that already has a number), and decide not to generate one for a
project from this year. The $checkNumQuery was returning 2 rows.. one from
2006, one from 2007. Two projects from different years had the same
registrations.num (665983) in my test.. about 10% of the projects at the VDSF
collided with numbers from previous years.
the table, we call a method in the table helper class. That method returns 3
things.. an array of SELECT columns, an array of FROM tables, and an array of
WHERE clauses. The table editor takes these, adds ORDER, LIMIT, etc, and
runs the sql.
- Update the table editor to allow variables to be set. THe helper class reads
these variables to do pretty much anything it wants.. In this commit, it
reads the judges_show_what variable, to determine how to format the SQL for
selecting the table of judges (so the calling php can now know NOTHIGN about
the database, it just sets a variable and expects the data to be formatted
- Update the judge manager, show all judges should now SHOW ALL JUDGES.
have admin access to access the committee editor)
- Put a "My Profile" link on the main nav bar once a committee member logs in,
so they don't have to find themselves thorugh the committee editor. It takes
them right to editing their own profile.
- Admin can use the tour manager to add tours
- Admin can use the config variables to enable tours, and select the min/max number of tour choices.
- Students will see a "Tour Selection" section of registration, which is incomplete until the student has selected at least a minimum number of tours.... actually, this may be broken.. Need to look at it further..
Add ability to create access codes for all schools and to remove access codes from all schools
Update generatePassword to accept a password length as a parameter, defaults to 8
Add two new projectnumber options: c=category shortform, d=division shortform, eg (JLS01 = Junior, Life Science, Project #01)
Add shortform field for age category
Fix bug in config editor where it was updating values for ALL years, instead of just the current year!
Bump version number to development version
- Add complete and year options to the judge manager, filter by ALL, active and
inactive for the current year, or active only.
- Add the "complete" status the the judge info page (the judge info popup page
needs to be integrated with the new judge manager, somehow.. so we can remove
the judges_judges list page).
- Put a total at the top of the judge manager list
- Add to the table editor:
- Change the filter to accept a single argument, so we're not
restricted to the `$k`='$v' syntax, we want to be able to filter on a
table JOIN.
- Add a additionalListTable variable, and additionalListTable()
function, to specify additional tables that should be part of the
table select statement. I guess ideally the class would implmenent
their own if alternative behaviour was desired. But this way is
pretty generic. The table editor can now, for example, select judges
by year.
should be SELECTED in the select type. If the keys are 0, and there is no
data, PHP does a numeric compare and matches them, when they shouldn't
actually be matched.
- Add Load/Save for the judge category preferences
- Enable saving to mysql. It works.
- Update the tableeditor css to use the same colours as sfiab