These changes were done by Sebastian Ruan
Allow the fair to choose calling the signature page either a signature page or a permission form.
Add a comment box for each judge that can only be read by a committee member. Adding a comment will set a flag in the "manage judges" list.
Add "Update User" button to the list of judges so that a committee member can update a judge to the current year without having to log in as the judge.
2015-04-08 21:13:02 +00:00
Replacements of calls to deprecated function "explode", "ereg", and "ereg_replace" with their recommended equivalents.
2012-02-09 17:52:17 +00:00
If there's a regfee, and we show a red * then there's no point showing "complete" becuase everyone is "complete" and only some will have a red star. saves bandwidth and real-estate on the page.
2009-03-24 18:21:26 +00:00
Implement web consent restrictions, settable by the admin (under the admin->participant registration menu) to prevent firstname and or lastname (and or photos once they are implemented) of students, on a per studnet basis, from being displayed on the website. It currently affects the confirmed participants page, and the winners page (the only two public places where sutdent info is available thorugh the system)
2007-03-31 01:10:08 +00:00
If all the schools are the same, then only show the school name once, instead of once for each student.
2007-03-29 19:36:04 +00:00
Show the link to the Confirmed Participants page once the date > regclose. The list will be empty (but with a notice to that affect) until the date that the list is defined to be posted. This should hopefully prevent the frantic phone/emails "i sent my forms three days ago why havent you received them?!?!?!?!"
2007-03-13 14:34:02 +00:00
If there's no regfee, then dont show the status column on the confirmed participants page
becuase status will only ever be 'Complete'
2007-03-08 21:54:30 +00:00
Add the confirmed participants list, and display it in the menu under the particpant registration link, if NOW() > the date it should be posted.
2007-03-08 21:33:22 +00:00