diff --git a/api.php b/api.php
index 9ed2709..5811d6b 100644
--- a/api.php
+++ b/api.php
@@ -989,27 +989,82 @@ switch($request[0]) {
case 'mentor':
/* APIDOC: project/mentor/add
- description(add a project mentor - not yet implemented)
+ post(registrations_id integer)
+ description(add a project mentor)
case 'add':
- $ret['status'] = "error";
- $ret['error'] = $_GET['request'] . " functionality not yet implemented";
+ if(!array_key_exists('registrations_id', $_POST)){
+ $ret['status'] = "error";
+ $ret['error'] = 'registrations_id parameter required';
+ break;
+ }
+ $result = addMentor($_POST['registrations_id']);
+ if(is_array($result)){
+ $ret['status'] = 'ok';
+ $ret['mentor'] = $result;
+ }else{
+ $ret['status'] = 'error';
+ $ret['error'] = $result;
+ }
- /* APIDOC: project/mentor/add
- description(remove a project mentor - not yet implemented)
+ /* APIDOC: project/mentor/edit
+ post(mentor object)
+ description(edit a project mentor)
+ */
+ case 'edit':
+ if(!array_key_exists('mentor', $_POST)){
+ $ret['status'] = "error";
+ $ret['error'] = "mentor object parameter required";
+ break;
+ }
+ $result = saveMentorData(json_decode($_POST['mentor']));
+ if($result == 'ok'){
+ $ret['status'] = 'ok';
+ }else{
+ $ret['status'] = 'error';
+ $ret['error'] = $result;
+ }
+ break;
+ /* APIDOC: project/mentor/remove
+ post(id integer)
+ description(remove a project mentor with the specified id)
case 'remove':
- $ret['status'] = "error";
- $ret['error'] = $_GET['request'] . " functionality not yet implemented";
+ if(!array_key_exists('id', $_POST)){
+ $ret['status'] = "error";
+ $ret['error'] = "mentor id parameter required";
+ break;
+ }
+ $result = removeMentor($_POST['id']);
+ if($result == 'ok'){
+ $ret['status'] = 'ok';
+ }else{
+ $ret['status'] = 'error';
+ $ret['error'] = $result;
+ }
- /* APIDOC: project/mentor/add
- description(list project mentors - not yet implemented)
+ /* APIDOC: project/mentor/view
+ post(registrations_id integer)
+ description(list project mentors)
- case 'list':
- $ret['status'] = "error";
- $ret['error'] = $_GET['request'] . " functionality not yet implemented";
+ case 'view':
+ if(!array_key_exists('registrations_id', $_POST)){
+ $ret['status'] = "error";
+ $ret['error'] = 'registrations_id parameter required';
+ break;
+ }
+ $result = getMentors($_POST['registrations_id']);
+ if(is_array($result)){
+ $ret['status'] = 'ok';
+ $ret['mentors'] = $result;
+ }else{
+ $ret['status'] = "error";
+ $ret['error'] = $result;
+ }
diff --git a/register_participants.inc.php b/register_participants.inc.php
index 0ff7469..0d430ce 100644
--- a/register_participants.inc.php
+++ b/register_participants.inc.php
@@ -516,6 +516,9 @@ function computeRegistrationFee($regid)
New functionality split off for API purposes
+/** Hmm - perhaps these sholud be split into separate files ...
+This section is for project/registration related functions **/
function saveProjectData($data){
global $conference, $config;
$requiredFields = array('project_id', 'summary', 'title', 'projectdivisions_id', 'language', 'req_table', 'req_electricity', 'summary');
@@ -812,4 +815,137 @@ function removeProject($registrations_id){
return 'ok';
+More functions split off for API purposes - these ones for managing mentors
+/** create a mentor that is tied to a particular registration **/
+function addMentor($registrations_id){
+ global $conference;
+ //verify that the registrations id is a valid one:
+ $registrations_id = mysql_real_escape_string($registrations_id);
+ //echo "query = SELECT COUNT(*) AS tally FROM users WHERE id = " . $_SESSION['users_id'] . " AND registrations_id = " . $registrations_id . "
+ $q = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS tally FROM users WHERE id = " . $_SESSION['users_id'] . " AND registrations_id = " . $registrations_id));
+ if($q['tally'] != 1){
+ return "register_participants.inc.php::addMentor -> invalid registrations id";
+ }
+ // ok, let's go ahead and create a mentor
+ mysql_query("INSERT INTO mentors (registrations_id, conferences_id) VALUES($registrations_id, {$conference['id']})");
+ if(mysql_error()){
+ return "register_participants.inc.php::addMentor -> " . mysql_error();
+ }
+ // and now we can return an array that is the empty record for the mentor
+ $fields = 'id, registrations_id, firstname, lastname, email, phone, organization, position, description, conferences_id';
+ $mentorId = mysql_insert_id();
+ $q = mysql_query("SELECT $fields FROM mentors WHERE id = $mentorId");
+ if(mysql_error()){
+ return "register_participants.inc.php::addMentor -> " . mysql_error();
+ }
+ return mysql_fetch_array($q);
+// find out if the specified user is allowed to edit the specified mentor. returns a boolean answer
+function userCanEditMentor($userId, $mentorId){
+ // All necessary fields are there, now let's see if the record exists.
+ $row = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT registrations_id FROM mentors WHERE id = $mentorId"));
+ if(!$row){
+ return false;
+ }
+ $regId = $row['registrations_id'];
+ // Is this user connected to the same registration as this mentor?
+ $row = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT registrations_id FROM users WHERE id = $userId"));
+ if($row['registrations_id'] != $regId){
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+// return a list of fields that should be included in the mentor array
+function getMentorFields(){
+ return array(
+ 'id', 'registrations_id',
+ 'firstname', 'lastname',
+ 'email', 'phone',
+ 'organization', 'position',
+ 'description',
+ );
+// take the passed array of data and save it to the corresponding record in the mentors table
+function saveMentorData($data){
+ // Make sure all of the required fields have been included.
+ $missingFields = array();
+ $fields = getMentorFields();
+ foreach($fields as $key){
+ if(array_key_exists($key, $data)){
+ // might as well make 'em sql safe while we're here
+ $data[$key] = mysql_real_escape_string($data[$key]);
+ }else{
+ $missingFields[] = $key;
+ }
+ }
+ if(count($missingFields) != 0){
+ return "register_participants.inc.php::saveMentorData -> mentor object missing fields: " . implode(', ', $missingFields);
+ }
+ if(!userCanEditMentor($_SESSION['users_id'], $data['id'])){
+ return "register_participants.inc.php::saveMentorData -> current user not associated with the specified mentor";
+ }
+ // Ok, everything checks out. Let's go ahead and update the record.
+ $query = "UPDATE mentors SET ";
+ $queryParts = array();
+ foreach($fields as $key){
+ if($key == 'id') continue;
+ $queryParts[] = "`$key` = '{$data[$key]}' ";
+ }
+ $query .= implode(',', $queryParts);
+ $query .= "WHERE id = " . $data['id'];
+ mysql_query($query);
+ if(mysql_error()){
+ return "register_participants.inc.php::saveMentorData -> " . mysql_error();
+ }
+ return 'ok';
+// delete the mentor whith the specified id
+function removeMentor($mentorId){
+ $mentorId = intval($mentorId);
+ if(!userCanEditMentor($_SESSION['users_id'], $mentorId)){
+ return "register_participants.inc.php::removeMentor -> current user not associated with the specified mentor";
+ }
+ mysql_query("DELETE FROM mentors WHERE id = $mentorId");
+ if(mysql_error()){
+ return "register_participants.inc.php::removeMentor -> " . mysql_error();
+ }
+ return 'ok';
+// get a list of all mentors associated with the specified registration
+function getMentors($registrations_id){
+ // Is this user connected to the same registration as this mentor?
+ $row = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT registrations_id FROM users WHERE id = " . $_SESSION['users_id']));
+ if($row['registrations_id'] != $registrations_id){
+ return "register_participants.inc.php::getMentors -> current user not associated with the specified registration id";
+ }
+ $fields = getMentorFields();
+ $query = mysql_query("SELECT `" . implode('`,`', $fields) . "` FROM mentors WHERE registrations_id = $registrations_id");
+ if(mysql_error()){
+ return "register_participants.inc.php::getMentors -> " . mysql_error();
+ }
+ $returnval = array();
+ while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)){
+ $returnval[] = $row;
+ }
+ return $returnval;
diff --git a/testapi.php b/testapi.php
index c4ffe31..336a97c 100644
--- a/testapi.php
+++ b/testapi.php
@@ -55,7 +55,9 @@ include "common.inc.php";
return false;