diff --git a/admin/award_download.php b/admin/award_download.php
index e042117..4b64087 100644
--- a/admin/award_download.php
+++ b/admin/award_download.php
@@ -31,289 +31,208 @@
'Administration' => 'admin/index.php',
'Awards Main' => 'admin/awards.php' ));
- function array_remove($needle,&$haystack)
- {
- if(in_array($needle,$haystack))
- unset($haystack[array_search($needle,$haystack)]);
- }
function check_source($source)
+ global $config;
+ $q=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM fairs WHERE id='$source'");
+ $fair=mysql_fetch_assoc($q);
+ if(!($fair['username'] && $fair['password'])) {
+ echo error(i18n("Username and Password are not set for source '%1'. Please set them in the SFIAB Configuration/External Award Sources editor first",array($r->name)));
+ return;
+ }
+ echo i18n("Checking %1 for awards...",array($fair['name']));
+ echo "
+ if($fair['type'] == 'ysf') {
+ $req=array("awardrequest"=>array(
+ "username"=>$r->username,
+ "password"=>$r->password,
+ "year"=>$config['FAIRYEAR'],
+ )
+ );
+ } else {
+ $req['getawards'] = array('year'=>$config['FAIRYEAR']);
+ }
+ $data = curl_query($fair, $req);
+ if($data['error'] != 0) {
+ echo error("Server said: {$data['message']}
+ send_footer();
+ exit;
+ }
+ echo notice(i18n('Server said: Success'));
+ $keys=array_keys($data);
+ if(!array_key_exists('awards', $data)) {
+ echo error(i18n("Invalid XML response. Expecting '%1' in '%2'",array("awards",join(',',array_keys($data)))));
+// echo "response=".print_r($datastream);
+ return;
+ }
+ //get a list of all the existing awards for this external source
+ $aq=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM award_awards WHERE award_source_fairs_id='$source' AND year='{$config['FAIRYEAR']}'");
+ $existingawards=array();
+ while($ar=mysql_fetch_object($aq)) {
+ $existingawards[$ar->id] = true;
+ }
+ echo "";
+ $ar=$response['awardresponse'][0];
+ $awards = $data['awards'];
+ $postback = $data['postback'];
+ echo i18n("Postback URL: %1",array($postback))."
+ $numawards=is_array($awards) ? count($awards) : 0;
+ echo i18n("Number of Awards: %1",array($numawards))."
+ if($numawards == 0) {
+ echo i18n('No awards to process').'
+ return;
+ }
+ foreach($awards as $award) {
+ $identifier=$award['identifier'];
+ $year=$award['year'];
+ echo i18n("Award Identifier: %1",array($identifier))." ";
+ echo i18n("Award Year: %1",array($year))."
+ echo i18n("Award Name: %1",array($award['name_en']))."
+ if($year != $config['FAIRYEAR']) {
+ echo error(i18n("Award is not for the current fair year... skipping"));
+ echo '
+ continue;
+ }
+ $tq=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM award_awards WHERE
+ external_identifier='$identifier' AND
+ award_source_fairs_id='$source' AND
+ year='$year'");
+ if(mysql_num_rows($tq) == 0) {
+ /* Award doesn't exist, create it, then update it with the common code below */
+ mysql_query("INSERT INTO award_awards (award_types_id,
+ year, external_identifier,
+ award_source_fairs_id)
+ VALUES (2,'{$year}',
+ '".mysql_escape_string($identifier)."',
+ '$source')");
+ $award_id=mysql_insert_id();
+ } else {
+ echo i18n("Award already exists, updating info")."
+ $awardrecord=mysql_fetch_object($tq);
+ $award_id = $awardrecord->id;
+ }
+ //remove it from the existingawards list
+ unset($existingawards[$award_id]);
+ //check if the sponsor exists, if not, add them
+ $sponsor_str = mysql_escape_string($award['sponsor']);
+ $sponsorq=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM sponsors WHERE organization='$sponsor_str'");
+ if($sponsorr=mysql_fetch_object($sponsorq)) {
+ $sponsor_id=$sponsorr->id;
+ } else {
+ mysql_query("INSERT INTO sponsors (organization,year,notes,confirmed)
+ VALUES ('$sponsor_str','$year','".mysql_escape_string("Imported from external source: $r->name")."','yes')");
+ $sponsor_id=mysql_insert_id();
+ }
+ mysql_query("UPDATE award_awards SET
+ sponsors_id='$sponsor_id',
+ name='".mysql_escape_string($award['name_en'])."',
+ criteria='".mysql_escape_string($award['criteria_en'])."',
+ external_postback='".mysql_escape_string($postback)."'
+ id='$award_id'
+ AND external_identifier='".mysql_escape_string($identifier)."'
+ AND year='$year'
+ ");
+ echo mysql_error();
+ //update the prizes
+ $prizes = $award['prizes'];
+ if(is_array($prizes) && count($prizes) > 0) {
+ echo i18n("Number of prizes: %1",array(count($prizes)))."
+ $pq=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM award_prizes WHERE award_awards_id='$award_id'");
+ //get a list of all the existing prizes
+ $existingprizes=array();
+ while($pr=mysql_fetch_object($pq)) {
+ $existingprizes[$pr->external_identifier]=$pr;
+ }
+ foreach($prizes AS $prize) {
+ //if it doesn't exist, add it
+ if(!array_key_exists($prize['identifier'],$existingprizes)) {
+ /* Add a base entry, then update it below, yes it's two sql queries,
+ * but it's much shorter code, and means changing things in only
+ * one spot */
+ echo " ".i18n("Adding prize %1",array($prize['identifier']))."
+ mysql_query("INSERT INTO award_prizes (award_awards_id,year,externa_identifier)
+ VALUES ('$award_id','$year',".mysql_escape_string($prize['identifier'])."')");
+ } else {
+ $ep=$existingprizes[$prize['identifier']];
+ echo " ".i18n("Updating prize %1",array($ep->external_identifier))."
+ }
+ if(!array_key_exists($prize['identifier'],$existingprizes)) {
+ $ep=$existingprizes[$prize['identifier']];
+ mysql_query("UPDATE award_prizes SET
+ cash='".intval($prize['cash'])."',
+ scholarship='".intval($prize['scholarship'])."',
+ value='".intval($prize['value'])."',
+ prize='".mysql_escape_string($prize['prize_en'])."',
+ number='".intval($prize['number'])."',
+ `order`='".intval($prize['ord'])."'
+ id='$ep->id'");
+ //remove it from the list
+ unset($existingprizes[$ep->external_identifier]);
+ }
+ //if an entry exists thats not in the xml -> delete it
+ foreach($existingprizes AS $ep) {
+ echo " ".i18n("Removing prize %1",array($ep->external_identifier))."
+ mysql_query("DELETE FROM award_prizes WHERE id='$ep->id'");
+ }
+ }
+ //FIXME: update the translations
+ }
+ }
+ echo "
+//remove any awards that are left in the $existingawards array, they must have been removed from the source
+ foreach($existingawards AS $aid) {
+ echo i18n("Removing award id %1 that was removed from external source",array($aid))."
+ mysql_query("DELETE FROM award_prizes WHERE award_awards_id='$aid'");
+ mysql_query("DELETE FROM award_awards WHERE id='$aid'");
+ }
+ echo "";
if($_GET['action']=="check") {
if(count($_GET['check'])) {
foreach($_GET['check'] AS $checksource) {
- $checksource=intval($checksource);
- $q=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM fairs WHERE id='$checksource'");
- $fair=mysql_fetch_assoc($q);
- if(!($fair['username'] && $fair['password'])) {
- echo error(i18n("Username and Password are not set for source '%1'. Please set them in the SFIAB Configuration/External Award Sources editor first",array($r->name)));
- continue;
- }
- echo i18n("Checking %1 for awards...",array($fair['name']));
- echo "
- if($fair['type'] == 'ysf') {
- $req=array("awardrequest"=>array(
- "username"=>$r->username,
- "password"=>$r->password,
- "year"=>$config['FAIRYEAR'],
- )
- );
- } else {
- $req['getawards'] = array('year'=>$config['FAIRYEAR']);
- }
- $data = curl_query($fair, $req);
- if($data['error'] != 0) {
- echo error("Server said: {$data['message']}
- send_footer();
- exit;
- }
- echo notice(i18n('Server said: Success'));
- $keys=array_keys($response);
- if($keys[0]=="awardresponse") {
- //get a list of all the existing awards for this external source
- $aq=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM award_awards WHERE award_sources_id='$checksource' AND year='".$config['FAIRYEAR']."'");
- $existingawards=array();
- while($ar=mysql_fetch_object($aq)) {
- $existingawards[]=$ar->id;
- }
- echo "";
- $ar=$response['awardresponse'][0];
- $postback=$ar['postback'][0];
- echo i18n("Postback URL: %1",array($postback))."
- if($ar['awards'][0]['award'])
- $numawards=count($ar['awards'][0]['award']);
- else
- $numawards=0;
- echo i18n("Number of Awards: %1",array($numawards))."
- if($numawards>0) {
- foreach($ar['awards'][0]['award'] AS $award) {
- $identifier=$award['identifier'][0];
- $year=$award['year'][0];
- echo i18n("Award Identifier: %1",array($identifier))." ";
- echo i18n("Award Year: %1",array($year))."
- echo i18n("Award Name: %1",array($award['name_en'][0]))."
- if($year==$config['FAIRYEAR']) {
- $tq=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM award_awards WHERE external_identifier='$identifier' AND award_sources_id='$checksource' AND year='$year'");
- if($awardrecord=mysql_fetch_object($tq)) {
- echo i18n("Award already exists, updating info")."
- //remove it from the existingawards list
- array_remove($awardrecord->id,$existingawards);
- //check if the sponsor exists, if not, add them
- $sponsorq=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM sponsors WHERE organization='".mysql_escape_string($award['sponsor'][0])."'");
- if($sponsorr=mysql_fetch_object($sponsorq)) {
- $sponsor_id=$sponsorr->id;
- }
- else
- {
- mysql_query("INSERT INTO sponsors (organization,year,notes,confirmed) VALUES ('".mysql_escape_string($award['sponsor'][0])."','$year','".mysql_escape_string("Imported from external source: $r->name")."','yes')");
- $sponsor_id=mysql_insert_id();
- }
- mysql_query("UPDATE award_awards SET
- sponsors_id='$sponsor_id',
- name='".mysql_escape_string($award['name_en'][0])."',
- criteria='".mysql_escape_string($award['criteria_en'][0])."',
- external_postback='".mysql_escape_string($postback)."'
- id='$awardrecord->id'
- AND external_identifier='".mysql_escape_string($identifier)."'
- AND year='$year'
- ");
-echo mysql_error();
- //update the prizes
- if(is_array($award['prizes'][0]) && count($award['prizes'][0]['prize']>0))
- {
- $prizes=$award['prizes'][0]['prize'];
- $numprizes=count($prizes);
- echo i18n("Number of prizes: %1",array($numprizes))."
- $pq=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM award_prizes WHERE award_awards_id='$awardrecord->id'");
- //get a list of all the existing prizes
- $existingprizes=array();
- while($pr=mysql_fetch_object($pq)) {
- $existingprizes[$pr->external_identifier]=$pr;
- }
- foreach($prizes AS $prize) {
- //if it exists -> update it
- if(array_key_exists($prize['identifier'][0],$existingprizes)) {
- $ep=$existingprizes[$prize['identifier'][0]];
- echo " ".i18n("Updating prize %1",array($ep->external_identifier))."
- mysql_query("UPDATE award_prizes SET
- cash='".intval($prize['cash'][0])."',
- scholarship='".intval($prize['scholarship'][0])."',
- value='".intval($prize['value'][0])."',
- prize='".mysql_escape_string($prize['prize_en'][0])."',
- number='".intval($prize['number'][0])."',
- `order`='".intval($prize['ord'][0])."'
- id='$ep->id'");
- //remove it from the list
- unset($existingprizes[$ep->external_identifier]);
- }
- else { //if it doesnt exist -> add it
- echo " ".i18n("Adding prize %1",array($prize['identifier'][0]))."
- mysql_query("INSERT INTO award_prizes (
- award_awards_id,
- cash,
- scholarship,
- value,
- prize,
- number,
- `order`,
- `year`,
- external_identifier
- ) VALUES (
- '$awardrecord->id',
- '".intval($prize['cash'][0])."',
- '".intval($prize['scholarship'][0])."',
- '".intval($prize['value'][0])."',
- '".mysql_escape_string($prize['prize_en'][0])."',
- '".intval($prize['number'][0])."',
- '".intval($prize['ord'][0])."',
- '$year',
- '".mysql_escape_string($prize['identifier'][0])."'
- )");
- }
- }
- //if an entry exists thats not in the xml -> delete it
- foreach($existingprizes AS $ep) {
- echo " ".i18n("Removing prize %1",array($ep->external_identifier))."
- mysql_query("DELETE FROM award_prizes WHERE id='$ep->id'");
- }
- }
- //FIXME: update the translations
- }
- else {
- //check if the sponsor exists, if not, add them
- $sponsorq=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM sponsors WHERE organization='".mysql_escape_string($award['sponsor'][0])."'");
- if($sponsorr=mysql_fetch_object($sponsorq)) {
- $sponsor_id=$sponsorr->id;
- }
- else
- {
- mysql_query("INSERT INTO sponsors (organization,year,notes,confirmed) VALUES ('".mysql_escape_string($award['sponsor'][0])."','$year','".mysql_escape_string("Imported from external source: $r->name")."','yes')");
- $sponsor_id=mysql_insert_id();
- }
- echo i18n("Award does not exists, adding...")."
- mysql_query("INSERT INTO award_awards (
- award_types_id,
- sponsors_id,
- name,
- criteria,
- year,
- external_identifier,
- external_postback,
- award_sources_id
- )
- 2,
- $sponsor_id,
- '".mysql_escape_string($award['name_en'][0])."',
- '".mysql_escape_string($award['criteria_en'][0])."',
- '".$year."',
- '".mysql_escape_string($identifier)."',
- '".mysql_escape_string($postback)."',
- '$checksource'
- )");
- $award_id=mysql_insert_id();
- //import the prizes
- if(is_array($award['prizes'][0]) && count($award['prizes'][0]['prize']>0))
- {
- $prizes=$award['prizes'][0]['prize'];
- $numprizes=count($prizes);
- echo i18n("Number of prizes: %1",array($numprizes))."
- foreach($prizes AS $prize) {
- mysql_query("INSERT INTO award_prizes (
- award_awards_id,
- cash,
- scholarship,
- value,
- prize,
- number,
- `order`,
- `year`,
- external_identifier
- ) VALUES (
- '$award_id',
- '".intval($prize['cash'][0])."',
- '".intval($prize['scholarship'][0])."',
- '".intval($prize['value'][0])."',
- '".mysql_escape_string($prize['prize_en'][0])."',
- '".intval($prize['number'][0])."',
- '".intval($prize['ord'][0])."',
- '$year',
- '".mysql_escape_string($prize['identifier'][0])."'
- )");
- }
- }
- else
- echo error(i18n("No prizes associated with this award"));
- //FIXME: import the translations & prize translations
- }
- }
- else
- {
- echo error(i18n("Award is not for the current fair year... skipping"));
- }
- echo "
- }
- }
- echo "";
- //remove any awards that are left in the $existingawards array, they must have been removed from the source
- foreach($existingawards AS $aid) {
- echo i18n("Removing award id %1 that was removed from external source",array($aid))."
- mysql_query("DELETE FROM award_prizes WHERE award_awards_id='$aid'");
- mysql_query("DELETE FROM award_awards WHERE id='$aid'");
- }
- }
- else
- echo error(i18n("Invalid XML response. Expecting '%1', received '%2'",array("awardresponse",$keys[0])));
-// echo "response=".print_r($datastream);
- echo "
+ check_source(intval($checksource));
+ echo "
- }
- else
+ } else {
echo error(i18n("No sources available to check"));
- }
- else
- {
+ }
+ } else {
- if(!function_exists('curl_init'))
- {
+ if(!function_exists('curl_init')) {
echo error(i18n("CURL Support Missing"));
echo notice(i18n("Your PHP installation does not support CURL. You will need to have CURL support added by your system administrator before being able to access external award sources"));
- }
- else
+ } else {
+ }
$q=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM fairs WHERE enable_awards='yes' ORDER BY name");
echo "