@ -22,41 +22,818 @@
send_header("Conferences Setup",
array('Committee Main' => 'committee_main.php',
'System Setup' => '/super/index.php')
Define the steps used in the setup wizard. It's flow is:
start __
|-> selectNameType -> complete
|-> selectConference -> enterName -> complete
$wizard_steps = array(
'start' => array(
'title' => i18n('Add a Conference'),
'builder' => 'build_start_step',
'handler' => 'handle_start_step',
'fields' => array(
'actions' => array(
'next' => i18n('Next'),
'cancel' => i18n('Cancel')
'selectNameType' => array(
'title' => i18n('Conference Name and Type'),
'builder' => 'build_select_nametype_step',
'handler' => 'handle_select_nametype_step',
'fields' => array(
'actions' => array(
'back' => i18n('Back'),
'next' => i18n('Next'),
'cancel' => i18n('Cancel')
'selectConference' => array(
'title' => i18n('Select a Conference'),
'builder' => 'build_select_conference_step',
'handler' => 'handle_select_conference_step',
'fields' => array(
'actions' => array(
'back' => i18n('Back'),
'next' => i18n('Next'),
'cancel' => i18n('Cancel')
'enterName' => array(
'title' => i18n('Conference Name'),
'builder' => 'build_enter_name_step',
'handler' => 'handle_enter_name_step',
'fields' => array(
'actions' => array(
'back' => i18n('Back'),
'next' => i18n('Next'),
'cancel' => i18n('Cancel')
'complete' => array(
'title' => i18n('Confirmation'),
'builder' => 'build_complete_step',
'handler' => 'handle_complete_step',
'fields' => array(),
'actions' => array(
'back' => i18n('Back'),
'ok' => i18n('OK'),
'cancel' => i18n('Cancel')
'error' => array(
'title' => i18n('Error'),
'builder' => null,
'handler' => 'wizard_close',
'fields' => array(),
'actions' => array('close' => i18n('Close'))
// check for a step submitted by the wizard
if(array_key_exists('formAction', $_POST)){
if(array_key_exists('formStep', $_POST)){
$stepName = $_POST['formStep'];
// check for an action by the normal method
if(array_key_exists('action', $_GET)){
case 'new': // this is a request to create a new conference
$_SESSION['conference_wizard'] = array();
send_header("Conferences Setup",
array('Committee Main' => 'committee_main.php',
'System Setup' => '/super/index.php')
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
// nothin' yet
$('#wizardBackdrop').fadeTo(0, 0);
<div id="conferences">
function openWizard(){
$('#wizardBackdrop').fadeTo('slow', 0.8);
function handleSubmit(action){
var params = {'formAction' : action};
var foo = false;
for(n in fields){
// is it a checked check box?
val = $('input:checkbox[name=' + fields[n] + ']:checked').val();
if(val == undefined){
// is it an unchecked checkbox?
val = $('input:checkbox[name=' + fields[n] + ']:unchecked').val();
if(val != undefined) val = 'no';
if(val == undefined){
// perhaps it's a radio button
val = $('input:radio[name=' + fields[n] + ']:checked').val();
if(val == undefined){
// other, then?
val = $('#' + fields[n]).val();
if(val != undefined){
params[fields[n]] = val;
// the relevant parameters have been pulled out of the form, now submit them
$.post('conferences.php', params, function(result){
<div id="conferences">
$editor=new TableEditor("conferences",
$editor=new TableEditor("conferences",
"name"=>"Conference Name",
<a id="addAnchor" href='' onclick="openWizard(); return false;">Add a conference</a>
<div id="wizardBackdrop"></div>
<div id="wizardWrapper">
<div id="wizard" style="position:relative"></div>
/************** Wizard handling functions *************/
// draw an individual step in the wizard
function wizard_draw_step($step, $message = null){
global $wizard_steps;
if(array_key_exists($step, $wizard_steps)){
// tell the client what fields we expect to have sent back
echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">";
if(count($wizard_steps[$step]['fields']) > 0){
echo "var fields=['formStep','" . implode("','", $wizard_steps[$step]['fields']) . "'];";
echo "var fields=['formStep'];";
echo "</script>";
// draw the title header
echo '<h2>' . $wizard_steps[$step]['title'] . '</h2>';
if($message != null){
// used for error messages (eg. empty field)
echo "<div class=\"error\">" . $message . "</div>";
// draw the actual content of this step
echo "<div class=\"wizard_content\">";
echo "</div>";
// add the appropriate buttons at the bottom
echo "<div class=\"wizard_buttons\">"; // draw the buttons at the bottom of this step
foreach($wizard_steps[$step]['actions'] as $tag => $label){
echo "<button name=\"$tag\" onclick=\"handleSubmit('$tag');return false;\">$label</button> ";
echo "</div>";
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"formStep\" value=\"$step\"></input>";
// close the wizard
function wizard_close(){
echo "
<script type=\"text/javascript\">
$('#wizardBackdrop').css({'display':'none'}).fadeTo(0, 0);
/************** Functions for drawing and processing individual wizard steps ************/
function build_start_step(){
echo '<p>' . i18n("This wizard will help you set up a new conference.") . '<p>';
// find out if any conferences already exist
$tally = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM conferences"), 0);
if($tally == 0){
// no conferences, so just let them continue
echo '<p>' . i18n("Click next to continue") . '</p>';
echo '<input type="hidden" id="method" value="create">';
$copy_selected = '';
$create_selected = 'checked';
if(array_key_exists('method', $_SESSION['conference_wizard'])){
if($_SESSION['conference_wizard']['method'] == 'copy'){
$copy_selected = 'checked';
$create_selected = '';
echo '<p>' . i18n("What would you like to do?") . '</p>';
echo '<input type="radio" name="method" value="create" ' . $create_selected . '>' . i18n('Create a new conference') . '</input><br/>';
echo '<input type="radio" name="method" value="copy" ' . $copy_selected . '>' . i18n('Copy an existing conference') . '</input><br/>';
function handle_start_step(){
if($_POST['formAction'] == 'cancel'){
$_SESSION['conference_wizard']['method'] = $_POST['method'];
case 'create':
case 'copy':
$save = false;
function build_select_nametype_step(){
global $conference_types;
echo "<p>" . i18n("Please enter the name and type of this conference.") . "</p>";
echo "<table><tr>";
echo "<td>" . i18n("Conference Name") . "</td>";
$val = '';
if(array_key_exists('name', $_SESSION['conference_wizard'])){
$val = ' VALUE="' . $_SESSION['conference_wizard']['name'] . '" ';
echo "<td><input type=\"text\" id=\"name\"$val></input></td>";
echo "</tr><tr>";
echo "<td>" . i18n("Conference Type") . "</td>";
echo "<td><select id=\"type\">";
if(array_key_exists('type', $_SESSION['conference_wizard'])){
$selectedType = $_SESSION['conference_wizard']['type'];
$selectedType = 'sciencefair';
foreach($conference_types as $type => $title){
if($type == $selectedType) $selected = " SELECTED ";
else $selected = "";
echo "<option value=\"$type\"$selected>$title</option>";
echo "</select></td>";
echo "</tr></table>";
function handle_select_nametype_step(){
if($_POST['formAction'] == 'cancel'){
$_SESSION['conference_wizard']['type'] = $_POST['type'];
$_SESSION['conference_wizard']['name'] = $_POST['name'];
if($_POST['formAction'] == 'back'){
if($_POST['name'] == ''){
wizard_draw_step('selectNameType', i18n('A name for the conference is required'));
// handle_complete_step();
function build_select_conference_step(){
// get our default/entered values
$selectedID = -1;
$endchecked = '';
$rollchecked = ' checked ';
if(array_key_exists('mastercopy', $_SESSION['conference_wizard'])){
$selectedID = $_SESSION['conference_wizard']['mastercopy'];
if($_SESSION['conference_wizard']['endExisting'] == 'yes'){
$endchecked = ' checked ';
if($_SESSION['conference_wizard']['rollDates'] == 'no'){
$rollchecked = '';
echo "<p>" . i18n("Please select the conference that you wish to copy.") . "</p>";
echo "<table><tr><td>" . i18n("Conference to Copy:") . "</td><td>";
echo "<select id=\"mastercopy\">";
$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM conferences ORDER BY id DESC");
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)){
$id = $row['id'];
if($id == $selectedID) $selected = " SELECTED ";
else if($selectedID == -1) { $selected = " SELECTED "; $selectedID = -2; } // select the first one
else $selected = "";
echo "<option $selected value=\"{$row['id']}\">{$row['name']}</option>";
echo "</select>";
echo "</td></tr><tr><td>" . i18n("End this conference after copying it:") . "</td><td>";
echo "<input type=\"checkbox\" value=\"yes\" name=\"endExisting\" $endchecked ></input>";
echo "</td></tr>";
echo "<tr><td>" . i18n("Increment dates by a year:") . "</td><td>";
echo "<input type=\"checkbox\" value=\"yes\" name=\"rollDates\" $rollchecked ></input>";
echo "</td></tr>";
echo "</table>";
function handle_select_conference_step(){
if($_POST['formAction'] == 'cancel'){
$_SESSION['conference_wizard']['mastercopy'] = $_POST['mastercopy'];
$_SESSION['conference_wizard']['endExisting'] = $_POST['endExisting'];
$_SESSION['conference_wizard']['rollDates'] = $_POST['rollDates'];
if($_POST['formAction'] == 'back'){
function build_enter_name_step(){
echo "<p>" . i18n("Please enter a name for this conference") . "</p>";
echo "<table><tr>";
echo "<td>" . i18n("Conference Name") . "</td>";
$val = '';
if(array_key_exists('name', $_SESSION['conference_wizard'])){
// get the value previously answered
$val = ' VALUE="' . $_SESSION['conference_wizard']['name'] . '" ';
}else if(array_key_exists('mastercopy', $_SESSION['conference_wizard'])){
// get the name of the conference we're copying
$query = "SELECT name FROM conferences WHERE id = {$_SESSION['conference_wizard']['mastercopy']}";
$result = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query($query));
$val = ' VALUE="' . $result['name'] . '" ';
echo "<td><input type=\"text\" id=\"name\"$val></input></td>";
echo "</tr></table>";
function handle_enter_name_step(){
if($_POST['formAction'] == 'cancel'){
$_SESSION['conference_wizard']['name'] = $_POST['name'];
if($_POST['formAction'] == 'back'){
if($_POST['name'] == ''){
wizard_draw_step('enterName', i18n('A name for the conference is required'));
// handle_complete_step();
function build_complete_step(){
echo "<p>";
echo i18n("All of the required information has been gathered. Click "OK" to complete the process.");
echo "</p>";
function handle_complete_step(){
// print_r($_SESSION);
if($_POST['formAction'] == 'cancel'){
}else if($_POST['formAction'] == 'back'){
if($_SESSION['conference_wizard']['method'] == 'copy'){
case 'create':
$result = create_conference($_SESSION['conference_wizard']);
wizard_draw_step('error', $result);
case 'copy':
// returns the id of the created conference if successful, error message otherwise
function create_conference($params){
$cname = mysql_real_escape_string($params['name']);
$ctype = $params['type'];
mysql_query("INSERT INTO conferences (oid, name, type, status) VALUES (1, '" . mysql_real_escape_string($cname) . "', '$ctype', 'pending')");
$errorMessage = mysql_error();
return "SQL Error:<br/>$errorMessage";
$conferences_id = mysql_insert_id();
//copy over the award_types defaults
$q=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM award_types WHERE conferences_id='-1'");
while($r=mysql_fetch_object($q)) {
mysql_query("INSERT INTO award_types (id,type,`order`, conferences_id) VALUES ('$r->id','$r->type','$r->order','".$conferences_id."')");
// add this administrator's admin user account for the new conference
$u = user_create($_SESSION['accounts_id'], $conferences_id);
$q = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM roles WHERE `type` IN('admin', 'config')");
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($q)){
INSERT INTO user_roles (accounts_id, users_id, roles_id, active, complete)
VALUES({$_SESSION['accounts_id']}, {$u['id']}, {$row['id']}, 'yes', 'yes')
user_add_role($u, 'admin');
user_add_role($u, 'config');
return $conferences_id;
// copy users of the specified roles (passed in an array)
// return 'ok' on success, error message otherwise
function conferences_copy_users($oldConfId, $newConfId, $roles){
if(!is_array($roles)) $roles = array($roles);
$query = mysql_query("
SELECT * FROM users WHERE users.id IN(
SELECT DISTINCT(users.id) FROM users
JOIN user_roles ON user_roles.users_id = users.id
JOIN roles on roles.id = user_roles.roles_id
WHERE roles.`type` IN ('" . implode("','", $roles) . "')
AND users.conferences_id = $oldConfId
$keys = '';
while(mysql_error() == '' && $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)){
// first we copy the user
$oldId = $row['id'];
if($keys == ''){
$keyList = array_keys($row);
$keys = "`" . implode("`,`", $keyList) . "`";
$row['conferences_id'] = $newConfId;
$values = "'" . implode("','", $row) . "'";
// echo("INSERT INTO users ($keys) VALUES ($values)");
mysql_query("INSERT INTO users ($keys) VALUES ($values)");
$uid = mysql_insert_id();
$aid = $row['accounts_id'];
// now copy their applicable roles
$q2 = mysql_query("
SELECT roles_id, active, complete FROM user_roles
JOIN roles ON roles.id = user_roles.roles_id
WHERE roles.`type` IN('" . implode("','", $roles) . "')
while(mysql_error() == '' && $row2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($q2)){
INSERT INTO user_roles(`accounts_id`, `users_id`, `roles_id`, `active`, `complete`)
VALUES($aid, $uid, {$row2['roles_id']}, '{$row2['active']}', '{$row2['complete']}')
if(mysql_error() != '') return "SQL error :<br/>" . mysql_error();
return 'ok';
// copy a conference - returns true on success, false otherwise. Gives the wizard an error message one occurs
function copy_conference($params){
/* $params: {
mastercopy => id of conf to copy
endExisting => end it after copying
rollDates => increment the dates by a year
name => the new name
// we'll start by creating the new conference
$oldConfId = $params['mastercopy'];
$oldConf = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM conferences WHERE id = {$oldConfId}"));
mysql_query("INSERT INTO conferences (oid, name, type, status) VALUES (1, '" . mysql_real_escape_string($params['name']) . "', '{$oldConf['type']}', 'pending')");
if(mysql_error() != ''){ wizard_draw_step('error', 'SQL error on line #' . (__LINE__ - 1) . ': <br/>' . mysql_error()); return false; }
$newConfId = mysql_insert_id();
// then copy the configuration variables
config_update_variables($newConfId, $oldConfId);
// now the dates
if($params['rollDates'] == 'yes'){
$q=mysql_query("SELECT DATE_ADD(date,INTERVAL 365 DAY) AS newdate, name, description FROM dates WHERE conferences_id = $oldConfId");
$q=mysql_query("SELECT date AS newdate, name, description FROM dates WHERE conferences_id = $oldConfId");
while(mysql_error() == '' && $r = mysql_fetch_object($q))
mysql_query("INSERT INTO dates (date,name,description,conferences_id) VALUES (
if(mysql_error() != ''){ wizard_draw_step('error', 'SQL error before line #' . __LINE__ . ': <br/>' . mysql_error()); return false; }
// page text
$q = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM pagetext WHERE conferences_id = $oldConfId");
while(mysql_error() == '' && $r=mysql_fetch_object($q))
mysql_query("INSERT INTO pagetext (textname,textdescription,text,lastupdate,conferences_id,lang) VALUES (
if(mysql_error() != ''){ wizard_draw_step('error', 'SQL error before line #' . __LINE__ . ': <br/>' . mysql_error()); return false; }
// project categories
$q = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM projectcategories WHERE conferences_id = $oldConfId");
while(mysql_error() == '' && $r=mysql_fetch_object($q))
mysql_query("INSERT INTO projectcategories (id,category,category_shortform,mingrade,maxgrade,conferences_id) VALUES (
if(mysql_error() != ''){ wizard_draw_step('error', 'SQL error before line #' . __LINE__ . ': <br/>' . mysql_error()); return false; }
// project divisions
$q=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM projectdivisions WHERE conferences_id=$oldConfId");
while(mysql_error() == '' && $r=mysql_fetch_object($q))
mysql_query("INSERT INTO projectdivisions (id,division,division_shortform,cwsfdivisionid,conferences_id) VALUES (
if(mysql_error() != ''){ wizard_draw_step('error', 'SQL error before line #' . __LINE__ . ': <br/>' . mysql_error()); return false; }
// project subdivisions
$q=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM projectsubdivisions WHERE conferences_id=$oldConfId");
while(mysql_error() == '' && $r=mysql_fetch_object($q))
mysql_query("INSERT INTO projectsubdivisions (id,projectdivisions_id,subdivision,conferences_id) VALUES (
if(mysql_error() != ''){ wizard_draw_step('error', 'SQL error before line #' . __LINE__ . ': <br/>' . mysql_error()); return false; }
// safety questions
$q=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM safetyquestions WHERE conferences_id=$oldConfId");
while(mysql_error() == '' && $r=mysql_fetch_object($q))
mysql_query("INSERT INTO safetyquestions (question,type,required,ord,conferences_id) VALUES (
if(mysql_error() != ''){ wizard_draw_step('error', 'SQL error before line #' . __LINE__ . ': <br/>' . mysql_error()); return false; }
// awards
$q=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM award_awards WHERE conferences_id=$oldConfId");
$errorMessage = mysql_error();
while($errorMessage == '' && $r=mysql_fetch_object($q)) {
/* Roll the one award */
$errorMessage .= roll($oldConfId, $newConfId, 'award_awards', "id='{$r->id}'");
$errorMessage .= roll($oldConfId, $newConfId, 'award_awards_projectcategories', "award_awards_id='{$r->id}'",
array('award_awards_id' => $award_awards_id));
$errorMessage .= roll($oldConfId, $newConfId, 'award_awards_projectdivisions', "award_awards_id='{$r->id}'",
array('award_awards_id' => $award_awards_id));
echo i18n(" Rolling award prizes")."<br />";
$errorMessage .= roll($oldConfId, $newConfId, 'award_prizes', "award_awards_id='{$r->id}'",
array('award_awards_id' => $award_awards_id));
if($errorMessage != ''){ wizard_draw_step('error', 'SQL error before line #' . __LINE__ . ': <br/>' . $errorMessage); return false; }
// award types
$q=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM award_types WHERE conferences_id = $oldConfId");
while(mysql_error() == '' && $r=mysql_fetch_object($q))
mysql_query("INSERT INTO award_types (id,type,`order`,conferences_id) VALUES (
if(mysql_error() != ''){ wizard_draw_step('error', 'SQL error before line #' . __LINE__ . ': <br/>' . mysql_error()); return false; }
// schools
$q=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM schools WHERE conferences_id=$oldConfId");
while(mysql_error() == '' && $r=mysql_fetch_object($q)) {
$puid = ($r->principal_uid == null) ? 'NULL' : ("'".intval($r->principal_uid)."'");
$shuid = ($r->sciencehead_uid == null) ? 'NULL' : ("'".intval($r->sciencehead_uid)."'");
mysql_query("INSERT INTO schools (school,schoollang,schoollevel,board,district,phone,fax,address,city,province_code,postalcode,principal_uid,schoolemail,sciencehead_uid,accesscode,lastlogin,junior,intermediate,senior,registration_password,projectlimit,projectlimitper,conferences_id) VALUES (
if(mysql_error() != ''){ wizard_draw_step('error', 'SQL error before line #' . __LINE__ . ': <br/>' . mysql_error()); return false; }
// questions
$q = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM questions WHERE conferences_id = $oldConfId");
while($r=mysql_fetch_object($q) && mysql_error() == '')
mysql_query("INSERT INTO questions (id,conferences_id,section,db_heading,question,type,required,ord) VALUES (
if(mysql_error() != ''){ wizard_draw_step('error', 'SQL error before line #' . __LINE__ . ': <br/>' . mysql_error()); return false; }
// regfee items
$errorMessage = roll($oldConfId, $newConfId, 'regfee_items');
if($errorMessage != ''){ wizard_draw_step('error', 'SQL error before line #' . __LINE__ . ': <br/>' . $errorMessage); return false; }
// volunteer positions
$errorMessage = roll($oldConfId, $newConfId, 'volunteer_positions');
if($errorMessage != ''){ wizard_draw_step('error', 'SQL error before line #' . __LINE__ . ': <br/>' . $errorMessage); return false; }
// timeslots and rounds
$q = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM judges_timeslots WHERE conferences_id='$oldConfId' AND round_id='0'");
$errorMessage = mysql_error();
while($errorMessage == '' && $r=mysql_fetch_assoc($q)) {
if($params['rollDates'] == 'yes'){
mysql_query("INSERT INTO judges_timeslots (`conferences_id`,`round_id`,`type`,`date`,`starttime`,`endtime`,`name`)
VALUES ('$newConfId','0','{$r['type']}',DATE_ADD('{$r['date']}', INTERVAL 1 YEAR),
mysql_query("INSERT INTO judges_timeslots (`conferences_id`,`round_id`,`type`,`date`,`starttime`,`endtime`,`name`)
VALUES ('$newConfId','0','{$r['type']}','{$r['date']}',
$errorMessage .= mysql_error();
$round_id = mysql_insert_id();
$qq = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM judges_timeslots WHERE round_id='{$r['id']}'");
if($params['rollDates'] == 'yes'){
while($rr=mysql_fetch_assoc($qq) && mysql_error() == '')
mysql_query("INSERT INTO judges_timeslots (`conferences_id`,`round_id`,`type`,`date`,`starttime`,`endtime`)
VALUES ('$newConfId','$round_id','timeslot',DATE_ADD('{$rr['date']}', INTERVAL 1 YEAR),
while($rr=mysql_fetch_assoc($qq) && mysql_error() == '')
mysql_query("INSERT INTO judges_timeslots (`conferences_id`,`round_id`,`type`,`date`,`starttime`,`endtime`)
VALUES ('$newConfId','$round_id','timeslot','{$rr['date']}',
$errorMessage .= mysql_error();
if($errorMessage != ''){ wizard_draw_step('error', 'SQL error before line #' . __LINE__ . ': <br/>' . $errorMessage); return false; }
// admin, config, and committee users
$errorMessage = conferences_copy_users($oldConfId, $newConfId, array('admin', 'config', 'committee'));
if($errorMessage != 'ok'){ wizard_draw_step('error', 'SQL error before line #' . __LINE__ . ': <br/>' . $errorMessage); return false; }
// WHEW! If we've made it this far, the conference has successfully been copied
return true;
// return empty string on success, error message otherwise
function roll($oldConfId, $newConfId, $table, $where='', $replace=array())
/* Field Type Null Key Default Extra
* id int(10) unsigned NO PRI NULL auto_increment
* sponsors_id int(10) unsigned NO MUL 0
* award_source_fairs_id int(10) unsigned YES NULL
$errMessage = '';
/* Get field list for this table */
$q = mysql_query("SHOW COLUMNS IN `$table`");
while(($c = mysql_fetch_assoc($q))) {
$col[$c['Field']] = $c;
/* Record fields we care about */
$fields = array();
$keys = array_keys($col);
foreach($keys as $k) {
/* Skip id field */
if($col[$k]['Extra'] == 'auto_increment') continue;
/* Skip year field */
if($k == 'year') continue;
/* Skip conferences_id field */
if($k == 'year') continue;
$fields[] = $k;
if($where == '') $where='1';
/* Get data */
$q=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $table WHERE conferences_id='$oldConfId' AND $where");
if(mysql_error() != '') $errMessage .= mysql_error() . "<br/>";
$names = '`'.join('`,`', $fields).'`';
/* Process data */
while($r=mysql_fetch_assoc($q)) {
$vals = '';
foreach($fields as $f) {
if(array_key_exists($f, $replace))
$vals .= ",'".mysql_real_escape_string($replace[$f])."'";
else if($col[$f]['Null'] == 'YES' && $r[$f] == NULL)
$vals .= ',NULL';
$vals .= ",'".mysql_real_escape_string($r[$f])."'";
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `$table`(`conferences_id`,$names) VALUES ('$newConfId'$vals)");
if(mysql_error() != '') $errMessage .= mysql_error() . "<br/>";
echo mysql_error();
return $errMessage;