2007-12-19 07:49:38 +00:00
< ?
This file is part of the 'Science Fair In A Box' project
SFIAB Website : http :// www . sfiab . ca
Copyright ( C ) 2005 Sci - Tech Ontario Inc < info @ scitechontario . org >
Copyright ( C ) 2005 James Grant < james @ lightbox . org >
Copyright ( C ) 2008 David Grant < dave @ lightbox . org >
This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation , version 2.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details .
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program ; see the file COPYING . If not , write to
the Free Software Foundation , Inc . , 59 Temple Place - Suite 330 ,
Boston , MA 02111 - 1307 , USA .
< ?
require ( " ../common.inc.php " );
require_once ( " ../user.inc.php " );
user_auth_required ( 'committee' , 'admin' );
/* Load Tours */
$query = " SELECT * FROM tours WHERE
year = '{$config[' FAIRYEAR ']}' " ;
$r = mysql_query ( $query );
$tours = array ();
while ( $i = mysql_fetch_object ( $r )) {
$tours [ $i -> id ][ 'name' ] = $i -> name ;
2007-12-20 01:05:04 +00:00
$tours [ $i -> id ][ 'num' ] = $i -> num ;
2007-12-19 07:49:38 +00:00
if ( $_GET [ 'action' ] == 'info' ) {
$sid = intval ( $_GET [ 'id' ]);
$query = " SELECT * FROM students WHERE id=' $sid '
AND year = '{$config[' FAIRYEAR ']}' " ;
$r = mysql_query ( $query );
$i = mysql_fetch_object ( $r );
send_popup_header ( i18n ( 'Student Tour Rank Information - %1 %2' ,
array ( $i -> firstname , $i -> lastname )));
$query = " SELECT * FROM tours_choice
WHERE students_id = '$sid'
AND year = '{$config[' FAIRYEAR ']}'
ORDER BY rank " ;
$r = mysql_query ( $query );
echo '<table>' ;
$count = mysql_num_rows ( $r );
while ( $i = mysql_fetch_object ( $r )) {
echo '<tr><td align="right">' ;
if ( $i -> rank == 0 ) {
echo '<b><nobr>' . i18n ( 'Current Assigned Tour' ) . ':</nobr></b>' ;
echo '</td><td colspan=\"2\">' ;
echo " # { $tours [ $i -> tour_id ][ 'num' ] } : { $tours [ $i -> tour_id ][ 'name' ] } " ;
echo '<br /><br />' ;
$count -- ;
} else {
echo '<b>' . i18n ( 'Tour Preference %1' ,
array ( $i -> rank )) . ':</b>' ;
echo '</td><td>' ;
echo " # { $tours [ $i -> tour_id ][ 'num' ] } : { $tours [ $i -> tour_id ][ 'name' ] } " ;
echo '</td><td>' ;
if ( $i -> rank == 1 )
echo i18n ( '(Most Preferred)' );
if ( $i -> rank == $count )
echo i18n ( '(Least Preferred)' );
echo '</td></tr>' ;
echo '</table>' ;
send_popup_footer ();
exit ;
send_header ( " Tour Assignments " ,
array ( 'Committee Main' => 'committee_main.php' ,
'Administration' => 'admin/index.php' ,
'Tours' => 'admin/tours.php' )
< script language = " javascript " type = " text/javascript " >
2007-12-20 18:07:39 +00:00
var infowindow = '' ;
2007-12-19 07:49:38 +00:00
function addbuttonclicked ( id )
document . forms . tours . action . value = " add " ;
document . forms . tours . tours_id . value = id ;
document . forms . tours . submit ();
function openinfo ( id )
if ( id )
currentid = id ;
currentid = document . forms . tours [ " studentlist[] " ] . options [ document . forms . tours [ " studentlist[] " ] . selectedIndex ] . value ;
2007-12-20 18:07:39 +00:00
infowindow = window . open ( " tours_assignments.php?action=info&id= " + currentid , " Student Tour Rank Information " , " location=no,menubar=no,directories=no,toolbar=no,width=770,height=300,scrollbars=yes " );
2007-12-19 07:49:38 +00:00
return false ;
2007-12-20 18:07:39 +00:00
2007-12-19 07:49:38 +00:00
function switchinfo ()
if ( document . forms . tours [ " studentlist[] " ] . selectedIndex != - 1 )
currentname = document . forms . tours [ " studentlist[] " ] . options [ document . forms . tours [ " studentlist[] " ] . selectedIndex ] . text ;
currentid = document . forms . tours [ " studentlist[] " ] . options [ document . forms . tours [ " studentlist[] " ] . selectedIndex ] . value ;
document . forms . tours . studentinfobutton . disabled = false ;
document . forms . tours . studentinfobutton . value = currentname ;
2007-12-20 18:07:39 +00:00
if ( ! infowindow . closed && infowindow . location ) {
openinfo ();
2007-12-19 07:49:38 +00:00
document . forms . tours . studentinfobutton . disabled = true ;
document . forms . tours . studentinfobutton . value = " <? echo i18n( " Student Tour Rank Info " )?> " ;
</ script >
< ?
$tours_id = intval ( $_POST [ 'tours_id' ]);
$student_list = is_array ( $_POST [ 'studentlist' ]) ? $_POST [ 'studentlist' ] : array ();
if ( $_POST [ 'action' ] == 'add' && $tours_id != 0 && count ( $student_list ) > 0 ) {
// make sure the tour is valid
if ( ! array_key_exists ( $tours_id , $tours )) {
/* Someone is hacking the POST */
echo " HALT: Tour list changed between the form and the POST. " ;
exit ;
$added = 0 ;
foreach ( $student_list AS $sid ) {
/* Make sure the student exists */
$sid = intval ( $sid );
$q = mysql_query ( " SELECT registrations_id FROM students
WHERE id = '$sid' " );
$i = mysql_fetch_object ( $q );
$rid = $i -> registrations_id ;
/* Delete any old linking */
mysql_query ( " DELETE FROM tours_choice WHERE
students_id = '$sid' AND
year = '{$config[' FAIRYEAR ']}' AND
rank = '0' " );
/* Connect this student to this tour */
mysql_query ( " INSERT INTO tours_choice
( `students_id` , `registrations_id` ,
`tour_id` , `year` , `rank` )
'$sid' , '$rid' , '$tours_id' ,
'{$config[' FAIRYEAR ']}' , '0' ) " );
$added ++ ;
if ( $added == 1 ) $j = i18n ( " student " );
else $j = i18n ( " students " );
echo happy ( i18n ( " %1 %2 added to tour #%3 (%4) " , array (
2007-12-20 01:05:04 +00:00
$added , $j , $tours [ $tours_id ][ 'num' ], $tours [ $tours_id ][ 'name' ])));
2007-12-19 07:49:38 +00:00
$tours_id = intval ( $_GET [ 'tours_id' ]);
$students_id = intval ( $_GET [ 'students_id' ]);
if ( $_GET [ 'action' ] == 'del' && $tours_id > 0 && $students_id > 0 ) {
mysql_query ( " DELETE FROM tours_choice
WHERE students_id = '$students_id'
AND year = '{$config[' FAIRYEAR ']}'
AND rank = '0' " );
2007-12-20 01:05:04 +00:00
echo happy ( i18n ( " Removed student from tour #%1 (%2) " , array ( $tours [ $tours_id ][ 'num' ], $tours [ $tours_id ][ 'name' ])));
2007-12-19 07:49:38 +00:00
if ( $_GET [ 'action' ] == " empty " && $tours_id > 0 )
mysql_query ( " DELETE FROM tours_choice WHERE
tour_id = '$tours_id'
AND year = '{$config[' FAIRYEAR ']}'
AND rank = '0' " );
2007-12-20 01:05:04 +00:00
echo happy ( i18n ( " Emptied all students from tour #%1 (%2) " , array ( $tours [ $tours_id ][ 'num' ], $tours [ $tours_id ][ 'name' ])));
2007-12-19 07:49:38 +00:00
if ( ! $_SESSION [ 'viewstate' ][ 'students_teams_list_show' ])
$_SESSION [ 'viewstate' ][ 'students_teams_list_show' ] = 'unassigned' ;
//now update the students_teams_list_show viewstate
if ( $_GET [ 'students_teams_list_show' ])
$_SESSION [ 'viewstate' ][ 'students_teams_list_show' ] = $_GET [ 'students_teams_list_show' ];
echo " <form name= \" tours \" method= \" post \" action= \" tours_assignments.php \" > " ;
echo " <input type= \" hidden \" name= \" action \" > " ;
echo " <input type= \" hidden \" name= \" tours_id \" > " ;
echo " <input type= \" hidden \" name= \" students_id \" > " ;
echo " <table> " ;
echo " <tr> " ;
echo " <th> " . i18n ( " Student List " );
echo " <br /> " ;
echo " <input disabled= \" true \" name= \" studentinfobutton \ " id = \ " studentinfobutton \" onclick= \" openinfo() \" type= \" button \" value= \" " . i18n ( " Student Rank Info " ) . " \" > " ;
echo " </th> " ;
echo " <th> " . i18n ( " Tours " ) . " </th> " ;
echo " </tr> " ;
echo " <tr><td valign= \" top \" > " ;
/* Load students with the current tour selections
* ( rank = 0 ), or if there is no selection , make
* rank NULL , and tours_id NULL */
$querystr = " SELECT students.firstname, students.lastname,
students . id ,
tours_choice . tour_id , tours_choice . rank
LEFT JOIN tours_choice ON ( tours_choice . students_id = students . id AND tours_choice . rank = 0 )
LEFT JOIN registrations ON registrations . id = students . registrations_id
students . year = '{$config[' FAIRYEAR ']}' AND
( tours_choice . year = '{$config[' FAIRYEAR ']}' OR
tours_choice . year IS NULL ) AND
registrations . status = 'complete'
students . lastname ,
students . firstname ,
tours_choice . rank " ;
$q = mysql_query ( $querystr );
echo mysql_error ();
$student = array ();
$last_student_id = - 1 ;
while ( $r = mysql_fetch_object ( $q ))
$id = $r -> id ;
$tours_id = $r -> tour_id ;
$rank = $r -> rank ;
if ( $id != $last_student_id ) {
$last_student_id = $id ;
$student [ $id ][ 'name' ] = $r -> firstname . ' ' . $r -> lastname ;
if ( $tours_id != NULL ) {
$tours [ $tours_id ][ 'students' ][] = $id ;
$student [ $id ][ 'tours_id' ] = $tours_id ;
echo " <select name= \" studentlist[] \" onchange= \" switchinfo() \" multiple= \" multiple \" style= \" width: 250px; height: 600px; \" > " ;
foreach ( $student as $id => $s ) {
if ( $s [ 'tours_id' ] != 0 ) continue ;
echo " <option value= \" $id\ " > { $s [ 'name' ]} </ option > \n " ;
echo " </select> " ;
echo " </td> " ;
echo " <td valign= \" top \" > " ;
echo " <table width= \" 100% \" > " ;
foreach ( $tours as $tid => $t ) {
echo '<tr><td colspan=\"3\"><hr />' ;
echo " <input onclick= \" addbuttonclicked(' $tid ') \" type= \" button \" value= \" Add >> \" > " ;
echo " # { $t [ 'num' ] } : { $t [ 'name' ] } " ;
echo '</td></tr>' ;
$x = 0 ;
if ( is_array ( $t [ 'students' ]) ) {
foreach ( $t [ 'students' ] AS $sid ) {
$s = $student [ $sid ];
if ( $x == 0 ) echo '<tr>' ;
echo '<td>' ;
echo " <a href= \" tours_assignments.php?action=del&tours_id= $tid &students_id= $sid\ " >< img border = 0 src = \ " " . $config [ 'SFIABDIRECTORY' ] . " /images/16/button_cancel. " . $config [ 'icon_extension' ] . " \" ></a> " ;
echo ' ' ;
echo " <a href= \" \" onclick= \" return openinfo( $sid ); \" > " ;
echo " { $s [ 'name' ] } </a> " ;
echo " </td> " ;
if ( $x == 2 ) {
echo '</tr>' ;
$x = 0 ;
} else
$x ++ ;
if ( $x != 0 ) echo '</tr>' ;
echo " <tr><td colspan= \" 3 \" > " ;
echo " <a onclick= \" return confirmClick('Are you sure you want to empty all students from this tour?') \" href= \" tours_assignments.php?action=empty&tours_id= $tid\ " > " ;
echo " " . i18n ( " Empty All Members " ) . " " ;
echo " <img border=0 src= \" " . $config [ 'SFIABDIRECTORY' ] . " /images/16/button_cancel. " . $config [ 'icon_extension' ] . " \" > " ;
echo " </a> " ;
echo " </td></tr> " ;
echo " <tr><td colspan= \" 2 \" > " ;
echo error ( i18n ( " Tour has no members " ), " inline " );
echo " </td></tr> " ;
echo " </table> " ;
echo " <br /> " ;
echo " </td></tr> " ;
echo " </table> " ;
echo " </form> " ;
send_footer ();