forked from science-ation/science-ation
226 lines
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226 lines
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class annealer {
var $num_buckets;
var $bucket;
var $bucket_cost;
var $cost;
var $start_temp, $start_moves;
var $cost_function_callback;
var $iterations;
var $items_per_bucket;
var $rate;
function annealer($num_buckets, $start_temp, $start_moves, $rate,
$cost_function_cb, $items)
$this->num_buckets = $num_buckets;
$this->start_temp = $start_temp;
$this->start_moves = $start_moves;
$this->cost_function_callback = $cost_function_cb;
$this->bucket_cost = array();
$this->bucket = array();
$this->iterations = 0;
$this->items_per_bucket = count($items) / $num_buckets;
$this->rate = $rate;
$ipb = ceil($this->items_per_bucket);
$this->cost = 0;
for($x=0; $x<$num_buckets; $x++) {
$b = array();
for($y=0;$y<$ipb; $y++) {
if($i == count($items)) break;
$b[] = $items[$i];
$this->bucket[] = $b;
$c = $this->cost_function($x);
$this->bucket_cost[] = $c;
$this->cost += $c;
TRACE("Annealer setup: T={$this->start_temp}, ".
"M={$this->start_moves}, Bkts={$this->num_buckets}, ".
function pick_move()
/* Pick a bucket and item */
while(1) {
$b1 = rand(0, $this->num_buckets - 1);
if(count($this->bucket[$b1]) > 0) break;
$i1 = rand(0, count($this->bucket[$b1]) -1);
/* Pick a csecond bucket that is different thatn the first */
$b2 = rand(0, $this->num_buckets - 2);
if($b2 >= $b1) $b2++;
/* Picket an item, or a blank, in the second bucket */
$i2 = rand(0, count($this->bucket[$b2]));
if($i2 == count($this->bucket[$b2])) $i2 = -1;
// TRACE("Move ($b1,$i1)<->($b2,$i2)\n");
return array($b1, $i1, $b2, $i2);
function cost_function($b)
$bkt = $this->bucket[$b];
$cb = $this->cost_function_callback;
$c = $cb($this, $b, $bkt);
// $this->print_bucket($b);
// print("Computed cost to be: $c\n");
return $c;
function compute_delta_cost($move)
list($b1, $i1, $b2, $i2) = $move;
$cost = 0;
$b1_old = $this->bucket[$b1];
$b2_old = $this->bucket[$b2];
$b1_new = array();
$b2_new = array();
/* Make 2 new bucket lists */
for($x=0; $x<count($b1_old); $x++) {
$id = $b1_old[$x];
if($x == $i1) {
/* Swap or remove this index */
if($i2 != -1) $b1_new[] = $b2_old[$i2];
} else {
$b1_new[] = $id;
for($x=0; $x<count($b2_old); $x++) {
$id = $b2_old[$x];
if($x == $i2) {
/* Swap or remove this index */
$b2_new[] = $b1_old[$i1];
} else {
$b2_new[] = $id;
if($i2 == -1) $b2_new[] = $b1_old[$i1];
/* Assign the new item lists to the buckets */
$this->bucket[$b1] = $b1_new;
$this->bucket[$b2] = $b2_new;
/* Compute costs */
$cost -= $this->bucket_cost[$b1];
$cost -= $this->bucket_cost[$b2];
$c1 = $this->cost_function($b1);
$c2 = $this->cost_function($b2);
$cost += $c1 + $c2;
/* Return to the original bucket lists */
$this->bucket[$b1] = $b1_old;
$this->bucket[$b2] = $b2_old;
return array($cost, array($c1, $b1_new, $c2, $b2_new));
function accept_move($move, $movedata)
list($b1, $i1, $b2, $i2) = $move;
list($c1, $b1_new, $c2, $b2_new) = $movedata;
// TRACE("Old buckets:\n");
// $this->print_bucket($b1);
// $this->print_bucket($b2);
$this->bucket[$b1] = $b1_new;
$this->bucket[$b2] = $b2_new;
// TRACE("New buckets:\n");
// $this->print_bucket($b1);
// $this->print_bucket($b2);
$this->bucket_cost[$b1] = $c1;
$this->bucket_cost[$b2] = $c2;
function anneal()
$temperature = $this->start_temp;
$current_cost = $this->cost;
$last_cost = 0;
$last_cost_count = 0;
if($this->num_buckets <= 1) {
TRACE("Only one Bucket, nothing to anneal.\n");
// $this->print_buckets();
while(1) {
$moves = $this->start_moves;
for($m = 0; $m<$moves; $m++) {
// $this->print_buckets();
/* Pick 2 moves at random */
$move = $this->pick_move();
/* See what the new cost is compared to the old */
list($delta_c, $movedata) =
$r = floatval(rand()) / floatval(getrandmax());
/* Decide if we want to keep it */
$e = exp(-$delta_c / $temperature);
// TRACE("r=$r, exp=$e, delta=$delta_c\n");
if($r < exp(-$delta_c / $temperature)) {
/* Yes, we do, record the move */
$this->accept_move($move, $movedata);
$current_cost += $delta_c;
if($current_cost < $this->cost)
$this->cost = $current_cost;
// TRACE("Move accepted, cost=$current_cost\n");
} else {
// TRACE("Move rejected\n");
if($this->iterations % 50000 == 0) {
TRACE(" {$this->iterations} iterations, cost={$this->cost}, temperature=$temperature\n");
// $this->print_buckets();
if($this->cost == $last_cost) {
$last_cost_count ++;
} else {
$last_cost = $this->cost;
if($temperature < 0.1 && $last_cost_count > 10)
// TRACE("Cost is {$this->cost}\n");
$temperature *= $this->rate;
TRACE("Annealing complete. {$this->iterations} iterations. Final cost is {$this->cost}\n");
function print_bucket($x)
$b = $this->bucket[$x];
print("Bucket $x: (cost: {$this->bucket_cost[$x]})\n");
print(" ");
for($y=0;$y<count($b); $y++) {
print("{$b[$y]} ");
function print_buckets()
for($x=0; $x<$this->num_buckets; $x++) {