2010-06-15 21:52:03 +00:00
< ?
This file is part of the 'Science Fair In A Box' project
SFIAB Website : http :// www . sfiab . ca
Copyright ( C ) 2010 Youth Science Ontario < info @ youthscienceontario . ca >
Copyright ( C ) 2010 James Grant < james @ lightbox . org >
This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation , version 2.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details .
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program ; see the file COPYING . If not , write to
the Free Software Foundation , Inc . , 59 Temple Place - Suite 330 ,
Boston , MA 02111 - 1307 , USA .
2010-10-14 15:11:52 +00:00
2010-06-16 16:15:17 +00:00
2010-06-15 21:52:03 +00:00
function getTeamEventStatus ( $teamid , $scheduleid ) {
global $conference ;
$q = mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM schedule_registrations WHERE so_teams_id=' $teamid ' AND schedule_id=' $scheduleid ' AND conferences_id=' { $conference [ 'id' ] } ' " );
//we use registered/notregistered insetad of true/false becuase we might haevf other statuses down the line, like "waitinglist"
if ( mysql_num_rows ( $q )) {
return " registered " ;
return " notregistered " ;
function getNumRegistrations ( $scheduleid ) {
global $conference ;
$q = mysql_query ( " SELECT COUNT(*) AS num FROM schedule_registrations WHERE schedule_id=' $scheduleid ' AND conferences_id=' { $conference [ 'id' ] } ' " );
$r = mysql_fetch_object ( $q );
return $r -> num ;
2010-10-14 15:11:52 +00:00
//FIXME: implement getNumJudges
function getNumJudges ( $scheduleid ) {
global $conference ;
return 0 ;
//FIXME: implement getNumVolunteers
function getNumVolunteers ( $scheduleid ) {
global $conference ;
return 0 ;
2010-09-28 20:09:31 +00:00
function getEventList ( $conferencesId , $school_id ){
global $conference ;
$events = array ();
$q = mysql_query ( " SELECT schedule.*, events.name, events.eventtype FROM schedule JOIN events ON schedule.events_id=events.id WHERE schedule.conferences_id=' { $conference [ 'id' ] } ' " );
$err = mysql_error ();
if ( $err != " " ) return ( $err );
while ( $event = mysql_fetch_assoc ( $q )) {
if ( $event [ 'eventtype' ] == " scienceolympic " ) {
$regteams = getNumRegistrations ( $event [ 'id' ]);
$maxteams = $event [ 'somaxteams' ];
$regq = mysql_query ( " SELECT so_teams.name, schedule_registrations.id
FROM schedule_registrations
JOIN so_teams ON so_teams_id = so_teams . id
WHERE schedule_registrations . conferences_id = '{$conferencesId}'
AND so_teams . schools_id = $school_id
AND schedule_registrations . schedule_id = '{$event[' id ']}' " );
$err = mysql_error ();
if ( $err != " " ) break ;
$event [ 'registrations' ] = array ();
while ( $regr = mysql_fetch_assoc ( $regq )) {
$event [ 'registrations' ][] = $regr ;
$events [] = $event ;
if ( $err != " " ) return ( $err );
return $events ;
function getLocationList ( $conferencesId ){
global $conference ;
$q = mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM locations WHERE conferences_id=' { $conference [ 'id' ] } ' ORDER BY name " );
while ( $r = mysql_fetch_object ( $q )) {
$locations [ $r -> id ] = $r -> name ;
return $locations ;
2010-09-29 21:23:54 +00:00
function registerTeamInEvent ( $conferenceid , $scheduleid , $teamid ){
$q = mysql_query ( " SELECT schedule.*,
events . eventtype ,
events . website ,
events . summary ,
events . name ,
locations . name AS location
FROM schedule
JOIN events ON schedule . events_id = events . id
JOIN locations ON schedule . locations_id = locations . id
WHERE schedule . conferences_id = '{$conferenceid}'
AND schedule . id = '{$scheduleid}' " );
$schedule = mysql_fetch_object ( $q );
echo mysql_error ();
$q = mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM schedule_registrations WHERE so_teams_id= $teamid AND schedule_id= $scheduleid AND conferences_id= $conferenceid " );
if ( mysql_num_rows ( $q )) {
$returnval = array ( 'success' => false , 'message' => " This team is already registered for this scheduled event " );
else {
$regteams = getNumRegistrations ( $scheduleid );
if ( $regteams < $schedule -> somaxteams ) {
mysql_query ( " INSERT INTO schedule_registrations (schedule_id, so_teams_id, conferences_id, dt) VALUES (' $scheduleid ',' $teamid ',' $conferenceid ',NOW()) " );
$returnval = array ( 'success' => true , 'message' => " successfully registered " );
else {
$returnval = array ( 'success' => false , 'message' => " This event has reached its capacity and can no longer be registered for " );
return $returnval ;
function unregisterTeamInEvent ( $conferenceid , $scheduleid , $teamid ){
$q = mysql_query ( " SELECT schedule.*,
events . eventtype ,
events . website ,
events . summary ,
events . name ,
locations . name AS location
FROM schedule
JOIN events ON schedule . events_id = events . id
JOIN locations ON schedule . locations_id = locations . id
WHERE schedule . conferences_id = '{$conferenceid}'
AND schedule . id = '{$scheduleid}' " );
$schedule = mysql_fetch_object ( $q );
echo mysql_error ();
$q = mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM schedule_registrations WHERE so_teams_id= $teamid AND schedule_id= $scheduleid AND conferences_id= $conferenceid " );
if ( mysql_num_rows ( $q )) {
// delete any links between students and this registrationa
$q = mysql_query (
" SELECT users_uid, schedule_registrations_id " .
" FROM schedule_registrations_users_link srul " .
" JOIN schedule_registrations sr ON sr.id = srul.schedule_registrations_id " .
" WHERE sr.so_teams_id = ' $teamid ' " .
" AND sr.schedule_id=' $scheduleid ' " .
" AND sr.conferences_id=' $conferenceid ' "
while ( $r = mysql_fetch_array ( $q )){
$idSet [] = $r [ 'users_uid' ];
$srid = $r [ 'schedule_registrations_id' ];
if ( is_array ( $idSet )){
$query =
" DELETE FROM schedule_registrations_users_link " .
" WHERE schedule_registrations_id = $srid " .
" AND users_uid IN( " . implode ( ',' , $idSet ) . " ) " ;
$q = mysql_query ( $query );
// delete the registrations themselves
mysql_query ( " DELETE FROM schedule_registrations WHERE so_teams_id=' $teamid ' AND schedule_id=' $scheduleid ' AND conferences_id=' $conferenceid ' " );
$returnval = array ( 'success' => true , 'message' => " successfully unregistered " );
else {
$returnval = array ( 'success' => false , 'message' => " This team is not registered for this scheduled event, and thus, cannot be unregistered " );
return $returnval ;
2010-06-15 21:52:03 +00:00