2009-09-09 00:26:12 +00:00
< ?
This file is part of the 'Science Fair In A Box' project
SFIAB Website : http :// www . sfiab . ca
Copyright ( C ) 2005 Sci - Tech Ontario Inc < info @ scitechontario . org >
Copyright ( C ) 2005 James Grant < james @ lightbox . org >
This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation , version 2.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details .
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program ; see the file COPYING . If not , write to
the Free Software Foundation , Inc . , 59 Temple Place - Suite 330 ,
Boston , MA 02111 - 1307 , USA .
< ?
require_once ( '../common.inc.php' );
require_once ( '../user.inc.php' );
2010-01-15 15:39:36 +00:00
require_once ( '../judge.inc.php' );
2009-09-09 00:26:12 +00:00
user_auth_required ( 'committee' , 'admin' );
require_once ( 'judges.inc.php' );
$show_types = $_GET [ 'show_types' ];
if ( user_valid_type ( $show_types ) == false ) $show_types = array ( 'judge' );
$show_complete = ( $_GET [ 'show_complete' ] == 'yes' ) ? 'yes' : 'no' ;
2009-09-26 17:59:50 +00:00
$show_year = ( $_GET [ 'show_year' ] == 'current' ) ? 'current' : 'all' ;
2009-09-09 00:26:12 +00:00
$uid = intval ( $_GET [ 'uid' ]);
if ( $_GET [ 'action' ] == 'remove' ) {
if ( ! $uid ) {
echo " Invalid uid for delete " ;
exit ;
user_delete ( $uid );
message_push ( happy ( i18n ( 'User deleted.' )));
send_header ( " User Editor " ,
array ( 'Committee Main' => 'committee_main.php' ,
'Administration' => 'admin/index.php' )
< script language = " javascript " type = " text/javascript " >
function openeditor ( id )
if ( id ) currentid = id ;
2009-10-29 17:07:56 +00:00
window . open ( " user_editor_window.php?id= " + currentid , " UserEditor " , " location=no,menubar=no,directories=no,toolbar=no,width=1000,height=640,scrollbars=yes " );
2009-09-09 00:26:12 +00:00
return false ;
function toggleoptions ()
if ( document . getElementById ( 'options' ) . style . display == 'none' ) {
document . getElementById ( 'options' ) . style . display = 'block' ;
document . getElementById ( 'optionstext' ) . innerHTML = '- <?=i18n(' Hide Display Options ')?>' ;
} else {
document . getElementById ( 'options' ) . style . display = 'none' ;
document . getElementById ( 'optionstext' ) . innerHTML = '+ <?=i18n(' Show Display Options ')?>' ;
function togglenew ()
if ( document . getElementById ( 'new' ) . style . display == 'none' ) {
document . getElementById ( 'new' ) . style . display = 'block' ;
document . getElementById ( 'newtext' ) . innerHTML = '<?=i18n(' Cancel New User ')?>' ;
} else {
document . getElementById ( 'new' ) . style . display = 'none' ;
document . getElementById ( 'newtext' ) . innerHTML = '<?=i18n(' Add New User ')?>' ;
function neweditor ()
var username = document . forms . newuser . new_email . value ;
var usertype = document . forms . newuser . new_type . value ;
2009-10-29 17:07:56 +00:00
window . open ( " user_editor_window.php?type= " + usertype + " &username= " + username , " UserEditor " , " location=no,menubar=no,directories=no,toolbar=no,width=770,height=500,scrollbars=yes " );
2009-09-09 00:26:12 +00:00
document . forms . newuser . new_email . value = " " ;
return false ;
</ script >
< ?
echo " <div class= \" notice \" > " ;
2009-09-26 17:59:50 +00:00
echo " <a id= \" optionstext \" onclick= \" toggleoptions();return false; \" >- " . i18n ( 'Hide Display Options' ) . " </a> " ;
2009-09-09 00:26:12 +00:00
echo " <form method= \" GET \" action= \" $PHP_SELF\ " > " ;
echo " <div id= \" options \" style= \" display: block; \" > " ;
echo " <table><tr><td> " . i18n ( 'Type' ) . " :</td> " ;
$x = 0 ;
foreach ( $user_what as $k => $v ) {
$sel = ( in_array ( $k , $show_types )) ? 'checked="checked"' : '' ;
echo " <td><input type= \" checkbox \" name= \" show_types[] \" value= \" $k\ " $sel > " .i18n( $v ). " </ input ></ td > " ;
if ( $x ) echo " </tr><tr><td></td> " ;
$x = ~ $x ;
echo " </tr> " ;
echo " <tr><td> " . i18n ( 'Complete' ) . " :</td><td> " ;
echo " <select name= \" show_complete \" > " ;
$s = ( $show_complete == 'yes' ) ? 'selected="selected"' : '' ;
echo " <option value= \" yes \" $s > " . i18n ( 'Show only complete registrations' ) . " </option> " ;
$s = ( $show_complete == 'no' ) ? 'selected="selected"' : '' ;
echo " <option value= \" no \" $s > " . i18n ( 'Show ALL registrations' ) . " </option> " ;
echo " </select> " ;
echo " </tr> " ;
echo " <tr><td> " . i18n ( 'Year' ) . " :</td><td> " ;
echo " <select name= \" show_year \" > " ;
$s = ( $show_year == 'current' ) ? 'selected="selected"' : '' ;
echo " <option value= \" current \" $s > " . i18n ( 'Show only registrations from %1' , array ( $config [ 'FAIRYEAR' ])) . " </option> " ;
$s = ( $show_year == 'all' ) ? 'selected="selected"' : '' ;
echo " <option value= \" all \" $s > " . i18n ( 'Show ALL years' ) . " </option> " ;
echo " </select> " ;
echo " </td></tr></table> " ;
echo " <br /> " ;
echo " <input type=submit value= \" " . i18n ( 'Apply Filter' ) . " \" > " ;
echo " </div> " ;
echo " </form> " ;
echo " </div> " ;
echo " <br/><a id= \" newtext \" href= \" javascript:togglenew() \" > " . i18n ( 'Add New User' ) . " </a> " ;
echo '<div id="new" style="display: none;" class="notice">' ;
echo " <form name= \" newuser \" method= \" GET \" action= \" $PHP_SELF\ " > " ;
echo " <table><tr><td> " . i18n ( 'Type' ) . " :</td><td> " ;
echo " <select name= \" new_type \" > " ;
$x = 0 ;
foreach ( $user_what as $k => $v ) {
$sel = ( in_array ( $k , $show_types )) ? 'selected="selected"' : '' ;
echo " <option value= \" $k\ " $sel > " .i18n( $v ). " </ option > " ;
echo " </select> " ;
echo " </tr> " ;
echo " <tr><td> " . i18n ( 'Email' ) . " :</td><td> " ;
echo '<input type="text" name="new_email" value="" />' ;
echo '</td></tr>' ;
echo '</table>' ;
echo " <input type=submit onclick= \" neweditor(); \" value= \" " . i18n ( 'Create New User' ) . " \" > " ;
echo '</form>' ;
echo '</div>' ;
echo " <br /> " ;
echo " <br /> " ;
/* Grab a list of users */
$w = array ();
foreach ( $show_types as $t ) {
2010-03-12 08:05:44 +00:00
$w [] = " u1.types LIKE '% $t %' " ;
2009-09-09 00:26:12 +00:00
$where_types = " AND ( " . join ( " OR " , $w ) . " ) " ;
$where_complete = " " ;
if ( $show_complete == 'yes' ) {
foreach ( $show_types as $t ) {
$where_complete .= " AND ( { $t } _complete='yes' OR { $t } _complete IS NULL) " ;
if ( $show_year == 'current' )
2010-03-12 08:05:44 +00:00
$having_year = " AND u1.year= { $config [ 'FAIRYEAR' ] } " ;
2009-09-09 00:26:12 +00:00
2009-09-10 04:40:18 +00:00
echo " <table class= \" tableview \" > " ;
2009-09-26 17:59:50 +00:00
2010-03-12 08:05:44 +00:00
$querystr = " SELECT
2009-09-09 00:26:12 +00:00
2010-03-12 08:05:44 +00:00
users u1
LEFT JOIN `users_committee` ON `users_committee` . `users_id` = `u1` . `id`
LEFT JOIN `users_judge` ON `users_judge` . `users_id` = `u1` . `id`
LEFT JOIN `users_volunteer` ON `users_volunteer` . `users_id` = `u1` . `id`
LEFT JOIN `users_fair` ON `users_fair` . `users_id` = `u1` . `id`
LEFT JOIN `users_sponsor` ON `users_sponsor` . `users_id` = `u1` . `id`
WHERE u1 . year = ( SELECT MAX ( `year` ) FROM users u2 WHERE u1 . uid = u2 . uid )
2009-09-26 17:59:50 +00:00
2010-03-12 08:05:44 +00:00
u1 . deleted = 'no'
2009-09-26 17:59:50 +00:00
2009-09-09 00:26:12 +00:00
lastname ASC ,
firstname ASC ,
year DESC " ;
$q = mysql_query ( $querystr );
echo mysql_error ();
// echo $querystr;
$num = mysql_num_rows ( $q );
echo i18n ( " Listing %1 people total. See the bottom for breakdown of by complete status " , array ( $num ));
echo mysql_error ();
echo " <tr> " ;
echo " <th> " . i18n ( " Name " ) . " </th> " ;
echo " <th> " . i18n ( " Email Address " ) . " </th> " ;
echo " <th> " . i18n ( " Year " ) . " </th> " ;
echo " <th> " . i18n ( " Type(s) " ) . " </th> " ;
echo " <th> " . i18n ( " Active " ) . " </th> " ;
echo " <th> " . i18n ( " Complete " ) . " </th> " ;
echo " <th> " . i18n ( " Actions " ) . " </th> " ;
echo " </tr> " ;
$completeyes = 0 ;
$completeno = 0 ;
while ( $r = mysql_fetch_assoc ( $q ))
2010-01-15 15:39:36 +00:00
//JAMES - TEMP - due to the previous error with improperly setting judge status to NOT complete when special awards was turned off
//we now need to make sure we re-calculate all the judge statuses somehow, so might as well do it here.
//FIXME: remove this after all the fairs are done this year SUMMER 2010
if ( in_array ( 'judge' , $show_types )){
$u = user_load_by_uid ( $r [ 'uid' ]);
//we also set teh $r array so it displays properly on first load
if ( judge_status_update ( $u ) == " complete " )
$r [ 'judge_complete' ] = 'yes' ;
2009-09-09 00:26:12 +00:00
$types = split ( ',' , $r [ 'types' ]);
$span = count ( $types ) > 1 ? " rowspan= \" " . count ( $types ) . " \" " : '' ;
echo " <tr><td $span > " ;
$name = " { $r [ 'firstname' ] } { $r [ 'lastname' ] } " ;
if ( in_array ( 'fair' , $types )) {
$qq = mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM users_fair
LEFT JOIN fairs ON fairs . id = users_fair . fairs_id
WHERE users_id = '{$r[' id ']}' " );
$rr = mysql_fetch_assoc ( $qq );
$name = " { $rr [ 'name' ] } " . (( trim ( $name ) == '' ) ? '' : " <br />( $name ) " );
echo " <a href= \" # \" onclick= \" return openeditor( { $r [ 'id' ] } ) \" > $name </a> " ;
echo " </td> " ;
echo " <td $span > { $r [ 'email' ] } </td> " ;
echo " <td $span > { $r [ 'year' ] } </td> " ;
$first = true ;
foreach ( $types as $t ) {
if ( ! $first ) echo '</tr><tr>' ;
echo " <td> { $user_what [ $t ] } </td> " ;
echo " <td> " ;
if ( $r [ " { $t } _active " ] == 'yes' ) {
echo " <div class= \" happy \" align= \" center \" > " . i18n ( " yes " ) . " </div> " ;
} else {
echo " <div class= \" error \" align= \" center \" > " . i18n ( " no " ) . " </div> " ;
echo " </td> " ;
echo " <td> " ;
2010-03-12 05:53:03 +00:00
if ( in_array ( $t , array ( 'parent' , 'committee' , 'alumni' , 'mentor' , 'fair' ))) {
/* Do nothing, there's nothign to complete */
} else if ( $r [ " { $t } _complete " ] == 'yes' ) {
2009-09-09 00:26:12 +00:00
echo " <div class= \" happy \" align= \" center \" > " . i18n ( " yes " ) . " </div> " ;
$completeyes ++ ;
} else {
echo " <div class= \" error \" align= \" center \" > " . i18n ( " no " ) . " </div> " ;
$completeno ++ ;
echo " </td> " ;
if ( $first ) {
/* Finish off the the first line */
echo " <td $span align= \" center \" > " ;
echo " <a href= \" # \" onclick= \" return openeditor( { $r [ 'id' ] } ) \" ><img border=0 src= \" { $config [ 'SFIABDIRECTORY' ] } /images/16/edit. { $config [ 'icon_extension' ] } \" ></a> " ;
2010-03-30 16:08:57 +00:00
echo " <a onclick= \" return confirmClick('Are you sure you wish to completely delete this user?') \" href= \" user_list.php?action=remove&uid= { $r [ 'id' ] } \" ><img border=0 src= \" { $config [ 'SFIABDIRECTORY' ] } /images/16/button_cancel. { $config [ 'icon_extension' ] } \" ></a> " ;
2009-09-09 00:26:12 +00:00
echo " </td> " ;
$first = false ;
echo '</tr>' ;
echo " </table> " ;
echo i18n ( " Note: Deleting users from this list is a permanent operation and cannot be undone. Consider editting the user and deactivating or deleting roles in their account instead. " );
echo " <br /> " ;
echo " <br /> " ;
echo " $num " . i18n ( " people listed. " );
echo " <br /> " ;
echo " $completeyes " . i18n ( 'complete' );
echo " <br /> " ;
echo " $completeno " . i18n ( 'incomplete' );
echo " <br /> " ;
echo " <br /> " ;
echo " <br /> " ;
send_footer ();