2009-11-06 04:07:12 +00:00
< ?
2009-11-06 07:32:51 +00:00
2009-11-06 04:07:12 +00:00
This file is part of the 'Science Fair In A Box' project
SFIAB Website : http :// www . sfiab . ca
Copyright ( C ) 2007 James Grant < james @ lightbox . org >
Copyright ( C ) 2009 David Grant < dave @ lightbox . org >
This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation , version 2.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details .
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program ; see the file COPYING . If not , write to
the Free Software Foundation , Inc . , 59 Temple Place - Suite 330 ,
Boston , MA 02111 - 1307 , USA .
< ?
require_once ( 'common.inc.php' );
require_once ( 'user.inc.php' );
require_once ( 'admin/stats.inc.php' );
/* Sort out who we're editting */
if ( $_POST [ 'users_id' ])
$eid = intval ( $_POST [ 'users_id' ]); /* From a save form */
else if ( array_key_exists ( 'embed_edit_id' , $_SESSION ))
$eid = $_SESSION [ 'embed_edit_id' ]; /* From the embedded editor */
$eid = $_SESSION [ 'users_id' ]; /* Regular entry */
if ( $eid != $_SESSION [ 'users_id' ]) {
/* Not editing ourself , we had better be
* a committee member */
user_auth_required ( 'committee' , 'admin' );
$u = user_load ( $eid );
switch ( $_GET [ 'action' ]) {
case 'save' :
$stats = $_POST [ 'stats' ];
2009-11-06 07:32:51 +00:00
$year = intval ( $_POST [ 'year' ]);
2010-02-23 19:58:07 +00:00
foreach ( $stats as $k => $v ) {
2024-12-09 06:06:15 +00:00
$stats [ $k ] = $stats [ $k ];
2009-11-06 04:07:12 +00:00
// $str = join(',',$stats);
$keys = '`fairs_id`,`year`,`' . join ( '`,`' , array_keys ( $stats )) . '`' ;
2009-11-06 07:32:51 +00:00
$vals = " ' { $u [ 'fairs_id' ] } ',' $year ',' " . join ( " ',' " , array_values ( $stats )) . " ' " ;
2024-11-25 23:06:33 +00:00
$stmt = $pdo -> prepare ( " DELETE FROM fairs_stats WHERE fairs_id = :fairs_id AND year = :year " );
$stmt -> execute ([
':fairs_id' => $u [ 'fairs_id' ],
':year' => $year
echo pdo -> errorInfo ();
2024-12-09 06:06:15 +00:00
$stmt = $pdo -> prepare ( " INSERT INTO fairs_stats (`id`, $keys ) VALUES ('', $vals ) " );
$stmt -> execute ();
2024-11-25 23:06:33 +00:00
echo pdo -> errorInfo ();
2009-11-06 04:07:12 +00:00
happy_ ( " Fair Information Saved. " );
exit ;
2009-11-06 07:32:51 +00:00
if ( $_SESSION [ 'embed' ] == true ) {
echo " <br/> " ;
display_messages ();
echo " <h3> " . i18n ( " Fair Information and Statistics " ) . " </h3> " ;
echo " <br/> " ;
} else {
send_header ( " Fair Information and Statistics " ,
2009-11-06 04:07:12 +00:00
array ( 'Fair Main' => 'fair_main.php' ),
" fair_stats "
2009-11-06 07:32:51 +00:00
2009-11-06 04:07:12 +00:00
< script type = " text/javascript " >
function stats_save ()
$ ( " #debug " ) . load ( " <?= $config['SFIABDIRECTORY'] ?>/fair_stats.php?action=save " , $ ( " #stats_form " ) . serializeArray ());
return false ;
</ script >
< ?
/* This was the remote upload code , seems silly to change the config names . server_config really isn ' t
* from the server here , it ' s just our local name */
/* SFIAB config options server side */
$server_config = array ();
$server_config [ 'participation' ] = false ;
$server_config [ 'schools_ext' ] = false ;
$server_config [ 'minorities' ] = false ;
$server_config [ 'guests' ] = false ;
$server_config [ 'sffbc_misc' ] = false ;
$server_config [ 'info' ] = false ;
$server_config [ 'next_chair' ] = false ;
$server_config [ 'scholarships' ] = false ;
$server_config [ 'delegates' ] = false ;
2010-01-21 20:32:54 +00:00
$server_any_stats = false ;
2009-11-06 07:32:51 +00:00
$year = intval ( $_POST [ 'year' ]);
if ( $year < 1900 ) $year = $config [ 'FAIRYEAR' ];
2009-11-06 04:07:12 +00:00
/* Get the stats we want from this fair */
2024-11-25 23:06:33 +00:00
$q = $pdo -> prepare ( " SELECT * FROM fairs WHERE id = :fairs_id " );
$q -> execute ([
':fairs_id' => $u [ 'fairs_id' ]
echo pdo -> errorInfo ();
$fair = $q -> fetch ( PDO :: FETCH_ASSOC );
2009-11-06 04:07:12 +00:00
2012-02-09 17:52:17 +00:00
$s = explode ( ',' , $fair [ 'gather_stats' ]);
2010-01-21 20:32:54 +00:00
foreach ( $s as $k ) {
if ( trim ( $k ) == '' ) continue ;
$server_config [ $k ] = true ;
$server_any_stats = true ;
2009-11-06 04:07:12 +00:00
2009-11-06 07:32:51 +00:00
$s = ( $_SESSION [ 'embed' ] == true ) ? $_SESSION [ 'embed_submit_url' ] : 'fair_stats.php' ;
echo " <form id= \" year_form \" name= \" year_form \" method= \" post \" action= \" $s\ " > " ;
echo i18n ( 'Select Year' ) . " : " ;
$q = mysql_query ( " SELECT DISTINCT year FROM config WHERE year>1000 ORDER BY year DESC " );
echo " <select name= \" year \" id= \" year \" onchange= \" this.form.submit() \" > " ;
while ( $i = mysql_fetch_assoc ( $q )) {
$y = $i [ 'year' ];
$sel = ( $config [ 'FAIRYEAR' ] == $y ) ? 'selected=\"selected\"' : '' ;
echo " <option value= \" $y\ " $sel > $y </ option > " ;
echo " </select> " ;
echo " </form> " ;
echo " <br /> " ;
2009-11-06 04:07:12 +00:00
/* Load stats */
2024-11-25 23:06:33 +00:00
$q = $pdo -> prepare ( " SELECT * FROM fairs_stats WHERE fairs_id = :fairs_id AND year = :year " );
$q -> execute ([
':fairs_id' => $u [ 'fairs_id' ],
':year' => $year
$stats = $q -> fetch ( PDO :: FETCH_ASSOC );
2009-11-06 04:07:12 +00:00
/* Print stats */
/* Print all blocks the server requests */
2009-11-06 07:32:51 +00:00
echo " <form id= \" stats_form \" name= \" stats_form \" > " ;
echo " <input type= \" hidden \" name= \" year \" value= \" $year\ " /> " ;
2009-11-06 04:07:12 +00:00
if ( $server_config [ 'info' ]) {
echo '<h3>' . i18n ( '%1 Fair information' , array ( $year )) . '</h3>' ;
echo '<table>' ;
echo '<tr><td>' . i18n ( 'Fair Start Date' ) . ':</td>' ;
echo " <td><input type= \" text \" size= \" 12 \" name= \" stats[start_date] \" value= \" { $stats [ 'start_date' ] } \" >(YYYY-MM-DD)</td></tr> " ;
echo '<tr><td>' . i18n ( 'Fair End Date' ) . ':</td>' ;
echo " <td><input type= \" text \" size= \" 12 \" name= \" stats[end_date] \" value= \" { $stats [ 'end_date' ] } \" >(YYYY-MM-DD)</td></tr> " ;
echo '<tr><td>' . i18n ( 'Fair Location/Address' ) . ':</td>' ;
echo '<td><textarea name="address" rows="4" cols="60">' . htmlspecialchars ( $stats [ 'address' ]) . '</textarea></td>' ;
echo '<tr><td>' . i18n ( 'Fair Budget' ) . ':</td>' ;
echo " <td> $ <input type=text name= \" stats[budget] \" value= \" { $stats [ 'budget' ] } \" ></td></tr> " ;
2010-02-12 16:49:55 +00:00
echo '<tr><td>' . i18n ( 'Youth Science Canada Affiliation Complete' ) . '?</td>' ;
2009-11-06 04:07:12 +00:00
echo '<td><select name="ysf_affiliation_complete">' ;
$sel = $stats [ 'ysf_affiliation_complete' ] == 'N' ? 'selected="selected"' : '' ;
echo " <option value= \" N \" $sel >No</option> " ;
$sel = $stats [ 'ysf_affiliation_complete' ] == 'Y' ? 'selected="selected"' : '' ;
echo " <option value= \" Y \" $sel >Yes</option> " ;
echo '</select></td></tr>' ;
echo '<tr><td>' . i18n ( 'Charity Number or Information' ) . '?</td>' ;
echo " <td><input type=text size= \" 40 \" name= \" stats[charity] \" value= \" { $stats [ 'charity' ] } \" ></td></tr> " ;
echo '</table>' ;
echo '<br />' ;
echo '<br />' ;
if ( $server_config [ 'next_chair' ]) {
echo '<h3>' . i18n ( '%1 - %2 Chairperson (if known)' , array ( $year , $year + 1 )) . '</h3>' ;
echo '<table>' ;
echo '<tr><td>' . i18n ( 'Name' ) . ': </td>' ;
echo " <td><input type=text name= \" stats[next_chair_name] \" value= \" { $stats [ 'next_chair_name' ] } \" ></td> " ;
echo '<td>' . i18n ( 'Email' ) . ': </td>' ;
echo " <td><input type=text name= \" stats[next_chair_email] \" value= \" { $stats [ 'next_chair_email' ] } \" ></td></tr> " ;
echo '<tr><td>' . i18n ( 'Tel. Bus' ) . ': </td>' ;
echo " <td><input type=text name= \" stats[next_chair_bphone] \" value= \" { $stats [ 'next_chair_bphone' ] } \" ></td> " ;
echo '<td>' . i18n ( 'Tel. Home' ) . ': </td>' ;
echo " <td><input type=text name= \" stats[next_chair_hphone] \" value= \" { $stats [ 'next_chair_hphone' ] } \" ></td></tr> " ;
echo '<tr><td>' . i18n ( 'Fax' ) . ': </td>' ;
echo " <td><input type=text name= \" stats[next_chair_fax] \" value= \" { $stats [ 'next_chair_fax' ] } \" ></td> " ;
echo '</tr>' ;
echo '</table>' ;
echo '<br /><br />' ;
if ( $server_config [ 'delegates' ]) {
echo '<h3>' . i18n ( '%1 CWSF Delegates and Alternatives' , array ( $year )) . '</h3>' ;
echo '<table>' ;
echo '<tr><td>' . i18n ( 'Delegate Name(s)' ) . '</td><td>' . i18n ( 'Email' ) . '</td><td>' . i18n ( 'Jacket Size' ) . '<td></tr>' ;
for ( $x = 1 ; $x <= 3 ; $x ++ ) {
$sizes = array ( 'small' => 'Small' , 'medium' => 'Medium' , 'large' => 'Large' , 'xlarge' => 'X-Large' );
echo " <td><input type=text size= \" 25 \" name= \" delegate $x\ " value = \ " { $stats [ " delegate $x " ] } \" ></td> " ;
echo " <td><input type=text size= \" 25 \" name= \" delegate { $x } _email \" value= \" { $stats [ " delegate { $x } _email " ]} \ " ></td> " ;
echo " <td><select name= \" delegate { $x } _size \" > " ;
$sz = $stats [ " delegate { $x } _size " ];
foreach ( $sizes as $s => $t ) {
$sel = ( $sz == $s ) ? 'selected="selected"' : '' ;
echo " <option value= \" $s\ " $sel > " .i18n( $t ).'</option>';
echo '</select></td></tr>' ;
echo '</table>' ;
echo i18n ( 'Remember, the jackets fit smaller than normal sizes.' );
echo '<br /><br />' ;
if ( $server_config [ 'scholarships' ]) {
echo '<h3>' . i18n ( '%1 Scholarships' , array ( $year )) . '</h3>' ;
echo 'How many university/college scholarships are available at your fair? (use a format like: <br /><b>6 - University of British Columbia - Entrance Scholarships</b><br />' ;
echo '<textarea name="stats[scholarships]" rows="4\" cols="80">' . htmlspecialchars ( $stats [ 'scholarships' ]) . '</textarea>' ;
echo '<br /><br />' ;
if ( $server_config [ 'participation' ]) {
$rangemap = array ( 1 => '1-3' , 4 => '4-6' , 7 => '7-8' , 9 => '9-10' , 11 => '11-12' );
echo '<h3>' . i18n ( '%1 Fair participation' , array ( $year )) . '</h3>' ;
echo '<br />' ;
echo i18n ( " Number of students " ) . " : " ;
echo " <input type=text name= \" stats[students_total] \" size= \" 5 \" value= \" { $stats [ 'students_total' ] } \" > " ;
echo '<table><tr><td></td><td></td><td></td><td align=\"center\">' . i18n ( 'Grade' ) . '</td><td></td><td></td></tr>' ;
echo '<tr><td></td>' ;
foreach ( $rangemap as $k => $v ) echo " <td align= \" center \" width= \" 50px \" > $v </td> " ;
echo '</tr><tr>' ;
echo '<td>' . i18n ( 'Male' ) . '</td>' ;
foreach ( $rangemap as $k => $v ) echo " <td align= \" right \" ><input type=text size= \" 4 \" name= \" stats[male_ $k ] \" value= \" { $stats [ " male_ $k " ] } \" ></td> " ;
echo '</tr><tr>' ;
echo '<td>' . i18n ( 'Female' ) . '</td>' ;
foreach ( $rangemap as $k => $v ) echo " <td align= \" right \" ><input type=text size= \" 4 \" name= \" stats[female_ $k ] \" value= \" { $stats [ " female_ $k " ] } \" ></td> " ;
echo '</tr><tr>' ;
echo '<td>' . i18n ( 'Projects' ) . '</td>' ;
foreach ( $rangemap as $k => $v ) echo " <td align= \" right \" ><input type=text size= \" 4 \" name= \" stats[projects_ $k ] \" value= \" { $stats [ " projects_ $k " ] } \" ></td> " ;
echo '</tr>' ;
echo '</table>' ;
echo '<br />' ;
echo i18n ( " Number of schools " ) . " : <input type=text size= \" 5 \" name= \" stats[schools_total] \" value= \" { $stats [ 'schools_total' ] } \" > " ;
echo '<br />' ;
echo i18n ( " Number of active schools " ) . " : <input type=text size= \" 5 \" name= \" stats[schools_active] \" value= \" { $stats [ 'schools_active' ] } \" > " ;
echo '<br />' ;
echo '<br />' ;
echo i18n ( " Number of committee members " ) . " : <input type=text size= \" 5 \" name= \" stats[committee_members] \" value= \" { $stats [ 'committee_members' ] } \" > " ;
echo '<br />' ;
echo i18n ( " Number of judges " ) . " : <input type=text size= \" 5 \" name= \" stats[judges] \" value= \" { $stats [ 'judges' ] } \" > " ;
echo '<br />' ;
echo '<br />' ;
echo '<br />' ;
if ( $server_config [ 'schools_ext' ]) {
echo '<h3>' . i18n ( '%1 Extended School/Participant data' , array ( $year )) . '</h3>' ;
echo '<br />' ;
< table >< tr >
< td >< ? = i18n ( 'Public schools' ) ?> :</td>
< td >< input type = text size = " 5 " name = " stats[schools_public] " value = " <?= $stats['schools_public'] ?> " ></ td >
< td >< ? = i18n ( 'Public school Students' ) ?> :</td>
< td >< input type = text size = " 5 " name = " stats[students_public] " value = " <?= $stats['students_public'] ?> " ></ td >
</ tr >< tr >
< td >< ? = i18n ( 'Private/Independent schools' ) ?> :</td>
< td >< input type = text size = " 5 " name = " stats[schools_private] " value = " <?= $stats['schools_private'] ?> " ></ td >
< td >< ? = i18n ( 'Private/Independent school Students' ) ?> :</td>
< td >< input type = text size = " 5 " name = " stats[students_private] " value = " <?= $stats['students_private'] ?> " ></ td >
</ tr >< tr >
< td >< ? = i18n ( 'At-risk/inner city schools' ) ?> :</td>
< td >< input type = text size = " 5 " name = " stats[schools_atrisk] " value = " <?= $stats['schools_atrisk'] ?> " ></ td >
< td >< ? = i18n ( 'At-risk/inner city school Students' ) ?> :</td>
< td >< input type = text size = " 5 " name = " stats[students_atrisk] " value = " <?= $stats['students_atrisk'] ?> " ></ td >
</ tr >< tr >
< td >< ? = i18n ( 'Number of school boards/distrcits' ) ?> :</td>
< td >< input type = text size = " 5 " name = " stats[schools_districts] " value = " <?= $stats['schools_districts'] ?> " ></ td >
< td ></ td >< td ></ td >
</ tr ></ table >
< br /> < br /> < br />
< ?
if ( $server_config [ 'minorities' ]) {
echo '<h3>' . i18n ( '%1 Data on minority groups' , array ( $year )) . '</h3>' ;
echo '<br />' ;
echo '<table>' ;
echo '<tr><td>' . i18n ( 'Number of First Nations students' );
echo " : </td><td><input type= \" text \" name= \" stats[firstnations] \" value= \" { $stats [ 'firstnations' ] } \" size= \" 5 \" /> " ;
echo '</td></tr>' ;
echo '</table>' ;
echo '<br />' ;
echo '<br />' ;
if ( $server_config [ 'guests' ] ) {
echo '<h3>' . i18n ( '%1 Guests visiting the fair' , array ( $year )) . '</h3>' ;
echo '<br />' ;
echo '<table>' ;
echo '<tr><td>' . i18n ( 'Number of Students that visited the fair (tours, etc.)' );
echo " : </td><td><input type= \" text \" name= \" stats[studentsvisiting] \" value= \" { $stats [ 'studentsvisiting' ] } \" size= \" 5 \" /> " ;
echo '</td></tr>' ;
echo '<tr><td>' . i18n ( 'Number of Public Guests that visited the fair' );
echo " : </td><td><input type= \" text \" name= \" stats[publicvisiting] \" value= \" { $stats [ 'publicvisiting' ] } \" size= \" 5 \" /> " ;
echo '</td></tr>' ;
echo '</table>' ;
echo '<br />' ;
echo '<br />' ;
if ( $server_config [ 'sffbc_misc' ]) {
echo '<h3>' . i18n ( '%1 Misc. SFFBC Questions' , array ( $year )) . '</h3>' ;
echo '<br />' ;
echo '<table>' ;
echo '<tr><td>' . i18n ( 'Number of Teachers supporting student projects' );
echo " : </td><td><input type= \" text \" name= \" stats[teacherssupporting] \" value= \" { $stats [ 'teacherssupporting' ] } \" size= \" 5 \" /> " ;
echo '</td></tr>' ;
echo '<tr><td>' . i18n ( 'Number of Students indicating increased interest in science & technology' );
echo " : </td><td><input type= \" text \" name= \" stats[increasedinterest] \" value= \" { $stats [ 'increasedinterest' ] } \" size= \" 5 \" /> " ;
echo '</td></tr>' ;
echo '<tr><td>' . i18n ( 'Number of Students considering careers in science & technology' );
echo " : </td><td><input type= \" text \" name= \" stats[consideringcareer] \" value= \" { $stats [ 'consideringcareer' ] } \" size= \" 5 \" /> " ;
echo '</td></tr>' ;
echo '</table>' ;
echo '<br />' ;
echo '<br />' ;
2010-01-21 20:32:54 +00:00
if ( $server_any_stats == false ) {
/* Every condition below will fail, tell the user something */
echo i18n ( " No stats to gather. Contact the admins if you believe this is an error. " );
} else {
echo " <input type= \" submit \" onClick= \" stats_save(); return false; \" value= \" " . i18n ( 'Save Fair Information' ) . " \" /> " ;
2009-11-06 04:07:12 +00:00
echo '</form>' ;
echo " <br /> " ;
echo " <br /> " ;
echo " <hr /><pre> " ;
print_r ( $fair );
print_r ( $server_config );
print_r ( $stats );
echo " </pre> " ;
2009-11-06 07:32:51 +00:00
if ( $_SESSION [ 'embed' ] != true ) {
send_footer ();
2009-11-06 04:07:12 +00:00