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function db_update_118_post()
global $config;
$availlen=strlen($available) - 1;
//grab all the contacts from awards_contacts
$q=$pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM award_contacts");
while($r=$q->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) {
//if its older than the current year, then set them to complete/active because if they were in the
//system then, then they must have beenc omplete and active
//set anyone for the current fair year to complete=no, active = yes, because its not too late to get them
//to login and make sure that all the info is complete
if($r->year<$config['FAIRYEAR']) {
else {
//see if a user exists with this email
$uq=$pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM users WHERE (username='".$r->email."' OR email='".$r->email."') ORDER BY year DESC LIMIT 1"); // AND year='$r->year'");
if($r->email && $ur=$uq->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) {
echo "Using existing$user_id for$r->id because email address ($r->email) matches\n";
//update any info we have thats missing
foreach($userfields AS $f) {
//if its NOT in their USER record, but it IS in their AWARD_CONTACTS record, then bring it over, else, assume the users record has priority
if(!$ur->$f && $r->$f) {
$sqlset.="`$f`='".$r->$f."', ";
$sql="UPDATE users SET $sqlset `types`='{$ur->types},sponsor' WHERE id='$user_id'";
$stmt = $pdo->prepare($sql);
echo $pdo->errorInfo();
echo " Updated user record\n";
else {
//we need a username, if htere's no email, then we need to gerneate one to use.
if($r->email) {
else {
//and create them a password
//set passwordset to 0000-00-00 to force it to expire on next login
$sql="INSERT INTO users (`types`,`username`,`created`,`password`,`passwordset`,`".implode("`,`",$userfields)."`,`year`) VALUES (";
foreach($userfields AS $f) {
$stmt = $pdo->prepare($sql);
echo $pdo->errorInfo();
//and link it to themselves as a starting record
$stmt = $pdo->prepare("UPDATE users SET uid='$user_id' WHERE id='$user_id'");
echo "Creating new$user_id for$r->id\n";
echo " Linking $user_id to users_sponsor record\n";
$stmt = $pdo->prepare("INSERT INTO users_sponsor (`users_id`,`sponsors_id`,`sponsor_complete`,`sponsor_active`,`primary`,`position`,`notes`) VALUES (
echo $pdo->errorInfo();