forked from science-ation/science-ation
329 lines
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329 lines
11 KiB
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function db_update_116_post()
global $config;
/* Fix the users that have a 0 year */
$q = mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET year={$config['FAIRYEAR']} WHERE year=0");
echo mysql_error();
/* Fix users without a username */
mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `username`=`email` WHERE `username`=''");
/*randomize usernames for any user that doesnt have a username at this point */
$q=mysql_query("SELECT id FROM `users` WHERE username=''");
//this is ripped from's generate passsword function.
//yes there's a chance of collisions, but i think highly unlikely enough that we
//dont need to worry about it.
$len=strlen($available) - 1;
while($r=mysql_fetch_object($q)) {
mysql_query("UPDATE users SET username='$username' WHERE id='$r->id'");
//okay now finally, there's a chance of duplicates from
//committee/volunteer that were in here before, so we need to merge
$q = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE types LIKE '%committee%'");
while($r = mysql_fetch_assoc($q)) {
$orig_r = $r;
$qq = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE
(`username`='{$r['username']}' OR `email`='{$r['email']}')
AND `id`!={$r['id']}");
if(mysql_num_rows($qq) == 0) continue;
echo "User id {$r['id']} ({$r['username']} {$r['email']}) has multiple users, merging...\n";
/* Now, there should only be two types, because the system is
* only supposed to let committee members and volunteers be
* created, and it has only been in use for one year without
* year stamps., but we'll handle any number */
/* However, we will make the committee the record that sticks
* */
$delete_ids = array();
$delete_userids = array();
while($rr = mysql_fetch_assoc($qq)) {
$delete_ids[] = "`id`={$rr['id']}";
$delete_userids[] = "`users_id`={$rr['id']}";
$keys = array_keys($rr);
foreach($keys as $k) {
switch($k) {
case 'id':
/* Skip */
case 'types':
/* Merge types */
if(strstr($r['types'], $rr['types']) == false) {
$r['types']= $r['types'].','.$rr['types'];
echo " New type: {$r['types']}\n";
/* Save data */
if(trim($r[$k]) == '' && trim($rr[$k]) != '') {
$r[$k] = $rr[$k];
/* Construct SQL for a SET clause */
$set = array();
$keys = array_keys($r);
foreach($keys as $k) {
if($r[$k] != $orig_r[$k]) {
$set[] = "`$k`='{$r[$k]}'";
if(count($set)) {
$query = join(',',$set);
mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET $query WHERE id={$r['id']}");
echo "Update query: UPDATE `users` SET $query WHERE id={$r['id']}\n";
/* Join together the WHERE commands */
$where_id = "WHERE ".join(" OR ", $delete_ids);
$where_users_id = "WHERE ".join(" OR ", $delete_userids);
echo "Merged... Deleting duplicate and adjusting volunteer tables...\n";
/* Delete the dupe */
mysql_query("DELETE FROM `users` $where_id");
/* Update volunteer linkage */
mysql_query("UPDATE `users_volunteer` SET `users_id`={$r['id']} $where_users_id");
mysql_query("UPDATE `volunteer_positions_signup` SET `users_id`={$r['id']} $where_users_id");
echo "done with this user.\n";
/* Create volunteer database entries for any that don't exist */
$q = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE types LIKE '%volunteer%'");
while($i = mysql_fetch_object($q)) {
mysql_query("INSERT INTO users_volunteer(`users_id`,`volunteer_active`,`volunteer_complete`)
VALUES ('{$i->id}','yes','{$i->complete}')");
/* Update any remaining volunteer entries */
$q = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE types LIKE '%volunteer%'");
while($i = mysql_fetch_object($q)) {
mysql_query("UPDATE users_volunteer
SET volunteer_complete='{$i->complete}'
WHERE users_id='{$i->id}'");
echo mysql_error();
/* Every committee member role should be activated */
$q = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE types LIKE '%committee%'");
while($i = mysql_fetch_object($q)) {
mysql_query("UPDATE users_committee
SET committee_active='yes'
WHERE users_id='{$i->id}'");
echo mysql_error();
/* Convert Judges */
$map = array();
$jtl = array();
$jsal = array();
/* Select all judges, duplicate rows for each year */
$jq = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM judges
LEFT JOIN judges_years ON
ORDER BY year");
while($j = mysql_fetch_object($jq)) {
if(!is_array($map[$j->id])) {
$map[$j->id] = array('uid' => '');
$u = array( 'id' => '',
'uid' => $map[$j->id]['uid'],
'types' => 'judge',
'firstname' => mysql_escape_string($j->firstname),
'lastname' => mysql_escape_string($j->lastname),
'username' => mysql_escape_string($j->email),
'email' => mysql_escape_string($j->email),
'sex' => '',
'password' => mysql_escape_string($j->password),
'passwordset' => $j->lastlogin,
'oldpassword' => '',
'year' => $j->year,
'phonehome' => mysql_escape_string($j->phonehome),
'phonework' => mysql_escape_string($j->phonework.(($j->phoneworkext=='') ? '' : " x{$j->phoneworkext}")),
'phonecell' => mysql_escape_string($j->phonecell),
'fax' => '',
'organization' => mysql_escape_string($j->organization),
'lang' => '', /* FIXME, or unused for judges?, this is preferred communication language, not judging languages */
'created' => $j->created,
'lastlogin' => $j->lastlogin,
'address' => mysql_escape_string($j->address),
'address2' => mysql_escape_string($j->address2),
'city' => mysql_escape_string($j->city),
'province' => mysql_escape_string($j->province),
'postalcode' => mysql_escape_string($j->postalcode),
'firstaid' => 'no',
'cpr' => 'no',
'deleted' => $j->deleted,
'deleteddatetime' => $j->deleteddatetime );
//check if a user already exists with this username
$uq=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE (username='".mysql_real_escape_string($j->email)."' OR email='".mysql_real_escape_string($j->email)."') AND year='$j->year'");
if($j->email && $ur=mysql_fetch_object($uq)) {
echo "Using existing$id for$j->id because email address/year ($j->email/$j->year) matches\n";
foreach($u AS $f=>$v) {
if(!$ur->$f && $j->$f && !in_array($f,$updateexclude)) {
$sqlset.="`$f`='".mysql_real_escape_string($j->$f)."', ";
$sql="UPDATE users SET $sqlset `types`='{$ur->types},judge',`username`='".mysql_real_escape_string($j->email)."' WHERE id='$id'";
echo mysql_error();
echo " Updated user record with judge info, but only merged:\n";
echo " ($sqlset)\n";
/* Insert the judge */
$fields = '`'.join('`,`', array_keys($u)).'`';
$vals = "'".join("','", array_values($u))."'";
$q = mysql_query("INSERT INTO users ($fields) VALUES ($vals)");
$id = mysql_insert_id();
if($map[$j->id]['uid'] == '') {
$map[$j->id]['uid'] = $id;
$q = mysql_query("UPDATE users SET `uid`='$id' WHERE id='$id'");
$uj = array( 'users_id' => "$id",
'judge_active' => 'yes',
'highest_psd' => mysql_escape_string($j->highest_psd),
'special_award_only' => ($j->typepref == 'speconly') ? 'yes' : 'no',
'expertise_other' => mysql_escape_string((($j->professional_quals != '')?($j->professional_quals."\n"):'').
/* These need to get pulled from the questions */
'years_school' => $j->years_school,
'years_regional' => $j->years_regional,
'years_national' => $j->years_national,
'willing_chair' => $j->willing_chair,
'judge_complete' => $j->complete,
// $j->attending_lunch,
/* catprefs */
$q = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM judges_catpref WHERE judges_id='{$j->id}' AND year='{$j->year}'");
$catpref = array();
while($i = mysql_fetch_object($q)) {
$catpref[$i->projectcategories_id] = $i->rank;
$uj['cat_prefs'] = mysql_escape_string(serialize($catpref));
/* divprefs and subdivision prefs */
$q = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM judges_expertise WHERE judges_id='{$j->id}' AND year='{$j->year}'");
$divpref = array();
$divsubpref = array();
while($i = mysql_fetch_object($q)) {
$divpref[$i->projectdivisions_id] = $i->val;
else if ($i->projectsubdivisions_id)
$divsubpref[$i->projectsubdivisions_id] = $i->val;
$uj['div_prefs'] = mysql_escape_string(serialize($divpref));
$uj['divsub_prefs'] = mysql_escape_string(serialize($divsubpref));
/* languages */
$q = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM judges_languages WHERE judges_id='{$j->id}'");
$langs = array();
while($i = mysql_fetch_object($q)) {
$langs[] = $i->languages_lang;
$uj['languages'] = mysql_escape_string(serialize($langs));
/* Map judges questions back to the profile. We're going to keep questions we need for
* judge scheduling as hard-coded questions so users can't erase them.
* "Years School" "Years Regional" "Years National" "Willing Chair" */
$qmap = array('years_school' => 'Years School',
'years_regional' => 'Years Regional',
'years_national' => 'Years National',
'willing_chair' => 'Willing Chair');
foreach($qmap as $field=>$head) {
/* Find the question ID */
$q = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM questions WHERE year='{$j->year}' AND db_heading='{$head}'");
if(mysql_num_rows($q) == 0) {
echo "Warning: Question '$head' for judge {$j->id} doesn't exist in year '{$j->year}', cannot copy answer.\n";
$i = mysql_fetch_object($q);
/* Now find the answer */
$q = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM question_answers WHERE
year='{$j->year}' AND
registrations_id='{$j->id}' AND
echo mysql_error();
if(mysql_num_rows($q) == 0) {
echo "Warning: Judge {$j->id} did not answer question '$head' in year '{$j->year}', cannot copy answer.\n";
$i = mysql_fetch_assoc($q);
$uj[$field] = $i['answer'];
// print_r($uj);
$fields = '`'.join('`,`', array_keys($uj)).'`';
$vals = "'".join("','", array_values($uj))."'";
$q = mysql_query("INSERT INTO users_judge ($fields) VALUES ($vals)");
echo mysql_error();
/* FIXUP all the judging tables (but don't write back yet, we don't want to
* accidentally create a duplicate judges_id and overwrite it later) */
/* judges_teams_link */
$q = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM judges_teams_link WHERE judges_id='{$j->id}' AND year='{$j->year}'");
while($i = mysql_fetch_object($q))
$jtl[$i->id] = $id;
/* judges_specialawards_sel */
$q = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM judges_specialaward_sel WHERE judges_id='{$j->id}' AND year='{$j->year}'");
echo mysql_error();
while($i = mysql_fetch_object($q))
$jsal[$i->id] = $id;
/* question_answers */
$q = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM question_answers WHERE registrations_id='{$j->id}' AND year='{$j->year}'");
echo mysql_error();
while($i = mysql_fetch_object($q))
$qa[$i->id] = $id;
/* Now write back the judge ids */
foreach($jtl as $id=>$new_id)
$q = mysql_query("UPDATE judges_teams_link SET judges_id='$new_id' WHERE id='$id' ");
foreach($jsal as $id=>$new_id)
$q = mysql_query("UPDATE judges_specialaward_sel SET judges_id='$new_id' WHERE id='$id' ");
foreach($qa as $id=>$new_id)
$q = mysql_query("UPDATE question_answers SET registrations_id='$new_id' WHERE id='$id' ");