2008-08-18 16:20:55 +00:00
* FCKeditor - The text editor for Internet - http://www.fckeditor.net
* Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Frederico Caldeira Knabben
* Licensed under the terms of any of the following licenses at your
* choice:
* - GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL")
* http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
* - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL")
* http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html
* - Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 or later (the "MPL")
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html
* This is the integration file for PHP 5.
* It defines the FCKeditor class that can be used to create editor
* instances in PHP pages on server side.
* Check if browser is compatible with FCKeditor.
* Return true if is compatible.
* @return boolean
function FCKeditor_IsCompatibleBrowser()
if ( isset( $_SERVER ) ) {
else {
if ( isset( $HTTP_SERVER_VARS ) ) {
else {
$sAgent = $HTTP_USER_AGENT ;
if ( strpos($sAgent, 'MSIE') !== false && strpos($sAgent, 'mac') === false && strpos($sAgent, 'Opera') === false )
$iVersion = (float)substr($sAgent, strpos($sAgent, 'MSIE') + 5, 3) ;
return ($iVersion >= 5.5) ;
else if ( strpos($sAgent, 'Gecko/') !== false )
$iVersion = (int)substr($sAgent, strpos($sAgent, 'Gecko/') + 6, 8) ;
return ($iVersion >= 20030210) ;
else if ( strpos($sAgent, 'Opera/') !== false )
$fVersion = (float)substr($sAgent, strpos($sAgent, 'Opera/') + 6, 4) ;
return ($fVersion >= 9.5) ;
else if ( preg_match( "|AppleWebKit/(\d+)|i", $sAgent, $matches ) )
$iVersion = $matches[1] ;
return ( $matches[1] >= 522 ) ;
return false ;
class FCKeditor
* Name of the FCKeditor instance.
* @access protected
* @var string
public $InstanceName ;
* Path to FCKeditor relative to the document root.
* @var string
public $BasePath ;
* Width of the FCKeditor.
* Examples: 100%, 600
* @var mixed
public $Width ;
* Height of the FCKeditor.
* Examples: 400, 50%
* @var mixed
public $Height ;
* Name of the toolbar to load.
* @var string
public $ToolbarSet ;
* Initial value.
* @var string
public $Value ;
* This is where additional configuration can be passed.
* Example:
* $oFCKeditor->Config['EnterMode'] = 'br';
* @var array
public $Config ;
* Main Constructor.
* Refer to the _samples/php directory for examples.
* @param string $instanceName
public function __construct( $instanceName )
$this->InstanceName = $instanceName ;
$this->BasePath = '/fckeditor/' ;
$this->Width = '100%' ;
$this->Height = '200' ;
$this->ToolbarSet = 'Default' ;
$this->Value = '' ;
$this->Config = array() ;
* Display FCKeditor.
public function Create()
echo $this->CreateHtml() ;
* Return the HTML code required to run FCKeditor.
* @return string
public function CreateHtml()
2024-12-20 15:48:48 -05:00
$HtmlValue = htmlspecialchars( get_value_property_or_default($this, 'Value', 'sdf') ) ;
2008-08-18 16:20:55 +00:00
$Html = '' ;
if ( $this->IsCompatible() )
if ( isset( $_GET['fcksource'] ) && $_GET['fcksource'] == "true" )
$File = 'fckeditor.original.html' ;
$File = 'fckeditor.html' ;
$Link = "{$this->BasePath}editor/{$File}?InstanceName={$this->InstanceName}" ;
if ( $this->ToolbarSet != '' )
$Link .= "&Toolbar={$this->ToolbarSet}" ;
// Render the linked hidden field.
$Html .= "<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"{$this->InstanceName}\" name=\"{$this->InstanceName}\" value=\"{$HtmlValue}\" style=\"display:none\" />" ;
// Render the configurations hidden field.
$Html .= "<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"{$this->InstanceName}___Config\" value=\"" . $this->GetConfigFieldString() . "\" style=\"display:none\" />" ;
// Render the editor IFRAME.
$Html .= "<iframe id=\"{$this->InstanceName}___Frame\" src=\"{$Link}\" width=\"{$this->Width}\" height=\"{$this->Height}\" frameborder=\"0\" scrolling=\"no\"></iframe>" ;
if ( strpos( $this->Width, '%' ) === false )
$WidthCSS = $this->Width . 'px' ;
$WidthCSS = $this->Width ;
if ( strpos( $this->Height, '%' ) === false )
$HeightCSS = $this->Height . 'px' ;
$HeightCSS = $this->Height ;
$Html .= "<textarea name=\"{$this->InstanceName}\" rows=\"4\" cols=\"40\" style=\"width: {$WidthCSS}; height: {$HeightCSS}\">{$HtmlValue}</textarea>" ;
return $Html ;
* Returns true if browser is compatible with FCKeditor.
* @return boolean
public function IsCompatible()
return FCKeditor_IsCompatibleBrowser() ;
* Get settings from Config array as a single string.
* @access protected
* @return string
public function GetConfigFieldString()
$sParams = '' ;
$bFirst = true ;
foreach ( $this->Config as $sKey => $sValue )
if ( $bFirst == false )
$sParams .= '&' ;
$bFirst = false ;
if ( $sValue === true )
$sParams .= $this->EncodeConfig( $sKey ) . '=true' ;
else if ( $sValue === false )
$sParams .= $this->EncodeConfig( $sKey ) . '=false' ;
$sParams .= $this->EncodeConfig( $sKey ) . '=' . $this->EncodeConfig( $sValue ) ;
return $sParams ;
* Encode characters that may break the configuration string
* generated by GetConfigFieldString().
* @access protected
* @param string $valueToEncode
* @return string
public function EncodeConfig( $valueToEncode )
$chars = array(
'&' => '%26',
'=' => '%3D',
'"' => '%22' ) ;
return strtr( $valueToEncode, $chars ) ;