2009-04-20 05:02:23 +00:00
< ?
This file is part of the 'Science Fair In A Box' project
SFIAB Website : http :// www . sfiab . ca
Copyright ( C ) 2007 James Grant < james @ lightbox . org >
Copyright ( C ) 2009 David Grant < dave @ lightbox . org >
This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation , version 2.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details .
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program ; see the file COPYING . If not , write to
the Free Software Foundation , Inc . , 59 Temple Place - Suite 330 ,
Boston , MA 02111 - 1307 , USA .
< ?
require_once ( '../common.inc.php' );
require_once ( '../user.inc.php' );
user_auth_required ( 'committee' , 'admin' );
require_once ( 'xml.inc.php' );
send_header ( " Fair Stats " ,
array ( 'Committee Main' => 'committee_main.php' ,
'Administration' => 'admin/index.php' ),
" one-click_ysf_affiliation_stats "
echo " <br /> " ;
/* SFIAB config options server side */
$server_config = array ();
$server_config [ 'fair_stats_participation' ] = 'no' ;
$server_config [ 'fair_stats_schools_ext' ] = 'no' ;
$server_config [ 'fair_stats_minorities' ] = 'no' ;
$server_config [ 'fair_stats_guests' ] = 'no' ;
2009-04-20 05:27:06 +00:00
$server_config [ 'fair_stats_sffbc_misc' ] = 'no' ;
2009-04-20 05:02:23 +00:00
function curl_query ( $fair , $xml )
switch ( $fair [ 'type' ]) {
case 'sfiab' :
$url = $fair [ 'url' ] . '/xmltransport.php' ;
break ;
case 'ysf' :
$url = " https://secure.ysf-fsj.ca/registration/xmlaffiliation.php " ;
break ;
$ch = curl_init (); /// initialize a cURL session
curl_setopt ( $ch , CURLOPT_URL , $url );
curl_setopt ( $ch , CURLOPT_HEADER , 0 ); /// Header control
curl_setopt ( $ch , CURLOPT_POST , 1 ); /// tell it to make a POST, not a GET
curl_setopt ( $ch , CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS , " xml= " . urlencode ( $xml )); /// put the query string here starting with "?"
curl_setopt ( $ch , CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER , 1 ); /// This allows the output to be set into a variable $datastream
curl_setopt ( $ch , CURLOPT_POSTFIELDSIZE , 0 );
curl_setopt ( $ch , CURLOPT_TIMEOUT , 360 );
curl_setopt ( $ch , CURLOPT_SSLVERSION , 3 );
curl_setopt ( $ch , CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER , false );
$datastream = curl_exec ( $ch ); /// execute the curl session and return the output to a variable $datastream
$datastream = str_replace ( " standalone= \" yes \" " , " " , $datastream );
curl_close ( $ch ); /// close the curl session
switch ( $fair [ 'type' ]) {
case 'sfiab' :
$d = xml_parsexml ( urldecode ( $datastream ));
$datastream = $d [ 'sfiab' ][ 0 ];
break ;
case 'ysf' :
break ;
return $datastream ;
if ( $_GET [ 'year' ]) $year = intval ( $_GET [ 'year' ]);
else $year = $config [ 'FAIRYEAR' ];
if ( $_GET [ 'id' ]) $fairs_id = intval ( $_GET [ 'id' ]);
else if ( $_POST [ 'id' ]) $fairs_id = intval ( $_POST [ 'id' ]);
else $fairs_id = - 1 ;
if ( $fairs_id != - 1 ) {
$q = mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM fairs WHERE id=' $fairs_id ' " );
$fair = mysql_fetch_assoc ( $q );
if ( $_POST [ 'action' ] == " sendstats " && $_POST [ 'xml' ]) {
if ( function_exists ( 'curl_init' )) {
$r = curl_query ( $fair , $_POST [ 'xml' ]);
if ( $r [ 'error' ][ 0 ] == 0 )
echo happy ( i18n ( " The %1 Server said: " , array ( $fair [ 'name' ])) . ' ' . $r [ 'message' ][ 0 ]);
echo error ( i18n ( " The %1 Server said: " , array ( $fair [ 'name' ])) . ' ' . $r [ 'message' ][ 0 ]);
$fairs_id = - 1 ;
$year = $config [ 'FAIRYEAR' ];
} else {
echo error ( " CURL Support Missing " );
echo i18n ( " Your PHP installation does not support CURL. You will need to login to the YSF system as the regional coodinator and upload the XML data manually " );
send_footer ();
exit ;
echo " <form name= \" fairselect \" action= \" $PHPSELF\ " method = \ " get \" > " ;
$q = mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM fairs WHERE `type`='sfiab' OR `type`='ysf' " );
echo " <select name= \" id \" \" > " ;
echo " <option value= \" \" > " . i18n ( " Choose a fair " ) . " </option> \n " ;
while ( $r = mysql_fetch_object ( $q )) {
if ( $fairs_id == $r -> id ) $sel = " selected= \" selected \" " ; else $sel = " " ;
echo " <option $sel value= \" { $r -> id } \" > { $r -> name } ( { $r -> abbrv } )</option> \n " ;
$q = mysql_query ( " SELECT DISTINCT(year) AS year FROM config WHERE year>0 ORDER BY year " );
echo " <select name= \" year \" > " ;
echo " <option value= \" \" > " . i18n ( " Choose a year " ) . " </option> \n " ;
while ( $r = mysql_fetch_object ( $q )) {
if ( $year == $r -> year ) $sel = " selected= \" selected \" " ; else $sel = " " ;
echo " <option $sel value= \" $r->year\ " > $r -> year </ option > \n " ;
echo " </select> \n " ;
echo " <input type= \" submit \" name= \" submit \" value= \" " . i18n ( 'Prepare Stats' ) . " \" /> " ;
echo " </form> " ;
echo " <br /> " ;
echo " <hr /> " ;
if ( $fairs_id == - 1 ) {
echo i18n ( 'Statistics will be shown below this line before being sent. Please select a fair and year first.' );
/* Wait for them to select somethign before generating stats */
send_footer ();
exit ;
2009-04-20 05:27:06 +00:00
echo i18n ( 'This server has requested the following stats:' );
echo '<br /><br />' ;
2009-04-20 05:02:23 +00:00
/* Query the server to see what stats we need */
$xmldata = array ( " sfiab " => array (
" username " => $fair [ 'username' ],
" password " => $fair [ 'password' ],
" getstats " => array ( 'year' => $year )));
$output = " " ;
xmlCreateRecurse ( $xmldata );
$xml = $output ;
$data = curl_query ( $fair , $xml );
if ( $data [ 'error' ][ 0 ] != 0 ) {
echo error ( " Server said: { $data [ 'message' ][ 0 ] } <br /> " );
send_footer ();
exit ;
foreach ( $server_config as $k => $v ) {
$server_config [ $k ] = $data [ 'statconfig' ][ 0 ][ $k ][ 0 ];
/* Gather all stats, then we'll decide what to send */
$stats = array ();
$stats [ 'year' ] = $year ;
/* Now, overwrite all the stats with what we pulled down from the server */
if ( is_array ( $data [ 'stats' ][ 0 ])) {
foreach ( $data [ 'stats' ][ 0 ] as $k => $v ) {
$stats [ $k ] = $v [ 0 ];
/* And now, overwrite all the stuff we pulled down with stats we can compute */
//number of schools
$q = mysql_query ( " SELECT COUNT(id) AS num FROM schools WHERE year=' $year ' " );
$r = mysql_fetch_object ( $q );
$stats [ 'schools_total' ] = $r -> num ;
//number of schools participating
$q = mysql_query ( " SELECT DISTINCT(students.schools_id) AS sid, schools.*
FROM students
LEFT JOIN registrations ON students . registrations_id = registrations . id
LEFT JOIN schools ON students . schools_id = schools . id
WHERE students . year = '$year'
AND registrations . year = '$year'
AND ( registrations . status = 'complete' OR registrations . status = 'paymentpending' ) " );
$stats [ 'schools_active' ] = mysql_num_rows ( $q );
$stats [ 'students_public' ] = 0 ;
$stats [ 'students_private' ] = 0 ;
$stats [ 'schools_atrisk' ] = 0 ;
2009-04-20 05:27:06 +00:00
$districts = array ();
2009-04-20 05:02:23 +00:00
while ( $si = mysql_fetch_assoc ( $q )) {
2009-04-20 05:27:06 +00:00
if ( $si [ 'designate' ] == 'public' )
2009-04-20 05:02:23 +00:00
$stats [ 'students_public' ] ++ ;
2009-04-20 05:27:06 +00:00
if ( $si [ 'designate' ] == 'independent' )
2009-04-20 05:02:23 +00:00
$stats [ 'students_private' ] ++ ;
2009-04-20 05:27:06 +00:00
if ( $si [ 'atrisk' ] == 'yes' )
2009-04-20 05:02:23 +00:00
$stats [ 'schools_atrisk' ] ++ ;
2009-04-20 05:27:06 +00:00
$bd = $si [ 'board' ] . '~' . $si [ 'district' ];
if ( ! in_array ( $db , $districts )) $districts [] = $bd ;
2009-04-20 05:02:23 +00:00
2009-04-20 05:27:06 +00:00
$stats [ 'schools_districts' ] = count ( $districts );
2009-04-20 05:02:23 +00:00
//numbers of students:
$q = mysql_query ( " SELECT students.*,schools.*
FROM students
LEFT JOIN registrations ON students . registrations_id = registrations . id
LEFT JOIN schools on students . schools_id = schools . id
WHERE students . year = '$year'
AND registrations . year = '$year'
AND ( registrations . status = 'complete' OR registrations . status = 'paymentpending' ) " );
echo mysql_error ();
$stats [ 'students_total' ] = mysql_num_rows ( $q );
$stats [ 'students_public' ] = 0 ;
$stats [ 'students_private' ] = 0 ;
$stats [ 'students_atrisk' ] = 0 ;
$grademap = array ( 1 => 1 , 2 => 1 , 3 => 1 , 4 => 4 , 5 => 4 , 6 => 4 , 7 => 7 , 8 => 7 ,
9 => 9 , 10 => 9 , 11 => 11 , 12 => 11 , 13 => 11 );
foreach ( $grademap as $k => $g ) {
$stats [ " male_ $g " ] = 0 ;
$stats [ " female_ $g " ] = 0 ;
$stats [ " projects_ $g " ] = 0 ;
$unknown = array ();
while ( $s = mysql_fetch_assoc ( $q )) {
if ( ! in_array ( $s [ 'sex' ], array ( 'male' , 'female' )))
$unknown [ $grademap [ $s [ 'grade' ]]] ++ ;
$stats [ " { $s [ 'sex' ] } _ { $grademap [ $s [ 'grade' ]] } " ] ++ ;
if ( $s [ 'designate' ] == 'public' )
$stats [ 'students_public' ] ++ ;
if ( $s [ 'designate' ] == 'independent' )
$stats [ 'students_private' ] ++ ;
if ( $s [ 'atrisk' ] == 'yes' )
$stats [ 'students_atrisk' ] ++ ;
foreach ( $unknown as $g => $a ) {
$m = round ( $a / 2 );
$f = $a - $m ;
$stats [ " male_ $g " ] += $m ;
$stats [ " female_ $g " ] += $f ;
$q = mysql_query ( " SELECT MAX(students.grade) AS grade FROM students
LEFT JOIN registrations ON students . registrations_id = registrations . id
LEFT JOIN projects ON projects . registrations_id = registrations . id
WHERE students . year = '$year'
AND registrations . year = '$year'
AND projects . year = '$year'
AND ( registrations . status = 'complete' OR registrations . status = 'paymentpending' )
GROUP BY projects . id " );
echo mysql_error ();
while ( $r = mysql_fetch_assoc ( $q )) {
$stats [ " projects_ { $grademap [ $r [ 'grade' ]] } " ] ++ ;
$q = mysql_query ( " SELECT COUNT(id) AS num FROM users
LEFT JOIN users_committee ON users_committee . users_id = users . id
WHERE types LIKE '%committee%'
AND year = '$year'
AND users_committee . committee_active = 'yes'
AND deleted = 'no' " );
$r = mysql_fetch_object ( $q );
$stats [ 'committee_members' ] = $r -> num ;
$q = mysql_query ( " SELECT COUNT(id) AS num FROM users LEFT JOIN users_judge ON users_judge.users_id=users.id
WHERE users . year = '$year'
AND users . types LIKE '%judge%'
AND users . deleted = 'no'
AND users_judge . judge_complete = 'yes'
AND users_judge . judge_active = 'yes' " );
$r = mysql_fetch_object ( $q );
$stats [ 'judges' ] = $r -> num ;
/* Print all blocks the server requests */
if ( $server_config [ 'fair_stats_participation' ] == 'yes' ) {
$rangemap = array ( 1 => '1-3' , 4 => '4-6' , 7 => '7-8' , 9 => '9-10' , 11 => '11-12' );
echo '<b>' . i18n ( 'Fair participation' ) . '</b><br />' ;
echo '<br />' ;
echo i18n ( " Number of students: %1 " , array ( $stats [ 'students_total' ]));
echo '<table><tr><td></td><td></td><td></td><td align=\"center\">' . i18n ( 'Grade' ) . '</td><td></td><td></td></tr>' ;
echo '<tr><td></td>' ;
foreach ( $rangemap as $k => $v ) echo " <td align= \" center \" width= \" 50px \" > $v </td> " ;
echo '</tr><tr>' ;
echo '<td>' . i18n ( 'Male' ) . '</td>' ;
foreach ( $rangemap as $k => $v ) echo " <td align= \" right \" > { $stats [ " male_ $k " ] } </td> " ;
echo '</tr><tr>' ;
echo '<td>' . i18n ( 'Female' ) . '</td>' ;
foreach ( $rangemap as $k => $v ) echo " <td align= \" right \" > { $stats [ " female_ $k " ] } </td> " ;
echo '</tr><tr>' ;
echo '<td>' . i18n ( 'Projects' ) . '</td>' ;
foreach ( $rangemap as $k => $v ) echo " <td align= \" right \" > { $stats [ " projects_ $k " ] } </td> " ;
echo '</tr>' ;
echo '</table>' ;
echo '<br />' ;
echo i18n ( " Number of schools: %1 " , array ( $stats [ 'schools_total' ]));
echo '<br />' ;
echo i18n ( " Number of active schools: %1 " , array ( $stats [ 'schools_active' ]));
echo '<br />' ;
echo '<br />' ;
echo i18n ( " Number of committee members: %1 (note: this is number of committee members who logged in to SFIAB for the year, anyone who was active but didn't log in to SFIAB will NOT be counted) " , array ( $stats [ 'committee_members' ]));
echo '<br />' ;
echo i18n ( " Number of judges: %1 " , array ( $stats [ 'judges' ]));
echo '<br />' ;
echo '<br />' ;
echo '<br />' ;
if ( $server_config [ 'fair_stats_schools_ext' ] == 'yes' ) {
echo '<b>' . i18n ( 'Extended School/Participant data' ) . '</b><br />' ;
echo '<br />' ;
echo i18n ( 'Public schools: %1 (%2 students).' , array (
$stats [ 'schools_public' ], $stats [ 'students_public' ]));
echo '<br />' ;
echo i18n ( 'Private/Independent schools: %1 (%2 students).' , array (
$stats [ 'schools_private' ], $stats [ 'students_private' ]));
echo '<br />' ;
echo i18n ( 'At-risk/inner city schools: %1 (%2 students).' , array (
$stats [ 'schools_atrisk' ], $stats [ 'students_atrisk' ]));
echo '<br />' ;
echo '<br />' ;
echo '<br />' ;
if ( $server_config [ 'fair_stats_minorities' ] != '' ) {
echo '<b>' . i18n ( 'Data on minority groups' ) . '</b><br />' ;
echo '<br />' ;
2009-04-20 05:27:06 +00:00
echo '<table>' ;
if ( strstr ( 'firstnations' , $server_config [ 'fair_stats_minorities' ]) != false ) {
echo '<tr><td>' . i18n ( 'Number of First Nations students' );
echo " : </td><td><input type= \" text \" name= \" firstnations \" value= \" { $stats [ 'firstnations' ] } \" size= \" 5 \" /> " ;
echo '</td></tr>' ;
echo '</table>' ;
2009-04-20 05:02:23 +00:00
echo '<br />' ;
echo '<br />' ;
if ( $server_config [ 'fair_stats_guests' ] == 'yes' ) {
echo '<b>' . i18n ( 'Guests visiting the fair' ) . '</b><br />' ;
echo '<br />' ;
2009-04-20 05:27:06 +00:00
echo '<table>' ;
echo '<tr><td>' . i18n ( 'Number of Students that visited the fair (tours, etc.)' );
echo " : </td><td><input type= \" text \" name= \" studentsvisiting \" value= \" { $stats [ 'studentsvisiting' ] } \" size= \" 5 \" /> " ;
echo '</td></tr>' ;
echo '<tr><td>' . i18n ( 'Number of Public Guests that visited the fair' );
echo " : </td><td><input type= \" text \" name= \" publicvisiting \" value= \" { $stats [ 'publicvisiting' ] } \" size= \" 5 \" /> " ;
echo '</td></tr>' ;
echo '</table>' ;
2009-04-20 05:02:23 +00:00
echo '<br />' ;
echo '<br />' ;
2009-04-20 05:27:06 +00:00
if ( $server_config [ 'fair_stats_sffbc_misc' ] == 'yes' ) {
echo '<b>' . i18n ( 'Misc. SFFBC Questions' ) . '</b><br />' ;
echo '<br />' ;
echo '<table>' ;
echo '<tr><td>' . i18n ( 'Number of Teachers supporting student projects: ' );
echo " : </td><td><input type= \" text \" name= \" teacherssupporting \" value= \" { $stats [ 'teacherssupporting' ] } \" size= \" 5 \" /> " ;
echo '</td></tr>' ;
echo '<tr><td>' . i18n ( 'Number of Students indicating increased interest in science & technology: ' );
echo " : </td><td><input type= \" text \" name= \" increasedinterest \" value= \" { $stats [ 'increasedinterest' ] } \" size= \" 5 \" /> " ;
echo '</td></tr>' ;
echo '<tr><td>' . i18n ( 'Number of Students considering careers in science & technology: ' );
echo " : </td><td><input type= \" text \" name= \" consideringcareer \" value= \" { $stats [ 'consideringcareer' ] } \" size= \" 5 \" /> " ;
echo '</td></tr>' ;
echo '</table>' ;
echo '<br />' ;
echo '<br />' ;
/* Number of Teachers supporting student projects :
Number of Students indicating increased interest in science & technology :
Number of Students considering careers in science & technology :
2009-04-20 05:02:23 +00:00
echo " <br /> " ;
echo " <br /> " ;
/* Format XML output, and print it, last chance for the user to edit it */
if ( $fair [ 'type' ] == 'ysf' ) {
/* Map data into YSF tags */
} else {
$xmldata = array ( " sfiab " => array (
" username " => $fair [ 'username' ],
" password " => $fair [ 'password' ],
" stats " => $stats ));
$output = " " ;
xmlCreateRecurse ( $xmldata );
$xml = $output ;
2009-04-20 05:27:06 +00:00
echo '<hr />' ;
2009-04-20 05:02:23 +00:00
echo " <h3> " . i18n ( " The following data will be sent to " ) . " { $fair [ 'name' ] } </h3> " ;
echo " <form method= \" post \" action= \" $PHPSELF\ " > " ;
echo " <input type= \" hidden \" name= \" action \" value= \" sendstats \" > " ;
echo " <input type= \" hidden \" name= \" id \" value= \" $fairs_id\ " > " ;
echo " <textarea rows= \" 15 \" cols= \" 80 \" name= \" xml \" > " ;
echo $xml ;
echo " </textarea> " ;
echo " <br /> " ;
echo " <br /> " ;
echo " <input type= \" submit \" value= \" " . i18n ( " Send stats to " ) . " { $fair [ 'name' ] } \" > " ;
echo " </form> " ;
echo " <hr /><pre> " ;
print_r ( $fair );
print_r ( $server_config );
print_r ( $stats );
echo " </pre> " ;
send_footer ();