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1058 lines
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1058 lines
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* FCKeditor - The text editor for Internet -
* Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Frederico Caldeira Knabben
* Licensed under the terms of any of the following licenses at your
* choice:
* - GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL")
* - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL")
* - Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 or later (the "MPL")
* Utility functions to work with the DOM.
var FCKDomTools =
* Move all child nodes from one node to another.
MoveChildren : function( source, target, toTargetStart )
if ( source == target )
return ;
var eChild ;
if ( toTargetStart )
while ( (eChild = source.lastChild) )
target.insertBefore( source.removeChild( eChild ), target.firstChild ) ;
while ( (eChild = source.firstChild) )
target.appendChild( source.removeChild( eChild ) ) ;
MoveNode : function( source, target, toTargetStart )
if ( toTargetStart )
target.insertBefore( FCKDomTools.RemoveNode( source ), target.firstChild ) ;
target.appendChild( FCKDomTools.RemoveNode( source ) ) ;
// Remove blank spaces from the beginning and the end of the contents of a node.
TrimNode : function( node )
this.LTrimNode( node ) ;
this.RTrimNode( node ) ;
LTrimNode : function( node )
var eChildNode ;
while ( (eChildNode = node.firstChild) )
if ( eChildNode.nodeType == 3 )
var sTrimmed = eChildNode.nodeValue.LTrim() ;
var iOriginalLength = eChildNode.nodeValue.length ;
if ( sTrimmed.length == 0 )
node.removeChild( eChildNode ) ;
continue ;
else if ( sTrimmed.length < iOriginalLength )
eChildNode.splitText( iOriginalLength - sTrimmed.length ) ;
node.removeChild( node.firstChild ) ;
break ;
RTrimNode : function( node )
var eChildNode ;
while ( (eChildNode = node.lastChild) )
if ( eChildNode.nodeType == 3 )
var sTrimmed = eChildNode.nodeValue.RTrim() ;
var iOriginalLength = eChildNode.nodeValue.length ;
if ( sTrimmed.length == 0 )
// If the trimmed text node is empty, just remove it.
// Use "eChildNode.parentNode" instead of "node" to avoid IE bug (#81).
eChildNode.parentNode.removeChild( eChildNode ) ;
continue ;
else if ( sTrimmed.length < iOriginalLength )
// If the trimmed text length is less than the original
// length, strip all spaces from the end by splitting
// the text and removing the resulting useless node.
eChildNode.splitText( sTrimmed.length ) ;
// Use "node.lastChild.parentNode" instead of "node" to avoid IE bug (#81).
node.lastChild.parentNode.removeChild( node.lastChild ) ;
break ;
if ( !FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE && !FCKBrowserInfo.IsOpera )
eChildNode = node.lastChild ;
if ( eChildNode && eChildNode.nodeType == 1 && eChildNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'br' )
// Use "eChildNode.parentNode" instead of "node" to avoid IE bug (#324).
eChildNode.parentNode.removeChild( eChildNode ) ;
RemoveNode : function( node, excludeChildren )
if ( excludeChildren )
// Move all children before the node.
var eChild ;
while ( (eChild = node.firstChild) )
node.parentNode.insertBefore( node.removeChild( eChild ), node ) ;
return node.parentNode.removeChild( node ) ;
GetFirstChild : function( node, childNames )
// If childNames is a string, transform it in a Array.
if ( typeof ( childNames ) == 'string' )
childNames = [ childNames ] ;
var eChild = node.firstChild ;
while( eChild )
if ( eChild.nodeType == 1 && eChild.tagName.Equals.apply( eChild.tagName, childNames ) )
return eChild ;
eChild = eChild.nextSibling ;
return null ;
GetLastChild : function( node, childNames )
// If childNames is a string, transform it in a Array.
if ( typeof ( childNames ) == 'string' )
childNames = [ childNames ] ;
var eChild = node.lastChild ;
while( eChild )
if ( eChild.nodeType == 1 && ( !childNames || eChild.tagName.Equals( childNames ) ) )
return eChild ;
eChild = eChild.previousSibling ;
return null ;
* Gets the previous element (nodeType=1) in the source order. Returns
* "null" If no element is found.
* @param {Object} currentNode The node to start searching from.
* @param {Boolean} ignoreSpaceTextOnly Sets how text nodes will be
* handled. If set to "true", only white spaces text nodes
* will be ignored, while non white space text nodes will stop
* the search, returning null. If "false" or omitted, all
* text nodes are ignored.
* @param {string[]} stopSearchElements An array of element names that
* will cause the search to stop when found, returning null.
* May be omitted (or null).
* @param {string[]} ignoreElements An array of element names that
* must be ignored during the search.
GetPreviousSourceElement : function( currentNode, ignoreSpaceTextOnly, stopSearchElements, ignoreElements )
if ( !currentNode )
return null ;
if ( stopSearchElements && currentNode.nodeType == 1 && currentNode.nodeName.IEquals( stopSearchElements ) )
return null ;
if ( currentNode.previousSibling )
currentNode = currentNode.previousSibling ;
return this.GetPreviousSourceElement( currentNode.parentNode, ignoreSpaceTextOnly, stopSearchElements, ignoreElements ) ;
while ( currentNode )
if ( currentNode.nodeType == 1 )
if ( stopSearchElements && currentNode.nodeName.IEquals( stopSearchElements ) )
break ;
if ( !ignoreElements || !currentNode.nodeName.IEquals( ignoreElements ) )
return currentNode ;
else if ( ignoreSpaceTextOnly && currentNode.nodeType == 3 && currentNode.nodeValue.RTrim().length > 0 )
break ;
if ( currentNode.lastChild )
currentNode = currentNode.lastChild ;
return this.GetPreviousSourceElement( currentNode, ignoreSpaceTextOnly, stopSearchElements, ignoreElements ) ;
return null ;
* Gets the next element (nodeType=1) in the source order. Returns
* "null" If no element is found.
* @param {Object} currentNode The node to start searching from.
* @param {Boolean} ignoreSpaceTextOnly Sets how text nodes will be
* handled. If set to "true", only white spaces text nodes
* will be ignored, while non white space text nodes will stop
* the search, returning null. If "false" or omitted, all
* text nodes are ignored.
* @param {string[]} stopSearchElements An array of element names that
* will cause the search to stop when found, returning null.
* May be omitted (or null).
* @param {string[]} ignoreElements An array of element names that
* must be ignored during the search.
GetNextSourceElement : function( currentNode, ignoreSpaceTextOnly, stopSearchElements, ignoreElements, startFromSibling )
while( ( currentNode = this.GetNextSourceNode( currentNode, startFromSibling ) ) ) // Only one "=".
if ( currentNode.nodeType == 1 )
if ( stopSearchElements && currentNode.nodeName.IEquals( stopSearchElements ) )
break ;
if ( ignoreElements && currentNode.nodeName.IEquals( ignoreElements ) )
return this.GetNextSourceElement( currentNode, ignoreSpaceTextOnly, stopSearchElements, ignoreElements ) ;
return currentNode ;
else if ( ignoreSpaceTextOnly && currentNode.nodeType == 3 && currentNode.nodeValue.RTrim().length > 0 )
break ;
return null ;
* Get the next DOM node available in source order.
GetNextSourceNode : function( currentNode, startFromSibling, nodeType, stopSearchNode )
if ( !currentNode )
return null ;
var node ;
if ( !startFromSibling && currentNode.firstChild )
node = currentNode.firstChild ;
if ( stopSearchNode && currentNode == stopSearchNode )
return null ;
node = currentNode.nextSibling ;
if ( !node && ( !stopSearchNode || stopSearchNode != currentNode.parentNode ) )
return this.GetNextSourceNode( currentNode.parentNode, true, nodeType, stopSearchNode ) ;
if ( nodeType && node && node.nodeType != nodeType )
return this.GetNextSourceNode( node, false, nodeType, stopSearchNode ) ;
return node ;
* Get the next DOM node available in source order.
GetPreviousSourceNode : function( currentNode, startFromSibling, nodeType, stopSearchNode )
if ( !currentNode )
return null ;
var node ;
if ( !startFromSibling && currentNode.lastChild )
node = currentNode.lastChild ;
if ( stopSearchNode && currentNode == stopSearchNode )
return null ;
node = currentNode.previousSibling ;
if ( !node && ( !stopSearchNode || stopSearchNode != currentNode.parentNode ) )
return this.GetPreviousSourceNode( currentNode.parentNode, true, nodeType, stopSearchNode ) ;
if ( nodeType && node && node.nodeType != nodeType )
return this.GetPreviousSourceNode( node, false, nodeType, stopSearchNode ) ;
return node ;
// Inserts a element after a existing one.
InsertAfterNode : function( existingNode, newNode )
return existingNode.parentNode.insertBefore( newNode, existingNode.nextSibling ) ;
GetParents : function( node )
var parents = new Array() ;
while ( node )
parents.unshift( node ) ;
node = node.parentNode ;
return parents ;
GetCommonParents : function( node1, node2 )
var p1 = this.GetParents( node1 ) ;
var p2 = this.GetParents( node2 ) ;
var retval = [] ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < p1.length ; i++ )
if ( p1[i] == p2[i] )
retval.push( p1[i] ) ;
return retval ;
GetCommonParentNode : function( node1, node2, tagList )
var tagMap = {} ;
if ( ! tagList.pop )
tagList = [ tagList ] ;
while ( tagList.length > 0 )
tagMap[tagList.pop().toLowerCase()] = 1 ;
var commonParents = this.GetCommonParents( node1, node2 ) ;
var currentParent = null ;
while ( ( currentParent = commonParents.pop() ) )
if ( tagMap[currentParent.nodeName.toLowerCase()] )
return currentParent ;
return null ;
GetIndexOf : function( node )
var currentNode = node.parentNode ? node.parentNode.firstChild : null ;
var currentIndex = -1 ;
while ( currentNode )
currentIndex++ ;
if ( currentNode == node )
return currentIndex ;
currentNode = currentNode.nextSibling ;
return -1 ;
PaddingNode : null,
EnforcePaddingNode : function( doc, tagName )
// In IE it can happen when the page is reloaded that doc or doc.body is null, so exit here
if ( !doc || !doc.body )
return ;
catch (e)
return ;
this.CheckAndRemovePaddingNode( doc, tagName, true ) ;
if ( doc.body.lastChild && ( doc.body.lastChild.nodeType != 1
|| doc.body.lastChild.tagName.toLowerCase() == tagName.toLowerCase() ) )
return ;
catch (e)
return ;
var node = doc.createElement( tagName ) ;
if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsGecko && FCKListsLib.NonEmptyBlockElements[ tagName ] )
FCKTools.AppendBogusBr( node ) ;
this.PaddingNode = node ;
if ( doc.body.childNodes.length == 1
&& doc.body.firstChild.nodeType == 1
&& doc.body.firstChild.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'br'
&& ( doc.body.firstChild.getAttribute( '_moz_dirty' ) != null
|| doc.body.firstChild.getAttribute( 'type' ) == '_moz' ) )
doc.body.replaceChild( node, doc.body.firstChild ) ;
doc.body.appendChild( node ) ;
CheckAndRemovePaddingNode : function( doc, tagName, dontRemove )
var paddingNode = this.PaddingNode ;
if ( ! paddingNode )
return ;
// If the padding node is changed, remove its status as a padding node.
if ( paddingNode.parentNode != doc.body
|| paddingNode.tagName.toLowerCase() != tagName
|| ( paddingNode.childNodes.length > 1 )
|| ( paddingNode.firstChild && paddingNode.firstChild.nodeValue != '\xa0'
&& String(paddingNode.firstChild.tagName).toLowerCase() != 'br' ) )
this.PaddingNode = null ;
return ;
catch (e)
this.PaddingNode = null ;
return ;
// Now we're sure the padding node exists, and it is unchanged, and it
// isn't the only node in doc.body, remove it.
if ( !dontRemove )
if ( paddingNode.parentNode.childNodes.length > 1 )
paddingNode.parentNode.removeChild( paddingNode ) ;
this.PaddingNode = null ;
HasAttribute : function( element, attributeName )
if ( element.hasAttribute )
return element.hasAttribute( attributeName ) ;
var att = element.attributes[ attributeName ] ;
return ( att != undefined && att.specified ) ;
* Checks if an element has "specified" attributes.
HasAttributes : function( element )
var attributes = element.attributes ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < attributes.length ; i++ )
if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE && attributes[i].nodeName == 'class' )
// IE has a strange bug. If calling removeAttribute('className'),
// the attributes collection will still contain the "class"
// attribute, which will be marked as "specified", even if the
// outerHTML of the element is not displaying the class attribute.
// Note : I was not able to reproduce it outside the editor,
// but I've faced it while working on the TC of #1391.
if ( element.className.length > 0 )
return true ;
else if ( attributes[i].specified )
return true ;
return false ;
* Remove an attribute from an element.
RemoveAttribute : function( element, attributeName )
if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE && attributeName.toLowerCase() == 'class' )
attributeName = 'className' ;
return element.removeAttribute( attributeName, 0 ) ;
* Removes an array of attributes from an element
RemoveAttributes : function (element, aAttributes )
for ( var i = 0 ; i < aAttributes.length ; i++ )
this.RemoveAttribute( element, aAttributes[i] );
GetAttributeValue : function( element, att )
var attName = att ;
if ( typeof att == 'string' )
att = element.attributes[ att ] ;
attName = att.nodeName ;
if ( att && att.specified )
// IE returns "null" for the nodeValue of a "style" attribute.
if ( attName == 'style' )
return ;
// There are two cases when the nodeValue must be used:
// - for the "class" attribute (all browsers).
// - for events attributes (IE only).
else if ( attName == 'class' || attName.indexOf('on') == 0 )
return att.nodeValue ;
// Use getAttribute to get its value exactly as it is
// defined.
return element.getAttribute( attName, 2 ) ;
return null ;
* Checks whether one element contains the other.
Contains : function( mainElement, otherElement )
// IE supports contains, but only for element nodes.
if ( mainElement.contains && otherElement.nodeType == 1 )
return mainElement.contains( otherElement ) ;
while ( ( otherElement = otherElement.parentNode ) ) // Only one "="
if ( otherElement == mainElement )
return true ;
return false ;
* Breaks a parent element in the position of one of its contained elements.
* For example, in the following case:
* <b>This <i>is some<span /> sample</i> test text</b>
* If element = <span />, we have these results:
* <b>This <i>is some</i><span /><i> sample</i> test text</b> (If parent = <i>)
* <b>This <i>is some</i></b><span /><b><i> sample</i> test text</b> (If parent = <b>)
BreakParent : function( element, parent, reusableRange )
var range = reusableRange || new FCKDomRange( FCKTools.GetElementWindow( element ) ) ;
// We'll be extracting part of this element, so let's use our
// range to get the correct piece.
range.SetStart( element, 4 ) ;
range.SetEnd( parent, 4 ) ;
// Extract it.
var docFrag = range.ExtractContents() ;
// Move the element outside the broken element.
range.InsertNode( element.parentNode.removeChild( element ) ) ;
// Re-insert the extracted piece after the element.
docFrag.InsertAfterNode( element ) ;
range.Release( !!reusableRange ) ;
* Retrieves a uniquely identifiable tree address of a DOM tree node.
* The tree address returns is an array of integers, with each integer
* indicating a child index from a DOM tree node, starting from
* document.documentElement.
* For example, assuming <body> is the second child from <html> (<head>
* being the first), and we'd like to address the third child under the
* fourth child of body, the tree address returned would be:
* [1, 3, 2]
* The tree address cannot be used for finding back the DOM tree node once
* the DOM tree structure has been modified.
GetNodeAddress : function( node, normalized )
var retval = [] ;
while ( node && node != FCKTools.GetElementDocument( node ).documentElement )
var parentNode = node.parentNode ;
var currentIndex = -1 ;
for( var i = 0 ; i < parentNode.childNodes.length ; i++ )
var candidate = parentNode.childNodes[i] ;
if ( normalized === true &&
candidate.nodeType == 3 &&
candidate.previousSibling &&
candidate.previousSibling.nodeType == 3 )
currentIndex++ ;
if ( parentNode.childNodes[i] == node )
break ;
retval.unshift( currentIndex ) ;
node = node.parentNode ;
return retval ;
* The reverse transformation of FCKDomTools.GetNodeAddress(). This
* function returns the DOM node pointed to by its index address.
GetNodeFromAddress : function( doc, addr, normalized )
var cursor = doc.documentElement ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < addr.length ; i++ )
var target = addr[i] ;
if ( ! normalized )
cursor = cursor.childNodes[target] ;
continue ;
var currentIndex = -1 ;
for (var j = 0 ; j < cursor.childNodes.length ; j++ )
var candidate = cursor.childNodes[j] ;
if ( normalized === true &&
candidate.nodeType == 3 &&
candidate.previousSibling &&
candidate.previousSibling.nodeType == 3 )
continue ;
currentIndex++ ;
if ( currentIndex == target )
cursor = candidate ;
break ;
return cursor ;
CloneElement : function( element )
element = element.cloneNode( false ) ;
// The "id" attribute should never be cloned to avoid duplication.
element.removeAttribute( 'id', false ) ;
return element ;
ClearElementJSProperty : function( element, attrName )
if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE )
element.removeAttribute( attrName ) ;
delete element[attrName] ;
SetElementMarker : function ( markerObj, element, attrName, value)
var id = String( parseInt( Math.random() * 0xffffffff, 10 ) ) ;
element._FCKMarkerId = id ;
element[attrName] = value ;
if ( ! markerObj[id] )
markerObj[id] = { 'element' : element, 'markers' : {} } ;
markerObj[id]['markers'][attrName] = value ;
ClearElementMarkers : function( markerObj, element, clearMarkerObj )
var id = element._FCKMarkerId ;
if ( ! id )
return ;
this.ClearElementJSProperty( element, '_FCKMarkerId' ) ;
for ( var j in markerObj[id]['markers'] )
this.ClearElementJSProperty( element, j ) ;
if ( clearMarkerObj )
delete markerObj[id] ;
ClearAllMarkers : function( markerObj )
for ( var i in markerObj )
this.ClearElementMarkers( markerObj, markerObj[i]['element'], true ) ;
* Convert a DOM list tree into a data structure that is easier to
* manipulate. This operation should be non-intrusive in the sense that it
* does not change the DOM tree, with the exception that it may add some
* markers to the list item nodes when markerObj is specified.
ListToArray : function( listNode, markerObj, baseArray, baseIndentLevel, grandparentNode )
if ( ! listNode.nodeName.IEquals( ['ul', 'ol'] ) )
return [] ;
if ( ! baseIndentLevel )
baseIndentLevel = 0 ;
if ( ! baseArray )
baseArray = [] ;
// Iterate over all list items to get their contents and look for inner lists.
for ( var i = 0 ; i < listNode.childNodes.length ; i++ )
var listItem = listNode.childNodes[i] ;
if ( ! listItem.nodeName.IEquals( 'li' ) )
continue ;
var itemObj = { 'parent' : listNode, 'indent' : baseIndentLevel, 'contents' : [] } ;
if ( ! grandparentNode )
itemObj.grandparent = listNode.parentNode ;
if ( itemObj.grandparent && itemObj.grandparent.nodeName.IEquals( 'li' ) )
itemObj.grandparent = itemObj.grandparent.parentNode ;
itemObj.grandparent = grandparentNode ;
if ( markerObj )
this.SetElementMarker( markerObj, listItem, '_FCK_ListArray_Index', baseArray.length ) ;
baseArray.push( itemObj ) ;
for ( var j = 0 ; j < listItem.childNodes.length ; j++ )
var child = listItem.childNodes[j] ;
if ( child.nodeName.IEquals( ['ul', 'ol'] ) )
// Note the recursion here, it pushes inner list items with
// +1 indentation in the correct order.
this.ListToArray( child, markerObj, baseArray, baseIndentLevel + 1, itemObj.grandparent ) ;
itemObj.contents.push( child ) ;
return baseArray ;
// Convert our internal representation of a list back to a DOM forest.
ArrayToList : function( listArray, markerObj, baseIndex )
if ( baseIndex == undefined )
baseIndex = 0 ;
if ( ! listArray || listArray.length < baseIndex + 1 )
return null ;
var doc = FCKTools.GetElementDocument( listArray[baseIndex].parent ) ;
var retval = doc.createDocumentFragment() ;
var rootNode = null ;
var currentIndex = baseIndex ;
var indentLevel = Math.max( listArray[baseIndex].indent, 0 ) ;
var currentListItem = null ;
while ( true )
var item = listArray[currentIndex] ;
if ( item.indent == indentLevel )
if ( ! rootNode || listArray[currentIndex].parent.nodeName != rootNode.nodeName )
rootNode = listArray[currentIndex].parent.cloneNode( false ) ;
retval.appendChild( rootNode ) ;
currentListItem = doc.createElement( 'li' ) ;
rootNode.appendChild( currentListItem ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < item.contents.length ; i++ )
currentListItem.appendChild( item.contents[i].cloneNode( true ) ) ;
currentIndex++ ;
else if ( item.indent == Math.max( indentLevel, 0 ) + 1 )
var listData = this.ArrayToList( listArray, null, currentIndex ) ;
currentListItem.appendChild( listData.listNode ) ;
currentIndex = listData.nextIndex ;
else if ( item.indent == -1 && baseIndex == 0 && item.grandparent )
var currentListItem ;
if ( item.grandparent.nodeName.IEquals( ['ul', 'ol'] ) )
currentListItem = doc.createElement( 'li' ) ;
if ( FCKConfig.EnterMode.IEquals( ['div', 'p'] ) && ! item.grandparent.nodeName.IEquals( 'td' ) )
currentListItem = doc.createElement( FCKConfig.EnterMode ) ;
currentListItem = doc.createDocumentFragment() ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < item.contents.length ; i++ )
currentListItem.appendChild( item.contents[i].cloneNode( true ) ) ;
if ( currentListItem.nodeType == 11 )
if ( currentListItem.lastChild &&
currentListItem.lastChild.getAttribute &&
currentListItem.lastChild.getAttribute( 'type' ) == '_moz' )
currentListItem.removeChild( currentListItem.lastChild );
currentListItem.appendChild( doc.createElement( 'br' ) ) ;
if ( currentListItem.nodeName.IEquals( FCKConfig.EnterMode ) && currentListItem.firstChild )
this.TrimNode( currentListItem ) ;
if ( FCKListsLib.BlockBoundaries[currentListItem.firstChild.nodeName.toLowerCase()] )
var tmp = doc.createDocumentFragment() ;
while ( currentListItem.firstChild )
tmp.appendChild( currentListItem.removeChild( currentListItem.firstChild ) ) ;
currentListItem = tmp ;
if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsGeckoLike && currentListItem.nodeName.IEquals( ['div', 'p'] ) )
FCKTools.AppendBogusBr( currentListItem ) ;
retval.appendChild( currentListItem ) ;
rootNode = null ;
currentIndex++ ;
return null ;
if ( listArray.length <= currentIndex || Math.max( listArray[currentIndex].indent, 0 ) < indentLevel )
break ;
// Clear marker attributes for the new list tree made of cloned nodes, if any.
if ( markerObj )
var currentNode = retval.firstChild ;
while ( currentNode )
if ( currentNode.nodeType == 1 )
this.ClearElementMarkers( markerObj, currentNode ) ;
currentNode = this.GetNextSourceNode( currentNode ) ;
return { 'listNode' : retval, 'nextIndex' : currentIndex } ;
* Get the next sibling node for a node. If "includeEmpties" is false,
* only element or non empty text nodes are returned.
GetNextSibling : function( node, includeEmpties )
node = node.nextSibling ;
while ( node && !includeEmpties && node.nodeType != 1 && ( node.nodeType != 3 || node.nodeValue.length == 0 ) )
node = node.nextSibling ;
return node ;
* Get the previous sibling node for a node. If "includeEmpties" is false,
* only element or non empty text nodes are returned.
GetPreviousSibling : function( node, includeEmpties )
node = node.previousSibling ;
while ( node && !includeEmpties && node.nodeType != 1 && ( node.nodeType != 3 || node.nodeValue.length == 0 ) )
node = node.previousSibling ;
return node ;
* Checks if an element has no "useful" content inside of it
* node tree. No "useful" content means empty text node or a signle empty
* inline node.
* elementCheckCallback may point to a function that returns a boolean
* indicating that a child element must be considered in the element check.
CheckIsEmptyElement : function( element, elementCheckCallback )
var child = element.firstChild ;
var elementChild ;
while ( child )
if ( child.nodeType == 1 )
if ( elementChild || !FCKListsLib.InlineNonEmptyElements[ child.nodeName.toLowerCase() ] )
return false ;
if ( !elementCheckCallback || elementCheckCallback( child ) === true )
elementChild = child ;
else if ( child.nodeType == 3 && child.nodeValue.length > 0 )
return false ;
child = child.nextSibling ;
return elementChild ? this.CheckIsEmptyElement( elementChild, elementCheckCallback ) : true ;
SetElementStyles : function( element, styleDict )
var style = ;
for ( var styleName in styleDict )
style[ styleName ] = styleDict[ styleName ] ;
SetOpacity : function( element, opacity )
if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE )
opacity = Math.round( opacity * 100 ) ;
| = ( opacity > 100 ? '' : 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(opacity=' + opacity + ')' ) ;
| = opacity ;
GetCurrentElementStyle : function( element, propertyName )
if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE )
return element.currentStyle[ propertyName ] ;
return element.ownerDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle( element, '' ).getPropertyValue( propertyName ) ;
GetPositionedAncestor : function( element )
var currentElement = element ;
while ( currentElement != FCKTools.GetElementDocument( currentElement ).documentElement )
if ( this.GetCurrentElementStyle( currentElement, 'position' ) != 'static' )
return currentElement ;
if ( currentElement == FCKTools.GetElementDocument( currentElement ).documentElement
&& currentWindow != w )
currentElement = currentWindow.frameElement ;
currentElement = currentElement.parentNode ;
return null ;
* Current implementation for ScrollIntoView (due to #1462 and #2279). We
* don't have a complete implementation here, just the things that fit our
* needs.
ScrollIntoView : function( element, alignTop )
// Get the element window.
var window = FCKTools.GetElementWindow( element ) ;
var windowHeight = FCKTools.GetViewPaneSize( window ).Height ;
// Starts the offset that will be scrolled with the negative value of
// the visible window height.
var offset = windowHeight * -1 ;
// Appends the height it we are about to align the bottoms.
if ( alignTop === false )
offset += element.offsetHeight || 0 ;
// Consider the margin in the scroll, which is ok for our current
// needs, but needs investigation if we will be using this function
// in other places.
offset += parseInt( this.GetCurrentElementStyle( element, 'marginBottom' ) || 0, 10 ) || 0 ;
// Appends the offsets for the entire element hierarchy.
var elementPosition = FCKTools.GetDocumentPosition( window, element ) ;
offset += elementPosition.y ;
// Scroll the window to the desired position, if not already visible.
var currentScroll = FCKTools.GetScrollPosition( window ).Y ;
if ( offset > 0 && ( offset > currentScroll || offset < currentScroll - windowHeight ) )
window.scrollTo( 0, offset ) ;
* Check if the element can be edited inside the browser.
CheckIsEditable : function( element )
// Get the element name.
var nodeName = element.nodeName.toLowerCase() ;
// Get the element DTD (defaults to span for unknown elements).
var childDTD = FCK.DTD[ nodeName ] || FCK.DTD.span ;
// In the DTD # == text node.
return ( childDTD['#'] && !FCKListsLib.NonEditableElements[ nodeName ] ) ;
GetSelectedDivContainers : function()
var currentBlocks = [] ;
var range = new FCKDomRange( FCK.EditorWindow ) ;
range.MoveToSelection() ;
var startNode = range.GetTouchedStartNode() ;
var endNode = range.GetTouchedEndNode() ;
var currentNode = startNode ;
if ( startNode == endNode )
while ( endNode.nodeType == 1 && endNode.lastChild )
endNode = endNode.lastChild ;
endNode = FCKDomTools.GetNextSourceNode( endNode ) ;
while ( currentNode && currentNode != endNode )
if ( currentNode.nodeType != 3 || !/^[ \t\n]*$/.test( currentNode.nodeValue ) )
var path = new FCKElementPath( currentNode ) ;
var blockLimit = path.BlockLimit ;
if ( blockLimit && blockLimit.nodeName.IEquals( 'div' ) && currentBlocks.IndexOf( blockLimit ) == -1 )
currentBlocks.push( blockLimit ) ;
currentNode = FCKDomTools.GetNextSourceNode( currentNode ) ;
return currentBlocks ;
} ;