forked from science-ation/science-ation
480 lines
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480 lines
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This file is a plug-in to the 'Science Fair In A Box' project
SFIAB Website:
Copyright (C) 2011 At Work Software (>
Copyright (C) 2011 Dennis Spanogle <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" >
<head><title>SFIAB Evaluations Linkup</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="sfiab.css" type="text/css" />
include ""; // check SFIAB install and get config etc.
include ""; // check Evaluations setup and get eval_config
include "eval_menu_inc.php";
echo "<br /><br />";
$errors = 0;
if(!$_POST['action'] == "link")
echo "Click the button to link SFIAB and Evaluations";
echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"eval_link_sfiab.php\">";
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"link\" />";
echo "<br />";
echo "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Link Now\">";
echo "</form>";
echo "Starting Link Process - status follows:<br /><br />";
// get the eval_scheme id and eval_schemes.assignto_project_when fields
$q=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM eval_schemes");
if (!q){
echo "ERROR: Cannot open eval_schemes. You must have schemes set up prior to linking";
// build an array of eval_schemes table
$crit = $r->assignto_project_when;
$words = explode(' ', $crit); //this should get the parameter, '+' and the value
//echo "".$r->scheme_id." ".$words[0]." ".$words[1]." ".$words[2]."<br />";
$schmidval = $r->scheme_id;
$schemes[] = array($schmidval,$words[0],$words[1],$words[2]);
For now, the evaluations are done by the teams (judges_teams_id) - one evaluation per divisional round perhaps.
the table judges_teams_timeslots_projects_link contains the necessary fields 'Projects_id' and 'judges_teams_id'
Eventually perhaps Another table - eval_project_assignements will link 'Who does the eval' to the 'Projects_id' to be evaluated.
table eval_projects_entries has:
Judges_teams_id (this will be always be set to a judges_teams_id whick I will assume for now is always > 0 )
Judge_user_id (this will be set to 0 to indicate we use judges_teams. set > 0 if we use individual judges later..) criteria_id (this is which evaluation criteria is being entered (entered by team or upload or ... null => no entry)
level_id (this is the score - entered as an Id so we can get the value and calculate a score generically. null =>no entry)
(A) Using sfiab projects table and eval_projects table.
1.) For each project in SFIAB
if in eval_projects then verify entries (judges, team etc) and update
if not in eval_projects do link (insert row in eval_projects) and fill in entries (judges, team etc.
entries: project_id; team (also scheme_id <-- setup); eval_score; final_score; eval_score_status; overall_status) set scheme_id according to the values in eval_schemes.assignto_project_when fields (something = something)
2.) For each project in eval_projects
if project_id NOT in SFIAB then remove from eval_projects
(B) Using judges_teams_timeslots_projects_link and eval_projects_entries.
See if eval_projects_entries has any entries => any criteria_id and or level_id will have non-null entries
If NO then: Empty the table and reload it from judges_teams_timeslots_projects_links SFIAB table
If YES then:
1 Remove all records in eval_projects_entries without entries
2 See if we can save the ones with entries.
For each record with an entry criteria_id or level_id
If matching team/project in SFIAB then leave it
If not matching team/project in SFIAB then remove it
3. For each record in judges_teams_timeslots_projects_links
If same project, team in eval then skip (have record and have entry)
else add record.
this for later?? or remove
SELECT Exhibitors.Exhibit_ID, Exhibits.EXN, Exhibits.Exhibit_ID AS Expr1, Exhibitors.UserId
Exhibits ON Exhibitors.Exhibit_ID = Exhibits.Exhibit_ID
// projects has projectcategories_id ( ) and projectdivisions_id ( ) and as possible scheme setups valuse
// Students has grade as possilbe scheme setup values
// ************************ NOTE This gets ALL projects, even those not assigned to a judge team(open versus complete) *******************************
$qst = "SELECT students.registrations_id, projects.registrations_id,, projects.shorttitle, students.grade, ";
$qst = $qst."projects.projectcategories_id, projects.projectdivisions_id, projects.cwsfdivisionid ";
$qst = $qst." FROM students LEFT OUTER JOIN projects ON students.registrations_id = projects.registrations_id ORDER by";
// note the sort order is important if my code works to discover teams
$nscnt = 0;
$nprj = 0;
$ns = 0;
$pid = -1;
//echo $qst;
if ($q) {
$ns += 1; // count students
$cwdiv = $r->cwsfdivisionid;
$grade = $r->grade;
$divid = $r->projectdivisions_id;
$cat = $r->projectcategories_id;
if ($r->id == $pid){
// we already did this project but... it is a team project since # students > 1
if ($r->grade > $grade) {
$grade = $r->grade; // always select the highest grade in the team (matched help.html)
$team = "yes";
// changed so save the last one
// but only if see if we did the save
if ($pid == -1){
$pid = $r->id; // setup first time
//echo "Did First time pid = ".$pid." <br />";
$team = "no";
else {
// done with last so save it (note does not save the last one.
$nprj += 1; // count projects
insert_project($schemes, $pid, $divid, $team, $cat, $grade, $cwdiv);
// get ready for the next
$pid = $r->id;
$team = "no";
$nprj += 1; // count projects
insert_project($schemes, $pid, $divid, $team, $cat, $grade, $cwdiv);
echo('<br/>Error performing query!<br/>'.$qst.'<br/> mysqlerror: '.mysql_error().'<br /><br />');
echo "<br />Query failed<br />";
$errors += 1;
if (errors == 0){
echo "SFIAB has ".$ns." Students and ".$nprj." Projects. <br />";
echo "<br />Evaluations links to SFIAB have been updated!<br />";
echo " This means:<br />";
echo " ** Each Project in SFIAB is now included in Evaluations' data.<br />";
echo " ** Projects removed from SFIAB since the last link-up were removed from Evaluations' data.<br />";
echo " Note: Project evaluations entered (if any) were retained! SFIAB projects 'newly added' will have no evaluation entries.<br />";
echo "<br />";
echo "There were errors! Review the notices and correct the problems!<br />";
// **************** create/ update the eval_projects_entries table *************************
// now see if any extra records in local table (not in SFIAB) to delete - remember eval_projects contains ALL projects, not just those complete.
$loc = mysql_query("SELECT project_id from eval_projects"); // All projects = even those not assigned a judge team
while($lr =mysql_fetch_object($loc))
$q=mysql_query("SELECT id FROM projects WHERE id = '".$lr->project_id."' ");
$remr = mysql_fetch_object($q)->id;
if(mysql_num_rows($q) ==0){ // will probably find 2 for project_id = 0 (due to way $qst is formed above
$del = mysql_query("DELETE from eval_projects WHERE project_id = '".$lr->project_id."' " );
if (! $del){
echo "delete error project_id=".$lr->project_id."<br />";
else {
echo "Deleted project_id ".$lr->project_id." from evaluations data.<br />";
// could have some records left for projects that are not complete if.. was complete, then had an evaluation, then was set as incomplete
// I will not worry about this at this time.
// *****************************************************************************************************
// Now do the work on eval_projects_entries table using SFIAB judges_teams_timeslots_projects_links
echo "<br />Updating Projects Evaluations Entries! <br />";
$num_entries = 0;
$chknum_entries = 0;
// First delete all entries without evaluations
$q = mysql_query("DELETE FROM eval_projects_entries WHERE level_id IS NULL");
if (!q){
echo "Error opening table eval_projects_entries ";
$qst = "SELECT * FROM eval_projects_entries WHERE level_id IS NOT NULL";
if (!q){
echo "Error opening table eval_projects_entries ";
else {
if(mysql_num_rows($q) > 0){ // will probably find 2 for project_id = 0 (due to way $qst is formed above
// Have records
$num_entries = mysql_num_rows($q);
echo "Found ".$num_entries ." records with entries<br />";
// now see if those left have entries in judges_teams_timeslots_projects_link
// if not, then they also can be deleted
while($r=mysql_fetch_object($q)) {
$qeval = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM judges_teams_timeslots_projects_link WHERE projects_id = '$r->project_id' AND judges_teams_id = '$r->judges_teams_id'"); // find matching entry
if (mysql_num_rows($qeval) == 0){
echo "project_id andjudge_team_id not in SFIAB so removed<br />";
$qremove = mysql_query("DELETE FROM eval_projects_entries WHERE project_id = '$r->project_id' AND judges_teams_id = '$r->judges_teams_id'");
else {
echo "Good! No recores had entries<br />";
// Add all records from judges_teams_timeslots_projects_links NOT in eval_projects_entries
$q = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM judges_teams_timeslots_projects_link");
$count = 0;
while($r=mysql_fetch_object($q)) {
//$skip = 0;
//$qeval = mysql_query($qst); // find all with level_id entries
//while($reval=mysql_fetch_object($qeval)) {
// if($reval->project_id == $r->projects_id ){
// if($reval->judges_teams_id == $r->judges_teams_id) {
// $skip = 1; // found this one with at least one level_id entry non-null entries so do not add it
// }
// }
//if ($skip == 0){
// insert a record for each criteria ID that does NOT have a current level_id non null. New entries level_id will be set null
// for the project, get the scheme id.
$qprj= mysql_query("SELECT * FROM eval_projects WHERE project_id = '".$r->projects_id."' ");
// for the scheme id get all the criteria ids
while($rprj =mysql_fetch_object($qprj)) {
$qcrit= mysql_query("SELECT * FROM eval_criteria WHERE scheme_id = '".$rprj->scheme_id."' ");
while($rcrit =mysql_fetch_object($qcrit)) {
// find this record (project, Team, criteria has an entry for level_id)
if ($num_entries > 0){ // no sense checking if no evaluations done at start.
$qcheck = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM eval_projects_entries WHERE project_id='".$r->projects_id."' AND judges_teams_id = '".$r->judges_teams_id."' AND criteria_id ='".$rcrit->criteria_id."' ");
if (mysql_num_rows($qcheck) > 0) {
$chknum_entries += 1;
$qadd = mysql_query("INSERT INTO eval_projects_entries (project_id, judges_teams_id, judges_timeslots_id, criteria_id) VALUES ('$r->projects_id', '$r->judges_teams_id', '$r->judges_timeslots_id', ' $rcrit->criteria_id' )");
$count += 1;
} // if ($num_entries > 0)
$qadd = mysql_query("INSERT INTO eval_projects_entries (project_id, judges_teams_id, judges_timeslots_id, criteria_id) VALUES ('$r->projects_id', '$r->judges_teams_id', '$r->judges_timeslots_id', ' $rcrit->criteria_id' )");
$count += 1;
} // else (if ($num_entries > 0)
} // while $rcrit
} // if $qcrit
} // while $rprj
} // if $qprj
else {
//echo "skipped<br />";
$skipped +=1;
if ($chknum_entries == $num_entries){
echo "<br />Eval_projects_entries updated! ".$num_entries." evaluation entries were retained. Total evals to do = ".($count + $num_entries)."<br />";
echo "<br />ERROR num_entries =".$num_entries." not same as check of num_entries = ".$chknum_entries."<br />";
// ******************************** function to insert or update eval_projects table ****************************
function insert_project($schemes, $pid, $div, $team, $cat, $grade, $cwdiv )
if this project is in eval_projects then update scheme_id, team (leaves eval_score, etc)
if this project is NOT in eval_projects then insert project_id, team, scheme_id
if this project is in eval_projects_entries then update judges_teams_id, judges_timeslots_id, judge_user_id
(leave entries criteria_id, level_id)
if this project is NOT in eval_projects_entries then insert project_id, judges_teams_id, judges_timeslots_id, judge_user_id
// see if any of the possible selection parameters for this project are matched to a scheme (see help)
// The $schemes array and example
// id par con val
// 0 1 2 3
// 1 team = no
// 2 team = yes
$proj_scheme_id = 9999; //set this as the default in case we find no matches
foreach ($schemes as $sch)
$match = 0;
// get the parameter
$par = $sch[1];
//get the condition
$con = $sch[2];
// get the value
$val = $sch[3];
// see if this project's values matches the parameter and condition
// for the example above this will set proj_scheme_id to 1 for team=no 2 for team=yes
if($par == 'team'){ // there is a team condition in schemes
if ($con == "="){
if ($team == $val){ // is this projects team setting = scheme setting 'yes' or 'no'
$proj_scheme_id = $sch[0];
if ($con == '!='){
if ($team != $val){ // is this projects team setting != scheme setting != 'yes' or != 'no'
$proj_scheme_id = $sch[0];
if ($con == '<'){
if ($team < $val){ // is this projects team setting < scheme setting of 'yes' or 'no'
$proj_scheme_id = $sch[0];
if ($con == '>') {
if ($team > $val){ // is this projects team setting > scheme setting of 'yes' or 'no'
$proj_scheme_id = $sch[0];
if($par == 'div'){
if ($con == "="){
if ($div == $val){ // is this projects division setting = the setting in a scheme
$proj_scheme_id = $sch[0];
if ($con == '!='){
if ($div != $val){ // is this projects division setting != the setting in a scheme
$proj_scheme_id = $sch[0];
if ($con == '<'){
if ($div < $val){ // is this projects division setting <t he setting in a scheme
$proj_scheme_id = $sch[0];
if ($con == '>') {
if ($div > $val){ // is this projects division setting > the setting in a scheme
$proj_scheme_id = $sch[0];
if($par == 'cat'){
if ($con == "="){
if ($cat == $val){ // is this projects category setting = the setting in a scheme
$proj_scheme_id = $sch[0];
if ($con == '!='){
if ($cat != $val){ // is this projects category setting != the setting in a scheme
$proj_scheme_id = $sch[0];
if ($con == '<'){
if ($cat < $val){ // is this projects category setting = the setting in a scheme
$proj_scheme_id = $sch[0];
if ($con == '>') {
if ($cat > $val){ // is this projects category setting = the setting in a scheme
$proj_scheme_id = $sch[0];
if($par == 'grade'){
if ($con == "="){
if ($grade == $val){ // is this projects team grade = the setting in a scheme
$proj_scheme_id = $sch[0];
if ($con == '!='){
if ($grade != $val){
$proj_scheme_id = $sch[0];
if ($con == '<'){
if ($grade < $val){
$proj_scheme_id = $sch[0];
if ($con == '>') {
if ($grade> $val){
$proj_scheme_id = $sch[0];
if($par == 'cwdiv'){ // check the canada wide div id = scheme setting for cwdiv.
if ($con == "="){
if ($cwdiv == $val){
$proj_scheme_id = $sch[0];
if ($con == '!='){
if ($cwdiv != $val){
$proj_scheme_id = $sch[0];
if ($con == '<'){
if ($cwdiv < $val){
$proj_scheme_id = $sch[0];
if ($con == '>') {
if ($cwdiv> $val){
$proj_scheme_id = $sch[0];
// echo "Save Scheme= ".$proj_scheme_id." Save pid= ".$pid." Team= ".$team." div= ".$div." cat= ".$cat." grade= ".$grade." cwdiv= ".$cwdiv."<br />";
// ready to update or add the eval_projects table entry
// See if a record for this project ID
$ev = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM eval_projects WHERE project_id = $pid");
if (mysql_num_rows($ev) > 0) {
//echo "found - updating<br />";
$ev = mysql_query("UPDATE eval_projects SET team = '$team', scheme_id = '$proj_scheme_id' WHERE project_id = $pid");
echo mysql_error();
else {
// echo "not found - adding<br />";
$ev = mysql_query("INSERT INTO eval_projects (project_id, team, scheme_id) VALUES ('$pid', '$team', '$proj_scheme_id')");
echo mysql_error();
/* keep this code here until I copy it to the score entry routines
// DO NOT .. Do the same for table eval_projects_entries
// Every entry into this table must be done when we know the values for criteria_id and value-id
// because these are the entries from a judge or team or... so then... we enter the judges_team_id and timeslot
//or... in an optional method of assigning judges the judge_user_id
$ev = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM eval_projects_entries WHERE project_id = $pid");
if (mysql_num_rows($ev) > 0) {
//echo "found - updating<br />";
$ev = mysql_query("UPDATE eval_projects_entries SET judges_teams_id = '$judges_teams_id', judges_timeslots_id = '$judges_timeslots_id', judge_user_id = '$judge_user_id' WHERE project_id = $pid");
echo mysql_error();
else {
// echo "not found - adding<br />";
$ev = mysql_query("INSERT INTO eval_projects_entries (project_id, judges_teams_id, judges_timeslots_id, judge_user_id ) VALUES ('$pid', '$judges_teams_id', '$judges_timeslots_id', '$judge_user_id')");
echo mysql_error();