2007-11-29 22:30:35 +00:00
< ?
This file is part of the 'Science Fair In A Box' project
SFIAB Website : http :// www . sfiab . ca
Copyright ( C ) 2007 James Grant < james @ lightbox . org >
This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation , version 2.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details .
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program ; see the file COPYING . If not , write to
the Free Software Foundation , Inc . , 59 Temple Place - Suite 330 ,
Boston , MA 02111 - 1307 , USA .
require_once ( " xml.inc.php " );
require_once ( " ../user.inc.php " );
require ( " ../common.inc.php " );
require ( " ../projects.inc.php " );
user_auth_required ( 'committee' , 'admin' );
send_header ( " Award Upload " ,
array ( 'Committee Main' => 'committee_main.php' ,
'Administration' => 'admin/index.php' ,
'Awards Main' => 'admin/awards.php' )
echo " <br /> " ;
//function get_cwsf_award_winners()
function get_winners_for_award ( $awardid )
global $config ;
$winners = array ();
$q = mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM award_awards WHERE id=' $awardid ' AND year=' " . $config [ 'FAIRYEAR' ] . " ' " );
if ( mysql_num_rows ( $q ) == 1 )
$award = mysql_fetch_object ( $q );
$pq = mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM award_prizes WHERE award_awards_id=' $award->id ' " );
while ( $prize = mysql_fetch_object ( $pq ))
$wq = mysql_query ( " SELECT
projects . id ,
projects . projectnumber ,
projects . title ,
projects . summary ,
projects . registrations_id ,
projects . projectdivisions_id
winners ,
winners . projects_id = projects . id AND
awards_prizes_id = '$prize->id' AND
winners . year = '".$config[' FAIRYEAR ']."' " );
echo mysql_error ();
while ( $project = mysql_fetch_object ( $wq ))
$sq = mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM students WHERE registrations_id=' $project->registrations_id ' AND year=' " . $config [ 'FAIRYEAR' ] . " ' " );
$students = array ();
while ( $s = mysql_fetch_object ( $sq ))
$schoolq = mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM schools WHERE id=' $s->schools_id ' " );
$school = array ();
if ( $schoolr = mysql_fetch_object ( $schoolq )) {
$school = array (
" xml_type " => " school " ,
" schoolname " => $schoolr -> school ,
" schoollang " => $schoolr -> schoollang ,
" schoollevel " => $schoolr -> schoollevel ,
" board " => $schoolr -> board ,
" district " => $schoolr -> district ,
" phone " => $schoolr -> phone ,
" fax " => $schoolr -> fax ,
" address " => $schoolr -> address ,
" city " => $schoolr -> city ,
" province_code " => $schoolr -> province_code ,
" postalcode " => $schoolr -> postalcode ,
" principal " => $schoolr -> principal ,
" schoolemail " => $schoolr -> schoolemail ,
" sciencehead " => $schoolr -> sciencehead ,
" scienceheademail " => $schoolr -> scienceheademail ,
" scienceheadphone " => $schoolr -> scienceheadphone
$students [] = array (
" xml_type " => " student " ,
" firstname " => $s -> firstname ,
" lastname " => $s -> lastname ,
" email " => $s -> email ,
" gender " => $s -> sex ,
" grade " => $s -> grade ,
" language " => $s -> lang ,
" birthdate " => $s -> dateofbirth ,
" address1 " => $s -> address ,
" address2 " => " " ,
" city " => $s -> city ,
" province " => $s -> province ,
" postalcode " => $s -> postalcode ,
" phone " => $s -> phone ,
" teachername " => $s -> teachername ,
" teacheremail " => $s -> teacheremail ,
" school " => $school
$prizewinners [] = array (
" xml_type " => " project " ,
" projectid " => $project -> id ,
" projectnumber " => $project -> projectnumber ,
" title " => $project -> title ,
" abstract " => $project -> summary ,
" students " => $students ,
$winners [] = array (
" xml_type " => " prize " ,
" identifier " => $prize -> external_identifier ,
" projects " => $prizewinners
return $winners ;
if ( $_GET [ 'action' ] == " send " )
if ( count ( $_GET [ 'send' ])) {
require_once ( " xml.inc.php " );
foreach ( $_GET [ 'send' ] AS $awardid ) {
$q = mysql_query ( " SELECT award_awards.id,
award_awards . name AS awardname ,
award_awards . external_identifier ,
award_awards . external_postback ,
award_sources . name AS sourcename ,
award_sources . username ,
award_sources . password
JOIN award_sources ON award_awards . award_sources_id = award_sources . id
WHERE award_sources . enabled = 'yes'
AND award_awards . id = '$awardid' " );
if ( $r = mysql_fetch_object ( $q )) {
echo i18n ( " Sending award winners for %1 to %2... " , array ( $r -> awardname , $r -> sourcename ));
if ( ! ( $r -> username && $r -> password && $r -> external_postback )) {
echo error ( i18n ( " Username, Password or Postback Address missing, cannot send winners for this award " ));
continue ;
$winners = get_winners_for_award ( $r -> id );
echo " <br /> " ;
if ( count ( $winners ) == 0 ) {
echo " " . i18n ( " No winner(s) selected for this award... reporting no winners " ) . " <br /> " ;
$reg = array ( " awardwinners " => array (
" username " => $r -> username ,
" password " => $r -> password ,
" identifier " => $r -> external_identifier ,
" prizes " => $winners
$output = " " ;
xmlCreateRecurse ( $reg );
$xmldata = $output ;
$ch = curl_init (); /// initialize a cURL session
curl_setopt ( $ch , CURLOPT_URL , $r -> external_postback );
curl_setopt ( $ch , CURLOPT_HEADER , 0 ); /// Header control
curl_setopt ( $ch , CURLOPT_POST , 1 ); /// tell it to make a POST, not a GET
2007-11-30 18:20:02 +00:00
curl_setopt ( $ch , CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS , " xml= $xmldata " ); /// put the query string here starting with "?"
2007-11-29 22:30:35 +00:00
curl_setopt ( $ch , CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER , 1 ); /// This allows the output to be set into a variable $datastream
curl_setopt ( $ch , CURLOPT_POSTFIELDSIZE , 0 );
curl_setopt ( $ch , CURLOPT_TIMEOUT , 360 );
curl_setopt ( $ch , CURLOPT_SSLVERSION , 3 );
$datastream = curl_exec ( $ch ); /// execute the curl session and return the output to a variable $datastream
$datastream = str_replace ( " standalone= \" yes \" " , " " , $datastream );
// echo "curl close <br />";
curl_close ( $ch ); /// close the curl session
echo i18n ( " Response from server: " );
$response = xml_parsexml ( $datastream );
2007-11-30 18:20:02 +00:00
if ( $response && is_array ( $response )) {
$keys = array_keys ( $response );
if ( $keys [ 0 ] == " awardwinnersresponse " ) {
$status = $response [ 'awardwinnersresponse' ][ 0 ][ 'status' ][ 0 ];
$statusmessage = $response [ 'awardwinnersresponse' ][ 0 ][ 'statusmessage' ][ 0 ];
if ( $status == " success " )
echo happy ( i18n ( " Success: %1 " , array ( $statusmessage )));
echo error ( ucfirst ( $status ) . " : " . $statusmessage ); //not translated, because it came right from the server!
2007-11-29 22:30:35 +00:00
2007-11-30 18:20:02 +00:00
echo error ( i18n ( " Invalid XML response. Expecting '%1', received '%2' " , array ( " awardwinnersresponse " , $keys [ 0 ])));
echo " datastream: " . htmlspecialchars ( $datastream );
2007-11-29 22:30:35 +00:00
2007-11-30 18:20:02 +00:00
echo error ( i18n ( " Invalid response. Couldn't parse XML or no data returned " , array ( " awardwinnersresponse " , $keys [ 0 ])));
echo " datastream: " . htmlspecialchars ( $datastream );
2007-11-29 22:30:35 +00:00
echo " <br /> " ;
if ( ! function_exists ( 'curl_init' ))
echo error ( i18n ( " CURL Support Missing " ));
echo notice ( i18n ( " Your PHP installation does not support CURL. You will need to have CURL support added by your system administrator before being able to access external award sources " ));
$links = false ;
$links = true ;
$q = mysql_query ( " S ELECT award_awards.id,
award_awards . name AS awardname ,
award_sources . name AS sourcename
JOIN award_sources ON award_awards . award_sources_id = award_sources . id
WHERE award_sources . enabled = 'yes'
ORDER BY award_sources . name , award_awards . name " );
echo mysql_error ();
echo " <table class= \" tableview \" > " ;
echo " <tr><th> " . i18n ( " Award Name " ) . " </th> " ;
echo " <th> " . i18n ( " Source Name " ) . " </th> " ;
echo " <th> " . i18n ( " Send " ) . " </th> " ;
echo " </tr> " ;
while ( $r = mysql_fetch_object ( $q )) {
echo " <tr> " ;
echo " <td> $r->awardname </td> \n " ;
echo " <td> $r->sourcename </td> " ;
echo " <td align= \" center \" > " ;
if ( $links )
echo " <a href= \" award_upload.php?action=send&send[]= $r->id\ " > " .i18n( " send " ). " </ a > " ;
echo " n/a " ;
echo " </td> " ;
echo " </tr> " ;
$sendurl .= " &send[]= $r->id " ;
echo " </table> \n " ;
echo " <br /> " ;
if ( $links )
echo " <a href= \" award_upload.php?action=send $sendurl\ " > " .i18n( " Send all awards " ). " </ a > " ;
send_footer ();