2010-11-29 22:54:12 +00:00
< ? php
require_once ( 'common.inc.php' );
require_once ( 'user.inc.php' );
user_auth_required ( " teacher " );
if ( array_key_exists ( 'action' , $_POST )){
switch ( $_POST [ 'action' ]){
case 'invite' :
// get the schoolId
$u = user_load ( $_SESSION [ 'users_id' ]);
$schoolId = $u [ 'schools_id' ];
if ( $_POST [ 'firstname' ] && $_POST [ 'lastname' ] && $_POST [ 'email' ] && $_POST [ 'password' ] && $_POST [ 'grade' ]){
2010-12-01 19:40:45 +00:00
$newUser = user_invite ( $_POST [ 'email' ], $_POST [ 'password' ], $_POST [ 'email' ], $roles [ 'participant' ][ 'id' ]);
if ( is_array ( $newUser )){
happy_ ( i18n ( " The participant has been successfully invited " ));
2010-11-29 22:54:12 +00:00
} else {
2010-12-01 19:40:45 +00:00
error_ ( $newUser );
2010-11-29 22:54:12 +00:00
} else {
error_ ( i18n ( " All fields are required for invitations " ));
draw_student_list ( $schoolId );
break ;
case 'uninvite' :
$u = user_load ( $_SESSION [ 'users_id' ]);
$schoolId = $u [ 'schools_id' ];
if ( ! is_numeric ( $_POST [ 'studentid' ])) break ;
$u = user_load ( $_POST [ 'studentid' ]);
if ( is_array ( $u )){
user_remove_role ( $u , 'participant' );
draw_student_list ( $schoolId );
break ;
exit ();
send_header ( " Invite Students " );
draw_page ();
send_footer ();
function draw_page (){
global $config , $conference ;
$u = user_load ( $_SESSION [ 'users_id' ]);
< script type = " text/javascript " >
var busy = false ;
function setBusy ( state ){
if ( state == true ){
document . body . style . cursor = 'wait' ;
busy = true ;
} else {
document . body . style . cursor = 'auto' ;
busy = false ;
function invite (){
if ( busy == false ){
setBusy ( true );
$ . post ( 'invitestudents.php' ,
'action' : 'invite' ,
'grade' : $ ( '#grade' ) . val (),
'email' : $ ( '#email' ) . val (),
'password' : $ ( '#password' ) . val (),
'emailcontact' : $ ( '#emailcontact' ) . val (),
'firstname' : $ ( '#firstname' ) . val (),
'lastname' : $ ( '#lastname' ) . val ()
function ( result ){
$ ( '#studentlist' ) . html ( result );
setBusy ( false );
function uninvite ( student_id ){
if ( busy == false ){
setBusy ( true );
$ . post ( 'invitestudents.php' , { 'action' : 'uninvite' , 'studentid' : student_id }, function ( result ){
$ ( '#studentlist' ) . html ( result );
setBusy ( false );
</ script >
< ? php
// get the school information
$schoolId = $u [ 'schools_id' ];
//$query = "SELECT * FROM schools WHERE id='$schoolId' AND conferences_id='".$conference['id']."'";
$query = " SELECT * FROM schools WHERE id=' $schoolId ' " ;
$q = mysql_query ( $query );
$school = mysql_fetch_object ( $q );
if ( ! $school ){
echo " <p> " . i18n ( " Invalid school ID " ) . " </p> " ;
return ;
switch ( $config [ 'participant_registration_type' ]){
case " schoolpassword " :
echo " <h4> " . i18n ( " Participant Registration Password " ) . " </h4> " ;
echo " <p> " . i18n ( " In order for your school's students to register for the fair, they will need to know your specific school registration password " ) . " </p> " ;
echo " <p> " . i18n ( " Registration Password: <strong>%1</strong> " , array ( $school -> registration_password )) . " </p> " ;
break ;
case " invite " : case " openorinvite " :
draw_invitation_form ( $school );
break ;
case " open " :
echo " <p> " . i18n ( " Registration for this conference is open. " ) . " </p> " ;
break ;
default :
echo $config [ 'participant_registration_type' ];
function draw_invitation_form ( $school ){
global $config , $conference ;
$q = mysql_query ( " SELECT (NOW()>' " . $config [ 'dates' ][ 'regopen' ] . " ' AND NOW()<' " . $config [ 'dates' ][ 'regclose' ] . " ') AS datecheck " );
$datecheck = mysql_fetch_object ( $q );
$query = "
JOIN user_roles ON user_roles . users_id = users . id
JOIN roles ON roles . id = user_roles . roles_id
WHERE roles . `type` = 'participant'
/* $q = mysql_query ( " SELECT students.*,
registrations . num ,
registrations . emailcontact
students ,
students . schools_id = '".$school->id."'
AND students . conferences_id = '".$conference[' id ']."'
AND students . registrations_id = registrations . id
lastname ,
firstname " );
$currentinvited = 'FIXME' ; //mysql_num_rows($q);
if ( $datecheck != 0 )
echo i18n ( " In order for your school's students to register for the fair, you will need to invite them to register. Simply enter their email address below to invite them to register. <b>Important</b>: for group projects, only add one of the participants, that participant will then add the other group member(s) to the project " );
echo " <br /> " ;
echo " <br /> " ;
$okaygrades = array ();
if ( $config [ 'participant_registration_type' ] == " invite " )
if ( $school -> projectlimitper == " total " )
if ( $school -> projectlimit ){
echo i18n ( " You have invited %1 of %2 total projects for your school " , array ( $currentinvited , $school -> projectlimit ));
if ( $currenteinvited < $school -> projectlimit ){
for ( $a = $config [ 'mingrade' ]; $a <= $config [ 'maxgrade' ]; $a ++ )
$okaygrades [] = $a ;
else {
echo i18n ( " You have invited %1 project(s) for your school " , array ( $currentinvited , $school -> projectlimit ));
for ( $a = $config [ 'mingrade' ]; $a <= $config [ 'maxgrade' ]; $a ++ )
$okaygrades [] = $a ;
else if ( $school -> projectlimitper == " agecategory " )
echo " <br /> " ;
$catq = mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM projectcategories WHERE conferences_id=' " . $conference [ 'id' ] . " ' ORDER BY id " );
while ( $catr = mysql_fetch_object ( $catq )){
$q2 = mysql_query ( " SELECT COUNT(students.id) AS num
students ,
students . schools_id = '".$school->id."'
AND students . grade >= '$catr->mingrade'
AND students . grade <= '$catr->maxgrade'
AND students . conferences_id = '".$conference[' id ']."'
AND students . registrations_id = registrations . id
" );
echo mysql_error ();
$r2 = mysql_fetch_object ( $q2 );
$currentinvited = $r2 -> num ;
if ( $currentinvited < $school -> projectlimit || $school -> projectlimit == 0 ){
for ( $a = $catr -> mingrade ; $a <= $catr -> maxgrade ; $a ++ )
$okaygrades [] = $a ;
echo i18n ( " You have invited %1 of %2 total projects for for the %3 age category " , array ( $currentinvited , $school -> projectlimit , i18n ( $catr -> category )));
echo " <br /> " ;
//hmm projectlimitper has not been set
//so we have no limits, anyone can register or they can add as many as they want.
for ( $x = $config [ 'mingrade' ]; $x <= $config [ 'maxgrade' ]; $x ++ )
$okaygrades [] = $x ;
// this could be an else if $config['participant_registration_type']=="openorinvite" )
//because openorinvite is the only other option
//so we have no limits, anyone can register or they can add as many as they want.
//you cannot enforce limits when the system is 'open' because anyone can choose any school
//and if its openorinvite then whatever happens in the inviter still morepeople can be added
//by themselves, so there's no point in having limits.
for ( $x = $config [ 'mingrade' ]; $x <= $config [ 'maxgrade' ]; $x ++ )
$okaygrades [] = $x ;
echo " <br /> " ;
if ( count ( $okaygrades ))
echo " <form> " ;
echo " <input type=hidden name=action value= \" invite \" > " ;
echo " <table> " ;
echo " <tr><td><nobr> " . i18n ( " Student Email Address " ) . " </nobr></td><td><input type= \" text \" id= \" email \" /></td><td> " . i18n ( " Or unique username for student " ) . " </td></tr> " ;
echo " <tr><td><nobr> " . i18n ( " Student Password " ) . " </nobr></td><td colspan= \" 2 \" ><input type= \" text \" id= \" password \" /></td><td></tr> " ;
echo " <tr><td><nobr> " . i18n ( " Contact Email Address " ) . " </nobr></td><td><input type= \" text \" id= \" emailcontact \" /></td><td> " . i18n ( " Any emails that would normally go to the student, will also be sent to this address " ) . " </td></tr> " ;
echo " <tr><td><nobr> " . i18n ( " Student First Name " ) . " </nobr></td><td colspan= \" 2 \" ><input type= \" text \" id= \" firstname \" /></td></tr> " ;
echo " <tr><td><nobr> " . i18n ( " Student Last Name " ) . " </nobr></td><td colspan= \" 2 \" ><input type= \" text \" id= \" lastname \" /></td></tr> " ;
echo " <tr><td><nobr> " . i18n ( " Grade " ) . " </nobr></td><td colspan= \" 2 \" > " ;
echo " <select id= \" grade \" > \n " ;
echo " <option value= \" \" > " . i18n ( " Select Grade " ) . " </option> \n " ;
foreach ( $okaygrades AS $gr )
echo " <option value= \" $gr\ " > $gr </ option > \n " ;
echo " </td></tr> " ;
echo " </table> " ;
echo '<button onclick="invite(); return false;">' . i18n ( " Invite Participant " ) . '</button>' ;
echo " </form> " ;
echo notice ( i18n ( " You have invited the maximum number of participants for your school " ));
echo " <br /> " ;
echo " <h4> " . i18n ( " Invited participants from your school " ) . " </h4> " ;
echo " <div id= \" studentlist \" > " ;
draw_student_list ( $school -> id );
echo " </div> " ;
function draw_student_list ( $schoolId ){
2010-12-01 19:40:45 +00:00
global $config , $roles ;
$studentList = user_list_modifiable ( $roles [ 'participant' ][ 'id' ]);
2010-11-29 22:54:12 +00:00
if ( count ( $studentList ) > 0 ){
echo " <table class= \" summarytable \" > " ;
echo " <tr><th> " . i18n ( " Last Name " ) . " </th><th> " . i18n ( " First Name " ) . " </th> " ;
echo " <th> " . i18n ( " Username " ) . " </th> " ;
echo " <th> " . i18n ( " Grade " ) . " </th> " ;
echo " <th> " . i18n ( " Registration Number " ) . " </th> " ;
echo " <th colspan= \" 2 \" > " . i18n ( " Actions " ) . " </th></tr> " ;
foreach ( $studentList as $student ){
echo " <tr> " ;
echo " <td> { $student [ 'lastname' ] } </td> " ;
echo " <td> { $student [ 'firstname' ] } </td> " ;
echo " <td> { $student [ 'username' ] } </td> " ;
echo " <td> { $student [ 'grade' ] } </td> " ;
echo " <td><!-- FIXME --></td> " ; // FIXME this should be the registration number
echo " <td><a onclick= \" uninvite( { $student [ 'id' ] } ); return false; \" ><img border=0 src= \" " . $config [ 'SFIABDIRECTORY' ] . " /images/16/button_cancel. " . $config [ 'icon_extension' ] . " \" ></a></td> " ;
echo " </tr> " ;
echo " </table> " ;
} else {
echo i18n ( " You have not yet invited any participants from your school " );