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* FCKeditor - The text editor for Internet - http://www.fckeditor.net
* Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Frederico Caldeira Knabben
* Licensed under the terms of any of the following licenses at your
* choice:
* - GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL")
* http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
* - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL")
* http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html
* - Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 or later (the "MPL")
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html
* Class for working with a selection range, much like the W3C DOM Range, but
* it is not intended to be an implementation of the W3C interface.
* (IE Implementation)
FCKDomRange.prototype.MoveToSelection = function()
this.Release( true ) ;
this._Range = new FCKW3CRange( this.Window.document ) ;
var oSel = this.Window.document.selection ;
if ( oSel.type != 'Control' )
var eMarkerStart = this._GetSelectionMarkerTag( true ) ;
var eMarkerEnd = this._GetSelectionMarkerTag( false ) ;
if ( !eMarkerStart && !eMarkerEnd )
this._Range.setStart( this.Window.document.body, 0 ) ;
this._UpdateElementInfo() ;
return ;
// Set the start boundary.
this._Range.setStart( eMarkerStart.parentNode, FCKDomTools.GetIndexOf( eMarkerStart ) ) ;
eMarkerStart.parentNode.removeChild( eMarkerStart ) ;
// Set the end boundary.
this._Range.setEnd( eMarkerEnd.parentNode, FCKDomTools.GetIndexOf( eMarkerEnd ) ) ;
eMarkerEnd.parentNode.removeChild( eMarkerEnd ) ;
this._UpdateElementInfo() ;
var oControl = oSel.createRange().item(0) ;
if ( oControl )
this._Range.setStartBefore( oControl ) ;
this._Range.setEndAfter( oControl ) ;
this._UpdateElementInfo() ;
FCKDomRange.prototype.Select = function( forceExpand )
if ( this._Range )
this.SelectBookmark( this.CreateBookmark( true ), forceExpand ) ;
// Not compatible with bookmark created with CreateBookmark2.
// The bookmark nodes will be deleted from the document.
FCKDomRange.prototype.SelectBookmark = function( bookmark, forceExpand )
var bIsCollapsed = this.CheckIsCollapsed() ;
var bIsStartMakerAlone ;
var dummySpan ;
// Create marker tags for the start and end boundaries.
var eStartMarker = this.GetBookmarkNode( bookmark, true ) ;
if ( !eStartMarker )
return ;
var eEndMarker ;
if ( !bIsCollapsed )
eEndMarker = this.GetBookmarkNode( bookmark, false ) ;
// Create the main range which will be used for the selection.
var oIERange = this.Window.document.body.createTextRange() ;
// Position the range at the start boundary.
oIERange.moveToElementText( eStartMarker ) ;
oIERange.moveStart( 'character', 1 ) ;
if ( eEndMarker )
// Create a tool range for the end.
var oIERangeEnd = this.Window.document.body.createTextRange() ;
// Position the tool range at the end.
oIERangeEnd.moveToElementText( eEndMarker ) ;
// Move the end boundary of the main range to match the tool range.
oIERange.setEndPoint( 'EndToEnd', oIERangeEnd ) ;
oIERange.moveEnd( 'character', -1 ) ;
bIsStartMakerAlone = ( forceExpand || !eStartMarker.previousSibling || eStartMarker.previousSibling.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'br' ) && !eStartMarker.nextSibing ;
// Append a temporary <span>&#65279;</span> before the selection.
// This is needed to avoid IE destroying selections inside empty
// inline elements, like <b></b> (#253).
// It is also needed when placing the selection right after an inline
// element to avoid the selection moving inside of it.
dummySpan = this.Window.document.createElement( 'span' ) ;
dummySpan.innerHTML = '&#65279;' ; // Zero Width No-Break Space (U+FEFF). See #1359.
eStartMarker.parentNode.insertBefore( dummySpan, eStartMarker ) ;
if ( bIsStartMakerAlone )
// To expand empty blocks or line spaces after <br>, we need
// instead to have any char, which will be later deleted using the
// selection.
// \ufeff = Zero Width No-Break Space (U+FEFF). See #1359.
eStartMarker.parentNode.insertBefore( this.Window.document.createTextNode( '\ufeff' ), eStartMarker ) ;
if ( !this._Range )
this._Range = this.CreateRange() ;
// Remove the markers (reset the position, because of the changes in the DOM tree).
this._Range.setStartBefore( eStartMarker ) ;
eStartMarker.parentNode.removeChild( eStartMarker ) ;
if ( bIsCollapsed )
if ( bIsStartMakerAlone )
// Move the selection start to include the temporary &#65279;.
oIERange.moveStart( 'character', -1 ) ;
oIERange.select() ;
// Remove our temporary stuff.
this.Window.document.selection.clear() ;
oIERange.select() ;
FCKDomTools.RemoveNode( dummySpan ) ;
this._Range.setEndBefore( eEndMarker ) ;
eEndMarker.parentNode.removeChild( eEndMarker ) ;
oIERange.select() ;
FCKDomRange.prototype._GetSelectionMarkerTag = function( toStart )
var doc = this.Window.document ;
var selection = doc.selection ;
// Get a range for the start boundary.
var oRange ;
// IE may throw an "unspecified error" on some cases (it happened when
// loading _samples/default.html), so try/catch.
oRange = selection.createRange() ;
catch (e)
return null ;
// IE might take the range object to the main window instead of inside the editor iframe window.
// This is known to happen when the editor window has not been selected before (See #933).
// We need to avoid that.
if ( oRange.parentElement().document != doc )
return null ;
oRange.collapse( toStart === true ) ;
// Paste a marker element at the collapsed range and get it from the DOM.
var sMarkerId = 'fck_dom_range_temp_' + (new Date()).valueOf() + '_' + Math.floor(Math.random()*1000) ;
oRange.pasteHTML( '<span id="' + sMarkerId + '"></span>' ) ;
return doc.getElementById( sMarkerId ) ;